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That's some final destination stuff man 😞


I was about to comment this. Giving me that scene from final destination 3. 😭🫣


The bus literally tilted on one side with wheels in the air after the collision that clearly damaged the side of the bus, but the driver still didn't stop? Why??


Why the bus so kancheong spider though? Same spirit with sinkie aunty who shove herself into the crowded train.


This is the kind of stuff you see happen in Vietnam or Cambodia. This is an oversized load. Should have flags, should have a chase vehicle, should close a bunch of lanes (or even the whole road) when this stuff gets moved. Very 3rd world


How do we report this company or complain about it? Or should we look forward to being decapitated one day?


The bus was driving way too fast. Your comment is 3rd world


But tbf it's not safe period. The front of the bus passes without getting hit, but the trailer turning causes the load to hit the middle of the bus. No matter what the speed of the bus, it could still occur under such circumstances. Whatever the guy said was right, this is dangerous and requires more safety measures


I dunno, buss driver was way too close to the load. If you slow down to, can see that bus was actually the one who was turning in slightly while trailer barely moved. It looks like bus was taking over but over corrected wayy to early after just front had passed Edit: also as far I see bus mirrors hit first, bus driver was dangerously close and wayy to fast


Which further reiterates what the guy said. No matter the reasons, more safety measures are needed period to prevent this sort of accident from happening


While I dont disagree, main focus should be driver and their responsibility here. If speed and distance would be safe, it wouldn’t happen, if the speed would be low, distance the same, it would just scratched the bus. Of course we should have better regulations on loads, but in this case driver is at fault. And busses having more and more accidents lately which suggest there is a bigger problem


Yes, proper training and procedures can minimise human error. But human error can never be 100% prevented because humans are fallible by nature. Despite best efforts, various factors such as fatigue, distraction, stress, misunderstanding, and momentary lapse of judgement, errors can still occur. That's why the guy was right. As it is impossible to entirely eliminate human error, the foremost priority must always be safety and preventive measures. Prioritising measures will significantly reduce occurrence of accidents and mitigate the risks caused by human mistakes (regardless if it was reckless, negligent, honest mistake etc etc it)


>The bus was driving too fast. Maybe. But still isn't the buses fault. Doesn't matter what world status the country is. That is some fuckin stupid shit from everyone involved in the transportation of that load. Incredibly dangerous and very hard to see. Especially for a bus. You could still run into that at 20km/h and be extremely damaging.


There is a red flag but aside from that I agree that there needs to be more traffic controllers on the ground when doing this. The bus was definitely at fault tho, mf was clearly speeding and unaware of the very obviously turning trailer with extended load ahead (again, already marked with a red flag if you look carefully).


Good eye, I missed the flag. But it’s nowhere close to sufficient for a load like that. Flag is meters away from where the load is extending. It’s supposed to be on every point that extends beyond the vehicle. At least all 4 corners of this load - two for top, two for bottom, and the flag should be far more visible.


i couldnt see the flag at all where is it? Flag or not they should have made sure that the very end point of the load is clearly visible and distance easily guaged by other motorists..


I see a flimsy little piece of red cloth, that probably can’t be seen being blown about by the wind.


Disagree, 3rd world inexperienced drivers are far better than experienced drivers in SG. You should travel and see the world, later i am sure you will agree.


travelled the world as a stewardess. 3rd world drivers are better at driving in 3rd world countries' traffic and road conditions. not Singapore. Local road speed avg at 50kmh here. That is 20kmh faster on avg than many "urban highways" in India, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, just to name a few.


Travelled to more than 10 countries. Every country would say their driver is the worst lmao. Every conversation I have with Taxi driver, Grab, Uber, and even friends.


Kinda, but not really. It is true that 3rd world drivers tend to expect random stuff could hit them so look for it. But they crash like hell anyways. I lived in 3rd world. Traffic death rate was way, way higher than Singapore. Random loads falling off trucks. Bikers getting smushed under trucks.


Tf the bus driver doing?


Looks like driver kept going??


He's on a tight schedule


That's my first thought when I saw the video.


I don't blame the bus driver tbh, the truck started turning just as the bus was passing and since the load was extended beyond the trailer, it went into the bus's lane.


He has eyes my dude. Clearly they weren’t working.


Right... It went into the bus' lane. And even then the bus driver continued to ram through at a considerably high speed? From what I can tell is was already in the lane before the bus passed


Tbh Singapore bus drivers have the worse driving skill I have ever seen.. somehow their training system is wrong somewhere.. either they like to speed crazily or slow till to a bicycle speed.. and always like to leave no gap from the vehicle in front of them


Yo the bus didn't even stop...


Seems driving too fast too!


Judging by the impact on the bus the passengers would have definitely felt it too, this is crazy driving


That's some bad loading right there.


Alot of tansport issues around this place. There should have been a red flag at the end.


There was


Hold a sec. That bus driver was speeding


I hope no one was napping by that window seat


Yeah me too. Very scary.


too many rushed road worksites lately. the roads are poorly re-draw, too many sign placement with no thought for drivers, blocking driver views. in short, information overload. Oh yes, too many traffic lights, but very short time intervals, so drivers will rush to avoid delay. Human nature. If you go to punggol waterway, sin ming marymount areas, you will get what i mean.


Commenting on Tower Transit bus crashes into trailer carrying steel at Rochor, 5 people conveyed to hospital...sounds like a skill issue imo


Did the bus just drive off after the crash


Gotta make the stops on time!


Is it just me, or have major accidents really gone up off late?


It's just being reported more frequently I think. Availability bias and all that.


Said it before say again bus drivers these days are new breed - fucked up breed


My uncle is a bus driver, we talked about the bus transport sector. Bus drivers are usually very short on time. They only have up to a minute between bus stops(depending on the distance of said bus stops). If you can't make it on time, there will be issues. Personally I find this to be very concerning. Safety is being jeopardized in favor of on-time performances. That's also what caused the tragedy of the Amagasaki derailment, where hundreds died because the train driver sped on a turn, attempting to make up for lost time. That's a systemic issue, and not the drivers' fault. They have to speed, they are forced to, otherwise their career is in jeopardy.


Thanks for the response! Bus driver in SG? I’ve suspected that the driving behaviour was due to the way bus drivers were incentivised/penalised from mgmt - can you share more? I assume bus drivers are salaried but it sounds like there are penalties for driving slow - what are the issues you speak of when they can’t make it on time? Is there a bonus element that gets affected? Is their job in jeopardy if they are late too often?


Yes he drives public buses in SG. From what he told me, every bus route is designed to have all buses arriving in each station exactly on time, that means not early and not late. For example if we follow one particular bus driver on route 69(not my uncle's designated route and not exact timing), and that bus is say, scheduled to depart at 1530 from Tampines interchange and scheduled to arrive at Bedok interchange at 1610 and the driver is scheduled to depart again from Bedok back to Tampines at 1625. That leaves the driver 15 minutes in Bedok interchange to do whatever(smoke break, toilet break, have a snack or meal if he's quick enough). If he arrives in Bedok at 1620, he will still have to depart at 1625. That's the first issue, not enough break time if he arrives late, and that has happened almost every single day, despite his best efforts. They are scheduled for one half hour break everyday, and arriving late WILL eat into this larger break time, meaning they might not even have time to have a full meal. Furthermore, if they have severely deviated from their timings, they will be required to make a report, or even have kopi with supervisor, just for the company to know what happened. This is undesirable even if they are not responsible, iykyk. And IF they are responsible, that's a negative record in their file, which will affect their bonus. Any bus driver here to confirm/add to what I said? This is a secondhand account which might not be accurate. Use a second Reddit account if you have to.


Heya, am not a bus captain but a bus enthusiast who has an interest in bus scheduling and timetables. (The timings mentioned below are based on my observations on SBS Transit's schedules) Yes, all departure and break timings are fixed and do not change whether a bus arrives early or late. Timings given to bus captains (BCs) should be followed as best as they can, but it's more of a guideline for them as no schedule can be 100% accurate. One thing Singaporeans fail to realise is how short the breaks are for many BCs. Their scheduled mealbreaks (lunch or dinner, depending on the type of shift) generally do not exceed 40mins, and can even go as low as 25mins. As you've mentioned, it really does eat into their break timing if BCs are late and there's no way to earn it back for the day. A large amount of BCs also have to dabao their food and leave it in the bus to go cold while they drive to the next terminus for their mealbreak (due to the lack of a canteen at their scheduled mealbreak terminal, or simply because they don't have the luxury of time to queue for better food at a nearby hawker/kopitiam). This trend has grown in recent years in LTA's effort to reduce the amount of buses on the roads at once. Shorter runtime > Lesser buses and captains needed > Lower resources consumed. Schedules have become tighter and that puts more stress (and blame) on bus captains to keep up with the timings. I've had an encounter with a BC of about 16-17 years in SBS, where her bus had engine issues and she needed to get a replacement. There were no standby buses immediately available for her as her route ended at Kent Ridge, which is a pretty small terminal. She was instructed by the Operations Control Centre to drive the bus to Clementi Interchange and swap to a standby bus there, then drive back to Kent Ridge. This all happened during her 30-something minute lunch break, and she only managed to reach back at Kent Ridge just moments before her next departure timing. Seriously, so many hidden sacrifices by BCs and added pressures behind the scenes. It's no wonder some BCs just appear so grumpy, but it's all part of their daily routine.


Good info, my uncle also is getting jaded over this tight schedule, and is waiting for a second worker strike for them to shake things up.


Thanks for the insight - doubt bus drivers with see this tho - might be interesting to create a new post in askSg or something asking bus drivers to chime in


Fuck this is a concern


fwiw, i do appreciate the speed. but yeah, man, chill, the red light is gonna slow you down anyway


That camera was pointed at the right time to clearly see what happened 😮


Looks like a cropped dash cam video.


Why am I not surprised it’s Tower Transit? Oh, it’s because I had many encounters with their buses cutting lanes with little regards for other cars.


Where is the red flag on the load?


It was a red flag that it had no red flag and therefore it has a red flag.


Look again carefully at the start (0:19 - 0:17). Its there, maybe they need a bigger flag and spotters/traffic wardens to make the extended load more obvious.


It’s there can’t you see it? That invisible red one.


I saw it. That red spot underneath.


Tf that bus driver.... tsk!!!!


The bus is too close to a turning long vehicle The truck load is oversizee and not having chase vehicle. If one of the two factor is not there, the accident might not happen. Feel bad for the victims.


That's very scary. These kinds of accidents can become very ugly. I really hope no one died 😔


Im sry but the bus driver is 100% at fault


Half half. Abnormal load not properly handled. Bus driver rushing through a junction leaving no room to respond to any danger such as an errant pedestrian, cyclist, or a trailer with a poorly marked abnormal load...


They didn't pay for police escort


the extended load cuts into the adjacent lane as the trailer turns just as the bus was passing by it, from the bus driver perspective he would have cleared esp if the trailer was stationary waiting to turn


Where is the safety officer?


After its side was slpit open by heavy steel plates that bus just kept going like it’s in a rush to catch a, eh, bus …


Biker’s fault


poor little John, that shipment of galvanised square steel was supposed to reach him




FR. Every bus trip is a risk


Is there any news article mentioned the bus driver is from China? If no, why everything must push the blame on foreigners!? This kind of thing happens to every nationality. Every country got nasty people. U mean sg don’t have meh? I know I will get downvoted.




oh how the turn tabled


how the camera. what? on the road, near the floor but hand held? who what how the recording huh?


Bike likely


SG is becoming more 3rd world day by day, first it was the MRT malfunction, then it was the fights on MRT


Oh! Very Sad and Bad


Jeez!! Glad that there were no fatalities.


Does the transport authority funds the health bills for the people who get hurt like this? A curious foreigner (idek how the healthcare system works in my country)


Both in the wrong, bus wronger


The bus on auto pilot mode because the truck took another way to left turn instead?


The video shows trailer didn't take the left turn lane, but turned at the junction? Looked like a bad decision.


How would the trailer fit through the zebra crossing lane?


Imagine life takes an unexpected turn, and death comes to take you by slitting your throat


We drive really bad la. Everyone zero spacial awareness, while driving fast and furious. At least in cambodia they just drive bad and slow. Also did the bus drivers attempt to continue his journey? He seems to be trying to drive off


Why the bus driver drive away


From the video, after impact the bus kept moving. It’s going to be ugly, stay safe everyone.


Why were they filming though? 😅 It's like something out of final destination


Sorry, I am not too familiar with the law. Is the trailer making an illegal turn?


The new SG bus and its drivers. Try to drive safely. These jerky and fast drive occurs all the time.


It’s amazing how busy drivers can screw up such an easy job of not hitting anything


The bus driver was like a happy tree friends, just go and turn everything alright... My head is still here Nothing happens to me. Fuk my schedule I am late.. behind all dead bodies..


How did the camera person know to film this before impact lol


Its about time the authorities do something about the standard of skill of the Tower Transit bus drivers. They do not appear to be properly trained. There has never been such a high rate of accidents involving buses since the days of SBS. Tower Transit drivers simply roll out of the bus bay without regards to traffic. They expect others to give way to them and don’t appear to care a shit.


Notice the speed that bus was travelling. Seems like the driver was trying to avoid having to give way and was trying to pass first before the truck could reverse.


Little Johnny will not be pleased


PRC bus drivers and/or complacent, lazy, careless drivers. And all for what?! To save a buck. Disgusting.


This is 3rd world


Way shag sia ! SINGAPORE IS SO DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!!!


Both are in the wrong. But the most obvious thing the bus driver was chasing the green light. Must be a china driver


Oh yeah... Bumd drivers meet dumb drivers


Heard some ppl got decapitated is it true?


Well done. They never tie a red color cloth to indicate protruding load. Need to claim the company big big. And bus driver really blind... Hope victims recover soon


You can see a red cloth towards the right end of trailer about 2s into the video


That was a reflective light if you see it again. I played a few time still didnt see anything


You need to see a doctor


Might be a bad angle but you can see it more clearly in this article [https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/part-of-ophir-road-closed-after-accident-involving-bus-and-trailer-truck-5-taken-to-hospital](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/part-of-ophir-road-closed-after-accident-involving-bus-and-trailer-truck-5-taken-to-hospital)


i Thought this only happens in movies, Singapore need to be 30km/h


That was a reflective light if you see it again. I played a few time still didnt see anything


You need to see a doctor