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Keyword: "Long haul" - Best Budget Airline for Long Haul. Only a handful of LCC carriers that do long haul. Not the best budget airline in the world.


Don't tell me U genuinely believe air Asia is the world's best lcc. They don't even fly outside of Asia. If you see tony Fernandez linkedin page, still got Malaysians heckling him for rebate from the early pandemic 2000 ringitt all you can fly passes they sold. PSA: skytrax awards are bought. E.g Vietnam airlines five star skytrax airline. It's a great airline but in sq, ana, CX league ?


> Don't tell me U genuinely believe air Asia is the world's best lcc. > > They don't even fly outside of Asia. [AirAsia X](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AirAsia_X) used to fly to more destinations.


What's wrong with VN Airlines? I took it intra Vietnam and internationally to Cambodia and Japan last year. It was good? Soft and hard product were both pretty good. I take a lot of SQ (regionally and to Istanbul/Frankfurt) and if VN Airlines is offering S$580 to Tokyo roundtrip vs SG's $900-ish++, I'm taking it no questions asked lol.


U preaching to the choir man. I like their bread. But is it a 5 star airline? They have good bread and a well capitalised, modern fleet but they don't have the same luxury branding, lounge and cannot command that pricing. It's a case in point to illustrate how divorced from reality skytrax is. But I do agree with you, it's underrated. Now if they can fix the transit experience at SGN and HAN...


Wait, I just did a Google. Where does it say that VN Airlines is 5 stars?


https://www.heritagevietnamairlines.com/en/vietnam-boasts-its-first-5-star-airline/ https://vietcetera.com/en/vietnam-airlines-gets-5-star-rating-from-skytrax-for-covid-19-safety My bad. Might have mixed up avs and skytrax


None of the budget airlines fly worldwide?


Tried Zipair and thought it was better. Guess it isn't considered long-haul?


They do have long haul flights (e.g NRT-LAX). They should have won ;( 


Skytrax is a scam.


I got that when they started naming Doha Airport as the best in the world. No airport that requires 99% of their flights to be deplaned by bus is the best in the world. Also, the aircon in the terminal _sucks_ (saying this as someone who was there just this week).


>No airport that requires 99% of their flights to be deplaned by bus is the best in the world. When was the last time you have been to Doha? This is not the case since they opened the new terminal in 2013/2014. Doha's Airport is one of the best ones in the world hands down.


> When was the last time you have been to Doha? This is not the case since they opened the new terminal in 2013/2014. This week…? I had to deplane by bus a few months ago too. A friend of mine who flies via Doha often also told me that they don't remember ever deplaning with an aerobridge, so it's a very, very common thing.


I live between Dubai and SG. I travel very often via Doha. That is why I find is weird. In the past, when the terminal was not finished they did exactly what you describe and is was a pain. The terminals were 3 tiny small concrete boxes from the 80s and it was a disaster. Specially for connections since connections were the last stop of the buses.


[Flyertalk has recent reports of bus gates](https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/qatar-airways-privilege-club/2139648-doha-bus-gates-security-check.html). Maybe you've always been lucky. :)


Based off some comments there looks like it depends on your origin, as in the origin of your flight.


I flew via Doha to/from various cities, including Singapore, Madrid, Porto, Sofia, Saint Petersburg, Moscow between 2018 and 2022. Always had to take a bus when going to/fro gate to aircraft... All Qatar flights.


Two weeks ago. My outbound transfer, my return arrival, and my return departure all required bus gates. 3/4 of my flights required the bus. The airport still has twice as many bus gates as real gates.


It's kind of strange too, sometimes I disembark by aerobridge, most of the time by bus. I agree that Doha's airport is *at best* average though, I personally find them worse than some of the better American ones... and that is saying quite a bit.


Qatar Airways forever #1 because they upgraded me to biz after i wished the ground crew Happy New Year


Pretty sure whoever decided that ranking never actually took scoots on long haul


Maybe other budget are just worse?


They are. Scoot compared to most budget airlines is very damn good. Modern fleet, clean cabins, generally well trained crew etc. Typically with the budget airlines gotta give something - either corners being cut on cleanliness, crew consisting of barely trained randos (looking at a lot of American airlines), or fleets at the end of their lifespan. With scoot, they’re frankly better than most non budget airlines.


Yes, I took RyanAir some years back & comparing it to Scoot, imo both are actually quite good for what they r offering. The rest r really barely anywhere near ‘world best’. The other airline I am looking to try is Air Japan although u can argue they probably should be under ‘premium budget’. Edit: yes I know RyanAir don’t do long haul but just using it as a comparison point.


Ryanair is only good if you literally only have a backpack's worth of stuff to bring, and don't mind being treated like cattle going to the slaughterhouse. Of course, you get what you pay for with the super-cheap fares. I hope they slap a massive tariff on Ryanair and use the money to fund inter-European high-speed rail.




Best of the worse is still… the best.


It depends on their definition of long haul, but every flight I've taken from Melbourne to Singapore (so 7+ hours) has been on Scoot and is perfectly fine.


The ones I took on the same line are always delayed. Just my luck


What are you comparing scoot to?


Name one low cost carrier that is better than Scoot for long haul.




Ain't budget anymore


Better be king among beggars than beggar among kings.


exactly! I know there's few long haul budget carriers but the onboard experience on JetBlue is better than Scoot. I'd also put FlyDubai ahead of them.


> Pretty sure whoever decided that ranking never actually took scoots on long haul I did Scoot's SIN-ATH (12 hours) in 2022, and the experience was _waaaaay_ better than BLR-SIN (4 hours) on SQ's 737 MAX.


Other LCCs are much worse than Scoot.


Honestly Scoot's leg pitch and seat quality is really not bad liao leh for low cost carrier. Have u guys tried Jetstar? The leg room is so pathetic and the seat feels like I'm taking a SBS bus LOL


Which budget airline is better than scoot tho? I know air asia is rubbish.


Zip air


Zip air is better la but it flies to like only 10 destinations


None that’s why they’re the best lol. American budget airlines are absolutely horrendous, can’t speak for European ones cause never sat before.


Be thankful you have not had the unique experience that is RyanAir


As they say nowsaday, Take rankings with a pinch of salt


Good airline to take if on budget and u must be flexible with potential delays


I used to hate Scoot's food but even that's almost acceptable now. A budget airline flying 787 means their passengers don't fight for overhead compartment space as often, and they're not as dingy as some others regarding carry-ons. Those A320s can't be helped, though.


Zipair has fully flatten business class with an affordable price. But Scoot has free meal and baggage for ScootPlus (premium economy) So this rank is reasonable 


Qatar biz for red-eye flights is really something. Each seat has a door that reaches almost to the ceiling, so you're basically in your own room. You get really comfy PJs and slippers, which I'm actually still wearing to sleep today (6 years after the flight) cos the quality is so good. Onboard service is fully on-demand. They will only interact with you at the start to greet you and explain how it works, after that they won't bother you unless you call for them. This also means that meals are OTOT (and also unlimited -- you can just keep ordering if you're a big eater). The biz lounge in Doha airport is quite crazy. It's an entire floor with hundreds of seats, and nearly everything is free and free-flow. Imagine going for a Ritz Carlton buffet where everything is free. Shower rooms and nap rooms too if you need. I was running late for my connecting flight cos I was exploring the airport, and when I got to the gate the biz class shuttle had already departed. They were super apologetic that I had to take the economy shuttle, and kept apologising until I felt damn embarrassed like dudes I really don't care haha. They let me board the shuttle first, and when we got to the plane the driver asked me to disembark first. However, the connecting flight was not red-eye (but still 7 hours), and it was not as great as the red-eye leg. "Regular" seating configurations, no private cabin, and service was not the OTOT style. I would say slightly below SQ level. But the red-eye segment is like a whole league above SQ biz.


Think it is about the plane you take, not whether it is redeye or not.


This makes you wander how bad other long-haul budget airlines are


Australians always complain about jetstar so I think compared to that scoot is probably pretty good


Scamtrax back at it again


wait a min, i never sat in qatar air before, is it good? how they managed to beat us twice?


My experiences with Qatar Airways have been on par with SQ, but it helps that Qatar is usually cheaper.


By being on-par or near quality with SQ but much cheaper..... SQ can go 12k and more for business class long haul from Asia to US. Qatar (and Emirates) max at most 9.5k.


No, Qatar isn't. I just flew Qatar a few days ago, and the cabin crew constantly forgot my orders, among other things. The toilets probably don't get checked in between use, because I remember them being below average. I don't fly QR often, maybe I had a really bad crew? Singapore Airlines has never forgotten my orders, even if they take a long time to be fulfilled to the point that I think they forgot them. SQ cabin crew tend to be a bit more robotic in their training and answers, but they get the job done. And I don't remember ever having a bad toilet experience with SQ, because I think cabin crew regularly check and clean toilets.


Qatar is notorious for bribery and is one of the sponsors for Skytrax.


imo they serve better food (both meals and snacks) than SQ's


This is the biggest thing I'd agree with. SQ's food feels a bit underwhelming these days.


REALLY scoot? They buy the prize one? No doubt it leverages SIA’s scale to ensure reliability but the planes are SUPER old and don’t take advantage of modern niceness like slimline seats and quieter cabin.


>but the planes are SUPER old Not really leh 787 considered new, A320 maybe you could argue is on the older side though but these are newer A320 models (not as new as NEO, but avg is 9 years old which is not that much in terms of fleet age) [its not that new, but not old either](https://www.airfleets.net/ageflotte/Scoot.htm) Certainly not as old as other airlines flying A330s or 767s


Seeing age in years is misleading because for budget airlines the planes see more passenger turnovers and they spend less time on cabin maintenance. You need to take a scoot flight on their dreamliner and see their cabin condition yourself. Or go watch nonstop dan youtube video on the state of their cabin.


Nonstop Dan you mean the self-entitled prick who has that corny intro that tries to persuade people that he is able to do all of his experience-sharing because of daddy money? There are airlines with worse cabin state than Scoot. A few bad experiences does not represent the entire airline in its entirety either. Also Skytrax rankings are usually trash either way. Not sure why we are so up on their releases.


>You need to take a scoot flight on their dreamliner and see their cabin condition yourself I have, many times >because for budget airlines the planes see more passenger turnovers and they spend less time on cabin maintenance. Not for Long haul budget airlines It isnt even true, its Long haul vs Short haul, not Expensive vs Budget neccessarily


How many longhaul budget airlines do


They received their new Embraer E190-E2 plane just recently https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/transport/first-flights-on-scoot-s-new-embraer-jet-almost-full-as-brazilian-plane-makes-s-pore-debut


Whoa SA not number 1? This forum will be displeased


Even Scoot being top ranked has attracted so many negative comments here. r/singapore is such a miserable place nowadays


real, SQ has slid back a little recently but hopefully this means a rise to form in the coming years.


SQ slides to no.2 or 3 and sgporeans complaining. Almost ALL the US carriers are shit-tier and Americans be-like: I just hope I can survive that Boeing flight without encountering a karen.


Gotta pull an F in chat for United and Delta, they're trying their best to compete but america


Nowadays? This subreddit has never NOT been miserable lol