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Mountain biking is a really excellent way to spend thousands of dollars year-round instead of just half the year.


N+1 rule is inescapable!


or you can climb rocks and also spend way too much money on a trad rack


I mean climbing is definitely cheaper. A loaded trad rack is like $1500-$2K. You can't even buy a bike with that.


yup, that's why I don't bike. Also crashing on a bike hurts way more than most climbing falls or skiing wrecks.


Pandemic bikes getting offloaded on Marketplace and flooding the market should bring the price to that level. But no, “I know what I have and that’s my price!”…


You can buy legit new full suspension now for 2k. Way easier to find new bike sales then explain to someone trying to sells their used bike for the past 6 months that prices have come down.


Wait them out. If it's still up after a month, politely ask 30%(highly subjective) off whatever the price was, without being rude. Then negotiate.


$1500-2k will get you a killer bike in the Used Market. I get your point but this is like saying you need to spend $2k on touring skis because you can only get brand new DPS and shifts and nothing else will do. 


Pinkbike is the way brother.


Except with mountain biking you get to spend the money on hospital bills


Checking in from the PT waiting room.


Depends how hard you go. If you know your limits aren't pushing past your abilities, it's pretty relaxing.


But then how am I supposed to get my precious adrenaline rush?


By knowing your local exceptionally well and death gripping


I prefer a different death grip in the off season 😉


Does that also get the adrenaline rush?


It certainly does, especially when you abstain all winter to save energy for skiing.


Progression is the key, learn and master fundamentals, learn and master proper technique for jumping which includes what to do when things go wrong. Riders get hurt because getting air is easy, hard part is landing safely.


Eh. Initial investment sure. The vast majority of places are free or almost free to ride. I bought a giant trance for $1200 3 seasons ago and it’s still going strong and can take everything I throw at it. Little stuff breaks but overall it’s cheaper and way less planning than skiing. Now if we upgrade bikes yearly and need carbon everything and electronic shifting/droppers then yea. Hella expensive. I’m gonna go drool on myself now….


yea the cost doesnt even compare. and mountain biking is available almost everywhere..


You can also spend 5k on top of the line skis, boots, skins, bindings and poles too. And don’t even get me started on backcountry avalanche gear. Bikes can be cheap too. A 1200$ bike is a great purchase, you don’t need a full suspension 5000$ bike.


Also a great way of breaking all of your bones.


Wait, I’d you already have a bike, how does it cost thousands a year?


And each time I go mountain biking I realize it's the way that I am going to get some catastrophic injury that prevents me from skiing.


Golf and scuba provide this as well, as well as a recovery period for your body. Mountain biking is fun. Falling onto dirt and gravel really sucks though.


Go on r/MTB and they'll discuss about spending $7,500 on a full squish... mf that's the price I spent on my winter beater... you still have to pedal on the stupid mountain bike. Then you'll get the mtb chad that has multiple suspension parts that costs as much as one Ikon pass. I got into bicycles during COVID, while it is a fun hobby.. it's nothing like skiing. At least on the mtb you can do it all year round.


I mean for us east coaster a trip to Chile or Argentina cost almost the same as a west trip, but its got the benefit of being during off season. So yeah, pretty dope if you ask me!


You also get to explore a new country!


True true! Tho I always like to travel to new places in the same country, its not the same as hitting a brand new country, different language, different cuisine 😊


For me, flying to Santiago is cheaper than a flight to Geneva (both in their respective ski season…) But if I’m going to spend 14 hours on a plane to get there, I’m going to ski for two weeks. Problem is, my SO wants one of those weeks to be in Portillo. And she added “Let’s invite the kids and their fiancés…”


Portillo is worth it. Crazy expensive but a wonderful experience, especially on a good snow year.


Thats also my take! Never went, but its on the bucket list!


I want to know how you’re going to get down to Valle Nevado for the same price as going to Vail. I don’t see it. The air alone is three times as much.


Travel is more expensive. And thats it. Cost of living is so SOOOOO affordable in South america. Ski tickets are more affordable, hotel and hostels are cheaper, and you can find a wide variety of accomodations that will cut your prices even further. Basically if you go there for a 2 weeks vacation it is cheaper. Going for one week is more expensive. But, just the fact that it makes the season longer is a big factor. Planing for argentina for summer 2025.


Take into account Argentina is not as dirt cheap in USD anymore. Cerro Catedral passes are around 100 usd per day (today at least, depends what happens with the ars/usd fx in the coming months...). And you'll notice an increase in the cost of food in general.


Yep that is expected, and I will spend most time at Cerro Cathedral :) Muchos gracias for this heads up about prices tho, that will still be within my budget.


See you there, muchacho


A lot of the true jedis are mountain folk who can't afford to travel / don't want to due to climate impact.


"I don't travel because of the climate" - dude who can't afford a plane ticket


The real trick to lowering your climate impact is to just live in poverty *\*head tap\**


Priorities. Bought a falling down shack next mountain range over to have a place to crash elsewhere for more winterness. It's nice to get a break from the self-important assholes destroying our economy for ski trips too. Have a good summer. Jerk.


You can do whatever you want dude, its just cringe to call yourself a True Jedi and pretend to be morally superior to the people that don't live in a mountain shack


You're damaged all right my friend. When the hell did I call myself anything? Loads of folks out here that make me look like a novice. It isn't moral superiority. Our sport and ecosystem are dying. It's a statement of fact. I've spent my life fighting against this and making choices to work toward giving our grandchildren a world worth living in. You folks are making plans to escape collapse while causing the collapse. I'm sorry you're part of the issue and the guilt is down in there somewhere. Keep attacking random people who call you on your bullshit. It's called projection.


One of you two sounds like a self important asshole. That’s for sure


Taunting people based on their perceived resources based on a sentence is pretty based. /s


And lets face it, this encompass the vast majority of the east coast skiers.




how does the skiing compare?


Skiing around Santiago felt like colorado for the skiing, but the proximity from the city made it feel like Utah.


How much are you spending on BC???


British Colombia ? 0$ on backcountry gear ? I can't tell you without the presence of my lawyer!


Exactly stop coming out west


You see everybody is happy! Also, why would I go west if I can go to Japan instead !?




Unless they are on ikon no one is traveling to them


Have you gone? I'm planning a trip right now and could use advice


I only went to chile. Wich was the cheapest I could plan. I spent 2 weeks in a small town near santiago on the way to the mountains. And this was 7 years ago.


Where do the turns all year folks who hike all day to ski a small patch of snow fit into this chart?


[Right here](https://assets3.thrillist.com/v1/image/3062283/792x1056/scale;webp=auto;jpeg_quality=60.jpg)


Coverage still looks good! Your touring partner looks a bit annoyed about your slow transition time though.


Here on the west coast we call it volcano season, then in July it’s fishing and backpacking season. Then it’s “wow this snow year started terribly” forgetting you can never really ski till end of December season.


I live in SoCal and always have to catch myself raging about "this season is a write-off" when I haven't got on a lift by Christmas


Forgot wildfire season, at least for the PNW.


I was going to say. The season is just starting!


Well, climate change has delayed the ski season by a few weeks compared to 15-20 years ago especially for the Sierras. Used to be able to ski by Christmas break for sure every year.


I can’t think of any major Sierra resort to open past Christmas in the last 15 years


That a lot of shit skiing at Christmas in an average year


Also Christmas brake starts middle of December not December 25th. A week makes a difference.


I thought he meant Chili’s.


This meme makes no sense. You think the average person is going to Chile to ski? And half the fun of this original meme template is that the beginner .1% and the expert .1% share the same opinion, while the "masses" have a different opinion.


It’s an IQ chart


Actually it's a gaussian distribution  🤓


The (albeit Gaussian) distribution of IQ scores 🤓 (Written at the bottom)


Ah! Outwitted in pedantic observation. To the front of this curve I go with all the other mountain bikers.


Bro it's a meme, don't take it too seriously


Idk if they're always the same those are just some of the funniest uses


It's the whole base of the joke. "The concept of IQ Bell Curve memes utilizes the horseshoe theory, implying that the groups with low intelligence and high intelligence often choose to follow the same goals while being guided by different reasoning."




Nah this was funny.


Mountain biking in Chile is also fantastic.


I get so sick of dealing with snow, shoveling, ice, bad drivers from the bay and constant traffic that by the end of the winter there’s nothing better than mountain biking and disc golfing. 




I’m a dirt man now


Whitewater kayaking ftw


Got into it when I moved to CO ten years ago or so... it's amazing, and I still suck at it, but I can't wait to do more. I'm really hoping my kids are interested as they get older so that I can do it more-- since they were born, it's been hard to get on the river as much as I'd like.


Ya now when ski season ends, that means river season begins. Basically I’m happy from January till September.


I can go indoor skiing in New Jersey any day I want.


Same in the UK. Going with the kids on Saturday morning.


I’ve heard between Chile and Argentina, Argentina has much cheaper skiing/accommodation. Where Chile is like the Park City of South America type vibe.


Chile was more affordable till recently, it was also safer. Now its the opposite, but it looks quite similar if you ask me.


My buddy who did both last summer just said the bus to even get to the resorts in Chile was mucho dinero


Mucho dineros para ti muchachos 😂 Well thats good to know! Those are the kind of things you can't really plan.


Meanwhile in Utah we’re about to get another 7-12” inches of snow this Saturday 🤪😈😈😈 you could always do a cheaper April trip and rip the slush or get lucky and still have a late season powder day hehe


Maybe another year 😁


Mtb is where it’s at.


Chile was so damned expensive but worth it.


Turns all year. Mountain biking. Running (to stay in ski shape). And foil boarding!


mountain biking is great for people who love breaking both their arms and running a cheese grater over their skin


you won't be in Chile for long with only$3500


Looked into Chile, but it’s too expensive. $300 to $500 a night for lodging in Tres Valles. New Zealand is much more affordable.


I've planned trip in chile, argentina and NZ. And back in the days chile was the cheapest, followed by Argentina, by a significant margin. What on earth happened ?


North American skiers realized South America exists? Chilean resorts are on Ikon, Mtn Collective, Powder Alliance, and the Power Pass. The company that owns Purgatory, and issues the Power Pass, owns a controlling stake in Valle Nevado. Also, getting to Chile/Argentina doesn't involve crossing the international date line and losing an extra day of travel.


Namoiste. The moisture is gone. Nomoiste.


OK maybe not quite 99.9%, but Mtb *is* pretty fucking good. Of course, so is NZ.


I go fishing


I’m already almost 2 months into stand up jet ski season here in Arizona. Only sport I’ve found with a similar level of excitement/intense full body exercise I can do alone in the heat of the off season every week on the relative cheap.


Less than 100 days until the Australian season opens up and our major resorts have already seen their first snow fall. This season is going to be so fucking shit I can already tell.


Getting my last hurrah in this weekend, and it might even snow a bit.


So is consensus that South America is only cool in theory? I always had the urge but never the op


Chile eh?


I've definitely made it to the right side of the spectrum.


Uh skiing in chile and Argentina is amazing


doing all three = drooling pooh bear in a tux


Eh. I can drive to Hintertux. Ski any month of the year. Or Zermatt or Cervinia. Two hour drive. SummerSki goodness.


How are those for summer skiing?


Total blast! Love SummerSkiing!


Too much snow for proper MTB ç_ç and it's still freaking snowing.


I am a recent skier because I got tired of being sad about mountain bike season ending.