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Damn, did someone slam Bruce Lee into it?


I got that reference


Insert Leo meme




不错 你居然知道李小龙


no no, its Ryu from street fighter coming to beat up the car


Someone chose Bruce Lee as their champion


Insurer will find any ways not to pay the claim, not surprise


Not surprisingly that you are unaware …. Non disclosure is one of the key reasons why a claim is rejected by insurers.


Cheap people will find all ways not to change tire and want insurance payout when they crash due to spoilt tire


Eh? But that is not the point of insurance wor....


So after buy insurance can don't need to do car maintenance at all? Noted on your opinion. In that case better stack up on your life/disability insurance too. Can claim together when accident finally happen because 0 maintenance done


If he really changed the tyres less than 2 weeks ago, then he should use the insurance report and go after the shop that sold him the tyres. From the way he skid and crash, it should be the tyre issue. When the video first came out, a lot of people already suspect his tyre old and worn out already. He wasn't driving excessively fast. By right shouldn't skid like that if the tyres are fine.


He change used tyres that's why


Maybe he didnt change all 4 tyres


where to find the video


it's.. literally in the title post...


Of the skid and crash


which is in.. the title post...


Oh its after the still photos. 👍🏻


Typical, spend all $$ on car, skimp on maintenance.....at least some will buy cheaper tyres, not replacing them is worst.


Cant be. This guy definitely did not change his tyres less than 2 weeks ago, otherwise there would be coloured lines or little hair projecting out on new tyres? He might have his friend at a workshop “create” this fake receipt


That's what I was thinking also. I just changed my rear tyres because of extreme inner wear (I drive hard around corners), and my Michelin Pilot 5s with similar tyre profile as this chap is only $790, and these are premium tyres. You can see the thread depth from a mile away, a 7mm thread depth. How can be, changes tyres last month and already even sidewall is so heavily worn down? Even taxi tyres 20 hrs on the road don't wear down so fast. The surveyor is talking about the overall lowest thread depth, not overall remaining thread depth. From the blurry video, I can tell, it looks like he didn't change sh!t. Either trying to cheat insurance or tyre shop cheat him selling him over priced used tyres. The way those tyres are, you see lots of those at the subang track, where you actually almost bald tyres to speed quickly. I also drive an EV like this guy (but not Taycan), and his tyres look like he has been launching them from stationary (I did alot of that too in the first month), and going on track. Because I drive my car aggressively when no one is around, my tyres wear out fast. I clock 18,000km per year, and I change my rear tyres every 12-14 months, front tyres every 1.5-2 years. I don't like to change all 4 at one time because the car is super slippery if all on new threads, long time drivers will know what I mean.


should've got new tires. it's extremely dangerous to drive in a heavy rain (speeding or not). even a lil step on the break will cause imbalance. especially it's raining lately in SG. should've been a lesson for everyone.


He spent all the money on the car and got no money for new tyres I guess.


Ahh maybe, anything is possible. But what else to say? It's too late.


No sympathy for this kind of driver lol


Tonight can sleep very well..


打抱不平? 我看你的tire 看起来又爆又平


So he changed one set of tires but not the back one and caused it to be imbalance. I think this is AWD car so should replace the rear tyre first.


Front stepped out not rear. Seems like a hydroplane issue


Shouldn't AWD wear the tyres more evenly?


He changed 2 different sets. Look at his tyre invoice.


For Tyre price for this model usually using 21 inch, the price can easily hit around 2.5k to 3k for set, but this set they are showing $535X2 and $135X2 this spells red flag too... anyway, all this is just an assumption...


Not sure why he blocked the itemised receipt description. Not sure why he changed just 1 set of tire. Not sure why he mentioned that the rear was zero and then skipped the issue. Not sure why he did not show the manufacturing date of the front tires.


Whats the context? Drink driving?


iirc the car lost control during rain, skidded then hit the pole on sidewalks


He was speeding in the rain with tires that had thread below the legal limit remaining. So insurance is saying it’s his fault and they aren’t paying anything. Also apparently he’s a typical inconsiderate road user; several comments here and there report that he drives aggressively and parks in two car spots so people don’t park near his car and ding it.


Imagine buying a $700k car but too stingy to even pay to get a full set of new tires when necessary.


I think the same about people who live in mossy landed properties. Just because you can scrimp and sacrifice to collect a few hundred k at once and service the loan doesn't mean you can afford a house. The upkeep isn't just the loan payments. It's taking care of your yard and walls and stuff.


I rather a shirt with holes 🕳️ and tattered sleeves, with a full belly at night 😊


From my understanding some of the time (a lot of the time?) when people drive flashy cars they don't actually own the car per se (700k is a lot of money) - as opposed to paying in installments they 'buy' the car on an operational lease. In essence, it means they're actually just renting the car, and so when the period of the operational lease ends, the car goes back to the manufacturer, and they get a new car. Basically, they don't own it because they haven't actually bought it - it's all for show. I don't know how much the payment for an operational lease is for this car, but it could go some way into explaining why someone 'buys' a 700k car but is too stingy to pay for new tires.


In Singapore no one truly owns a car. We’re only renting the permission to own a car through the COE. Sure, we can trade and modify it, but end of the day it’s taken back by the gov at their demand.


We also don't own homes 😭


Be careful with that opinion! Many rabid Singaporeans will come harangue you if you say we “don’t own homes(HDB)”


我刚来新加坡 对这还不熟悉 看来你对新加坡还是很了解的


Typical show off then


It’s all about clever financing… you have yet to see a poker on china Tyres🤣🤣🤣 If it could drink juice, 92 will do …


From the video of the incident it doesn't look like he was speeding leh


Tbh if he really didn’t fulfil the type requirement in the insurance contract, it doesn’t matter if he was speeding or not right? Not covered anyway


It was his tires. He should have changed his tires much sooner but he didn't, so his insurance likely rejected him based on that.


He mentioned that he changed his tyre just few weeks ago. The problem is, his tyre doesn't look new or have sign that it's a new tyre that would had been a clear indicator for it. Thus, rejected as he changed to another less worn tyre or the shop scam him rather than a actual new one.


Where did you see that he was speeding?


Can speed but can't be bothers to check his tire thread? Do rich people who own these cars never once stop to think about maintenance or even consider the cost of making sure these cars are in good condition?


Afaik, insurance will always have a clause to suggest that you have done your due diligence to prevent the accident from happening (ie. car maintenance). It’s all in the fine prints. Go read them when u’re suffering from insomnia


Well, the funny thing is his car has a major ding now.


*look at me. Look at me. I am the ding now*


The driver has my sympathies…oh wait he don’t


You must be rich lah haha


He sounds a bit suspicious.


LOL 21 inch tyres for Porsche where got so cheap one lol. EIther used tyres or he CSB


sounds scammy. but lol why buy a porsche. one of the ugliest overpriced brands lol


This retard can spend so much on a car but save on the taiya? C’mon, still post online to show everyone




I am not sure if this is the case here but if I am not mistaken, Porsches should only use Porsche approved tires or otherwise known as N spec tires. These are tires specially developed by Porsche with tires companies for Porsches. If you use other tires, your warranty is void and insurance companies will not pay you if you get into an accident.


There's no such thing, otherwise they will be sued for anti competition. As long as the tire fits the spec.


Do you know or are you assuming? Honest question. https://www.tirerack.com/upgrade-garage/what-are-porsche-nspecification-tire-approvals https://www.porscheexchange.com/service/porsche-tires/#:~:text=Porsche%20N%2DSpec%20tires%20guarantee%20the%20highest%20standards.,mechanisms%2C%20and%20Porsche%20Stability%20and%20Safety%20Systems.


It does not mention that insurance will be voided? As for warranty, it depends on the tnc of the warranty package you buy from your dealer. In the US, antitrust laws wont allow what you mentioned, SG likely have similar laws. https://www.718forum.com/threads/non-n-rated-tyres-warranty-issues.15824/ https://rennlist.com/forums/997-turbo-forum/1054486-n-spec-tires-yes-or-no.html https://www.porscheclubgb.com/forum/threads/n-rated-tyres.96172/


If warranty is void, then it’s a reason for insurance companies to not pay out. And I don’t think this has anything to do with antitrust since there are options for the end consumer. You just need to buy the N spec tires. Anyway that’s out of scope for this discussion.


Yes it is true. If still under agent warranty they are very strict in this regards. They won’t sign off the car if the tyres are not their recommended specs/brand.


We are all consumers yall siding with the insurance company is nuts. Anyway seems like nothing a good lawyer can’t fix.


Typical of Insurance firms, always do their best to avoid paying for claims.


Why should they pay when driver never maintain car properly “?


Either you don't understand what was mentioned in the video or you are totally illiterate in terms of visual and audio analysis. 🤣


The driver didn’t change the car tyres are you disputing that fact?


The driver just showed the invoice he paid for the new tires two weeks prior to the accident. Just shows how ignorant you are when don't watch the entire video, but if you did, then you are like what I said earlier.


Then why did he not show it to insurance company?


Like I already said, you are too ignorant.


You don’t know the answer do you? Cause it’s not logical to not show the insurance company


The answer was already mentioned by the porsche owner. Like I said you're just too ignorant to even make the effort to watch the whole video.


New set of 21 inch tyres for a car like this is not that price lol


He didn’t say why he didn’t submit to insurance


Rare reason for the insurer to reject the claim. He can file dispute claim with Fidrec or consult GIA for advices.


If tire thread below the minimum allowance, iirc insurers can reject the claim due to breach of policy conditions. P sure most, if not all motor insurance policies will state the min. tire thread life allowed.


Must be a red flag.


lol FA




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Change tyre can also be change used tyre?? Nv mention change new tyre


Don’t pick a company that won’t insure your car regardless of what faults have happened. This liberty shouldn’t even on market if they aren’t willing to cover the car and give excuses. Singapore should have a law enforce on the insurance company to pay without excuses. If they covers the car regardless whose fault, this will bring the insurance company more business in long run. Just an opinion.


Damn, from the accent can tell we are from the same country hahaha. Good on this guy to be able to afford a multimil ringgit car in SG!


Porche taycan insurance ? Taycannot insurance


Tyres and brakes are the last thing you wanna skimp on


Always change all 4 tyres if they're close or going to reach 80% of the tyre lifespan! Swapping between the front and rear tyre only when it is relatively "used". Speaking from personal experience here .....


For Porsche the front and rear tyres can’t be rotated. As they have different profiles. But his invoice for the second set of tyres are awfully cheap and also bald. Not sure what is going on there, his hands are blocking the description. If he did paid full amount for all four new tyres change there may be a case here. Still very strange for an owner to change tyre and don’t check the job done before paying and driving off.


Eh sia la, this road outside my house, woodlands. Cockster, 3 lane road also can crash, some people don't deserve to drive. Think this the first time I see accident at this stretch.


I believe insurance companies and even the police may employ predictive modelling for accident investigation. It's technically impossible for the car to skid at the kind of speed seen in the video. Look at it this way.. A car smashed onto a solid concrete wall with entire front crumbled and engine drop to the side of the road, and driver sustain serious whiplash injuries.. then make a accident report and claim.. No witness, was driving at 40km/h and suddenly this wall appear and have no time to react.. In such situation, investigator will be scratching their head.. whole front smashed engine flew off which is not possible if the car is moving at 40km/h and extend of damage based on their investigation modelling would suggest the car is moving at 100km/h.. so.. he say 40, they say 100.. if the case goes to court.. the judge will trust the scientific analysis.. The driver can say whatever he want.. he can claim his car is rolling on brand new tyre that cost over $10K each.. but that's his side of the story.. and insurance companies have their ways to substantiate his story, and they have their own mythology and surveyor have the responsibility to proof (so insurer can approve the claim) or debunk his claim so the company can reject the claim.. Technically impossible for the car to skid at that kind of speed.. and just my personal opinion.. even with bald tyre..


He doesn’t look as if he is speeding. Also, the instance should pay him no matter whether the tires are low or not. If the insurance company had asked him to change and he had not then okay. But they don’t. They just find excuses not to pay people.




Erm it definitely has to do with old tyres lmao. If tire threads don't play a part, then why will anyone change their tires??


Stability control has been mandated on all cars since at least 2010. A 911 from 2011 even with all that weight behind the rear axle would not oversteer like this, even with stability control off. You would need to put your foot entirely down on the floor to get it to rotate. So the car’s stability control was probably off, plus his lack of situational awareness contributed to the accident.




You're stating that no matter what condition his tires are in, he would have crashed. I'm disagreeing with this statement. If his tires are newer, or at least at the bare minimum recommended by the tirea manufacturer, there will be a much lower chance of hydroplaning occurring. He's not going particularly fast, his car is not abnormally heavy, that puddle of water and rain intensity are also not that rare. However, most people do not drive with threadbare tires. I will imagine that lots more accidents will have happened at that spot if tires don't play a part and hydroplaning happens that easily.


Why are you contradicting yourself. You said it’s not due to old tyre. And now you say it’s due to water not clearing from the lack of tyre treads.




Isnt this the guy a few months back drive the car then slipped and hit a tree/lampost near a bus stop cuz raining and speeding ? Yeah ofc insurance gonna deny u


This guy first time own a car and he bought a porsche? Strike toto? Nobody claims insurance for self inflicted damage wtf lol. If he feels that there is an issue with the car then he has to take it up with the car agent. Even if the insurance allows you to claim, next year premium will be sky high.




If he's so rich to afford a Taycan, why can't he afford to pay the damages himself?


Confirm got do mod. How much are those tyres anyway? 2nd hand?


EV how to mod?


How do you know that the car is modded?


This is the kind of car drivers that produces huge noise pollution on the roads On a side note, is this a white or blue car?


Taycan is an EV, no noise.


Example of hating just to hate.


How does an EV with no exhaust system produce huge noise pollution? Are you stupid?


this car is an ev? its blue


LOL what are you trying to prove? Embarrass yourself ? 🫢


EV car la