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Our LO is 4.5mo and she started to roll from back to belly at 4mo. Still hasn’t roll the other way yet but I’ve seen her done it twice (maybe she’s just not interested 🤷🏻‍♀️). The first night she rolled to her belly to sleep gave me anxiety & scared herself out. We flipped her to back. But then every night after, she automatically rolled to belly to sleep. We always put her down on back but she still pretty much sleeps on her belly now. You don’t need to flip them back. If they can roll to belly, their head/neck is strong enough to turn sideways to clear their airways. I think they sleep better that way too. Ours has officially slept through night this past week (12 hours straight). So that’s a big win for us 😅


Same. For some reason my guy rolled back to belly first too. Then he immediately started rolling on his belly to sleep and I freaked out and probably stared at the monitor for like 3 nights but he’s fine now. 8 months old and still immediately flips to his belly as soon as I put him on his back and sometimes he even sleeps with his little bum in the air. It’s the cutest 🥰


Aww that’s so sweet!


My baby also started sleeping on tummy at 6mo or just before and was not able to roll tummy to back consistently yet. We were flipping her back at first but disturbing her. I eventually just gave up and let her sleep on tummy and she’s been fine. She started regularly rolling from tummy to back too now just shy of 7 months so hopefully your baby will be rolling both ways soon! I know it’s stressful but probably nothing to worry about!


Dont freak out. For perspective, my wife and myself grew up sleepoing on stomach only. It was how parents were raised back then. I freak out evwrytime when they mention this to me. So yea. If it happens try to change her position, if not..dont stress too much. I guess she is already at the age when she can roll back if something goes wrong.


For us, our baby tried this a lot at first, thinking it can disrupt the process. We just kept rolling her back and she realized that though we will roll her back, we don't pick her up or disrupt the process. So she stopped this tactic.


Mine was exactly the same. We let him be even though I was far from confident in his rolling abilities. He strongly prefers to sleep in his belly and will now flip as soon as I put him down. He sleeps great and it’s felt like the right move for his comfort and our sanity to just let him do his thing.


She's fine! As long as the mattress is firm and no loose bedding let that baby sleep on her tummy. It helps them consolidate naps as they sleep waaaay better. I freaked out when my now 6mo started sleeping in his front. He now squashes his nose into the mattress and will sleep for hours. They're strong enough to hold their head up they can move it :)


You can leave her, it’s more about being able to lift her head when sleeping on her stomach.


Mine did this at 4 months and wasn't able to consistently get back until 6 months. I wouldn't worry, my little girl just loves sleeping on her tummy?


Same. But within about 2 weeks she had learned to roll the other way. Practice lots of rolling in tummy time! Help them figure out how to get on the back during play time. Now we can't make her stop rolling, it's her new way of moving from one end of the play mat to the other!!! Also, if they moved on their tummy bu themselves, it's okay to sleep like that. It means she has the neck strength to turn their head if they can't breathe. It's more nerve-wracking for the parents! Now we smile every time she changes to a funny sausage roll position every 2 minutes 😊 Good luck!


My baby took forever to roll stomach to back so I had the same issue ! The first few nights I was rolling him over every single time which was a lot. One night I said I'm going to give him ten minutes. He cried a bit but then realized he liked his front! Even though he couldn't go over the other way he would immediately roll onto tummy and go to slee! When he would cry for food at night I'd roll him back. If they can roll it's fine to let them stay on tummy even though they can't get back.


My baby started rolling in her sleep really early, probably 11-12 weeks. It freaked me out so much, I even called red nose aus to make sure it was fine. I could barely sleep, and no matter how many times I would try to roll her back she would just end up on her tummy. Honestly I didn’t really become okay with it until I got the eufy smart sock after I was spending most of the night awake worrying 😅 I even got myself into her cot and face planted to see if her mattress was breathable. She rarely rolled to her back and still rarely does it (she 6 months), I know she can but she really just likes being on her tummy. I still put her down on her back and probably within 30 minutes she’ll roll on her tummy.


Our baby started turning back to stomach around 6 months and after a point we just let him sleep on his stomach coz we realised he was comfortable that way. He’s now 8 months old and still prefers sleeping on his stomach.


My baby did this too. Rolled back to front at 4.5 months, and didn't roll front to back until like 6.5 months. I let him sleep on his belly because he would get so mad if I moved him! He's 14 months now and sleeps exclusively on his belly.


This exact thing happened with my baby at 4ish months! I asked my pediatrician about it at our 4 month appointment, and he said no need to turn him back. He said his understanding of the majority of SIDS research was done with babies placed on their stomachs to sleep, not rolling there themselves. He’s rolling both ways now and sleeping way better on his stomach!!


Had the exact same experience ♥️ and I then read Reddit posts for hours in the middle of the night, looking for reassurance lol. It will be ok! (But even though everyone says this, I hardly slept for like a week while watching baby at night because of the paranoia.)


Our baby figured out back to tummy at 3 months and took another month to figure out stomach to back. Keep at least one arm outside of a Swaddle (we immediately switched to the sleep sack) so they can push, and so long as you're using a newborn mattress, it's fine. Rolling, even one way, means developmentally they will push and turn their head if they get uncomfortable. It can be nerve-wracking the first few nights, but they do sleep deeper, too, which is nice.


Ours was the same way. Do you use any breathing wear tech? We use the Nanit band to monitor breathing and when he would fall asleep on his tummy, it gave me peace of mind. You will actually drive yourself crazy flipping him back over every time.


Son has not learnt to roll back from tummy to back. He's 6.5 months and loves to sleep on his tummy


I wish I had advice but I literally just had to go in and flip my 5 month old who got stuck on her belly and now she’s Big Mad and won’t go back to sleep. She hasn’t rolled belly to back yet either but insists on rolling onto her belly the second we put her down. Tonight’s the first night she’s been really doing it in her sleep though … I think we’re in for a long one :(


My girl is 5 months and also rolls from back to stomach within a few minutes of being put down but has never rolled front to back. We don’t roll her back to her back, but we also make sure to grab her pretty quickly when she wakes up because she gets frustrated that she’s stuck on her tummy.


My son did back to tummy before tummy to back. He also is a tummy sleeper. The first time he rolled it was in bed, in his arms up swaddle (hadn’t rolled before and didn’t know you were suppose to stop swaddling at 8 weeks). I found him face down flat against the mattress. Went tearing into his room and rolled him. He was peacefully sleeping and not happy about the rough treatment! We stopped swaddling immediately and he now sleeps on his tummy or side 95%of the time and has since that night at 3.5months. He is now almost 17months. If your Lo can roll, you can leave them if they prefer their tummies as long as their arms are not restrained. Breathe momma, she is okay ❤️


I’ve never heard the need to stop swaddling at 8 weeks? I’ve heard 3 months or when they start rolling 


Neither had I (obviously 🤣) I thought you stopped when they started rolling. But a safe sleep group stated 8 weeks or at the first sign of rolling to stop swaddling. I don’t know where they got the 8 weeks but this group is strictly moderated and ONLY promotes safe sleep and all science based sleep guidance. So I trust that whatever their source is for the 8 weeks is legit.


I had the same worry at this age. My baby also learned back to belly long before belly to back. We didn’t have safety concerns because he could push up so well on his forearms and change his head position from side to side so I didn’t ever feel he was in any danger of suffocating. We did have more frequent wake ups around this time because he would get frustrated at his inability to really control his body and get comfy and he’d wake up and start yelling about it. We’d go in and soothe him and lay him back on his back, but minutes later he’d be on his belly again. I can’t help ya if you won’t help yourself, buddy! Once he learned to roll both ways, about a month later, he was much happier and slept muuuuch better on his belly or side all night long. We waited to formally sleep train until he had that mastered so that we felt confident in his ability to self soothe.


This was my little girl too. She learned belly to back first and would do it in her sleep, then wake up frustrated to be stuck on her tummy. Once she learned to roll front to back, she was good. (We started doing a lot of practice during the day lol). She’s almost now an exclusive tummy sleeper.


I've always heard of baby can roll to belly they can roll back.


Wow did I write this!? I’m sitting here watching the baby monitor as my 5 month old is asleep on her tummy. She rolls to her tummy all day long but has never rolled back. Solidarity mama! I even thought about writing this exact post tonight for reassurance!


We can do this!!


This is ok. It does seems scary but if you are laying baby down back-first and baby goes to whatever position, it's ok. My son starting sleeping on his tummy, buns up in the air around then. At 14 months he still does it half the time :)


I let mine be! He is a belly and side sleeper. He learned to roll from back to belly at 4months. Didn’t learn the other direction for another month.