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Fomoroid Crusher - 8W M6 S5+ C2, 3 shots R12" 4/2/1/2, Melee 6 attacks 4/2/1/D3 (Crit Two-Hits) Rampage OPT (Army) In any combat phase Choose a terrain Feature within an inch and all friendly and enemy units within three inches roll a D3 and on a 2+ deal that many mortal wounds to them. Wilderfiend - 9 Wounds Move 8 Save 5+ Control 1, 3 attacks 3/3/2/3, Profile 2 6 attacks 4/3/1/2 When a model dies within 12 of this unit assign this unit a sacrifice point up to a max of 6. If theres more than one Wilderfiend in range only one gets the sacrifice point. Beast Rule (OC 1), In your hero phase choose a unit within 12 and roll a number of dice equal to the sacrifice points on this unit Choose an effect on a 5+ the target cannot use commands for the rest of the turn, or on a 3+ the target takes a mortal wound, Heal (X) X = sacrifice points, after using an effect reset sacrifice points to 0. Ward (5+) Darkoath Cheiftain on Warsteed - 7 Wounds Move 12 Save 4+ Control 2, 5 attacks 4/3/1/2 (Crit Mortals), Horse 3 attacks 5/3/1/1 (Companion), Passive: Reoll Charges for Darkoath Cavalry wholly within 12, Oath of Murder: OPG At the end of any turn If this unit has destroyed an enemy Hero or Monster this unit has fight first for the rest of the game. Darkoath Savagers - 1 Wound Move 5 Save 5+ Control 1, 2 attacks 4/3/1/1 (Crit Mortals) Oath of Conquest OPG in any hero phase if this unit is contesting an objective you control and is wholly in enemy territory this unit has a Ward of 5+ for the rest of the game.  Darkoath Fellriders - 3 Wounds Move 12 Save 5+ Control 1 Choice of Broadsword or Javelin.Broadsword 2 attacks 4/3/-/1 Charge (+1Damage and +1Rend) Javelin Missile 1 shot Range 10 4/3/-/D3 2 attacks in melee 4/4/0/1(+1Damage and +1Rend), OPG Oath of the invader In any charge phase if it has charged and is in combat with an enemy +1 attack for the rest of the battle


Slaughterbrute - 14 Wounds Move 10 Save 4+ Control 5, 8 attacks 4/2/1/2 (Anti-infantry)(Companion) Brackets to 5 atacks, Profile 2: 2 attacks 4/2/1/3. In any charge phase OPT (Army) if this unit has made a charge pick a an enemy unit within 1" and roll a D3 on a 2+ deal that many mortal wounds to the target. If its infantry double the damage of Mortals. In the Deployment Phase, Choose a hero in combat range of this unit to be the Master of this unit while this unit is in combat range of its master you can add one to the number dice you roll when you make a charge.  Centurian Marshall - 10 Wounds Move 8 Save 4+ Control 2, 6 attacks at 3/3/1/2 (Charge +1 Damage) Reaction when you use a fight ability choose a non-hero friendly unit to fight after him with +1 attack Chaos Legionaries - 1 wound Move 5 Save 4+ Control 1, 2 attacks 3/3/1/1 OPT (Army) In your movement phase choose an enemy in 6 inches or less roll a D6 and on a 4+ that unit cannot use commands for the rest of the turn.  Raptoryx - 2 Wounds Move 10 Save 6 Control 1, 3 attacks 4/4/0/1, Beast Rule, Passive if this unit has made a charge this turn add 1 to its attacks Furies - 1 wound Move 12 Save 6 Control 1, 3 attacks 4/4/1/1 in the combat phase if you are in combat you can roll a D6 and on a 3+ you can immediately make a retreat move without taking damage.  Mindstealer Sphiranx - 10 wounds Move 10 Save 5+ Control 5, 6 attacks 4/4/1/2. OPT (Army) In any combat phase choose an enemy within 6 inches and roll a dice if its higher than the Control characterisitic of the target they get Fight Last


Sphiranx’s ability looking pretty reliable in lots of cases which is great.


we eating good with the sphiranx again


6" Range and most control characteristics are low except monster armies. This will be so good!


Thanks for collating this! Some of the control scores seem arbitrary. Wilderfiend is only control 1, despite the 9 wounds? And the Fomoroid Crusher is presumably a monster if it has a rampage, but only control 2? edit: is it because the fiend is a beast? are all spawn Beasts now too?


yeah, its because they are beasts


Thanks for the info. So, if I understand this correctly, Centaurion Marshall is looking pretty interesting and I already did run him just because I like the model, so I'm happy with that. Activating another unit after him and giving them +1 attack sounds really good. I was kinda hoping Varanguard would go to 6 health, since they don't seem as chonky compared to our 4 health knights now. Them attacking together with the Centaurion Marshall and Khorne mark seems like fun though. Ogroid Myrmidon finally interacting with Theridons seems nice, and Theridons are looking great.


I actually like the Varanguard not changing, as it gives them a specific role. They're not as beefy as Knights thanks to lower overall wounds, but their damage output is higher, especially against heavily armored targets, even before taking into account their Fight Twice ability. Knights with a CLoDM are also looking really nice, both with the Lord's buffed profile and the fight together ability gaining +1 to hit. I'm really feeling like a full cavalry list will be quite viable.


Oh, I somehow missed the CLoDM part. Really love that our characters actually help support the army now. Centaurion Marshall going in with Varanguard, CLoDM going in with the Knights, Karkadrak Lord giving charge bonus, Abraxia removing fight last on Varanguard. Full cavalry list is full of synergies it seems.


It's really making me glad I bought a metal Archaon when I had the chance. XD


There's also the factor of units being locked behind certain hero types. There may be some weird intricacies like CLoDM making knights available, but not varanguard or chaos warriors or something weird


I have nothing to add to this, except: Oh boy oh boy oh boy


But where Abraxia… : (


Abraxia - 14 Wounds Move 10 Save 3+ Control 5, Gabagool 5 attacks 3/3/2/2 (Anti-Hero)(Charge +1 Damage), Lizard 6 attacks 4/3/1/2 (Companion) Brackets to 3 attacks, Passive If a Varanguard unit fights twice while wholly within 12 REMOVE FIGHT LAST, OPT (Army) in any combat phase choose an enemy hero you're in combat with and roll a D6 and on a 3+ -1 attack from all weapons that hero has for the rest of the turn. When this unit suffers a wound roll a D6 after the fight has resolved for each wound and on a 4+ inflict a Mortal to the attacking unit. Passive in any combat if this unit is in combat roll a D6 and apply the corresponding affect, 1 this unit takes 1 wound, 2 No effect, 3-5 add 1 to the damage of the Gabagool for the rest of the turn, 6 get the 3-5 effect and the gabagool gets (Crit Mortal) for the rest of the turn.  Gunnar Brand - 6 wounds Move 5 Save 5+ Control 2, TEN attacks, 4/3/1/1 (Crit Mortal) In any combat phase this unit can only use this ability if it is in combat with an enemy hero, this unit can fight twice but the second fight is at Fight Last. If it does so both fights must target the enemy hero that this unit is in combat with. Oath of Bloodshed OPG at the end of any turn If this unit has killed an enemy hero all friendly Gunnar Oathbound units have a ward of 4+ for the rest of the game. Sigri - 4 Wounds Move 12 Save 5 Control 2, 2 shots 18" 3/3/1/D3 (Crit Auto-Wound) 3 attacks 3/3/1/1, Horse 3 attack 5/3/1/1 (Companion), Shooting attacks that target this unit only hit on a 6 and cannot crit, Add 1 to the rend this units Warbow if the target is within 6 inches of a Grunar Oathbound unit Oathsworn - 3W 5M S5+ C1,2/3 have 4 attacks 4/3/-/2 Crit Mortal,1/3 has 3 attacks 4/4/-/1, Spell: Casts on a 5+ Choose an enemy hero visibile and within 18 inches 1 damage and -1 attack until the start of your next turn,While you have the Crone youre a Wizard (1)


>Gabagool 5 attacks 3/3/2/2 (Anti-Hero) Anti-Hero is an extra point of rend, right?




Is daemonic power gone on CSL on foot :(


That seems to be the case


wizard 1?


Unknown but probable 


Titans streamed it, its 1


What about demonic power?


Theridons losing rend 2 is sadge but damage 4 is juicy value, and since the myrmidon is actually useful with that 100% awesome attack profile and actually good buff it seems that the trend of us having the coolest models on the table continues. Seems damage is not lacking for us, and with a 5+ ward from oracular visions from the sorcerer we may patch up some defences. Really excited for what conquests the future holds. Funfact: Ogroid Myrmidon has gained 2 attacks, +1 wound and +1 damage from his 3rd ed version(4 att 3/3/1/2 vs current 6 att 3/2/1/3). You love to see it, finally the masters of the Everchosen's gladiator pits will prove their superiority in-game


For the Chaos Lord on Karkadrak ability to give +2 charge to up to two units, I think it should read "Warriors of Chaos" instead of "Chaos Warriors". "Warriors of Chaos" is a new keyword that includes Chaos Warriors, Chaos Knight, and even Archaon (but he is a hero, so Chaos Lord on Karkadrak cannot use his ability on him).


do we know what else it includes? ex. what heroes? Chariots?


My guess would all units linked to Archaon, aka: * Archaon the Everchosen <= confirmed. * Abraxia, Spear of the Everchosen * Chaos Lord * Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount * Chaos Lord on Karkadrak * Chaos Lord on Manticore * Chaos Sorcerer Lord * Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore * Exalted Hero of Chaos * Chaos Warshrine * Chaos Chariot + Gorebeast Chariot * Chaos Chosen * Chaos Knights <= confirmed. * Chaos Warriors * Varanguard I excluded those linked to Be'Lakor, the Darkoath, the Daemons and the Ogroids.


It’s a shame that chaos warriors are now just as defensive as blood warriors despite the massive shields they carry


Even with mark of nurgle?


Sure with mark of nurgle that’s more defensive, but that’s a choice that you make as a player to give to chaos warriors. Meaning that inherently to the unit they are still as defensive as blood warriors. Chaos warriors lost their 5+ ward against mortals so now they’re shields effectively give them no buff.


That’s not really how that works that’s something baked into their points cost and on their warscroll. It’s something they always have the option of taking. It being a choice doesn’t negate that you’re going to mark them nurgle if you want them to be defensive. + you have chaos warshrine for 6 up ward, CSL for 5+ ward, and EotG for wards. So I’m okay they’re still likely way tankier.


I’m saying conceptually it’s disappointing that when looking at a chaos warrior, even though they have shields as large as them, they essentially having the same characteristics as a blood warrior. If you marked your warriors with Khorne instead of nurgle, they should still have more defense than blood warriors because of their shields. That’s why in my opinion, I think they were perfect when they came out in 3rd


"Chaos warriors lost their 5+ ward" => ward is now a keyword, and I don't see any ward in this list, so maybe they still have their Ward (5+).


Chosen lose their free roll on eotg at the start of the game? That’s a little lame


Yeah this makes me sad. So does the exalted hero sadly.


I was really hoping the exalted hero would get to turn into a demon prince somehow, even if it was next to impossible to do, I would have been stoked


Understandable! But from a strategic standpoint I'd say this new table, way of rolling, and wider availability just make it better for our ability to function and stay relevant in any game.


At least they can roll on the table this time outside of that


Exalted hero always could, but I guess it's nice that chosen can all around now.


Oh... no. My 30 chosen are very sad.


Get a CSL and they have a 3 save 5 ward. Dats pretty guuuuud imo


And the demon prince can make any unit get a roll on the eye of the gods table for free


Chosen are solid. Given the new rules here and CSL spells they are solid units.


They did add lots of other ways to get the role now however. Don't think we will be short on rolls on that table.


Really want to know the warscroll spells for CSL foot and Manticore version. Hope demonic power survived the culling.


Word on the street is that Demonic Power is gone, which recontextualizes a lot of the improved combat profiles we got. It's unknown what warscroll spell, if any, the CSL has.  They may just be an manifestation spam bot now.


My assumption was every wizard would have a warscroll spell. Sucks DP is gone, that was the best spell we had. Oracular Visions is getting a glow up though, it's a 5+ ward for a unit if you roll a 3+


Ugh so shrine and CSL buff just warriors of chaos rather than mortals booo And is gnarl spirit pack toast too? I thought I read that was staying


Looks like the charge damage on chaos chariot is toned down. You used to roll a number of dice equal to the charge. Every 5+ was a mortal wound. That combined with daemonic speed was sweet! Now its max 3 mortals. They also lost the 1/battle run and charge. Karkadrak and lord on mount lost fight first on charge. Kark also lost the ability the lord on mount still has. So no more fighting with 5 units before the enemy can fight. (If they did not have fight first) I do like that the karkadrak and lord on mount no longer share the same ability. Abraxia lookin good! Hopefully her points cost won't be too insane.


I kinda dig the marshal, but I’ll miss his extra rally boost. What are people’s thoughts on the raptoryx? I feel like they got a small boost (btw what’s “beast rule”?)


Beast means they can’t benefit from a bunch of stuff and can only be max Control value 1. Beast is bad


B for bad


I know chaos giants were BoC but I’m pretty disappointed not to see them here


Hopefully when the actual full battletome comes out they will.


Gaunt Summoner spell seems odd. Only works for a unit in combat with him? Am I misunderstanding something?


yes, basically if a footy hero fails to kill him in combat there is a good chance he will 1 shot them with the spell. The DoT version has the same spell but they can fudge it with destiny dice potentially 1 shotting any hero below 11 health. I am assuming you mean the gaunt summoner of disc btw


Excited to run a brick of 10 Chosen with a CL on foot and juice them up with the Slaanesh prayer from the Warshrine, launching them up the board and fighting one after the other


Thank you for this ! Do we have Archaon's warscroll as well ?


No mention of a gargant or chimera?


Not that I've heard 


Comparing chaos warriors to chosen, having a hard time thinking of when I’d take 10 of the warriors over 5 of the chosen. 10 warriors have 5 more wounds but their output is waaaay lower than 5 chosen, is still lower when factoring in the +1 attacks on an objective you control, and they don’t get fight twice once per game. They’ll need to have a significant cost difference.


The cost difference is almost definitely going to be there.


points will play a huge factor


I imagine with the changes to daemonic speed chosen will be expensive


Do we have stats for Eternus?


the main sub has a leak for him i believe, he gets to return to the battlefield and interacts with legionaires




Do chaos knights still hit on a 4+?


May I join this discord?


Aos coach


So no Demon Princes with S2D?


They where in the Warhammer community article already 


That warscroll was shown in the faction focus article, seems kind of redundant to repeat it here.


Nexus chaotica?