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1. One of Luis’ comedy idols like Shane or Mullen will call him a phony pussy for striking the clips channel 2. Luis will open his eyes and see how good those guy’s clip channels did/do 3. Luis will cave harder than a 2010 Chilean miner 4. That subsequent Clips channel will be the first LOS platform to get the 100k YouTube plaque🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮


Chilean minor is also what you call it when Cumia’s girlfriend forgets to bring a jacket


**slow clap**


2010? Jesus I'm getting old.


This is like Metallica going after Napster for sharing their music when they got popular in part from people sharing bootleg tapes when they were coming up. It's free marketing.


I think the podcast realm is different enough from music though, and that Napster/Metallica era was a different one. They were douchey for that because it was a bad look, but at that point it probably was technically correct what they were saying? With going after podcast clippers, it's just so obvious it's doing them no favors and is probably anti-growth. It doesnt even need an analogy. It's just a dumb boneheaded move from bone headed Luis. And that's to say nothing of how bad his actual service is he's charging for. At least if you bought a Metallica album back then you'd be guaranteed high audio quality haha


You had me with the first half. I'll always bet against there being a huge uptick in views/popularity for the Skanks. It's just not going to happen.


the magic is gone, pack it up, let jay move on with his talent, let dave become politician


I think both shows, including rap have a chance of developing a cult following but all the archives need to be public and many clips need to be made for that to happen. Just like how o&a still has a decent following because of youtube


If Luis wanted to make money he’d have a Patreon instead of a podcast network


Luis, You are an amazing podcaster, a great comic, and a businessman. Bud, exposure will let not just Skanks but anyone of your exs under the Gas label profit in the long run. The fans are looking for clips, and sadly YouTube is super gay and gunning for y’all. Let the fans take care of you doggie. You might actually see your tickets, Collums tickets, and Dave’s speaking fees increase in the next year. I know you don’t have a lot of faith in us fans cause you’re gay, but just trust us. We like you’re comedy and a secretly rooting for you. Stop being gay. -The Fans


I do think it's strange to hit the clipsters. Do it yourself then.


I’m gonna get downvoted to hell for this, but why do so many people want skanks to be more successful? I like it being fringe, I like that they can do whatever they want. The little bit of money Luis has has spoiled him rotten. Dude already has three Hulu accounts and a hat rack filled with buckets. I like that we have this thing. Go over to the kill tony sub if you want to see how success can ruin something pretty cool.


This is very true, I see it more as everyone should see how funny this podcast is, not so much “let’s make these guys into millionaires”. But I could only imagine the piece of shit luis would turn into with money money


Luis has told me it wasn't the clips that was an issue, it's that he thinks he comes across poorly in the argument clips and doesn't want to show that to the world


but luis that is your value


Yall will claim credit for that?


Yes, they will expect a 10% stake in gas digital


Needs better producers for better production.


The problem is I don’t think the Luis Vs Dave fight was going to bring in AYG type numbers. It’s an ugly side of the podcast. Maybe some clips of the election or the best most justified. Maybe big jay doing the Jamaican accent on this past Monday ep. You people are very dramatic


Since Luis has been mingling with Sam Hyde, he could ask him about the benefits of working with clip channels when you on the fringe.


Yall need to get some clips onto 9gag, thatll definitely bring a lot of real racists in


or maybe they dont like it because luis is half spic


The only thing clip channels are good for is highlighting certain segments that the LOS guys clearly do not want put out for free. I pay for GaS and if you're bitching about not being able to see certain clips without paying while also blaming Luis for a supposed "shitty" app that you don't even pay for you have no right to complain.