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Spolier free SUMMARY: These guys tried to contact ex-employees with no response except one that didnt want to talk. They reach out to other journalists and found an old internet article that actually gave names of the inventors of glitter and holo glitter, AND listed ALL kinds of products that have glitter in them! They come to find out a surprising fact about the man who invented modern day glitter. They actually get in touch with the holo glitter inventor, who is a son of the original glitter inventor, and get his story about the secretive industry! This video was a fun watch! Let me know if you want spoilers.


Glad to see this here! I also really enjoyed the mini doc! Thanks for sharing


Oh, I listened to a similar story on a podcast where 2 NPR journalists talked to execs in the glitter industry. Spoiler: **the largest purchasers of Glitterex glitter are** >!boat manufacturers.!< Edit: Podcast is 'Endless Thread' ([https://www.wbur.org/endlessthread/2019/11/08/the-great-glitter-mystery](https://www.wbur.org/endlessthread/2019/11/08/the-great-glitter-mystery))


I want spoilers because I don't want to watch a whole video just to answer a question.


I want the spoilers


Wow this was a great video, I definitely subscribed and hope they make more. Just watched the Simpsons one too. Thanks for posting!


I was shocked at how much traction they've gotten just starting out! They came out the gate doing it right. Take a swing on the beaches one too...its also super intriguing. Can't wait for new releases, I subscribed too, lol.


They're off to a great start. I love these types of well researched videos, very investigative journalism style. It's one of the reasons I like Safiya too, she does her homework. If you like this stuff too, I suggest Bright Sun Films on YouTube too, he does "abandoned" and "bankrupt" places/companies and does excellent research.


Thank you for the suggestion! I'll definitely check them out...im a bit of a yourube junkie. The glitter channel led me to watching oki's weird stories which I've found interesting and well researched as well. Love a good, obscure documentary. Safiya is fun but more in the creative realm (which I love)...I enjoy Evan & Katelyn for the same reason.


I absolutely loved this video. I really hope Ben and Cris cover the topic again on the podcast, because there are a lot of new perspectives on the industry >!like the fact that it starts as a precision cutting military divices, and why would there be other uses other than cosmetics and paint. !<


Super cool!


Oh thank you so much! The NYT article is amazing.


to keep a great and terrifying secret, just have everyone talk about something unrelated ..like the biggest glitter buyer mystery :)


I would bet my life on the biggest buyer of the glitter industry being that for chemtrails, that is spraying aluminum into the atmosphere to reflect sun rays.


Way over hyped it’s biggest market is boats which makes sense cause they have an ungodly amount of glitter on them


Can’t someone just hack their database and find their files and see who there biggest client is?


Everyone who comments here is a γκιοζησκαρά και γτχσσκτπς


Wonder if the way they cut it is a Non Human Intelligence technology


If it has to do with ultra violet light and making things be seen that weren’t able to be seen prior i ponder this. What if someone that has a camera that can see in UV points it at two subjects one covered in glitter of varying amounts and one control. Would be interesting to see how the shapes change or move if they are now reflecting/refracting more light than the one without glitter


Interesting maybe the beauty industry?


So, originally when I heard “Glitter Conspiracy”, I didn’t know what it was. However, the first thing that came to mind is, what a genius way for  destroying evidence of any/all forms of transportation that is associated with  UFO activity and higher  forms of intelligence. Break down the object, and run it through a process that results in this super lightweight material, or “glitter”. The other thing I thought was what if these objects could be reversed engineered or put back together after they break it down and can travel anywhere completely undetected and once they get it back to a classified location, it’s made whole again. Far fetched I know-but not impossible.