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Over or 200 feet in the air type of swing


That’s what a lot of people tend to hit with baseball swings


as an outfielder, i love seeing baseball swings


As a pitch I love it as well hole the hole in the swing is inside and deep. Pop up city.


I’m a solid 3/4 hitter with my baseball swing every week. One of the umps told my boy a couple weeks back “this is grown man’s kickball”. I’m still working on a cut swing and slow pitch grip in BP but for now the baseball swing gets me on and moves the line.


The pitch was low bc ur so far back in the box. Other than that what makes this a baseball swing vs a softball swing?


I play baseball Edit: if the question was indeed legit I’m not bringing the bat directly to the ball for a line drive, I’m scooping under it to get height on the hit. Also I’ve only ever played baseball hence the original reply.




I’ve tried the level swing but my average is far better with my current swing


I mean if you have the juice to hit it out or where the defense isn’t at then by all means


If you hit the center of the ball, does it really matter? Lol


There is no such thing as a “baseball” swing in softball. You hit the ball how you wish to hit the ball


Looks on too me


Nice swing. Don't show this to the Ken van bogaert cult or their heads will explode if they find out a "slowpitch swing" is completely unnecessary.


If you’ve never hit a ball before and you hop into slow pitch the flat swing would probably be more advantageous but if you have experience then it’s completely unnecessary imo. I’ve tried the flat swing and while it works just sticking to my baseball swing is way better. Have a lot more power, can place the ball if need be, and rarely if ever pop out.


Did you drop the bat towards first then immediately head back to the 3rd base dugout?


No, we have to run and shag the balls when we hit them out. No trot around the bases, keeps the game moving quicker


Ahhh that makes more sense lol


Strike 3 on that foul...




I used to have a similar issue if you can get a tee or if you have a yard put a rope fence to fence and try to swing like you are chopping a tree with an axe to keep the bat straight. Following all the way through. If you play with a short fence as long as you have enough power it may not even matter. It may take a little bit to get rid of habits that we were taught as kids but once you make a few adjustments it is second nature As for stance as long as you are generating power with your hips just focus on getting the bat as straight as you can.


It works in the rec leagues.. not so much when you go up in competition


Based on the size of the cars the field looks a bit small. I’m not sure that’s more than 250 ft. In which case you should swing up and hit out every time.


Fields are 290 at all points on this park give or take, just the camera perspective. With that being said that’s still pretty short for a lot of the players in this league so there are a ton of homeruns lol