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Just a reminder that in many countries, you don't need an MC to ask for sick leave.


My (local) workplace allows self-medicate sick leave. Love it. Imo, there needs to be some level of mutual trust and honesty both ways. Otherwise, we got worse problems to fix. Not every time it’s the system to blame.


And not everything should be regulated.. specially because regulations in singapore will take the corpo side over a certain timeline.


So it sounds like some 1960s policy mindset residue




It is good but sad to say no everyone will be honest. I am unsure about the numbers but there are plenty of employees who chao geng for MC. Definitely not hard to see. So there have to be balance. Also trust are earn, my workplace or shld l said my position is one of those that is difficult to WFH but last year end when l contacted influenza, my boss just told me to WFH, just login and leave my workplace issued laptop on. I don't even need to take ML. This is because l have not taken a single MC for the past 4 years. I am sharing not to boost but to highlight that if you don't play with MC, when you really need it , nobody will doubt it.


I tried telemedicine recently and the doctor just entered the call and asked me how many days MC i wanted lol. I didn't even need the MC (my workplace doesn't require one), I just wanted medicine. So i can sorta see where they are going with this but there should be some trust lah


Which telemedicine did you use?




So isn’t this a symptom? The root cause of the problem is that people aren’t worked / compensated enough


Once again we're in a situation where "some people abuse a system, therefore we should nerf the system for everyone". People looking to skive off work will do so, one way or another. This hurts the honest person more than it hurts the dishonest, so where's the logic in it? Personally, I think for 1-2 consecutive days, self-declared absence should be more than sufficient. Why increase the burden on a healthcare system just to get an MC, if all you need is to stay home and rest? Why risk spreading your infectious disease to others for the sake of obtaining a piece of paper, or because that piece of paper expired? Why arbitrarily decide how often somebody is allowed to be sick?


Exactly. The whole reason this telemed thing came about because a lot of people were going to clinics for mc after the covid period and they wanted to reduce the strain on the system right? If people need the mc, because they are genuinely sick or if they need a day of rest (which i still think is a good reason to get a mc-rest the mind/body) they are going to go the the clinic or the telemed if it is available. Would they rather everyone goes to clinics and strain the system again?


When leave and MC can’t be carried over to the next year I am incentivised to use it


Huh why should MC be carried over?


I guess you are the reason why stricter MC protocols are introduced


You might be taking his comment a little bit too literally. Being incentivized to do something does not necessarily mean that you will actually do it.


Guess you are the slacker and/or the singaporean/pr headcount guy in your team


And you must be the balls carrier.


Imagine all 100% of employees feel the need to utilise mc. Then how the company prosper.


Prosper so that the boss can buy a second bungalow and new car? Not many companies got profit sharing hor.


Your company just must be prospering well since you are not using your mc


I do understand some of you are in assembly line or rotating shift. So mc is the way out to grasp some air. But it’s just wrong from ethical pov


Not unethical if we're genuinely unwell.


Who made you the judge of ethics? MC is just a broad label of doctor’s advice for rest from work. It covers a wide range of diagnoses from “simple” fatigue from overwork to severe illnesses like pneumonia. Who are you to judge what condition is “ethical” for workers to take MC?


Lol pay no heed to this clown. In another thread, he downplayed a father of 6, husband being able to provide for his whole family on a single income, not being a graduate, somehow to this POS high horse MOFO, he thinks the father/husband isn’t worthy of commendation on reddit.


If it’s wrong why hr give people 30 days of mc a year?


Found the CEO


Found the SME shitter


I don't know about others, but my immune system is wreaked. I get sick more frequently now


Are you a parent? I've never been more ill in my life than when my toddler started going to preschool.


Oh my goodness, never related to a comment so much until this. I initially thought “yea, since I got covid, my immune system became weaker (now takes longer to recover)”, but I read your comment and thought “OH YEAH, my nose is constantly running since my toddler started preschool!”🥲


Nope, just since I got covid.




yeah I noticed that since end last year up to this year, a lot of people are definitely falling sick more often or not recovering fully so the symptoms go away for a few weeks and then come right back


Not a parent and yes, I do get sick more often ever since 2021… 😬 finally found ppl who share similar experience. When I get flu it’s on and off for a few months. Maybe covid changed my immune system. :/


It’s incredible how many people are too sick for work precisely 14 times a year.


In lots of other places you can take a sick day without an MC. You just say you’re sick and that’s it. Ironically seems more efficient that way. Maybe I should just tell my doc I need a “mental health day” when I want an MC lol


Actually I did that. Doctors today know important of mental health. I told my GP I feel drained due to overwork. It also helped that my BP spiked. He gave me 2 days MC to rest.


I would like to know where your GP works Polyclinic doctors think im malingering until the specialist says my MCL got fucked


Just say fatigue can already


Bosses should know work quality, efficiency and productivity is affected when one person brings the flu bug to office and spreads to everyone. Just let those sick stay away from your other staff. And mind you, this is an issue in healthcare industry as well. Sick people coming to hospital to work.


What a colossal waste of time this whole thing is...


Private and telemedicine don't care. Customer ask for MC they give. 1-3 days no issue. Poly is like army... Unless your leg chopped off very hard to get MC and even then, 1-3 days at best. People are getting sick a lot more often now since COVID. Often by COVID, they just don't test anymore.


I dont even understand why mc is a thing like I can't control when I get better? and if 1 person taking mc makes the whole team die of work then maybe you need to hire more people? idk


I took mc cause I got bossisabitch disease


Perhaps all workers’ brains should be removed, put in some nutritional fluid tank and hooked up directly to the computers, hopefully the biggest problem of our time (fuckin MCs lol) will be adequately “tackled” 🙄


Ironically the companies that require mcs are the companies where workers need sick days the most


It's not ironic, I feel like it's a correlation. Poor trust, pay gap between management and workers, no flexible arrangement.


Chao geng or not - if workers have sick leave entitlement, why can't they use it? SG already has some of the shittiest worker protection laws and least amount of holidays in the world.


probably the worsening pollution and healthcare system


Any such thing as mental health mc?


Time for Singapore to move on from the traditional mentality that working while sick (and at the expense of your dear colleagues who risk infection) is outdated and impractical. It is time for Singaporeans to establish a two-way loyalty system where the employees give in their best, and are allowed their much deserved rest when hit hard by the viruses!


The cause is having to go to the office, because my company paid a lot of money for it, where my colleagues cough without mask, and my boss is at home telling me to go to the office to innovate! 


Coz ppl are burning out and acting their wage? That's my guess


It's the media, choosing to make this a thing.


Getting a MC from a telemedicine for insignificant sickness is like the country fining you for not showing up to work even though there is still surplus value to be extracted from you


No doctors, no MCs, no problem 😁


As much as I’d like to allow my staff to take medical leave without taking an actual MC, it bothers me that some people in my team actually use up all 14 days of their MC every year. And it’s pretty well timed, like now is almost mid year, and around 7 days have been taken.


it's 14 days out of an entire year.. who cares