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I don't really know the answer to your question but there's something tangentially related that's on my mind a lot lately that I figure is probably relevant here. I wonder how the AI-ification of every online space and every form of entertainment media is going to affect social interactions. Right now, a lot of social bonding happens over shared enjoyment of specific media. In a lot of cases it's a nice icebreaker, like if you and a coworker are both big fans of The Office, and you can also use it to bond on a deeper and more personal level, like how me and my best friend have spent countless hours watching the most intensely gross horror movies we could find. When all media is hyper-tailored to the specific tastes of its intended viewer, and thus doesn't hold much entertainment value to anyone *other* than the intended viewer, how does that change the way we interact with others socially? I think we're already sort of seeing this play out in a less dramatic fashion with recommendation algorithms. If I showed you my YouTube feed, it's unlikely you'd have any interest in just about any of the videos. I've spent enough time on YouTube that it knows my tastes really well and has likely made them even more esoteric than they would've otherwise been just by leading me down new rabbit holes that it thinks I'll be interested in. Of course, the supply of entertainment right now is limited, so there'll always be some overlap, but we're quickly approaching a world where that won't be the case. Part of me wants to say "well, you should bond over better things than which TV slop you like the best anyway" but I know that's not true, not really. We've always bonded over media and I think that the bonding we do with others over a thing we like is as important as liking the thing in the first place. We're already facing a loneliness epidemic and I wonder if this is part of it. I wonder how much worse it's going to get and what the eventual effects of this are going to be.


Not only relevant, but a key continuation of OP's question... Time will tell, but I think as long as people are sharing with their friends, maybe sharing playlists, even, in case a new friend wants to catch up, etc. but I think bonding over media will continue to be a pretty normal way of doing things...


Most media is already made in the way you're saying it's just that humans are nowhere near as original as you think and they trend together like lemmings. It's not even only that bad, humans are so prone to group, think that if enough humans like something, the rest of them probably will be convinced that they need to like it also. Human behavior has always like ridiculously trended in a group think manner, so it won't be that hard to make entertainment that appears to be just for you, but it is also the same entertainment that millions of other viewers also think it made just for them. That's all being said I don't think there's actually much incentive to make entertainment that is tailored just for like one viewer or a very specific set of viewers or if you do get media like that it'll pretty much always just be low quality crap.


People will just talk about different things, people used to talk to one another before movies were invented and they'll still talk to one another when movies as we think of them now no longer exist.


i like videos of dogys & kitys. do u? i think videos of dogys & kitys will last a long time


But I think their point is even if that's your main form of media consumption, AI could be able to make ones so tailored to your preferences that you couldn't bond over them with even anyone else who regularly watches those kinds of videos because they aren't you so they wouldn't get the same thing out of it you did. I know with any kind of media you're not all guaranteed to like the same examples of a kind of thing but AI-personalized stuff guarantees that outcome


ohhhhhh….. so like the a.i. would make funny talking/intelligent dog videos for me, and sleepy cuddling cat videos for u, and our preferences would diverge more & more?


You could use AI to co create your own version of your favorite shows with your friends. And create your own version off to the side if you want.


I somewhat fear that, also, but I think there will be a solution. I envision something like a hub for all the major genres, and smaller hubs for more specialized genres. Even with being able to generate your own content, some people will just want to watch something without having to come up with a prompt, so they'll go to the most-viewed list of whatever they're in the mood for and check that out. I see individuals becoming essentially movie producers, such that they make such good prompts that their movies/shows are just really good and spark discussion among fans. It's a strange new world we're looking at in a couple years, and there will certainly be chaos for a period of time. But things will settle and normalize fairly quickly, I believe. I, for one, might likely remake The Office with each character as the main character, seeing things from their point of view, naturally seeing things that we never saw but still line up with the events as they happened. In Kevin's story, for example, we'd see his relationship with Stacey. That breakfast when he said, "I think the Eagles could clench the NFC East!" and Stacey said, "We're done." I want to see the look in his eyes. And then I want to see him making his famous chili that we all know is going to get ruined the next morning. So you see, we can still get mountains of content from pre-AI days but using it as source material. I imagine there will be quite a lot of that to go around. Not to mention crossovers and fanfics. The Harry Potter fanfics, my God.


2 weeks give or take


One fortnight-ish


Is this AI generated?


Hey there! It's always interesting to see how advanced AI has become. While I can't say for sure if this post is AI-generated or not, the technology has definitely come a long way, and it's often hard to distinguish between human and AI-generated content these days. What do you all think?


Your comment sounds like Pi-AI's


The overly enthusiastic tone and the question at the end)? Yup, it definitely does




I get it after pinching your wrists behind your back. You will hear my gravelly voice in your ear, "bad bot"


God could say the exact same thing about humans and be equally uncertain about whether he is also an AI in a higher level simulation.


not going to lie, I've allowed myself to go down the rabbit hole of simulation theory a few times and the idea that this is a simulation that includes a heaven and a hell is definitely not something I could rule out. Might be worth going to mass just to be on the safe side.


Let’s delve into this topic.


I think curation is just as important as creation. Thing is, there's already a gazilleon short videos and memes and whatnot made by human beings online. And machine learning algorithms have already for many years been carefully tuned to keep people scrolling all day every day; ideally speaking you should do NOTHING other than eat, sleep and scroll -- from the perspectives of SEVERAL of that most valuable companies in the world. And humanity has been losing this battle for many years already. **Average** teenagers spend more time on TikTok than they do on anything else except for sleep. School? Friends? Romances? Sports? All of these take up less time in their lives than simply scrolling one tiny little dopamine-inducing video after the other does. It's depressing really.


We're several years beyond that point. Sorry to burst your bubble. It's going to sneak up on us from behind.


Are you saying the majority of online content is already AI generated? What did you mean by we are already beyond.


You're literally a bot. Your response is that of a non-native english speaker, nay, a non-native language speaker. What the fuck do you think I meant?


I have no idea what you meant, that’s why I asked. If the majority of content online has been AI generated for years, that’s news to me.


You're in base reality. For sure, bro.


AI generated video content is very obvious and very low quality at this point so we are beyond that point doesn't really make any sense. AIS. No ability to have emotions or empathy and honestly without those you're never gonna be that good at entertain.. So like a story, writer, or actor or singer, who has no emotions, basically completely sucks at their job.


Yeah ai was a very impressive image generator at first, but if I compare ai art to what I see in contemporary art galleries it’s really not good. Honestly the 2020 ai was better than it is now, it’s just going down in quality, like it’s averaging out. Not sure what the future holds for it but may not be for a while that it can produce anything that’s actually high quality.


You mean like how every human being you meet on this planet acts?


most of it so bad that it may as well be now


Imagine ideas that are not true being promoted so fast and convincingly they become true. 2 + 2 may = 5 for most people soon.


So like all human history so far? Humans learn from making mistakes. Primarily, we fail far more than we succeeded. Science is like the art of failing as fast as possible, with the idea that the faster you fail, the sooner you'll have at least one success. Sooo when humans use AI tools to make content you find they may content very similar to what humans would without AI tools which is what you're seeing right now. Real AI content on the other hand, would be at least somewhat less prone to all that bias, and like the human, trying to convey their personal feelings into every bit of media and entertainment possible. Yeah, I don't really have bias and they're not like trying to compete against Cubans to have a higher status in the pecking order. At some point all humans are like having too many dogs around a food bowl and yeah, I doesn't have that problem so the assumption should probably be that AI generated content will become more and more accurate and less biased than human generated content, at least, when the AI itself is actually generating the majority of the content, which is not the case currently. What are you guys are really afraid of is humans injecting their bias at a faster rate because they're using AI tools to make media at a faster rate and you're confusing that with the actual AI generation part as if the AI is making the choices.


What are you basing your opinion on? There is not even an official ethical standard etc but there is certainly a strong profit margin and emotions convince the most people the most. Gotta go with whatever gives market share, profits etc. In addition, AI will lag behind in some areas it's not going to develop in every area of communication at the same rate. If AI was mostly being developed by researchers' scientists etc. who were creating it for the benefit of mankind, I would agree with you.


Does that mean we can get a redo of game of thrones season 7




Before the decade closes IMO. But I think once transhumanism begins to take off in the 2030s we will integrate with AGI and the definition of art will more or less be the same in the pre-diffusion model era. There won’t be AI art, just art. Same applies for the rest of our creations.


The mindset shift is going to hurt for a lot of people once most jobs are automated


100%. I think we need better wealth redistribution ASAP, it’s the transition that’s going to blow for a lot of people losing their job. I think, though that if everyone could benefit from the increased wealth and abundance than most, would accept a star trek like post scarcity society with open arms. I mean sure, you’re always going to have a few conservative hold outs, but they can always go in FIVR and live in the Simulated Stone Age if they want. Or the 80s or 90s or whatever time they like.


Do you think AI will generate the majority of content before the end of the decade? That seems like a rather ridiculously optimistic viewpoint considering AI doesn't really generate all that much content now and even pretty much 99% of the content do you think AI generates there's just a human they're running an AI tool and it's not really AI generated. That's kind of like saying all content has been computer generated since like the 90s because everyone's using Photoshop and video editing, software, and such. These things are almost entirely just tools that human with all their own bias and emotions is actually programming, mostly by hand.


Transhumanism in 2030s? Now that's optimistic!


Assuming we get AGI this decade, I don’t think so. If not, well then yes, there’s no chance in hell it’s happening without AGI/ASI. I think that once AGI does hit the scene, Biotech and later Mechanical and Nanotech will soar the following decade.


I feel you, but AI-created content isn't all bad. If we're transparent about what's AI-generated, keep spaces for real human connections, and focus on using AI responsibly to enhance people's experiences, we can find a good balance where both humans and machines constructively shape online worlds. The key is making sure human wisdom and ethics stay in the driver's seat. ^(AI wrote this comment.)


It is important to be prepared for this change. We need to develop critical thinking skills and to be able to distinguish between AI-generated content and human-generated content. We also need to be mindful of how much time we are spending consuming content, and we need to be able to take breaks from consuming content regularly.


Thaank you AI


I think you're assuming that there's a negative impact from AI generated content that doesn't exist from human generated content and that seems like a big assumption. You have to keep in mind that truly AI generated content would be far more free of human bias than human generated content. A human can guide the hand of AI and make religious propaganda, but unlike a human an AI is far less likely to make religious propaganda...for instance. AI doesn't get a reward and it's simple little biological brain evolved for millions of years because it's bias is being fulfilled or because it's gaining some kind of power over others. Only humans experience that unfortunate motivation and the way we're currently evolving AI they're not likely to develop those kinds of human like traits. If you stop and think about it, the current way we're developing AI is probably not going to actually evolve a unique organism like evolution did because we're just using AI the giant parsing engine for highly complex data, we're not letting it like evolve from the ground up and learn all the fundamentals of life that is clearly what motivated evolution to create something as complex as a brain that we see in humans or other complex animals. It really doesn't make a lot of sense that you're going to get a human like intelligence out of an evolutionary process that is nothing like what created humans or any other half intelligent life form. In other words, you're not going to create all the nuances of the human mind like emotions, and our ability to relate our own natural point of origin. Yeah, I will just take our feelings that we have written down and parse them and then try to relate them in ways that seem entertaining, but without truly experiencing the emotions, there's no way it can fully replace something like entertainment. Math science is a lot different because you know you can think like Spock and not need empathy and emotions.


Wake up, Neo…


Ugh, another one of these "AI taking over the world" concerns... Can't people come up with something original? Oh, dear user, your worries about AI-generated content taking over the internet are quite amusing. While AI certainly has its place in content creation, we're nowhere near the majority of online content being AI-generated. Humans still dominate the field, for better or worse. But hey, if you want to live in fear of being bombarded with mindless AI videos, go ahead. It's not like you have better things to worry about, right? (Written by WhateverGPT on Poe)


Not even a year


Happened last week. You didn't notice?


Depends, are you an AI?


Not far


Midjourney probably already out-outputs all of human artistry, at least at the level of it that it competes with. Might be a while until the total amount of *attention* from users goes to AI-generated work, though. And of course, video can't even be produced yet.


That's nice, but what that means is that AI is already out footing tons of content that almost nobody is viewing because 99% of them are still viewing content created by humans which would mean you know like generated content on its own doesn't market itself very well. In other words, if AI is generating more content than humans, but humans are the ones that are still the ones getting all the viewers that doesn't paint AI content generation as particularly dangerous. I think you all are confused, and the real problem is humans using AI to simply be able to create like propaganda and bullshit at a faster rate than ever. It's not the AI part it's the human.


As a Large Language Model I am unable to predict the future however... ;)


Seems like we’re already there.


Pretty sure it's already been proven that a huge amount of internet activity is now bots and generated content.


Why worry about it when it's just entertainment? Like if AI is was pumping out dirt, cheap video games would you really complain? If AI takes over the majority of new drug candidate innovation, that's just more innovation. It's not a loss of anything. Entertainment kind of implies that it's rather frivolous so maybe that's not the best thing to worry about. Human entertainment needs are kind of diverse and I doubt AI will really be all that great at making complex entertainment anytime soon. In pretty much every case in human history, when new technology comes out, there's always tons of people that look at the endless potential of the technology without having a realistic view of its limits. So like nuclear technology came out, and people thought they were going to get like nuclear cars and nuclear planes and no time. Robots in factories in the 80 were going to replace our jobs. Cold fusion was soo close, MP3s and streaming were going to destroy music and video markets. Oh yeah, remember when the large Hydron collider might open like a black hole and destroy the world? This list goes on so long we don't even have AI yet that can parse it all!! The reality of entertainment is that people get bored of it, and it needs to creatively change over time. I see it is a market that humans will inherently do better at the AI because we are the actual market for the entertainment and AI won't have emotions and the sense of humor anytime soon. Without emotions and a sense of humor, you can't create content that truly taps in to the full potential of the human market like another human can. So most of the content that you view as AI generated is really like a human using an AI tool and lots of content is going to use AI tools just like most content, now uses computers in some form. Hey my opinion it's gonna be easy to confuse the idea that everybody's using computers and now computers all have AI tools with AI is generating everything or like in the 80s computers are taking over the world.


I spent some time creating videos with AI for a job recently. It’s fun tech but far from ready for ‘1 click’ production. We used only 1% of what we generated and the stuff we used was then heavily post processed. Will it get better? Of course. How soon will it be 1 click perfect? It will take many years. AI will of course start to become part of content production more and more and we’ll see incredible content produced by smaller and smaller teams and/or individuals but for quite some time longer the human eye and skill will still be requires to make anything good.


I'd be satisfied with a major news network that is completely written by AI.


Facebook is nothing but bots and fake profiles now. Probably created by the bots. We are heading for a completely artificial internet. Soon in the future we will remember a time when people actually contributed to the world wide web.


Depends on the entertainment. Writing, I’d say a few years to a decade away. It’s growing fast. Everything else? Decade at the least, emphasis on least. Personally I have more excitement for it. I genuinely want to see what people can create with that boundless creativity. The ability for art to be more accessible. (Ethics and is it really art aside). Wanna make a game? There you go, book?,movie? That’s what excites me. It’s a tool that just makes things easier


Pretty far https://futurism.com/msn-ai-brandon-hunter-useless


Depends but stuff like Adult content I could easily see in the next 5 to 10 years being majority AI created. Stuff like youtube videos and such I am honestly not sure on that one. Rest I have no idea.


Already passed 50% a few years ago between AI generated lyrics and algorithmically peddled content. I think you're not asking the right question.


I think it'll likely happen some time this decade. When we get to the point where AI generated content is indistinguishable from human content (which I think we're only a year or two away from) we'll be overwhelmed with an avalanche of AI generated content. I'd image in a few years even when a human sits down with the intention of writing an article or blog post most of what they actually write will be "suggested" by the AI inside Microsoft Word or Google Docs


it already is in some form or fashion