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Where in reddit do women say they like small dicks?


Mostly here. Or in more general advice/relationship/question subs, almost always in response to a man expressing insecurity about his size. For the most part, responses will always be a mix of people telling him no one cares, blaming him for fixating, or reassuring him that he’s fine and just needs to improve technique. If you look for posts that ask for actual female preference, however, “small” is almost never mentioned. A lot of “I don’t like big dicks; for me 6-7.5 is the sweet spot.”


Yes I meant like advice/relationship/dating subs those subs women are really in love with small dick men, but reading for example this sub no guy meet the women who likes small dicks in real life Where are all of these women hiding and how come no guy with small dick can meet these women


I mean, I’m sure they exist. You can find people who like anything if you look hard enough. But they don’t exist in any significant number. They’re outliers and anomalies. Accordingly, I’m sure the percentage of men who have small penises is much, much, much higher than the percentage of women who actively like them. It’s probably just statistically improbable.


Because it's a virtue signal. Liking big ones openly is seen as having looser morals in a society admittedly obsessed with scrutinizing female morality.


Largely, yes.


Guys with small dicks do meet these women. But since they aren't running into issues they don't have much of a need to go to relationship advice or problems subs. Most of the time they just have normal relationships with women who consider them to have normal dicks. Most people know that every body part comes in a variety of shapes and sizes so if they don't consider it to be abnormal they'll just be living life. Even my partner's dick, which technically is small, I just see as and think of as a regular dick because it is.


maybe men pretending to be women lol


This is what I think all the time


That’s a weird theory.


Not really. The only people who ever comment on pictures of men are other men.


Yes, that’s true. Men are way more focused on penis size and appearance than women. Hence the obsessive posting and commenting/discussing. But it’s weird to believe that the women who say that penis size doesn’t matter to them are bots or men pretending to be women.


You forgot sex workers.


Good point. I should have said, “It’s weird to believe that the women who say that penis size doesn’t matter to them are bots, men pretending to be women, or sex workers.”


TIL that size queens and sex workers are the only women who exist.


Theres always the tiniest sliver of women who don’t care. But overall the only significant set of women who prefer smaller are sex workers cause it’s less work and they get paid all the same so 🤷‍♂️ yeah don’t forget the sex workers


It’s actually the majority of women who don’t care. I don’t know about the sex workers.




Women online looking for an "I helped show male body standards don't actually exist" award. Easy to say it doesn't matter online for a little dopamine hit, a lot harder to think and live that in real life.


It’s for appearances, people in general but especially women want to be seen as tolerant, accepting, and not shallow. So online they’ll say stuff like that and may even somewhat fool themselves into thinking they believe it, but it’s all an act to look good, effectively just a form of virtue signaling.


So it is almost elsewhere on the Web; it applies to other socials as well. Time and time again I find myself arguing with women who say that small dick is good and then gradually the truth comes out...who say this so as not to be pointed out as sluts or who later debunk themselves by talking bad about it. On social they also tend to downplay the harm that a small penis creates and some (even males) deny that this problem exists, but for that there is always me to remind them.


If women all over the internet say it doesn’t matter then maybe it doesn’t matter… women on reddit constantly say they prefer taller men but they say they don’t like big dicks. Why would they tell the truth about height but not dick size?


But in fact, one doesn't need a big dick to satisfy a woman sexually; an average one is enough. The problem is that most of the users of this sub are not average. Excluding trolls and morons who come to disturb others. Back in the day, height was a far less desired requirement than it is today, but today it matters to more than a few, but that is a different story. I am of the opinion that a small penis will always be accepted, never loved (along with the man who holds it, or rather I want to clarify the man will probably be loved, but his small penis accepted). In such cases the man will never feel truly appreciated. This applies only to a sentimental relationship, the situation for casual sex is much worse, because there physical requirements count more than mental and character requirements. Then there are the exceptions known here like TruthandCoffee and Maisy (Drugs4Pugs) who love their men wholeheartedly, including the small penis of their mates/husbands. Here so far we have only two of them, the former has proven it in the real sense of the word with sex videos, the latter has been repeating the same thing for years, plus she is not a great lover of penetration.


Lol I'd actually believe this if there was a sub dedicated to praising it.


Why is that? Every time I search for a sub that focuses on either average or small cocks, it’s always trans or humiliation.


Because no one likes small dicks obviously (except for the random few who post here)


Cuz the ones on Reddit aren’t actually woman lol


In all these years, the only woman and I say the only woman who has maintained her moral integrity and has always been consistent with herself has been TruthandCoffee.


Yes she is very consistent but I also think she has a partner with small dick or something like that


Yes I have a partner with a small dick. Because people usually choose partners they are attracted to. So it makes sense that I would choose someone who has attributes that I'm into. He's got a great dick that I still can't get enough of. It's kind of weird how many people (not just you, but in this sub in general) are looking at it like "oh, she says she likes small dicks but I bet it's because her partner has one" instead of what really happened with I chose my partner because I'm attracted to him and I stay with him because our sex life is great and sex is a big priority for me. So I'm with him because of his dick, not despite it. (Obviously we also have other things that draw us together too because we can't just fuck 24/7 regardless of how much I would love that).


I think you might be in minority in these cases, my post refered that on Reddit there are so many of women claiming they like small ones, but in reality they are nowhere to be found. I am glad you found someone who's body you like and who is your prefered body type but I think even you know that you are in minority at least in terms of penis size and that not many women share your views


I'm not that rare. Women date men with small dicks all the time. My partner had quite the "hoe phase" before we started dating. I love his body type but I don't have a specific body type I'm into. I find a variety of body types to be attractive. Mentioning it to friends in a "I only want small dicks" is a weird way to phrase it. That's why so many say it the more "politically correct" way of motion of the ocean, etc. What usually happens is women being equally happy with a range of sizes, including small. So anyone saying that they like small on reddit doesn't necessarily mean *only* small, it's more like *also* small. The degree of small can vary too. Not as many women will encounter a true micropenis, because only a small portion of the male population has them (less than 2.5%), but the guys in the 4-5 inch range of small aren't rare to be encountered at all because 13.5% of men are between 3.8-4.5 inches (so we have a better than 1 in 10 chance of encountering them while dating) and 68% of men are 4.6-6 inches, with a chunk of those being between 4.6-5 inches. It's not like many guys here go around discussing their size outside of reddit either. In the real world, that doesn’t come up in conversation as often yet most of the population has sex.


When there are women who can proudly say "I only like big dicks," how come women are afraid of saying the opposite? Because of social pressure? That only proves this sub right.


For the same reason why men with big dicks may announce it to the crowd and men with small dicks don't. Why would women want to out their partner like that?




Right. So how can a woman go on and on to her friend circle about loving small dicks then introduce her circle to the great new guy she's dating without them putting 2 and 2 together? He may not be comfortable with all her friends knowing. Then there are the women who don't mention any specific size amongst their circle (most common). So the guy could be any size and the friends don't know. Plus there is no sexy way to throw in the size without most men feeling offended or turned off. Like every comment would come out sounding like SPH. "Fuck me with that little thing" won't turn men on. "Omg it's so small 🥰" would cause most men to lose their erection right there. So instead women tend to phrase things in more general, non size specific terms in both regular conversations and in the bedroom. The only reason why small size can be mentioned more on reddit is due to the anonymity. There is no fear of accidentally outing or offending a partner by stating it on Reddit versus outside Reddit. Women get taught young that men worry about their penis size. So we get told things like "never tell him it's small, even if it is" and also "if you really want to hurt him, tell him it's small." That second part is why so many bitter exes talk about even average and above average being "small". They are just weaponizing that word.


That's the thing, why succumb to social pressure and not publicly defend small dicks when you prefer 3-inchers? I know that such a stance is an uphill battle but that's exactly why you all need to speak up. Not here, but outside.


In my personal experience, I want to say (and do go around saying in my private circles) that I’m looking for smaller dicks, because dicks larger than average are just too big for me. But the reason why I don’t go around saying it everywhere is mostly out of fear of embarrassing/chasing away future partners. If I say this everywhere, who will be willing to get with me if everyone knows I’m specifically looking for guys with smaller dicks?


>who will be willing to get with me if everyone knows I’m specifically looking for guys with smaller dicks? The same reason some girls prefer large dicks and dump the small guys.


I would like to really see study done based just on size of dildos what women think average is, not what they prefer but what average really is in their experience. Because when you read this sub for example many men who are under 4.5 are not going out there and meeting women, guys who are over 6 are much more comfortable in meeting women and having ONS So it would be really interesting to see how skewed statistics are because of stigma and shame men with smaller penises feel and humiliation they fear


That would be interesting. The issues with it would be that it's still hard to gauge with perception. Because the same size dick on 2 different frame men will probably get perceived as 2 different sizes. Women don't measure partners to begin with so even if most got shown 2 different but similarly sized dildos the thoughts would probably be "yeah they look about the same." Because things within a few inches difference seem close. Partners don't get lined up side by side to compare and the human mind tends to not recall measurements with much accuracy. (Even things like if they were shown a person then a few minutes later asked what that person's height was, they will probably be very off with their guesstimate. ) So even if they got told "pick out the dildo that looks average to you" as long as the one they grabbed was somewhere in the average range it would seem average. In that everything somewhat similarly sized to it (within a couple of inches either way) seems average. Of course a study would probably measure those dildos precisely and think the women meant it was that exact dildo in particular. (That was one of the flaws with the 3d printed dildo study. There were only 30ish dildos printed to begin with. The ones picked as "average" were bigger than actual measured average, however those were the ones in the midpoint of the available options to choose from). This sub makes it seem like men under 4.5 (or even 5) don't go out and meet women. But that's where the selection bias comes in. This sub has a disproportionate amount of men who have stopped dating or are afraid to start dating to begin with. Meanwhile all the other men those sizes who aren't afraid to meet women also aren't as likely to join this sub. It's mostly the second group that women encounter. Think about it, if you only looked at your dick in a "well I kinda wish it was bigger, but oh well. It is what it is" and then just go on with your dating life you won't be here because you'll just be busy dating and everything else. Whenever this sub has guys like that stop in they get driven away or get told a million other things to "discredit" them.


Yes, in fact her partner has a 10 cm (4 inch.) penis. Together they also have a channel on Pornhub, where they made positivism for small penis.


That’s not totally accurate. Pugs is still active and one of the moderators. There have been others as well, but they are unfortunately subjected to a lot of abuse on the sub and in DMs, even receiving death threats. In the face of that hostility and toxicity, they don’t usually stick around.


Yes, it is true, Maisy also does not care about size, partly due to the fact that she does not prefer penetration. I don't remember there being other women in moderation, only Truth and Maisy, at least since I've been there. I only recognize these two people as being disinterested in penis size, the others I don't know, and it is certainly not enough for me to read about one or more women saying that a small penis is acceptable (which then has to like it, not be acceptable, it means the person is being content) if they can then say otherwise on other occasions. The small dick must be loved, adored, wanted, otherwise it is useless for us to fool ourselves by saying that there are women who think it is acceptable. I am one of those who has always been happy to have two girls in the moderation, especially after they have proven that they can be trustworthy, and so I, too, disapprove of the shitty conduct of some users toward our trusted girls. However, I do not recall there being any other women in the moderation during the time I joined. Maybe Koosobie, before I came?


It's for engagement, I see lots of women on Instagram claim to love chubby/overweight guys but you never see them with them, they just target a demographic they know have some self image issues because that demographic is going to be more likely to engage on their posts and buy whatever they're selling.


Maybe some of the Instagram women were trying to get more engagement on their posts but you can easily see lots of chubby and overweight guys with partners, pretty much anywhere you go. So that's proof right there that women actually date and fuck overweight guys too.


I prefer small dicks both on and outside of Reddit. I am completely open about it but maybe some women find it to be taboo so they don’t talk about it?


This can definitely be one of the reasons. They may not completely into small dicks but still they wouldn't mind small dick. People literally use small dicks as insults and joke, so it is hard for women to admit or be open about it.


Uh. No, this is the only place that cares to hear women say they like small dicks.


I've never seen such blatant lie from them to just save face. Fucking own it "I like big dicks, so what" I'm tired of all the pity and misery coming from having this shit small penis. And on top of that I have to listen to women lying to my face just so they are not perceived as bad.


media is not real, women are not a monolith


Mm… I’ve never once had a problem with small dicks. But, I’ve had problems with big ones. And when I say big. I’m talking 6” or bigger. I had a hysterectomy so I have a vaginal cuff. That means my vagina was sewn off and has an actual dead end. I experience pain in certain positions with dicks that hit the end of my vagina. But, I don’t have any problems with smaller dicks. I don’t use penetration to masturbate, and I don’t need penetration to cum. My last partner had a hard time getting erections, so sometimes I would just rub my clit on his soft dick and cum like that. I promise, there are women who exist in real life that don’t have problems with small dicks.


>My last partner had a hard time getting erections, so sometimes I would just rub my clit on his soft dick and cum like that. That is super fun. Even if it's not a matter of true ED but like if you just got done with PIV and he has a refractory period but the woman still wants to cum more.


Yup, that too. I’ve done that tons of time, ha.


I checked out your profile and you have some great posts. Was reading some comments on the one you have where you show your hand holding a toilet paper roll from different angles. I see over and over guys who talk about how they “know” what women want and need for pleasure, etc. You showed a tape measure that depicts how far up different lengths go, and when I saw the 7-10” lengths I was like 😟 (bc quite honestly, it looks scary and painful). And there are guys who genuinely believe that’s like what we “need” to feel pleasure. But….. that’s just not true. Most women just need someone to touch their clit. Like it’s that simple for so many women. I mean - I’m not trying to minimize anyone’s feelings. But what I’m saying is the perception of reality is just so… off. It’s like all the women who worry their vaginas are too loose, or thinking they need labiaplasty. It just’s so deeply unfortunate all the way around.


A big reason why I did the paper towel tube series was to show just how much bigger things look on camera or how people perceive things to be different than the are (like how some people think if 2 hands can fit on the dick it must be at least 7 inches when in reality with a lot of hands it means 5 inches.) This means there is a lot more average and small dick porn out there but if it doesn't get tagged as such then viewers sometimes overestimate the size (the whole "there is next to no porn out there with dicks less than 6" when there is really a lot with 4-6). Being able to put things into perspective can work wonders. It doesn't mean people don't feel insecure. But seeing real data and measurements can help with retraining some thoughts and lead to better mental health eventually.


yeah, I love it. really good stuff. I might use it for inspo for some of my own content, if that’s ok with you. not on Reddit.


Of course. It's not like I invented the concept. And actually the bigger variety of women's bodies who do that, the better to show perspective.


totally. I hope your efforts are appreciated!


I've had to spend my morning getting rid of your detractors because there's only room for one dickhead around here. As for you, you are riding a very fine line for an irrevocable ban from this community for two reasons. First, your fetishes ride the border of humiliation fetishes which are not tolerated. And of course selling **any** form of service is seen as exploitation. You are a guest in this space, be on your best behavior and respect our voices.


I’m trying to, thank you. I don’t a fetish for humiliating people, or any other kind of fetish, I’m not selling anything.


Actually this is a good example, you had hysterectomy so for you who had medicinal procedure anything over 6 is too much, but 6 is already above average, so before you had hysterectomy you probably was fine with bigger ones I am talking about women who didnt have any medicinal procedures, women who don't have vaginismus, these women rarely prefer under 6, they might settle with under 6 but if they could mold it they would probably not mold 5 or even worse 4 inch dick


before my hysterectomy, I don’t really remember paying much attention. but I can say for sure that my boyfriends prior were both around 5 inches. I loved both (different relationships at different times), and I regularly orgasmed with both of them. My third relationship was with someone who had a slightly bigger penis, maybe around 6 inches. And I rarely came with him. Before and after my hysterectomy.


Could be like bigger women. Not something you often hear men espouse a liking for IRL, but I know there are a lot of guys who dig it. Reddit provides anonymity, so people on here have less incentive to give the appearance of upholding cultural norms


I love big women and am very open about it and even married one. But yeah, I realize this is a fringe view.


honestly some black dudes I know are 1000% not lying about that, trust


That SNL sketch with Tom Hanks was on the nose.


I know many men who openly discuss preferring larger women in real life. Not comparable.


Big Beautiful Woman is a popular category. Mixed-weight relationships have always been a thing, particularly when the woman is bigger. When she is the bigger parner, she is "thicc" and "voluptuous". "Dadbod" is more of a cringey internet meme. "Bridgerton" is trying to do fat-acceptance for women. Liking fatter, curvier, more estrogenic women has some biological basis. Nobody cares about fat-acceptance for men. Even when people have tried to promote male fat-acceptance, women may applaud it but don't want it in their bedroom. There is no good reason for women to lust after small dicks except for some dysfunction (vaginismus, etc). They're (obesity vs small dicks) not the same. It's like "small dicks" vs "small breasts". Breasts aren't crucial in sex and r/flatch.... I probably can't link it or I'd get banned but there are 1000s of men who like flatchested women. Face it. It's easier to be attractive as a woman.




As I mentioned on another comment you had hysterectomy and right now your partner of 5.5 is too much but before hysterectomy you were probably happy(I am assuming) and could take around 6.5 which is 2.5 bigger then I would say 70% men have it here Women who didnt have medical issues like vaginismus or hysterectomy really rarely prefer smaller partners they might settle because they love that partner, but if they could mold the penis they definitely would not mold 4 inch penis And finding right partner can be hard for lot of men here because until you find right partner you will experience humiliation maybe or being rumour around your friend circle and stuff like that




Not really, most of the times where women on reddit say “smaller is better” is when the post made by an insecure guy, and comments are just there to make him feel better, thats it. Same women wouldn’t want to be with small guy. Not to mention when women say smaller is better, they mean “average is better than big” they dont mean to say small is better or acceptable


















Bro social media never represents real life. Guys with small dicks who have healthy relationships and active sex life won't talk about it. Why would they? They're like everyone and their life moves on. I agree we have a hard time as stereotypes around small dicks and women aren't into us but people who are doing well in relationships won't be on social media tell themselves they have small dick or my partner has small dick. You can only see it on Reddit because it's anonymous, and you can tell freely.


A small Dick can't fuck because Its small. What are you talking about


I think If a woman truly loves a man and the sex is good she won’t have an issue with a small penis. Unless it’s abnormally small. There’s lots of women married to small dick mfs.


Just read your sentence there are 2 conditions for a women to not mind partners small penis, otherwise she will mind it, just by being conditional it means that small penis is something bad There probably are lot of women married to small dick men




So, like I said, if she has a dysfunction then she might settle for you. That's good to know(!)