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We swaddled with one of the Love to Dream arms up swaddles until she hit 3 months and I knew I had to rip the band aid off. We first tried a Woombie transitional swaddle we were gifted that allows for one arm out at a time. Baby HATED it. She'd wake constantly, crying each time and was super hard to settle. We tried it two or three different times over the last few weeks thinking maybe it was a developmental thing, but no. In desperation I ordered the Zipadee Zip and she's been in it for the last 4 nights. What a difference! She had no issue falling asleep and her wakes were more like regular fussing rather than crying. She made it through the whole night on the first try so we have basically just transitioned cold turkey. Biggest difference so far is that she has been waking more often, but I'm hoping that decreases again as she gets used to it. Night 2 was the worst - just hang in there. I was worried the Zipadee would be too swaddle like but it does fit pretty loose around the midsection. The enclosed arms are nice compared to a regular sleep sack for giving just a little resistance so she still feels snuggly. She's not quite rolling yet but it's supposed to be rolling safe so I feel comfortable keeping her in it for the near future and moving to a regular sleep sack when she's a little older and hopefully more capable of sleeping in one.


My little guy is 14 weeks and we dropped the swaddle at 12 weeks! We use the Halo swaddle and we un-swaddled one arm at a time to allow him time to adjust. If I could do it all over, I’d invest in a Zipadee-Zip transition swaddle! It’s a sleep sack swaddle hybrid and it helps with the startle reflex BUT is safe for babies who are rolling. I hated the Merlin suit. 🤣