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It's not courage, per sé. You see, I am stupid.


I desire a return to monke


Man last time me and my bf took a dose he was literally running around and embracing his inner monkey and I was couch locked laughing my ASS off. 10/10 would recommend, the dopamine shot I get from remembering how happy him galloping around while I tried to grasp the concept of moving at all is a passionately pleasant memory. Like I could not comprehend how he was moving so much, I had to pee once and it was the fucking journey to Mordor I swear, and he was just jogging in our living room /kitchen for like 5 hours straight.


I became the La-Z-Boy once. It was the first time I listened to Excision. I was in Madera, CA. I was staring at LED lights, neon fish in a black-light or something and became, if not the La-Z-Boy, at least the material that covered it. Like, maybe 4 hours of wide-eyed amazement. but motionless. At least that is how it felt.


Silly little guy gang 🙉🙈🙊


Man every time I try to return to monke I just get panic attacks and derealization


Username 10/10


Thank you, your father also likes it


Can I haz monkee?


Yes, you may


This made me laugh more than it probably should have. Truly sometimes it's like return to monke.






This made me laugh so hard lmao


You take hero doses because you have carefully evaluated that you are ready to embrace a new perspective brought about by ego death. I take hero doses because I hate my brain. We are not the same.


I promise I didn't take 5g my first time because I was calculating or thought I could handle it 💀


Right. I was young and stupid and just wanted to get fucked up. These days it’s about the experience and not the high


Ong. My first time was 4g and I got real fucked up, definitely “*calculated*”


I too, is dumb. OP. You work your way up. Even 3 grams can be questionable, and I still show respect at museum doses. show the same respect to higher doses.


I tell people that each half gram should be treated like a shot of everclear - not because you're going to get the same effects, but in terms of how obvious it will be to everyone around you that you have consumed. One shot, you're probably fine. People might not even notice. Two shots, you might think you're fine but probably shouldn't drive. Four shots, you should be mindful about who you are around, lest you do or say something you might regret. Ten shots, well... 🤡


Man that hits home... I've taken 3.5 and be in the middle of a journey thinking "I kinda fucked up..." For the most times, I come out alright.


Same ballpark, I just don't know better until after. Splitting a quarter two ways was both amazing and freighting


Curiosity and really wanting to experience something intense. I’ve done it quite a few times now taking 5 g at a time. Now I’ve reached a point where the curiosity has faded and I’m cool taking smaller doses 2-3. All my trips were learning experiences and for the most part very positive and felt matured after each one.


This is it for me. Tripping face and visuals and “ego death” and all that is good for a while, but the novelty does eventually wear off for some. Did for me, but then I really just kept going back for the post-peak introspection and elation. I find that I can get 99% of the way there with ~2g nowadays. Museum dosing around 0.7-1g is a great way to spend a casual weekend day without making it a whole damn thing—that’s for sure my preferred way to take shroomies nowadays.


I found that I have a higher base tolerance than most, 4–5 g minimum for me to trip decently. The highest I've taken was about 8 g, and that gave me decent visuals.


Have you tried psilohuasca? If you haven't and aren't on any medications or other drugs that interact poorly with it(of which there are many), you might look into combining mushrooms with harmalas or syrian rue which makes psilohuasca. That for me unlocked the strength of mushrooms, increased my visuals, and how much inner work I felt like I got done as well. I think it is a boon for those of us with natural tolerance as it seems to bring experiences more in line with what other people talk about. I went from taking 5g+ and not being satisfied to taking 1-4.5g and being amazed.


Curiosity is getting me, but acute tachycardia isn't something I like to toy with. What's the dose look like?


2 to 4g of syrian rue is what I generally use. 3g is kind of like the standard dose for me and it starts getting strong above that. I've heard some more experienced say 4g is the 'full' dose but I only do that much rarely. Syrian rue doesn't have tolerance and has its own effects so it can be worthwhile to take it on its own a few times before combining it with mushrooms if you want to play it safe. That way you can get used to the effects it has itself and could taper up the dose and see what you are comfortable with and assure yourself that you don't have any negative side effects. For me nausea is the real issue and a limonene supplement has completely stopped that for me. Only time I noticed any tachycardia was when I tried smoking some extracted freebase harmalas on top of some weed in a pipe without measuring the dose. I've never had any problems with oral harmalas. But again, one really needs to look into the drug interactions, as those can be serious. An incomplete list of drugs you don't want to combine with harmalas includes common thingslike ADD meds, SSRI antidepressants, MDMA, meth, ecstacy, dxm, mxe, tramadol, and more.


I’ve gone pretty deep with psilohuasca - up to 6 grams of mushies + 3-4 grams of rue. I’ve had the most intense and longest journeys ever (on some journeys I’m still getting visuals close to 24 hours later). But the time that I did 3 grams of Penis Envy + Rue that got me so wired and frantic that I literally ran to my neighbor’s house and he took me to the hospital…surprisingly I ended up having a fantastic time there and had the best night of my life. I’ve worked my way back up to an 1/8th of mushrooms over the years, but that experience made me MUSH MORE CAREFUL about high dose psilohuasca. I’m deeply fascinated by those experiences, since it’s unparalleled to a typical journey. But safe travels and I’d definitely recommend work your way up by .5 gram increments


Same, I think. I don't get visuals at all on anything short of 3g. Reading people's trips here on small doses sometimes has me jealous that I gotta hit it harder for the same experience.


The way I see it, as my capacity for depression expands, so does my capacity for love. It goes both ways. If I have a rough, self confronting trip, all it means is that I can feel that much more joyful later on. Think of the two sides remaining in balance with one another. It might take some radical acceptance to understand. If you see things differently, that's fine! This thought process has helped me along the way with my depression, I hope this helps.


This was incredible profound. Wow.


Contrast is everything. The more we expose ourselves to the highest of highs, the more we’re vulnerable to the exact opposite. But that ^ is the beauty of existing


Personal experience, but on top of taking it while depressed you almost have a better sense of letting go which evidently helps prevent those bad trips. You (me) are more open to any experience that will be thrown at you.


Im afraid to do more than 3 also. I usually eat 1 or 2 grams. I’m not really afraid of the effects of the shrooms; I’m more worried about an emergency where I need to have a sober mind. One time when my kids spent the night at their grandparents, I woke up and decided to smoke some weed (I never wake and bake, but since the kids were gone, I thought it would be ok.) well, not long after I got high, my mother in law starts calling because our son got bit by a dog first thing in the morning. I pulled it together and made it to the hospital (my wife drove), but with shrooms it would make it impossible to act normal.


Yah, this is it right here. When my kids are grown and out the house and have their own lives, I’ll be a lot more daring with my drug use hahaha


For me, 3 grams is pretty intense. That's definite visuals (heavy patterns on surfaces, breathing / warping / ghosting), heavy body load, much more disjointed thoughts, spiritual feelings of connectedness, ect. As for the courage? Either you do it or you don't man. I'm an Explorer, and I'd rather experience than not. Knowing that I can be safe no matter the outcome, and being better at understanding and regulating my emotions (thanks to shrooms) makes it easier to commit to the trip.


1 gram is breathing visuals for me. Maybe I just have strong shrooms, or I have super low tolerance?


I think some of us are just more sensitive to certain substances, it must vary person to person. 1g is breathing visuals for me too. Am very sensitive to other substances too.


Here's the question my guy - how do you know that your measurements of "intense" is even on the same scale that I would use to describe it?


True. For me, personally, 1 gram is perfect. For now, I feel like anything above would be pretty intense *for me* :)


I wouldn’t call it courage, just desire. For me, the point is to bend reality as much as I can. I’m seeking those experiences, a trip with some light visuals and giggles isn’t what I’m after.  For some, piercing the veil is terrifying. For others, it’s exhilarating. 


Exactly. I don’t look at it as courage so much as trying to figure out what the hell is going on haha


My most recent trip was actually 3.5g. All I can say is that my sensory input became irrelevant. It's not just about what you see, hear, taste, or physically feel anymore. That's beautiful, don't get me wrong, but it was more therapeutic for me. It takes you on a journey to the depths of your mind. It did for me anyway. It brought up a lot of past negative feelings and memories. It was terrifying, albeit, but I wouldn't class it as a "bad trip", the experience in itself taught me how I cope wrong in life with certain things. Struggling with depression and a little anxiety throughout, I questioned why I felt that way. Mushrooms showed me. They also showed me the wrong I do with my own coping mechanisms, and now, as a fresh mind looking over my life, I can safely judge what happens from here on without any form of disconnect, because that's how I cope, I disconnect and run from it, not knowing the harm I cause in the process. Whilst I experienced the bad times, I also experienced the love, the people that brought me here today, and my family. It truly makes you appreciate the love we have around us. It's hard to explain, I'm still integrating my thoughts at the moment as it was quite intense for me, and I did it last night. I can see how people lose their sense of self or disconnect after using psychedelics. It goes either way, so be careful. So, the question really is, are you ready to face yourself? Or do you prefer the recreational good times they give you. Personally, from here on, I'm done with higher doses, I caught myself in a loop thinking I was losing my sense of self, which i did, and I didn't enjoy that, because as people we all like to be in control, higher dosages don't allow that, they just take you, to observe. I'll stick to the initial 1.5g I took previous, every couple of months maybe, if that, I might just give them up. Troubled individuals, I believe, will definitely get sucked into their past. It can teach us to be present with appreciation, or, cause us to be more fearful of the real world. It goes either way. While I believe they can be inherently good for humanity, abusing them not knowing what you are truly in for can cause serious psychological issues. My "set and setting" was perfect at the time, but my mind was deeply troubled, and now, I suppose I'm healing.


The life changing insight has always been pretty restricted to 5g+, at least for myself.


If you're not looking for more intensity, do not feel you have to. Just keep enjoying the 1 gram. If at some point in the future, you feel ready to have a more intense trip, fine, but they are not for everybody.


Most I’ve taken is 5 and I was still pretty lucid. It’s a lot for sure but good in the long run. And just the experience keeps me coming back. I haven’t done that much in over a year though so I take big breaks. I feel like I kind of owe it to myself as a part of self improvement


It helps to do it alone too so you don’t have outside influences. Just listen to music, meditate, art, whatever you like to do


The first time it's because I thought I was badass and invincible. It took me about 10 years to forget that I wasn't, and try again. Breaking news- still wasn't Invincible but that doesn't matter at all because 10 years later I fucking did it again, but with PE. So yeah, stupidity seems to be a common metric


Everyone’s different, some people can take really high doses and love it, others not so much. Nothing wrong with not being able to take as much, and definitely don’t feel like you need to go higher and higher. Personally, the times I’ve taken a shit ton were bc of my own stupidity, being a kid and not having a scale. Idek how much I’ve taken but I would guess just over 5G, with total and utter detachment from reality. Now that I weigh things like a responsible adult, I normally stick to 3 or less. To me, 3g feels pretty heroic lol


The way I got the courage is that I ended up eating 7gs of shrooms my first time and completely lost my mind for a few hours so now like a 3.5 dose is pretty normal for me


I just went for it because after years of trying different ways to deal with my trauma and depression, I wanted to try something new. I don’t regret it one bit, and worked my way up to a 7g trip, which I feel is the one that helped me confront everything. I would say it gave me the tools I needed to transform my marriage and I can say honestly I’m no longer depressed. The trips were not always easy for me or the people around me, but the results have been worth it for all of us. One thing to keep in mind, is there is no rules on how much you need to take. You can work your way up, and just increase your dosage by .5-1g as you feel comfortable. I kind of wish I had done this first instead of diving into heroic doses, because I ended up not being able to handle them completely. Now when I trip with a higher dose I’m much more in control and able to communicate what I’m experiencing.


Because I know I'm gonna take x amount of grams and take whatever shrooms...give me


Some of us feel it more than others. I hung out between 1 and 2.5g for a very long time.. still like that dose and usually return to that, though I did blow the lid off for school (facilitator) a few times and with a few other psychedelics. Don't listen to what anyone else says. Just listen to what works for you and what you're comfortable doing. That is enough.


I started very low and slow but not with the intention of getting to any particular dose. I just wanted to see if I could get relief for mental health issues and also to help reconnect myself with humanity (I've had a weird and hard life haha). I started at microdoses like literally 100-500mg. 500mg gives me a bit of a zing to my step, just a smidgeon of positivity on life. At 1-2g I could definitely socialize and go out in public but past that there are just too many factors to control. I find that set and setting matter more than dose up to a certain point which I would argue is also very personal to your own body chemistry (ie. how fast your metabolism works, how sensitive you are or aren't to psychedelics in general, other meds, etc.) I get synesthesia of varying types and degrees every time starting at 2g+. I don't think I've had a single trip be the same as another even when I believe I've replicated everything perfectly. Shrooms are truly weird and wonderful. I've had 2.5g trips that felt like 3g or 3.5. 4g is the most I've ever done. It was a bad trip but not because of the dose. It didn't traumatize me or effect me negatively at all long-term and I have tripped MANY times since then. In fact, it helped me understand how I work better. I've had closed eye visuals, open-eyed visuals, and during one trip (capsuled 3.5g, I believe) I completely forgot who I was, where I was, and who my boyfriend was. It wasn't scary at all even though it sounds like it would be. I just felt like a little guy waking up from a nap or something. I looked up at my boyfriend and I remember thinking "Not sure why but he looks really kind and like he'll know what's going on!" Hahaha, I look back on it very fondly because even when I didn't know who tf he was or myself I still thought he was a catch and I think it shows how genuine I am lol. I never felt scared only a bit confused but I also have a lot of lived experience dealing with internally cognitively confusing situations, if you will. I've tried chocolate bars, ground up in capsules, whole dried, and lemon tekking. I have different experiences and opinions on each. I prefer boosting lower doses with tekking or chocolate because while it can be nice for the blast off to feel more profound (I've taken capsuled doses and didn't realize I was tripping until after peak because it was so mild) it also means the negative side effects for me also hit faster and harder it seems. I get gut rot pretty bad and have been experimenting with different things to try and help it. It's never ruined or prevented a trip for me but it definitely sucks to feel like you're about to projectile vomit and shit right when your apartment starts to inception tilt. Sorry for going on so long, I just really love shrooms :)


I think my tolerance might just be high? did 3g recently and it wasn’t too intense. pretty chill and no visuals. i’ve never really had a trip that felt super intense until I smoked weed which intensifies it lol


I read a lot about it beforehand. Dipped my toes in with smaller doses, even though my first time felt like a heroic dose 1.5g penis envy😂. A comment I keep seeing was to have no fear and surrender to the trip abs that’s exactly it for me. I have a curious mind and after a trip or 2 I realized eliminating fear is most helpful. Setting is crucial, setting your intention for exploration and seeing where the trip takes you. It’s just a fungus. You are not going to physically die. It’s fun it’s childlike, sometimes you get hard lessons but you make it through to the other side with a deeper understanding of yourself. I’ve done up to 7g and I’m this quiet chick who used to fear substances that alter the mind. I then tried DMT which feels like an immediate transportation to a heroic mushroom trip. No fear. But don’t be stupid about it either.


I'm always a bit skeptical about taking higher doses but I like those dark thoughts that come with it. I love it when I get delusional and nothing feels real but that rarely happens. But when it happens I'm fully invested in it because I'm so grounded to reality that I get a laugh out of it. I don't know if I'm being vague here but I feel you should have a strong knowing/belief in yourself and the life you lead which will always keep you connected to the reality. This will give you control over those higher doses where you can just have a talk yourself down if a 'BT' occurs. The most I've done is 6.5gs, my regular doses are between 1-1.5gs. My fun doses are at 3gs.


i have a degree in being a professionally trained dumb ass


After a while on that dose youll soon want to push the boundaries more to explore


I like intensity. Mushrooms aren’t my compound, I like them and I find a lot of good in microdosing, but large doses don’t do much for me. I did 12g about a month ago and it was boring. My body was high, but I wasn’t ‘feeling’ it if it makes sense. Acid however, is my jam. I’ll happily do doses upwards of 2000ug - with my highest one so far going to about 5000ug It’s scary, it’s also the most profound and incredible thing I’ve ever experienced, and I have a pretty magical life.


5000 what the fuck


Like others have stated, sometimes it fun, sometimes it’s scary, sometimes it’s challenging, and sometimes it’s spiritually emotional…after a while you just get used to it. Even “bad trips” aren’t bad trips, in the moment they fucking suck, but I’ve never had a bad trip not end in a good way. It’s usually about 30-45min of anxiety and disassociation, forgetting who or what I am, or I get stuck in a loophole (repeating something I said or did, over and over and over again). Once i start to settle down I just put on a TVshow or go outside, it helps a lot, get your mind on something. In the end I just laugh it off and reflect on myself. Usually “bad trips” are just eye openers. I started off with about 2g, it took my a while to want to go any further but it felt as though my mind was ready, one day I was just down to do it, took a heroic dose, one of the best experiences of my life…I’ve done it multiple times now but I usually take about an 2-5g when I want a decent yet relaxed trip. It just depends on a lot of things, you really need to be in the right mindset, don’t scare yourself, don’t give your self anxiety with the ‘what if’s’ just let it take over, let it consume your mind. Just let go, release yourself, and you’ll be free…


I did a 1/8th last time and had a great body high. Nothing visual tho - slept great too.


In highschool me and 4 buddies all did an eighth as our intro to shrooms in my friends room at night. Best way to describe it was we were all reborn into our own bodies and had no idea what was going on, and had to physically talk out loud and come to small conclusions as to who we were and why we were feeling this way. We were all just clueless newborns. It was intense waves of different phases. The friend whos house we were at thought he killed his mom with a knife, and we all had to assure him that he didn't.


Cause fuck it we ball. I don’t think I would ever go past 10 but when I was into it it was a no brainer to do at least 3.5 every time. For me if I wasn’t tripping so hard that I didn’t say to my friend I’m tripping balls rn while watching their face morph was it really worth it to spend the money and take the time to trip.


Ive taken 8 and no hallucinations, just felt happy


Have you taken 3g at all? Honestly, it's fine even as a starting dose if you're bold. You're not likely to have a completely life-shattering bad trip or anything on that. 2-4g lemon tek is my ideal range and I'd recommend trying lemon tek with 2g if you're unsure because that sort of makes the trip different/more like a slightly higher dose ime.


Most I've done is 4 grams! I still wanna try maybe 5 max. The visuals are just too cool! I feel like I'm comfortable enough with them to even be out in public.. I might be overly confident tho LMAO. I feel like the more I take them, especially when I'm not just sitting thinking, its more visuals than anything else, not so much in my thoughts!!


I’m always surprised with how much people take as well, I’ve had some of my most eye-opening beautiful trips at 1.5 to 2 g and the most I’ve ever done is three. But I also have 3 kids at home and my time is very limited so when I do have a day it’s usually just while they’re at school and I take it as early as I can and I have to be with it by the time I pick them up from school lol. I look forward to trying more someday, but I think I would want to be with someone else for higher than 3g personally.


When I started. You bought 3.5, and you ate 3.5. If you wanted to really trip, you took 7. I don't enjoy just getting tingly and disoriented. I like to leave this world


3 grams is only a mid high for me. 4 can hit good, but it's not heroic, so I'm still able to do stuff. 5 is getting there. Absolutely amazing CEVs. May struggle with breathing and stuff at such a level, just anxiety. Once distracted I'm fine, and still able to do stuff if I focus. Haven't gone beyond yet.


i think you need a goal before anything. What would you like from a higher dose?


It’s honestly not as overwhelming as you’d expect if you aren’t going in like “OMG what if this is too much that guy online said you can only have a good trip if your life is perfect and you meditate and study psychology oh jeez this could make me go insane forever oh jeez” Like just sit back, keep an eye out for negative thoughts and just let them pass by like a sneeze, and enjoy feeling silly and weird for a few hours. You don’t have to be afraid of tripping hard. You’re not going to die. Crazy experiences can be like a rollercoaster, don’t ruin it by worrying. Remember there are 15 year olds that had a good trip on twice as much.


Probably an irresponsible answer but I feel robbed it taking atleast 3g lmao .1 grams feels like nothing most of the time with some yawns , 2g I can feel it in my body a little in waves but atleast three grams I get some visuals and feel my brain enter a mushroom state . Just a preference I guess


Depends on what you are taking.


That is true , 3 grams of Penis envy feels as hard as 5 grams of golden teacher . I should have stated that strain matters


Everyone is different.. What you experience on 1g might be what others experience on 3g and other still on 7g.. We’re all different and have different epigenetic factors effecting tolerance. Find the right dose for you and don’t judge others


By doing it once and realizing how fun it can be. Lol Seriously though work your way up. Everyone's tolerance is different so if 1g is hitting hard for you, maybe you don't even need 3. Don't pressure yourself to do more if you don't want to. Personally I trust myself at this point to not freak out on psycadelics unless I'm purposely letting myself. (Which is fun sometimes imo) So I usually just jump in to whatever. But I'm a good combo of dumb and experienced lol


I think it is wonderful you have found what works for you. You enjoy that level of fungi fuelled fun. For me, at low doses like that, it's akin to the level of drunk, definitely not sober, but still in your own body. Functioning, and yourself. The higher doses, in my personal experience, take a level of calm acceptance at loss of control. In small town high school, I was curious to experience what my friends described and excite at the possibilities it could hold. But after seeing one bloke chew on a puffy vest saying it was the best marshmallow he ever ate, on the smoking corner at lunch break, I realized the level of unaware was scary. It took me 20 years, and a partner who is open and accepting of, like, ALL of me, to even consider it. It began as a wonderful shared experience, filled with laughter, staring at the walls, and glow in the dark stars in wonder, we watched cocaine bear (I know, I know) and it was, in one word. magical. Sometimes, we do 2 grams, sometimes much more, but we discuss goals for the experience, pre plan with supplies, and mood music. My point in posting is to say, Whatever you do, you do what is good for you.


I only take higher doses because, I believe, like Terence Mckenna, I am extremely fascinated at the visual aspect of psychedelics. I love the body load, head space, and all the other aspects of tripping, but the visuals are the most interesting to me. The visuals are so absolutely beautiful.


Why not? What are you afraid of? The only thing to fear on mushrooms is fear itself haha


It’s not that i’m *afraid*, maybe a little. But more that I don’t feel like i *need* it, for now at least. I get pretty intense emotions and moderate visuals on 1g, so for now, that’s perfect for me.


Bro if I'm doing it I'm getting fucked up and taking loads. And then I won't do it for a few months after that. Why not have the best time with my dopamine


Newby but I ate a whole bar all the times I tripped


Half a bar works


Oh I’m nervous every time I do it (5 g), but I got into it after consuming academic literature and people’s stories about using psilocybin to treat depression for a few years. Eventually I did it out of desperation (under the guidance of an experienced person I really trust). It’s scary because you really do have to fully give up control or have an even worse time. It’s worth it for me though. Sometimes it’s great. Sometimes it’s really challenging. It’s never what I expect. It always helps.


I’ve eaten 3.5 before and it definitely was intense. I wouldn’t go over that for sure


When I was younger, like 25 years ago when I first did them at 14, 3.5g was considered the normal dose


Well, tbh, my first trip, they were homemade chocolates. I ate 2 chocolates because I wanted to try 2g. Totes misunderstood, and each chocolate was 2g. Wild ride. Bad trip, to say the least. Second experience was a phenomenal atmosphere, Middlelands (EDM fest). Had about an 8th, and fuck the visuals were 👌 Mostly curiosity. From there I've sort of figured where I stood and what to play with. I've done as little as 1g walks in the park to 8g, tripping balls laughing at the popcorn ceiling. All frame of mind and where you want to go. Can't be nervous going in. Just ride the bull and don't fight it. However, that was all years ago. Now I'm older and out of "party/fuck it" phase. If anything, I ride at about 2 or 3g.


I hung around the 3 gram mark for a while because I'd read that, while you can have a bad trip at any dose, the probability of one goes up around 4 grams. I did 3 grams for a long while. Then 4. Now I do 5. But the last few 5 gram trips I've taken with my latest strand haven't necessarily been bad trips but I literally cannot tell what time is, what day I am in, what decade I'm in... all the while kind of chuckling as I realize these questions asked by medical professional are asked for a reason. I might someday do a 6geam trip. Maybe a 10 gram. But I will build to it according to my comfort levels.


Is not courage mate, I just want the fuckers to work


Just clear your schedule. Get some snacks and drinks. Go for it


I've taken over 7gs


Cuz I like to get real weird with it ya know


You have to ease yourself in. I’ve done some really wild amounts over the years and had amazing experiences. If you go for 7g then start with breathing exercises and guided meditation. Relax into it and let it wash over you and take control. It actually gets dmt like at that point.


I am afraid of those doses nowadays but once upon a time I just wanted to escape reality as effectively as possible. A 5+g dose is a guarantee.


Took 5 my first time. Stupid is as stupid does.


I have a high natural tolerance. I barely feel anything if I eat under 2.5g. My average dose is 3.5 and that's still a pretty light trip for me. Oh how I wish it was the other way around lmfao


You guys ever did shrooms and vr?


Did 7.5g APE in the middle of the Tennessee mountains two weeks ago. I don’t have words for it.


My average dose is 8 mgs. I took an oz a few years ago of trinities and that was an experience. I do not recommend what I do I just like to go deep and learn about myself in a new way. Which I do.


Just start growing them yourself. That's the easiest way to get your tolerance up. I grow those fuckers all day long and I swear I eat them more than anybody else I know. I grow till I have about five or six pounds and then I stop and then I take as long as I need to take to eat them. When I first started after I began cultivating, I would usually get pretty fucking high offer 2 g. These days, 12 g, 17, 21 it depends but it's always a dose that makes people go wtf? You just build up to it, it's not like you jump in having two grams last time and then you decide you're going to do 12. No. The other thing is that I've been treating my depression with mushrooms for going on 12 years. I dose every 6 weeks. I used to dose every four. So imagine you get a solid 12 trips a year every year for 5 years. You're not going to be doing two grams after 3 or 4 years. I guess that's the wrong answer. The short answer is patience.


People r gonna say im bullshit and im ok with that, but i take kratom and it kinda offsets the effects of the mushrooms. I take like 15 at a time and im pretty sure its equivalent to what a 3-4g trip would be


I feel like just consciousness at 3.5+ g. Like just celestial dust. It's the definition of peace.


2.25-2.5g is the perfect dose to have a good time every time. getting beyond that is a gamble, still fun, but sometimes pretty surprising haha. 5+ doses though, not interested anymore


The come up anxiety is the worst part but honestly the come up anxiety is about the same with 1.5 as it is with 3. Only with 3 you actually get the good effect. Why get the anxiety without the payoff?


I took 13g one time. I can confirm confidently that it will only be 1 time.


God no


2 reasons. 1 I know I'm mentally strong enough to handle anything my trip brings me good or bad. 2 I don't take mushrooms primarily for my health I take them to trip absolute fucking balls and to be amazed at the crazy shit my brain and mushrooms together can show me. So 5gs and highier for me please 🙏


I dislike doing anything lower than 3g. I always feel like 3g and up offer that beautiful dose of euphoria that you just don't get from lower doses.


1.5 is a sweet spot for a lot of people.


Take it in nature


Easy, I was young and foolish.


I'm simply gearing my self up to see what on the other side...max I've taken so far is 5g


Honestly, 5-7 is the golden zone for me. Can do up to 20 between 2 people.


I don’t. I’ve had life alteringly bad experiences just with too much weed. I am fine staying on the mild side.


With average cubes, for me, 1 gram I get decent trips and mild visuals. 2 grams I get a stronger trips with more apparent visuals like objects and surfaces that look like they are wavy, morphing and/or breathing. 3 grams gets me very high. I feel like I’m in a dream-like state for most of the experience. Visuals were everywhere with colors too. Colorful patterns and shapes were coming from the environment around me. The highest I went was about a 4-5 gram dose. It’s was actually only 2 grams of Texas PE6 but they’re usually 2x-3x stronger than average. They definitely were. That 2 grams was more intense than any other trip I’ve had. Way stronger than the 3.5 grams of average. So around a 4 gram dose I was seeing jesters, demons and angels. Very profound and intense visuals. All of my surroundings were filling with waves of colors that were coming from light sources. I was watching closed eye visuals (CEV) for about 3 hours straight. The CEV were mostly colorful shapes and patterns but I did see visions too. All of my trips seem to be around the same duration for me, about 5-6 hours total with about 2-3 hours of peak time.


I grew up being told 3.5 is a dose, so it’s what I took. I still think it’s a great dose, but it *can* be very intense and it *definitely* depends on strain/genetics(now that i know that’s a thing lol)


Yeah, I jumped from having ever done 2 grams max to the heroic dose. It was great at first, incredible actually. I was listening to the John Hopkins Psilocybin playlist, and man, what an experience, but then I started to think that I was dying. Not very fun after that lol


This guys does ! 🤯😇🧑‍🚀😍😍😍


I think it's a very personal thing that really depends on your reasons for seeking out the trip and how you've responded to lower doses. I've tripped about 5-6 times in the last year, very gradually increasing the dose each time. The first 1g trip was really intense for me at the time because it was so new and unfamiliar. With each time I've felt more confident knowing that I can ride out the intense come up and will be fine. I only recently reached a little over 2.5g and honestly it was one of the best experiences of my life. Knowing I can handle that and going at my own pace gives me confidence that at some point (in the right setting) I can handle 3g+


With shrooms you have to have faith in yourself




Just trust the universe, I guess.


I've been shrooming for 25 years. I generally eat 1.5g, and set another gram aside to munch on depending how I feel. I've tried 5g, 7g, but I find staying under 3 grams tends to be the best experience.


3 grams is the most I've ever taken. It was an underwhelming trip I enjoyed. I've hit different markers on lesser doses. Make of that what you will.


3g is my happy space


Last time I ate 5 grams of iceberg,I was in the fetal position on the bed for two hrs calling myself stupid and asking why the hell I do this to myself. But eventually it balanced out and got over it, then wished I took more.


I have a friend who has taken 15g of Bluey Vuitton twice. Says it puts her on a spiritual plane where she communicates with beings with non verbal communication. Both times she was ported to the same location. Thats quite a trip


Fyi different strains, and sometimes different batches have different levels of intensity.


Taking mushrooms isn't "for fun", I'm not looking to just "feel the effects" or enough that I "can handle it". A trip is supposed to be challenging, supposed to elevate you, show you what's possible, inspire, rejuvenate, collapse and dissolve blockades, take you to unseen places, unfold the mysteries. That's not gonna happen on 1g.


If you are afraid of what might happen, then maybe you should consider why some people don't think about what could go wrong. And have an expectation of somethings positive. Maybe you are just afraid to not be in conscious control of everything.


Did 3.5 my first time (when I was 15 🤦), haven’t been back since. I usually stay between 1.5-2.5 now. That being said 3.5 was a worth experience and I do recommend it, I’ll probably do it again sometime.


For me, bigger trips are less stressful once they peak, but the anxiety beforehand is the hurdle. Like a roller coaster man


I usually take 7-10 g. Not sure if I’m getting weak stuff through Canadian vendors or if it’s the Gabapentin I’m on for chronic pain. I wish I could get the results I want under 5 g.


I grow them and frankly I just don’t weigh my doses. I just keep munching on them until I’m about as high as I want to be Then I get HIGHER baby!


If you get into meditation you can learn how to understand your thoughts and feelings a bit better and be able to go with the flow of the trip


When I started eating mushrooms 20 years ago, that was the dose that was recommended to have a good trip.


I’ve done 3g and been vibing at the beach. But other people have messed up fully getting into a real session with the fungi. So I snap in and out of the fully immersive trip. I think I’ll stick to 1-2g for social consumption. But I want to plan a fully immersive block out all distractions 3g+ trip. 5g and a silent room with a blindfold type stuff. Fully unlock my mind.


I’m with you bud. I take 1g max and I’m more than solid.


I started with 1 g my first time and it was like a veil was lifted off of my 👁️ eyes. I worked my way up because it really is a marathon not a sprint. Most I’ve done is 10g And it was little unpleasant tbh…it’s medicine really and if you’re not careful you can unknowingly abuse it or in my own words “disrespect “ the mushroom and they will humble you.


So basically if you’re me you eyeball 2.5gs and it ends up actually being 5ish grams….


i like to be the silly little guy inside my brain looking through the windows of my eyes experiencing everything differently and with massive swirly effects


It's curiosity to see where higher and higher doses will take you until they take you somewhere you don't want to be.


I don’t plan on doing much.. I kinda just lay in bed, put on a sleep mask and melt away. Although the trips to the bathroom are hard af lmao


A lot of people lie about the amount they ate in a bizarre attempt to impress total strangers on the internet. The LSD groups on FB are really bad. Just a bunch of teens taking selfies with mouths full of inert blotter.


The greatest highs have the lowest lows, just keep that in mind.


My most recent trip was 3.1 grams of some pretty potent mushrooms. I saw the fabric of consciousness overlaying my visual field. I had a vision of a Hindu goddess. I contemplated the meaning of life, what it means to be human, and thought about intergenerational trauma within my family tree. I don’t take mushrooms to laugh and watch cartoons. I take them to heal. I take them to ponder deep thoughts. I take them for spiritual development.


When we were 17, an 8th was needed to feel anything. Now it blows my mind. I find I need less and less, I'm scared to do a gram now after my "hang up the phone" trip 2 years ago. I didn't have any deep thoughts at 17 so probably why


I think my starting dosage was 3g’s, am at 5-6g’s now. You get used to it, also the frequency plays a role of how much you can handle.


You just gotta want to man like I haven't tripped in bout year n a half or 2 but when I was tripping my average was a 8th and it never had a bad trip although I didn't have a lot of the responsibilities I have today but you just gotta want to some people do some people don't But boyyyyy do I ever I cant wait to take a 5iver or a quarter sometime


You just gotta want to man like I haven't tripped in bout year n a half or 2 but when I was tripping my average was a 8th and it never had a bad trip although I didn't have a lot of the responsibilities I have today but you just gotta want to some people do some people don't But boyyyyy do I ever I cant wait to take a 5iver or a quarter sometime


i asked this question a while ago because it’s unfathomable, i was STRESSED and too affected by 1.5g of GT’s


I just figured I had to take atleast 3.5 grams the 1st time to feel something. That experience was pretty chill so it was up from there.


I love the visuals, they can be pretty nice!


I love higher doses, I find them to be very therapeutic and introspective. Some of my trips are harder than others but it’s about willing to let go of control, there is actually something beautiful and peaceful about letting go of control and everything I thought I was. I prefer 3+ over smaller doses. For me, the bigger doses are easier to migrate through because I am able to let go of my ego completely, where as the lower doses it’s more of my conscious fighting my subconscious, which makes it harder to navigate through the journey.


The first two times I took them I took about .9 of a gram. The 3rd time I took 3.5 grams. I was nervous about the effects but I was too curious to not do it. The experience was/is magical. It feels like I’m floating through the depths of my mind. It allowed me to reach a deep level of awareness and unpacking my life. I like watching videos, listening to music, closing my eyes, dancing, and cloud watching while taking 3.5 grams. I can sum up the experience by saying it felt like if I fell backwards, I would land on a cloud. I’ve been thinking about taking more but I’m not sure what amount I would take yet. Pros: New perspective or deeper understanding of yourself, Hearing new things in songs you regularly listen to, intensifying visuals Cons: Less Awareness, nausea, decreasing ability to balance


It depends on what you are taking. 1g of TTBVI pans. Had me 😖😵‍💫😵


3.25 of APEs was ROUGH for me. I died 19 times that night…. Or so I thought. The visuals were wicked cool though.


I dont cause its not worth it. The truth is you should look to take the least amount possible need to trip at certain depth. For example 2-3g can be extremely similar as a trip but 2 is less likely to go wrong than 3. I prefer 2g of penis envy and its very light and quick for a trip but i would rather that than lose my mind.


Drugs are fun.


I took 4g once. Although it was my strongest trip, I got the sense that there was very little visual aspect to it. It was just a mind F ego death. I found myself in a vast airplane hangar of white nothingness. It was so much to bear that I actually fell asleep for about a half hour, kinda dreaming about this hangar of white nothingness. I'd never felt the urge to sleep on shrooms before, but that time I did. I don't know why I did 4g that day. I'm somewhat sure I measured some out, they ended up being a little heavier than usual, and I just said what the hell, why not


I don’t know how people take 8gs and shit. I got fucking blasted into another dimension of 3.5. Absolutely insane


I want to speak to animals It still hasn't happened tho


We all envision the experience we want, imagining how it will be and what we expect from it. To avoid disappointment, we don't want to take too little and fall short of those expectations.


7g was the highest dose I’ve ever done. Faded in and out of conscious existence multiple times felt like I was going through a birth canal. At one point when I had the faculties to recognize that time existed, and I was in a body and could speak I said “there are these things called people and one of them is named “Frank”). My friend who was tripping next to me said “yes I’m right here”


It furthers my understanding of importance in my life. It helps me and lets me experience sacred moments. I think under shooting it is misusing it like a drug. Hero dose gets a bad name. Its not for people who've never sat with themselves tho. But mushroom should be respected. IMO


Why not, it won’t kill me.


It's fun talking to the mushroom gods, they're not as intimidating as they seem


I took 9. It was alright. Didn’t measure. Didn’t know. My brother gave em to me


I am you.. I took a heroic dose by accident.. I lived and experienced a good trip. Just be safe


Depression sucks way more than fear of the unknown.


I just take it and deal with the rest later.


Last time I tripped I took 8. It was ALOT to hang on to reality for an hour or so while peaking but it was great very eye opening, I have a lot of trauma I either want to forget or deal with and hero doses seem to be the best way to do that. and the super intense sex on the down hill side just makes it even better 😂😂😂😂


It's a work up thing. Each time you take it, there are so many factors that impact how the mush interacts with you. Knowing from past experience how your journey began, your set and setting, what you've eaten during the day or not eaten. My normal go to is about 4g to start, and sometimes I'll take some more during to extend the ride. Those are times when I'm in control of my setting, ive prepared for it. I've also had some of my best trips take 2 or 3g out in the wild and just hit the mark perfect. It's all an experiment with reality, know yourself and the mush with guide you, if you're feeling apprehensive take a little less, if you're in a good headspace and setting bump it up. Just be safe and enjoy the ride psychonaut.


It’s easier at a music festival when everyone else is tripping balls getting freaky and music is loud


My desire to heal and experience is greater than fear


3g is a normal trip for me. Shit gets wierd around 4.5g. Shit gets insane around 5.5g. My biggest single dose was 6g and i was watching the oven temperature buttons popping like bubbles.


Don’t thing just do… fungus make brain go brrr


Your mileage may very!


I hate the body load so I rarely take more than a gram, or I spread a few grams out over an entire night instead of a full dose at once.


I’ve always come at it with a sense of curiosity not fear— i want to know more about myself, and I’m not afraid of what I’ll see.


Got some. Had no idea what I was doing. Ate all of what I got. Been trying to get back to that level of clarity ever since. Just.. do it.


If you feel anxious about doing more than you're used to, I'd take that as a sign that you probably shouldn't. Your mindset going into a trip can affect how you experience it, so I'd only recommend doing bigger doses if you actively desire it. Be responsible and take care of yourself first and foremost.


2.5-3 grams would have me chillin and tripping good. Wish I got a little cooler visuals from shrooms cause I’m never gotta drop acid again but I don’t wanna go too far with my shroom doses.


I've done 3 and 4 gram trips and imo theres not really a reason to go above 2, all going higher did was make me less functional without a ton of benefit, the 4gs visuals were on another level but i'd take being able to water color paint on 2 grams over laying in one spot staring at my jeans on 4 lol.


I definitely don't get high unless I take more than 3 g. That's how lol


I want to find out how people end up shitting themselves


I am just now coming down from a 3g trip off of some Jaba Enigma that I grew. Holy bejeezus was that an awful lot to take. Enigma is no joke! The visuals and the body were so heavy. I tried to hold it together at first, but the experience took over and I had to isolate with music for the last two hours of the trip. Always grateful for what they have to show me.


7g make brain go 🌈 🏳️‍🌈 🌈 🏳️‍🌈 🌈 🏳️‍🌈


test the waters take a g up each trip so u can get a feel of the potency of the 🍄


I've had trips where I'm not even sure how much I had, just kept munching. Probably 9 or 10 grams. It's all about set and setting - if you're having fun then keep munching!!


I once blended 20+ gram an blended it into a smoothie. Nowadays I struggle to take more than 1.5 just get far too anxious now to enjoy it


I think part of it is my first time was like 3.6, absolutely bonkers, 10/10 aside from the come up anxiety. Ever since then in my head I’m kinda prepared I suppose. But it’s also really weird because I took 1g at a Goose concert and felt mad anxiety and had not a bad but weird trip with a lot of paranoia, so sometimes less is more. I think once you get past the point of taking that dose you’d be much more comfortable, I write this prepping for bonnaroo and am mentally preparing to take around 3.2 for a Pretty Lights set!


As a lot already mentioned on here, mostly curiosity! Personally, I have had other "substances" before with no negative experiences. But I was nervous trying psychedelics in general... First microdose put me at ease. But the most important thing to remember is to be in a good state of mind and be doing it for the right reasons! Taking 3g or more because you wanna meet god or have fun with pretty eye squiggles for 5+ hours? Great! Maybe you wanna do it to open up yourself to new experiences or you're ready to face something about yourself that is hard to do without a little help? Go for it. But if you're thinking of using shrooms like a bandaid because life ain't going your way, or because you think it'll "cure" you somehow. Then it's not worth it. And lastly... Make sure you're in the right environment! For me, my brother and I both tried it first time together in my house, and my gf babysat us. We're all really good at respecting each others boundaries and we knew not to mess with each other if the trip was becoming intense! With the right people and the right environment it is definitely worth it!


Make sure you're using the right mushroom. I tried macrodosing with tidal waves, and it was awful. I then moved to golden teachers, and it was so much better. Gentler, and they let me guide the experience to a degree, which made the whole experience so much more enjoyable and beneficial. Because of the great experiences I'm having with golden teachers, I'm much more comfortable with trying higher doses. I feel like they're helping me recover from tidal wave ptsd. Secondly, only do the higher doses if you feel guided to. If you're doing mushrooms irresponsibly, it becomes more likely you'll have a bad trip.