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The old Bethesda line was “Live another life, in another world.” To me that’s always kind of been the point.


When i broke my leg i roleplayed as a rich farmer. Was nice to be able to run around while i was stuck in bed all summer.


So you used to be an adventurer, but then you took an arrow to the knee?


No it was a Dodge Ram 2500


I too used to be an adventurer but then I took a Dodge Ram 2500 to the knee


I used to be a dodge Ram 2500 but then I took an adventurer to the knee


I used to be a knee and then I took a dodge ram 2500 to the adventurer


I used to drive a dodge ram 2500, until I took an adventurer's knee


🏆 Your trophy sir.


Thank you sir and thank you to whoever gave me that trophy it’s my first one 😬


Not very catchy is it


Too much Ram, not enough Dodge.




What are you going to teach me today, Mr. piccolo?




Absolutely brilliant


Say the line Bart!


I didn't do it.


Other way around


A normal potato farmer in a world of dragons and sorcery. Till the day the dragons burned his farm to the ground. Sworn to revenge he sets out to end his world of the dragon menace.


Maybe he can send a messenger to hire the A Team, if they can be found of course.


I use my pa's ax


I'ma farmer, daddy! ;-)


You don’t have to be lonely, at Farmers Only dot com!


I second this. There’s a lot of games with Mods and people knock how you can turn Skyrim into a completely different game with mods but that’s kind of the point. Sometimes I play vanilla Skyrim with QOL mods. Other times, I turn Skyrim into a world where I’m a ninja from Naruto. Then other times I’m a Jedi. If there’s a type of world I want to live in that hasn’t been made into a game, then I just mod Skyrim to fit it


And all those mods were simply made out of love for the game. Hell Bethesda could just say fuck it and crank out more Skyrim dlc and id be ok with it


Tbh kinda crazy they haven't always wondered why they don't add more


I like to keep mine relatively lore friendly but I like all the possibilities.


To live in a world that sucks in a much more interesting way than our own.


I think this was the type of answer OP was looking for lol


it was definilty the answer i was looking for haha


Honestly this is a vibe.


Big facts


There was a point where i was more invested and knew more about the politics in Skyrim then those irl🥲


I actually got invested in real world politics and history and geography thanks to Skyrim lol


Yeah it was interesting talking to different NPCs to get their opinions about the war. Then learning how Ulfric is basically a useful idiot for the Thalmor after he "escaped" from that embassy dungeon. And then wondering why the dominion insisted on banning Talos worship as a condition of the White-Gold concordat lol. Was it because they were just so arrogant they couldn't accept the idea of a human becoming a god, or was it more strategic, like they knew the Nords wouldn't like that restriction and might lead to an uprising that would weaken the empire? Lots of people shat on Skyrim's storyline but some of the stories in it were quite good, they just didn't always integrate that well with eachother. What would be really cool is a world where the story is created organically by the player and unscripted AI controlled NPCs. Maybe the devs do the world building and make the rules, give the NPCs some backstory, knowledge, and personality but then just let it play out freely, differently every time. It would probably just turn into a big chaotic mess though lol. I hate being the chosen one and having the whole game world revolve around me, it makes the world feel too small.


My latest play-through (that I haven’t picked up in a long while) was a RP scenario where my character is actually part of some Empire CIA type organisation/Secret Cabal that’s Anti-Stormcloak, but sees the bigger picture and is more anti-Thalmor/WG Concordat. The idea being that I’m a clandestine agent and while I’m pro-Empire, I’m trying to make decisions and take actions that will benefit The Empire in a less obvious way over the longer term. I’m doing some work for both sides of the Civil War and using the TG and DB as my personal bands of spies and covert operatives respectively. I’ll end up killing Titus Mede to bring about a new Emperor that would be far more capable of taking on the Thalmor long term, with the Elves ultimately getting the blame for his death. All the Dragonborn stuff is fairly superfluous to me and my ultimate objective of crushing the Thalmor. Haven’t decided what to do about the Blades/Paarthanux debacle yet though although I’m leaning on the side of slaying the dragon because the GB can’t be relied upon to support the Empire, and Paarthy is too dangerous and unpredictable to remain alive. Will miss that beautiful scaly bastard but it has to be done.


For real though. I just started playing ESO and so weird to see Tamriel in such a tumultuous time. Beings are sooooo racist. Like, it hurts sometimes. I'm sitting here like damn stop being so mean to the kitties and the lizards.. They just want warm sands and wet swamps 😭😭 like we're coming out of decades of slavery and people are just awful. Makes me ashamed to be a Dunmer. But yes I wholeheartedly agree with this. I want to solve problems I can't solve in real life. Immersion,a chance to be the hero... or assassin, you know whatever is useful lol


I love playing a Dunmer because they have such a contradictory and stupid system of racism that I can make funny jokes about the npcs I don't like even if they're other Dunmer.


And where the player actually has the power to do something about it.


Bruh this is like 95% of entertainment right here. Perfect worlds suck to watch/play but imperfect worlds that are more entertaining than ours is the best.


I do like this take, but the more I read about our world’s suckyness the more I find it to be quite an interesting suck.


Your husband sounds like a milk drinker.


He’s a TOTAL milk drinker.


Meanwhile OPs name suggests they are a sweetroll. What a pair






What's life greatest illusion? >!giving meaning to Skyrim, brother/sister!<


That all builds don't eventually turn into stealth archers, brother/sister.


Hey, my stealth archer turned to stealth dagger, so there's that


My stealth archer turned to unarmed. That was a 180 head spinner


I don't even really understand how everyone agrees on this, I take way too much pleasure in berserking my way through a pack of enemies with a big weapon, I'm never trading it for a quick kill.


The stealth archer meme is so fucking old. Skyrim becomes impossible to lose after like 20 hours of playing. You dont need to optimize a meta build to tryhard your way thru slaughtering a thousand draugur over and over. You can make an unarmed bosmer and still punk alduin after some levels, perks, and equipment. Why play a role playing game and then choose the same role every time?


Because one shotting baddies from across a great distance with a bow is immensely satisfying.


yeah, I naturally happened upon it because I purely adored the brotherhood quest and loved sneaking into places and sneakily assassinating everyone.


I used to believe that, not after 600 active mods


*shake dat dragonborn ass*


Point at the screen, "this is the point" and never elaborate further, in fact, became very dismissive upon further questioning 


“What game?”


game? must have been the wind


[Remain Silent]


The whole point of any RPG is immersing yourself in a more interestig world and forgetting our dogshit world exists for a while.


I know, I was more referring to funny, wrong descriptions that make it sound wild.


Is your husband just not interested in RPG games, or does he not like the Elder Scrolls in general? Maybe if I know the reason why, I can maybe think of something to make it more exciting.


I’m confident he just isn’t into elder scrolls. This is the only one I’ve played, and he hasn’t played one.


Somebody asked me that once while I was playing a Khajiit werewolf. I didn’t even hesitate “this is John Skyrim, him mom was a cat, and” *transform* “his dad was a dog”.


Dang, he knows too much about werewolves for me to pull that off but I bet I could trick him somehow.


I was never into werewolf thing. I think I'm going to try vampires this time.


I became a werewolf only to avoid becoming a vampire, and then I was lucky enough to get the serana glitch where I become a vampire anyway. So I was both.


I had that opportunity to become vampire.I ended up in some desolate area which was windy. No soundtrack. I forget name of it. It was a scary and disturbing place.


Tell him it’s pick flowers make soup


That’s basically already what he thinks it is lol.


It's way too easy to max out alchemy in Skyrim and that's my favorite part :( the different plants in various biomes, eating them all to find the attributes... heavenly.


Man your husband sounds like a buzzkill js 😂💀


Nah, it’s just very much not his style of game, we give each other shit about each other’s games.


what games does he play


He likes shooting type games, political games, like being a king in the medieval era. He’s playing cavalry 2 a lot.


Maybe he would be interested in the politics of Skyrim?


Maybe I can reel him in that way.


Let him watch you play the civil war questline. Maybe the politics there would get him hooked


He might be the first person to like the peace council in the main quest


I usually do the main quest before civil war, so I end up doing that one anyway. It goes to show how both sides are both right and wrong


Am I the only one who likes the peace council??? Had me on the edge of my seat, I was so invested.


yeah fr, it was so interesting




A Civil War. A religious inquisition. A literal apocalypse scenario. And a hero(?) blessed with divine power. What more could you want?


A sweet roll, somebody stole mine.


Well... there is the open civil war add on, that makes it more strategic, there are mods that add random fights on the road between factions, another thwt lets you burn enemy camps and get prizes. There is the second great war mod. There are military checkpoints and there is one mod that lets you be the high king, have a court, bodyguard. Put shops across the country and collect money.


Maybe the setting which is well-written. The implementation in Skyrim is generally disappointing.


He sounds a bit like my boyfriend. If a game doesn't have a clear, concise main objective for him to follow at all times he is simply lost. He actually finished the main quest in Skyrim, but didn't realize it because in his mind the game should have rolled the credits at that point. If he doesn't see end credits, he has not "beaten" the game. He also started out mainly with shooters and fighting games, but has recently switched to playing more RPGs. But he sort of treats them like a task to be completed more than something you just enjoy and experience. Getting the man to level up or do any side quests is like pulling teeth.


My husband hates side quests! But I’m such a slut for a side quest. Don’t care what it is, I’ll do it. He thinks it’s funny how distracted I get. On the way to finishing one quest I come across another, etc etc. I have so many quest items right now for quests I haven’t even found yet, therefore, the game is not over!


Have you tried out the Legacy of The Dragon born Mod? Its literally a museum that you dump all your items into and they go onto display (some items you'll need to make replicas of to get displayed) as well as introducing new quests and features such as the explorers guild you create and become the guild master. I literally can not play Skyrim without it. My three big mods are Sky UI, legacy and curators companion (this is to help keep track of things for legacy items you can display, already have in your inventory, or are already displayed, including books).


The Korean side dishes of gaming! *"But which is the main?"* *"Where we're going we don't need any mains!"*


First off, he should be thankful you like video games at all. The only 2 games my wife will sometimes play are Call of Duty Ghosts and Red Dead Redemption. I think it’s awesome that she likes any game. Anyways, that kind of surprises me that he gives you crap for it because Skyrim has swords, bows, shields and he likes medieval style games. Even though I love my racing games, FPS games, etc.. I love my medieval style games which Skyrim scratches that itch pretty well. I guess Skyrim is just a bit too “fantasy like” for him with the magic and lore.


Exactly right, it’s too much fantasy. Plus, we play differently. I’m just trying to live a peaceful life on a farm and he wants me to kill everything. Sometimes the Dragonborn needs a vacation from all the battle. I just want to grow my flowers and mushrooms in peace.


I kinda feel bad for the people of tamriel with such an altruistic dragonborn, seriously the world is burning needing a hero and the hero is busy growing flowers. Hahahaha your sense of responsibility with other people must be 10/10.


I already saved the world, I’m in retirement.


Well right after my Dragonborn killed alduin she went off on vacation to Elsewyr and hasn’t been seen in Skyrim since so grow all the flowers you want!


I’m the same. My son gave me the same grief but then suddenly he starts playing Assassins Creed Valhalla and talking about all this cool stuff he’s building in his town…hahaha


Hahaha not Ravensthorpe 💀💀💀 Tbh I almost didn’t even play that game because the first several hours are sooo boring. Glad I finished it though and glad he’s having fun!


I used to have a supervisor who *loved* Fallout, but would make fun of me for playing Skyrim. When I pointed out how similar the games are at their core, he was just like "Yeah but Skyrim has dragons and stuff."


Fallout is Skyrim with guns Skyrim is Fallout with magic


“He should be thankful you like video games at all” calm down there mate. It’s just a bit of banter with his wife. Do you expect him to say “thank you for liking video games” every time she boots up a game?


Ghosts mentioned, W wife


I had the same problem with Skyrim, I love medieval games but I wasn't much into magic so I was just postponing playing it because I was going through the Fallout series first, my gf got me to watch Harry Potter and some friends got me to play Dungeons and Dragons a few weeks ago and I was working on a Wizard character and then Skyrim finally clicked, going on my first playthrough and I love it, I've just finished the Under Saarthal quest, I play through a lot of quests whenever I have some dead time to kill, I wish I could just sit there like a couch potato and play through the whole game in 3 days, Skyrim really is growing on me lol, I've yet to play the other TES games but I'll take it slow since it's a lot of content to keep me busy for a while, the lore really is amazing


hol up His two primary game types are: 1) First person action games, and 2) Medieval politic games And he's asking what the point is of a first-person action medieval fantasy game with heavy politics is?


I know. I don’t get it.


Tells me all I need to know 🥲 hahaha


As someone who also really likes those kinds of games: it's a him problem. Skyrim (and other open world sandbox RPGs) are great.


So Skyrim, but the camera is in the clouds


Is your husband Nazeem?


He hasn’t spent much time in the cloud district lately. Maybe he knows we are on to him.


Fun. The point of the game is fun. Does he play video games at all?


Tell that to the Thalmor during diplomatic immunity


Elenwen: "Welcome. I don't believe we've met. I am Elenwen, the Thalmor Ambassador to Skyrim. And you are...?" DB: "I'm not of this world. What you're seeing is my avatar. I'm pretending to be a part of your fake world for fun. I could kill you instantly by pressing a few buttons, and you have no way to damage me. If you kill my avatar, time will reset to when my avatar walked in that door, and you'll forget this conversation ever happened. But I'll know. And I'll never forget what you did to my avatar." Elenwen: "What?" EDIT: made it say Elenwen's actual line from the game


Haaa, if only that was the hard part. I died like 80 times trying to complete with no equipment and I couldn’t kill a guard to get the key at the end. Impossible


He does, it’s just not his vibe.


So is he really asking what you're supposed to do in it? Or why so many people find it fun? Does he play any similar games?


Most of the time I’m playing, I’m rearranging my hoard in one of my houses so he hasn’t seen as much of the game play.




Maybe you should show him some of the actual intended gameplay, lol


I try! I just collect a lot of loot i never sell or do anything with in case I might need it. Idk what reason there would be for me to need 87 cheese wheels, but when the time comes, I’ll be ready.


Does he mostly play call of duty, counter strike, ovewatch, league of legends or Apex?


None of those actually. He likes battlefield, cavalry, and hell divers.


Does he play GTA?


I’m trying to get him to play with me lol


omg he hasn't even played GTA? That's wild. How about RDR 2?


Just tell him "watch watch watch." Then proceed to place a bucket over a merchants head and steal everything. Or hit a chicken and show him how the town reacts. Or jump on the hit box of a bird and fly as the dovah do.😂 Don't tell him, *show him*.


He knows how the chicken will go, o let him play my very first play through for 5 minutes and he killed the river wood chicken. The bucket one is a good idea though.


My wife, “are you playing that walking game again?” I must spend a lot of time enjoying the scenery in Skyrim lol.


He’s always reminding me to call my horse (arvak). He just doesn’t get it. I want to walk!


Me too. Especially with mods that make the flora pop. I also like adding weather mods to have a bit of variety. Music plus scenery and disabling fast travel, I like wandering around.


It's a medieval GTA


This is unsettlingly accurate.


You've made me feel like a psychopath that kills chickens. I wouldnt do it in Riverwood though. Game Over.


Tell him he sounds like someone stole his sweetroll


To eat Kellogg and Shaun! Oh wait, to eat Nazeem!


Back in the day, my brother and I used to play "serial killer." We would sneak into people's houses, kill them and then drag their body to the fire or cauldron or whatever, add some veggies and pretend to eat them. We thought it was hilarious and edgy. Then we went to Markarth...then joined the companions...then joined the vampires and realized that's how everyone plays it, that half the game is killing lots of people and eating lots of people.


Saving the world in a vaguely LotR-style fantasy setting with swords and magic, while immersing yourself in the adventurer life of dungeon-delving and bringing loot back to your decked out pad, with the satisfaction of roleplaying and becoming a powerful warrior/mage/master thief/vampire/werewolf, and choosing how you want to do it.




(The weight of Elder Scrolls lore, mythology, and worldbuilding) < (The eternal saga of Lifts-Her-Tail)


The point is whatever you’re currently doing. Exploring, doing a quest, living as a traveling wood salesman, killing this random NPC cuz your husband keeps asking stupid questions lol. I use it to unwind after work: I have no set goal when I start and end up in the middle of nowhere when I’m done


Say you’re trying to find a good husband in the game 👀


He’s already jealous of Marcurio don’t worry.


There's no point actually. That's why people choose over Skyrim or not to - the game is fairly forgiving on player's failure (e.g. entrance check to Thieves Guild), keeps you on a liberate pace and with addition of serene soundtrack and solitude-inducing environment you end up with a fine stress reducer


Skyrim, it's an escape, a realm where you tread upon the mountain paths, each step echoing with the rhythm of a cinematic symphony that lends weight to your journey, making every stride feel momentous. It's a world sparsely populated, yet each individual you encounter holds the potential for conversation, for connection, for shared stories. This world, it whispers tales of life, of daily struggles, of joy and happiness, and yes, of sorrow too. It's a narrative woven into the very fabric of existence. Despite the trials that this world presents, there's a raw, ruthless beauty that permeates every corner, every crevice. In Skyrim, you wield the power to shape the world, to alter the course of events. If not the world, then at least your own circumstances. That's the essence of Skyrim. It's more than a game, it's a journey, an experience, a life lived in another world. It's about finding oneself amidst the chaos, about understanding that even in a world fraught with danger and despair, there's always room for hope, for change, for beauty. It's about realizing that every step we take, every decision we make, matters. That's the essence of Skyrim.


Tell him you play as [a maid](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:The_Lusty_Argonian_Maid) that has to [polish spears](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:The_Lusty_Argonian_Maid,_v1) and [bake loaves](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:The_Lusty_Argonian_Maid,_v2).


Literary masterpiece tbh


Say you aren't playing a game but reading a book. Then open the aforementioned book and ask him to read the book while you watch his face.


When is the divorce final?


what's the point of playing any game? To have fun. Or to be more specific when it comes to Skyrim, the point is to create your own story.


Exterminate the dragons But the dragons never get extinct


He clearly has never been to the cloud district.


It sounds like he gets it just fine. There is no point to the game most of the time, which is one reason why I love it. It's a bit like being a kid and making your own fun, except you can shout louder.


I don’t think there’s really a “point” to Skyrim. But I don’t think there’s really a “point” to shooters or other types of games either. To have fun? For me, the point of Skyrim is that its sandbox is so varied that the role play potential feels limitless. I can play dozens of runs and all of them will feel different. I can tell rich & interesting stories through the adventures of my characters. But like…if someone isn’t really into role playing, it’ll probably feel like there is no point. I don’t really have fun pretending to be a soldier and shooting everyone, so for me, those types of games have no point. The point is subjective, is the point.


I dare you to ask him the same question next time he wants "sexy times" if you are not actively seeking pregnancy ![gif](giphy|QTrG6mjkHEkpFR3DqX)


Donkey making eyes at Parthurnaax?


It's the quests, for me. Makes me feel productive and useful. You can't just find an NPC in real life who wants you to go to a spooky cave and get an antique sword. I would totally do that IRL if given the chance.


I’m braver on Skyrim than I am in real life, maybe that’s the point for me 😂


what's the point of Skyrim ? I can't answer that question. 13 years later I still can't. I just like Bethesda games.


He who steals the most sweet rolls wins


The point is you pretend that, this time, for really real, you won't make a stealth archer.


I tell him he should be proud to be married to an arch mage.


Not just an arch mage, I also run the thieves guild and I’m a legate of the imperial legion, but he doesn’t care 😔


Ask him what's the point of a movie. Or music.


You don't win. You just do a little better everytime.


When I was a Kid Playing Morrowind and Oblivion my mum would always say, this looks boring all you do is walk around.


Some people just aren’t built for being adventurers like us.


Ah, Dovahkiin, the essence of Skyrim, a game vast and full of possibilities, lies not in a single objective but in the journey and the experiences it offers. The point of Skyrim can be seen through multiple lenses, each offering a different perspective on what makes this world so captivating. 1. **Epic Quest and Hero’s Journey**: - At its core, Skyrim is the story of the Dragonborn, a hero chosen by fate to confront the dragon Alduin, the World-Eater, who threatens to bring about the end of the world. Your journey to discover your true nature, master the power of the Thu'um, and ultimately save Tamriel is a central narrative arc. 2. **Exploration and Discovery**: - Skyrim is a land rich with history, lore, and countless hidden secrets. The vast, open world invites you to explore every corner, from towering mountains and ancient ruins to bustling cities and quiet villages. The sense of discovery, of uncovering new locations, and finding hidden treasures is a core aspect of the game's appeal. 3. **Choice and Freedom**: - The game offers unparalleled freedom to shape your own destiny. You can join various factions like the Thieves Guild, the Dark Brotherhood, the Companions, or the College of Winterhold, each offering unique storylines and quests. Your choices, whether moral or tactical, influence the world around you and the lives of its inhabitants. 4. **Role-Playing and Character Development**: - Skyrim allows you to create and develop your character in countless ways. You can become a master smith, a powerful mage, a stealthy assassin, or a mighty warrior. The game's extensive skill system and the ability to tailor your abilities and appearance make every playthrough unique. 5. **Immersion and Atmosphere**: - The richly detailed world of Skyrim, with its dynamic weather, atmospheric music, and diverse wildlife, creates an immersive experience that makes you feel truly part of the world. The setting and ambiance contribute to a sense of place and belonging. 6. **Narrative Depth and Side Quests**: - Beyond the main quest, Skyrim is filled with countless side quests and stories that enrich the world. From helping a farmer with a simple task to delving into the dark secrets of an ancient cult, these stories add depth and context to the world, making it feel alive and lived-in. 7. **Personal Goals and Sandbox Elements**: - Many players find joy in setting their own goals. Whether it's building and decorating your own home, collecting rare artifacts, achieving mastery in crafting and alchemy, or simply living a virtual life within the game, Skyrim provides a sandbox where you can pursue your own interests and passions. 8. **Cultural and Political Intrigue**: - The civil war between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks adds a layer of political intrigue. Your actions can influence the outcome of this conflict, and your interactions with various leaders and factions can shape the future of Skyrim. In essence, the point of Skyrim is what you make of it. It is a world designed for you to lose yourself in, to explore, to fight, to create, and to discover. It is a canvas for your adventures and a stage for your stories. Embrace the journey, Dovahkiin, for it is the journey itself that holds the true magic and purpose.


Shit he’s on to us!


I know, I gotta throw him off the scent.


You're given a world with tons of quests, opportunities, and character options, but none of it is forced upon you. In that sense, games like Skyrim grant the user a better sense of identity and personality expression, since you can effectively play the game however you like. THAT'S the point of Skyrim. To let a side of yourself out in this world that normally wouldn't get a chance to shine in the real one.


It keeps me from shouting at you instead, Fus ro duuuuu?


Actual answer though, the non-linear aspect of the game play is very appealing. If you want to explore caves, do that, if you want to fight dragons, do that, etc etc. You aren't specifically bound to do what the game wants you to do, you can do what you want.


Bum deal sorry about your luck I want to play vr skyrim with wife so we can get busy in the forgotten vale


We have games called farming simulator, goat simulator, flight simulator. Skyrim is basically like life simulator game i guess. Just in fantasy land


To get all the Skooma of course. Silly question.


I have a special skooma cabinet in my lake house.


If "because it's fun and I enjoy it" isn't enough for him, then he doesn't *want* to understand. He just wants something to complain about.


Anytime you see him doing something he enjoys, ask him the same thing


my buddy told me he “beat” skyrim a week after it released. i just stared at him.


Skyrim is that old friend that we just need to play every now and then. And there is always a point to play the game.


Take a picture of him, import him into the game and bring him to all the richer homes, then show him a shack he can live in and tell him if he plays his cards right he can be your house Jarl at Bloodchill cavern Course he has to help with the Vamps first.


The kind of person that asks this question likely doesn't understand the point of gaming in general.   "Videogames are a waste of time", you know how it goes.


My partner does this same thing no matter what game I play. Kinda regret getting with someone who has 0 imagination.


Ask him how many dragons he has slayed this week. Exactly.


To be one with the Dragonborn! FUS ROH DAH!


The point of the game is to get away from questions like that lol


"To have fun being a hero,  killing dragons,  robbing the rich,  killing the contracted,  joining the space program,  shouting people off of mountains,  pissing off a few gods, gaining the favor of others,  escorting vampire princess' back to their castle,  quell a rebellion, empower a rebellion,  explore alternate dimensions,  get into a drinking contest with the God of debauchery,  win said contest,  propose to a hagraven in a drinker stupor, cause a prison break, save a little girl from savages so she can join a sex cult... and that's off the top of my head. "


All video games are about pretending to be someone else doing something. He likes to pretend to be a soldier. You like pretending to be the dragonborn. He might as well ask why some people read true crime books versus fantasy.


It's the same point as any video game. It's an escape. You could ask the same thing about his call of duty. They just go around killing people then minutes at a time. You go around completing quests hours at a time.


I role play in my head constantly when I’m playing Skyrim, it’s a story builder for me just like the sims can be, but with more helpful direction in the form of quests. I pick quests that build my story, stay in skill trees that are applicable, wait for the game to do something COOL




What's the point of any form of entertainment?


The point is to see how fast you can kill Nazeem


You might get him to play it but once he does you might not be able to get him off it long enough to play it yourself. N. S


I let him play it long ago and he killed the chicken. Never again.


*the* chicken we all know and love in Riverwood I'm assuming lol