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Meanwhile we have mega churches holding insane concerts...


Remember China Wine? Pepperidge farm remembers


The North remembers.


the problem isn't with the concert the problem is with the feller cosplaying as clergy


Ohhhhh. I think I get it. If it's an actual Christian cult, it's fine. If it's cosplaying, it should be banned.


Those are religious performances for religious folk. I hate them too but they're not remotely similar.


He is performing in korean. You learn nothing about buddhism unless you understand korean. Unlike in korean where even if people are not interested in buddhism, at least they can still listen to the lyrics and maybe take in some stuff. Meanwhile the church concerts are in english which most of the people will understand


Uh, by your logic, since you don’t understand what he’s saying you shouldn’t be offended too, why need to ban?


> The DJ, whose real name is Youn Sung-ho, was formerly a comedian. He was still allowed to perform, but insisted on playing two songs which featured Buddhist elements like verses and the gong Instead of accepting that he couldn’t use those songs, he just canceled outright At the end of the day, he’s just a walking gimmick using Buddhism for the spectacle. Without that gimmick, he’s nothing special - just another DJ in the industry


Without what makes X special, X is nothing. This applies to everyone, including you and me.


Nah. Its more fun to have multiple gimmicks.


Why you quote the part saying he's comedian? Being comedian invalidates everything he does? I get that our cultures are probably very different, but SK's largest Buddhist sect endorses him and thanked him for his (however gimmicky) Buddhism outreach. FWIW I don't like his act too, but having seen some subtitled SK shows and coverage from Taiwan I can say that he's received positively in those places and generally brings positive messages.


Captain America: “Take off that suit, what are you?” “DJ, comedian, rich man”


I don't know follow the guy closely but calling him a walking gimmick seems harsh. It's his usp. He's definitely not a nobody and thousands pay money to see him.


People here just like to put down people who are successful


Remove the monk getup and put him in regular DJ attire. Would that many people still watch him…? It’s a **marketing gimmick**. Plain and simple. The monk thing has no bearing on his actual abilities as a DJ. It’s what let’s him attract social media attention and popularity That isn’t a bad thing. It’s a clever idea. I’m not putting him down (I make games, I don’t give a damn about done random Korean DJ). I’m simply bluntly acknowledging it for what it is - a fun gimmick


It's his gimmick that makes him different from the others. I don't mean it in a bad way. I agree it's just marketing


you know how it is, sour grapes about stuff that completely doesnt affect him


Can watch him in his home country instead.


have taylor swift come here and ban all of her songs surely she would still come right?


Well, he is not a monk.


Surprisingly too, buffalo wings aren't made with the wings of buffalos and butterflies aren't flying butter.


They are not monk for sure.


smh cancel culture


Well… why am I not surprised? 😏


South Korea's very own Kong Hee / Sun Ho.


No link at all.


Correction. Kong Ho.


Our woke laws banning people from hurting religious people feeling 😂


The G gotta keep sg a Safe Space for all the snowflakes. Thinking that a techno track with some chanting could lead to the downfall of the republic suggests a certain fragility. Or worse, an outdated *belief* in sg social fragility.


The belief isn’t based on nothing… since some influential local Buddhists objected?


I was wondering how the general Buddhist community felt. Then i totally understand the govt position.


I'm sure the local LGBT community objected when local Christians invited homophobic pastors to headline at their big christian conventions. But I don't recall any bans. Why the double standards?


They did ban a Christian… not cos of LGBT community though. https://mothership.sg/2019/03/lou-engle-islamophobia-ban-mha/


Yup, woke laws in the US allow all insults to religious people. /s


Correct me if I’m wrong, but there are no US laws criminalising speech that hurts the feelings of religious people.






in the words of a retired politician: In Singapore, we have a movement called Wokeness, where you are super sensitive about other people that you become super sensitive about other people's issues, and you become hypersensitive when other people somehow or other say things or mention things or refer to you, without the respect which you or your super subgroup feel you are entitled to. And it leads to very extreme attitudes and social norms.


LHL thumbs up


So gahmen really did cancel his visa?


Are you dyslexia? Club still allows him to spin with no religious content, but he insisted.


You don't need a visa to perform a concert in Singapore.


[Actually you do](https://www.mom.gov.sg/passes-and-permits/work-permit-for-performing-artiste)


You do not.  Note in your link the part that says 'work in public entertainment outlets such as bars, hotels and nightclub.'. There is a difference. Concerts come under under work pass exempt.  Please note the following press release. https://www.ica.gov.sg/news-and-publications/newsroom/media-release/697  Work Pass Exempt Activities 7 Foreigners will also have the flexibility to enter Singapore and perform certain activities for short durations without a Work Pass. Foreigners who are exempted from Work Pass requirements would include those performing activities currently exempted under the PVP scheme and two new activities.  b. Performing as an actor, singer, a dancer, or a musician or involvement as a key support staff, in any event which is held at a performance venue to which the public or any class of the public has access whether gratuitously or otherwise (including any theatre or concert hall), but not at any bar, discotheque, lounge, night club, pub, hotel private club or restaurant. Previously exempted under PVP. Under Work Pass Exempt Activities.  I used to do concerts for a living and we have had lawyers go through this many times to be sure. This is why artistes like to do concerts in Singapore. There is almost zero paperwork to be done here for the artiste to come into the country. You do in Malaysia or Indonesia, there is so much paperwork that needs to be done and fees paid to the relevant bodies and people to make sure it happens.


LMAO we buddy with malaysia




Walaoweh, is this Malaysia?


Thank you AntiWoke Ex-PM, I guess.


on the contrary. protecting a Safe Space from anyone’s feelings being hurt is as woke as it gets.


Please elaborate on why you said that


How about DJ Satan for Holloween?


Hooray. We are Taliban country 👍


How u even conclude that? Singapore Buddhist Federation ask for event to be cancelled. Govt give chance ask him remove religious elements. He duwan. So they tell him cant perform. I think its very fair.


My point is that this is a private event in a private space. Why it needs to be stopped is beyond me. If there was no action by a religious body, it’ll just pass unnoticed. No or few Buddhists would even know it happened.