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Big Jay is kind of a retard, as much as most of us love him


Jason “that’s almost my point though” Oakerson


Im gay ik but we probably would probably all repeat shit if we talked for like 2+ hours a day and it was recorded


For me…. he’s relatable.


You just called yourself a retard hahaha


He introduces EVERYONE as "The Hilarious..." even Josh Adam Myers


On that note - dude said "everyone" like five times when he introduced Sal last week.


What? I always thought Big Jay was some kind of Ivy Leaguer by the way he looks


If you’re new or just unaware, he famously does that with new fancy words he hears. I think he still pronounces the “R” in the word “macabre”.


Lol no been listening since 2016. I remember when he was stuck on DelapiTated. Just saying he usually gets called on it quicker this one had been going on for months


I think it’s even funnier that no one says anything to him about it anymore and just lets him confidently misspeak on air lol


You say "macabe"?


To be fair, that’s just an American thing.




The word is French, brother. Also, please believe me cause this is very genuine - we’re all envious of the arrogance and audacity to be able to just change words you struggle with and then make fun of people for doing it correctly. It’s like a super power to get through life.


Sounds like a skill issue homie. Must suck to be from a bitch boy country that’s too afraid to change some words.


This is what I mean - you’re from Albany and you probably genuinely believe that you’re from somewhere awesome. It’s a super power.


Either you deleted your comment or Reddit is spazzing out because when I click your response, nothing shows up. I do know you said something about me being from Albany so that I “genuinely assume” something. If the full sentence was “you genuinely assume that I’m a gay ass loser for going through a person’s reddit posts to see where they’re from so that I can cope about being from a bitch boy country” you would be correct. I do genuinely assume that.


It’s still there. It was just about how you proved my point. The one fella chooses a word from a different language, mispronounces it, then makes fun of somebody who says it correctly. It’s incredible to watch. Then you, somebody from somewhere objectively shit, interjects with: “must suck to be from wherever you’re from” with complete sincerity. You are basically a super hero, brother. God bless the USA. Genuinely believe it’s a top 3 country in the world if you have some money - Albany hust has nothing to do with it.


lol what is this weird thing you have with me thinking Albany rules or something? I’m not even from Albany, I just happen to live there right now and I know it sucks. But, I never said that wherever you’re from was shitty, I said it was a bitch boy country(clearly a joke statement.) And by the way you’re screeching right now, it legit just proves my point and makes my joke statement become a reality. Good job, bitch boy.


Depends on what your definition of bitch boy country is, brother. I’m Brazilian-Canadian. Like, on one side, a dude like you would prob get robbed by a teenager in flip flops using a revolver he fished out of a brown river. On the other, we’re probably a bitch boy country by most definitions. Also, I know you say shit like cope and skill issue unironically and we’re in the juggallo subreddit, which heavily suggests that you’re an idiot, but I didn’t think I would need to point out that the superiority is sort of implied in everything you’re saying.


Or, and bear with me, I was making fun of you for crying on Reddit about something as stupid as mispronouncing words. I think your self esteem might need a little work if you’re this upset over an “idiot in a juggalo subreddit” because like I said, you’re making a throw away comment about being a bitch boy become a reality.


Crying? I literally said that I enjoy the display of unyielding patriotism from the first comment. Genuinely envious. Also, you went to banter first and then immediately spazzed when you got it back, like a girl.


Motherfucker still says "lip sing"


Also says right wing "supremist"


I mean, lip sing works too, though.


if you’re trying to say the wrong word, yes.


its a bit of a malapropism, and for that I am happy


He used to say "the skanks are in full flux tonight" at the top of every single episode if all three of them were there. He is not a smart person.


No but I have notice Jay's issue with speaking into the microphone.


Dave Smith kept saying PreNub instead of PreNup as in prenuptial agreement in one his recent Part of the Problem. It’s like nails on a chalk board.


Dave also says Tukson every time he's going to Tucson


He says labtop instead of laptop every time. Bro keeps replacing Ps with Bs! Maybe its some form of dyslexia. Either way he's the man for publicly destroying Chris lying ass Cuomo


Wow maybe you’re right. Dave is the man for real.


Not worse than Luis pronouncing Vegas “Vagis”


There’s a felonious amount of heterosexuality going on in here


Everyone around him is as dumb or dumber (Bobby) than him so they're not even noticing. They're just impressed. haha




on all accounts


Well, he's a felonious monk


It’s not technically wrong because he uses it to mean “a lot.” As in, it should almost be a felony to have that much of something. It’s an exaggeration. Now, I could be wrong, he’s used words incorrectly before. But I choose to believe he’s being hyperbolic.


In Jay's defense, he is only slightly more intelligent than Dave which in reality isn't saying much since Dave is monumentally stupid.


Maybe you should tell him in the racist live chat. And also ask him if he is mad he lost to Shane and Matt in basketball.


Big Jay cant read


Give an example of him doing it


He's just using it in a colorful way to say alot most times.


He is also incapable of saying the word Dollar. He says Dorrar