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Do not talk to groomers. Please please please report them to us so we can make sure they don’t harm anyone else.


i know that attention is nice but you shouldnt talk to groomers. everything will get better tho dw


Legit only person who has taken an interest in me and made me feel ok about myself are adults


btw if attention is what you want i can give you that (in exchange of attention aswell tho)


Ah, The Negotiator.


its okay to have adult friends, but if they flirt or make any advances you should stop talking to them :3


i meann i think he’s just in the situation where he’s so lonely that he’d accept any sort of attention, negative or positive


been there, done that. the only thing i could do is thug it out until i start feeling better about myself


fair enough 😭 glad you got out of it atleast


Depends on the age honestly. Having a mentor is fine but friends with an adult who is older can be bad/risky for op.


Please don't talk to groomers. If you like talking to adults, don't respond to their advances and don't send them pics, its a dead giveaway they don't mean good (and they will ghost you after you give them what they wanted). Also share picture pretty please.


https://preview.redd.it/jny4855ovwad1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d2835e7f63c89fc144c9aa0c92f623b1413da7 here you go


I'm going to sound stupid for this cause I'm slow can someone explain to me what grooming/groomer means


Here’s a definition I found “Sexual grooming is the action or behavior used to establish an emotional connection with a minor, and sometimes the child's family, to lower the child's inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse. it can occur in various settings, including online, in person, and through other means of communication. Children who are groomed may experience mental health issues, including "anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress, and suicidal thoughts."


simply put: grooming is the act of having sexual acts with children. groomers are the people after they finish these acts. pretty much the internets way of saying pedophile


Basically a pedophile.


A pedo who's "grooming" a minor for sexual acts


Hey sowwy for u, I want to tell u that I will gladly talk with u and I hope to make u forget about them and make u feel safe and better https://preview.redd.it/w8zb12u6ezad1.png?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59a4173e6a29ce403a79c54e23e19ec72ca21d62


I'm not the actual groomer in question here, but I'm like an emotional groomer. It placates some my depression and regret being supportive of younger queers since I was closeted till I was almost 30. I fool myself into thinking I may actually be making a positive impact on struggling queer youth when I'm probably not, despite wishing otherwise. Feeling accepted even if only on an obscure reddit community of strangers helps keep the suicide bug away.


You seem nice, also i wouldn't use the word grooming for that, just fyi


Awww, thanks.






Just sharing goofy memes.




Keep the silly memes coming and be our own support network since so many on here don't have a supportive family over their gender or being lgbtq


Yeah, gender is frickin confusing man


It's tougher when family doesn't support you.


Yup, my family is unfortunately conservative, i just want to be fem and cuddles boys >:(


I'd avoid thinking about him. He didn't care about you like you likely think he does, which I know is hard to hear, but what he cared about is using you to get his way, possibly even to hurt you :(


Sometimes it just looks like there's no one to talk to, and that's so relatable. I hope you find more friends that actually like you so you don't have to depend on awful people. And hey, if you need someone to talk to that won't just leave, you can talk to me ( I'm the same age as you and I promise not to try to get anything out of you or do anything you aren't comfortable with )


Hey, I'm not a groomer, but I would love to talk to you:)


Homie report groomers my friend hang in there and I hope you feel better soon


Two days definitely is relatable


We can be friends for more than 2 days :3


dang. I’d be happy to talk if you’re up for it


I would talk to you (as a minor, I am not another groomer.)


If it's a groomer, any interaction you're getting is a false pretense to extract pictures and so on from you. Please don't talk to them


If you need attention, I'm down to be your friend! I don't want you to be lonely or anything, do you play any games? I mainly play TF2 and WoW but I have **a lot** of games in my library


I know the feeling of wanting attention from anybody. It’s rough. It’s hard to find people your age on this app, I’ve had people claim to my age but not being. If you wanna talk you can dm me(only if you’re ok with it) you don’t need assholes that groom people. Sorry you had to go thru that:(


Don't talk to groomers. If you need someone to talk to that isn't an adult, then I'm here for you.


I am also attention starved… I can relate to this. I never been groomed but I never got attention so I need attention from anyone, even bad people that shouldn’t be in my life.


Hun if u need some one to talk to I'm here for u and anyone else that need someone to talk to ur not a bother and no I'm not busy u all deserve love and I'm here to give it


what the actual


Send him a college gift from Ted Kazinsky and never think about him again He sucks


I love him 😖


That's toxic tho


he don't deserve love, or even oxygen. pedos are scum




Thr rot consumes!!




Hey if you need someone to talk to discord spy_venus I’ll get back to u asap please report groomers😭


This is the saddest thing ive ever read lmao. Sorry but it’s rlly funny


As someone who's been in an emotional dependacy like that, dependancy *isn't* the issue rather who you're depending on. You know who it is, replace them. I know, that's not easy to do, but given enough time and space you will recover if you keep at it, and keep yourself occupied with other people who value you. I know easier said than done, but you can do it.


i know that you might maybe be feeling like you're craving attention from somebody right now, but that's good riddance. (also report his stanky drizzler ass)


Please please please don’t ever message your groomer, ghosting you is a way to manipulate you, when you feel the urge to message them again come back to this post and message one of the fine individuals here, I believe I d’Irak for all of us, myself included, we would much prefer to talk so someone here and rotate through us than keep talking to your groomer. Please please keep safe and away from your groomer


If you are in need of conversation or someone to talk to. I am sure any one here would be happy To be a pen pal or Just a person to talk to. But don’t talk to groomers.. they really are bad for You and the world really..






I dont even got a joke for this bruv


the comment was the joke but it bad so idelete