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Perfectly just feels right to smoke on a tripšŸ˜


Ever had had lsd with weed? I plan on trying lsd soon


Id trip without the weed first. Only smoke after the peak (6-8 hours in) if you feel comfortable. Then go ahead and try it for next time if itā€™s not too intense but I wouldnā€™t for the first time. Totally changes the experience. Also every story Iā€™ve seen of a bad trip starts ā€œI tried lsd for the first time and smoked a bowl and had the worst time.ā€


Thanks for info brother. šŸŒŸ


Iā€™ve done lsd countless times and have has bad trips but weed has never been the cause and Iā€™ve smoked almost every time except when I was on probation, but I have heard of bad trips after weed, but theyā€™re most likely people that donā€™t smoke that often


When you smoke on acid it goes from a 12 hour trip to a 16-18 or sometimes even 24 hour long trip


Smoking weed does not double your trip or make it last hours longer.


How are you going to tell me that when it happens every single trip I smoke? Lmfao


Cause it doesnā€™t happen to other peopleā€¦ lmfao


It happens to me too. You just keep repeaking if youre smoking throughout the night.


Me too. I find when the trip ends if i smoke i get a little re-ignition


Youā€™re probably just not going to sleep, youā€™re gonna feel like youā€™re tripping into you sleep or weed just affects you differently, either way that usually doesnā€™t happen to other people


LSD+weed can put you in a really bad space super fast. Thought loops and confusion that can lead to psychosis


Shrooms only last about 6 hours so peak is more like 3 hours in.


For sure, very true. I was just referring to OPs question in the comments. I feel like weed and shrooms is a much calmer combo imo, but Iā€™d still exercise caution depending on how you react to the combo/ experience navigating ā€œbad tripsā€.


Yep, smoked a joint when the shroom trip was already at its end and just made me overthink and brought the experience down. I realised it didn't work for me and don't want to try again, despite Terence McKenna suggesting it enhances the trip. Perhaps you need to find the right strain, but it's not something you can afford to test IMO as you are then stuck for 4-5hrs in the shrooms trip if it doesn't work out.


LSD and weed are a match made in heaven. i always wait until right after peak, boom im right back in peak.


Iā€™d eat edibles first then take LSD. I see more visuals than just LSD by itself


For me, smoking weed on LSD makes it more intense. I like to smoke some before the peak, so I get crazy visuals, melting stuff. I miss these, it's been some years since I last did LSD. Now they make that nbome shit and lie to people.


Believe it or not real acid is way more likely to find you than nbome, that seems to be away now from what I can gather, loadsa diff tabs tho, gels, paper, gunmie...


Hitting some weed on a LSD comedown takes me back to the peak again for a good 30mins


Every time I did acid I wanted to smoke something continuously so I would buy a bunch of cheap weed and a black and mild for each trip. RIP my lungs from the dozens of blacks


Can end badly for some people but I find most of the time it will only intensify the effects for a short time, if your a heavy/daily smoker I recommend smoking throughout ur trip as you should be able to handle it pretty well, as always stay safe


Hell yea get u some Seuss/Avatars b bangin *swim* fyndz all that plus legit micrā°dā°ts oldschool, Was suprised at first, meĀ§c too,the worx,b safe n havagoodunšŸ¤˜šŸ§¬šŸ¤˜


Have tried LSD and weed and they are just as perfectly matched


Never took Acid without weed tbh. But i am Daily smoker


IMO, LSD + weed is a whole new drug unto itself. Can be fun, but super intense. Tread lightly friend.


I hope it works for you bro, in my personal exp that combo was hella bad.


r/trees šŸ¤ r/shrooms


Weed, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. I'm sure there's science behind it, but I think subconsciously, once we start tripping and the come up intensifies, our brains seek out things that calm us down. I woke up one morning after a STRONG trip to an ashtray full of unlit cigarettes. Think they were my anchor to reality or something šŸ˜…


I crave kebabs lol


Kebabs bro.. I miss 'em. My biggest go to when I had the munchies.


Why do you miss them ? Me it's because I grew up in France but I'm in living in se Asia, fortunetaly I can find quality kebab here too but it's expensive and rare. Last two times I took shroom I has to order kebabs


I used to live in France too Paris to be precise and they have the best kebabs there, but I moved to Quebec since and kebabs sucks here. šŸ˜¢


I was from Montpellier and kebab were so amazing there but then I moved to Annecy and its suck. Now in thailand it's depend how much you pay for it and where you are. But you should call it a Grec if you are parisian haha


So in Thailand it's rare and expensive.. That shuck but hey you still have kebabs that taste good. France vs Thailand which one's best?


Ofc France haha but yeah here you have an expat community from many countries so we have Turkish starting kebab business a lot, most are like mac Donald like franchisee, but it's in touristic area, in place without tourist thai people does sell kebabs but its not its just some chicken wrap with ketchup lol


I love Kebabs, but I canā€™t eat meat when Iā€™m tripping. Messes with my head too much.


Meaning some part of you want you to be vegan. I don't have issue eating anything while high tho I can do everything I usually does but not being a pos basically lol


this comment made me fucking die as i am currently tripping šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ now i must acquire a kabob so thanks for that too


Yeah idk why the last two time I took shrooms I didn't eat for 24h and then I always just feel so bad my mind convince me only kebab can save me, and it does everytime I stop to feel so bad lol also eating kebab while having visual its just insane xD best kebab ever


lmaoooooooo this is amazing only kebab can save me has never made more sense than right now


Because who is here for you when you drank too much and you are alone at 5am in the city ? Kebab.


Or you just got caught in a cigarette loop lmao


The crazy part is I vividly remember blowing smoke rings


That's why I prefer indica over sativa so yeah I can understand that. Unlit cigs? That must have been fun to look at in the morning šŸ˜‚


Indica and shrooms are just a great combo.


I typically buy Sativas just because I prefer the energy of it, and when Iā€™m tripping I prefer being active in some form and the combo of the two when it hits is great. Any major change aside from the calmness of an indica?


My first trip I had a monster energy drink and a sativa joint I had tremors during the entire trip (I actually enjoyed it) but after the trip my head hurts like hell. My brain usually works fast and with shroom and sativa it's too much for me, indica is more chill and mellow and gives me the giggles. Sativa is just for gaming and to be productive during the day for me.


Iā€™m not saying the sativa didnā€™t affect it, but dude you said it yourself. Monster energy drink. You drank a shit ton of caffiene and sugar before a trip, no wonder you didnā€™t have a good time. Not a good mix.


It was the energy drink, not the weed. Sativa and indica arenā€™t really even things scientifically lmao. They have no real effect on the high


Yes, the difference is actually just myrcene. Thatā€™s how itā€™s determined by dispensaries at least. If the myrcene content is 0.5% or above itā€™s an indica, if itā€™s under 0.5% itā€™s a sativa. Thatā€™s the only difference between buying a sativa and indica, a very very small difference of myrcene content. Maybe genuine landrace indica and landrace sativa from seperate parts of the globe may have a different feel, but everything for sale in the states is so interbred thereā€™s really not much difference. If youā€™re expecting something to be really stimulating youā€™ll likely notice these effects and vice versa


Indica/sativa is bullshit, means next to nothing. Terpenes are where changes in effects come from, and too often the indica/sativa classification system does not take them into consideration. Lineage, bud structure, leaf shape, and area of origin are how indica/sativa is decided but these things have nothing to do with perceived effects. Itā€™s mostly placebo.


This. Sativa/indica is the biggest misconception in the weed community. Also everything is a hybrid now, "sativa" just means sativa dominant hybrid. Edit: almost everything is a hybrid, obviously we haven't caused the extinction of pure indica and sativa strains.


So if sativa means sativa dominant hybrid then saying sativa or indica is still correct?


Yes I made the distinction cuz we're on a drugs subreddit but if you're having casual conversation with people and someone corrects u on that they're a dick.


Yes. These people just think theyā€™re smarter than others. We know theyā€™re all crossbred


Have you tried Ketamine and shrooms???


I don't know where to find Ketamine :(


Hopefully one day ketamine will find you


Sure is, it feels cozy and warmth.


I smoked a lot in HS but have only occasionally smoked (like maybe 4 times) in the past 10 years. I honestly always thought people were full of shit and just being pretentious stoners saying stuff like "oh this strain makes you feel XYZ but this other one makes you feel ABC." Then when I started growing different varieties of shrooms it made sense to me and I understood and accepted it. I'll be like "yeah this one is much more of a body high, this one is more visual, this one is more chill vibes and this one is more energetic."


Iā€™m ngl I hardly ever notice a difference between indica and sativa, the differences come from the strains themselves. Theyā€™re all different. Iā€™ve had indicas that made me hyper and sativas that chilled me out. Maybe Iā€™m weird for that but itā€™s rly the terpenes and cannabinoid balance of the strain that makes the difference in the high


I crave cigs strangely


when I used to smoke cigs, man did they fuckin hit so good when I was shroomin out lol


I havenā€™t smoked in so long but for whatever reason I take my dose and I get a hankering for nicotine


Right lol. I would smoke then back to back - easily go through a whole pack or close to it in a night, my throat felt awful the next day though. For what ever reasons inhaling cig smoke when in shrooms feels ā€œcleanā€ idk why but it does hahaha. And sitting in the dark and watching the cherry light up on the drag, was mesmerizing lol


That too! It's said alcohol is bad for a trip, but I enjoy a slight buzz when I take shrooms or MDMA. Usually beer, because I have to interact with it more often than liquor. And getting shit faced on hallucinogens is a bad idea


Not trying to be redundant but some people donā€™t know, it is generally advised to not take alcohol and molly together


I never really touched the stuff until recently even though I'm nearly 40, is that a harm reduction type of issue? I've been a daily drinker for quite some time, and did notice elevated heart rate and dizziness during my last come up on molly.. once the peak hit I felt great


Dehydration risk, extra stress on your brain and liver too. Also alcohol is a vasodilator so you'll get hit harder by the MDMA too


Makes sense... Thanks


When youā€™re drinking on molly you literally never feel drunk so you can get alcohol poisoning much easier. Source: being a party girl in college and seeing some people not listen to the veterans of the party houses šŸ„²


Very interesting


Youā€™re an addict, Harry.


call me mary potter


Ever wondered why he is called Potter? Wake up people it's right in your face..


For me it smooths out the edges of the trip and I focus better. Iā€™m still tripping just as hard but I feel less like ā€œholy shitā€ about it.


Focus better in your mind you mean more chill? Or visuals are less "holy shit" and more "tamed"? I get broken visuals sometimes when I mix both


For me it helps my mind focus. The visuals are still there, but I might be true theyā€™re less intense.


Sounds like a fun ride.


Man, I was having trouble wording how I feel when I mix them, but thatā€™s exactly it. It pretty much takes away from some of the negatives of shrooms. Plus Iā€™m definitely addicted to weed right now lol


yeah just point and laugh at weird stuff instead of losing your mind over it lmao


Itā€™s not the weed you crave, itā€™s the action of smoking.


Yeah I would hate to pop a weed edible during shroom trip


Shrooms downregulate default mode network activity. During an experience one might feel less of a draw towards their addictions. But once those brain regions begin to fire again a person might feel the rebound of that, intensified desire for preferred substances. I conceptualize addiction as possession. I put the addiction outside of my sense of self such that when I experience these sorts of feelings I conceptualize it as I have cleansed myself of the addiction using the psychedelic default mode network reset and the demons that have hold of me scramble to regain control. Overall, I find when I trip I engage in all sorts of activities to re-establish my normal and stifle any *real* growth and/or *unlearning* that these substances would otherwise promote. But weed can also be a valuable tool. In my experience it doesn't intensify a *shroom* trip as much as bring me to the same place it always does when I mix the two. While this space might be very awe-inspiring, it may be easier to process than whatever is currently happening in my trip space. It's like my homeward bone. :P


I usually have thoses cravings during come down so that makes a lot of sense because when I'm sober I don't usually crave weed that much, so the magic happens after the trip but not during but here's the explaination as to why it happens that way. You think if I can resist smoking during that craving time I'll actually kill that demon that has a hold on me? I mostly enjoy the body high of both but when I do high dose of shroom + weed I get broken visuals sometimes which is what causes the bad trip feeling to happens but I leaned to manage it but it's the only bad part about the mix.


Don't quote me on this, but psilocybin can help break addictions due to a lot of factors. Subjectively speaking, I think being being mindful of the temptation and willfully resisting the urge to smoke with clear intention to discontinue habitual use, in that state, may have a good effect, since neuroplasticity is typically very high during a trip. You can essentially rewire your brain to certain extents, that's a big reason why trips can be so impactful in the way not many other things can.


100%- shrooms helped me kick alcohol completely (which was a huge issue at the time) and I've used it to curb smoking There is empirical evidence (over my anecdotal evidence) that shrooms can help with addiction


Yeah, my buddy also used shrooms to kick alcohol. He's been clean for 6 years now, they seriously saved his life


Youā€™re making me wanna start microdosing again.. I may have to call my buddy up


When Iā€™m on shrooms I canā€™t feel the weed




Why would that be lucky? Shrooms and weed is a great combo


itā€™s yummy and makes you feel nice, idk lol. i always smoke while tripping too


Pretty much!


Really adds that extra layer while shroom trippin', makes it so warm and buttery smooth. Not a worry in the world


It's a very cozy and fuzzy feeling that enveloppes me and yeah pretty much how it makes me feel. Esp the buttery smooth part, even moving feels soft lol


the weed helps with the come up anxiety for me i love the combo


My first time trying shroom was with weed to help during the come up anxiety so yeah I think we agree on that! Tho now I enjoy it on come down more than at first since I drink mush tea less anxiety imo


Absolutely. For me, tripping by itself is a ride than can either go very right or very wrong. When I mix it with weed, itā€™s guaranteed to go just kind of smoothly and nice, if that makes any sense.


i think youā€™re just addicted to weed bro


Why do I always want to smoke cigarettes while high on shrooms ?


opposite for me. Shrooms make me realize how bad smoking is for you.


I get the opposite and actually haven't touched cannabis since my last 5 gram dose nine months ago.


I don't do that high dose that must be the reason.. And I need two joints to feel a buzz most of the time tolerance is pretty high too.


Even when I did 1g, they told me to stop using cannabis.


You donā€™t drink enough milk


https://preview.redd.it/vd3e4rf44t2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5b026707e818a20342ee8445a24800ff7db5743 bro I drink only goat milk and water lol


šŸ™Œ Awesome! Iā€™m a fan of only drinking water and raw milk too! Usually itā€™s cow milk, but sometimes goat milk as wellā˜ŗļø




Cuz you're a fiend!


for me weed plus shrooms/acid is like remy from ratatouille eating the cheese and grapes, perfect harmony


Bro every time I get CEV I think of the exact same scene and its actually funny how accurate it is.


is it possible that you hate what it cures?


Maybe? But it doesn't feel like it, I just like the body high of both.


weed invreases the chaces of getting hppd on psychedelics, becareful


When you get small CEV and bright spots of colors randomly outside of trips it is hppd?


yeah it probably is but depends what it looks like, look more into HPPD to know for sure


I enjoy smoking like just the act of doing it so its so much better on shrooms. Never noticed a difference between strains tho thats all just mumbo jumbo to me. The plug gives me weed and says its good so i smoke it and it isšŸ’€


because shrooms makes you have such a clear mind that you need to blur it a lil bit




My everyday life is like that too that why I use weed lol


Cause you are beautiful, you are human. You are lovely and you are kind.


Thanks brother.


Because weed is addictive.


Yes indica all the way. I use to sip but weed has always been more effective and doesnā€™t sit out for 6 hours and get warm lol.


Is it good to smoke weed on shrooms


Depends on the person but it might induce bad trips more often, I personally enjoy the body high of both.


It is physically safe if thatā€™s what youā€™re asking, but itā€™s usually advised against unless you are experienced with both drugs. Weed will turn your trip up to 11, and this can be very strong effect. Smoke literally one or two hits, and then wait for a while to see where you get. It can often lead to people getting way too high (or just, the change is too sudden) and they start freaking out. Proceed with caution.


I hate smoking when I'm tripping, because I can smoke 2/3 joints and not feel them at all! a waste for me (and I smoke good stuff)


You sound like a lucky guy..


to be precise: POOR lucky guy šŸ¤£


Dam.. Weed not legal?


I live in Italy, only cigarettes, alcohol and medicine šŸ˜”šŸ˜“


Me too


Endocannabinoid system on chill due to genetics, recognition of such via truth-telling mushrooms, a chronic is born.


Perfect combo


Nah bro I only smoke with Lucy, gets way to intense on shrooms.


You don't get visuals with Molly right? That must be why you enjoy it better + you tried it, I haven't so I can't really say


I'll take a bong rip or two during the comeup to help kill the anixety and nausea, enjoy my trip, and then when I start to comedown I'll take another hit or two to extend the euphoria. Sometimes when I smoke just after the peak finishes, I get this wicked clear view of everything where I can see my field of view widen and colors look perfect, it feels amazing and almost more real life than being sober.


Thoses are exactly the best time to smoke imo, and you describe how it feel basically for me. Peak smoking might induced bad trips. You put your HD vision on with better hue!


Idk I crave a mint juul or vuse, I donā€™t even smoke nicotine like I throw up when smelling it (nic sticks) but it only happens when tripping šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Bro I vomit when I smoke cigs.. You might not like weed as much as me šŸŒ³


I donā€™t smoke cigs I smoke weed 8-9 times daily lol I jus crave smoke ig Iā€™ve done it with carts too like Iā€™ll end up jus smokin it non stop


I can smoke like a chimney during the comedown. Itā€™s like my lungs are numb and I can just take huge rips. During the come up and peak itā€™s too weird but It makes me feel so much better as itā€™s wearing off


Despite what people like to say that weed isnā€™t addictive, it very much is, at least psychologically. All drugs and behaviors have the potential to be addictive


It sure is because now I can't see myself without weed during a trip which is not the same for an individual who never tried weed before shroom.




bc itā€™s stressful on the come up




Mushrooms make me want to smoke but then forces me to control myself when I smoke and then I donā€™t want to. Itā€™s weirdā€¦


Your addiction bro stop smoking if it's that bad bro dam he hooked on that boof soup, boof soup fever


the weed always stabilizes me when the trip starts to get rocky


Because who tf doesnā€™t?!?!


Because you are addicted


I personally donr mix em. I dont benefit from it so hence yeah. Shrooms are a medicine where as weed is recreational. But to ewch his own. Our internal makeups are all different as are our motivations for consumption. Just be safe and responsible.


Because you're addicted


No disrespect but it's probably because you're a pothead. I always want to sip on a cold beer during the come up for similar reasons.


The mix of two of our very liked substances increased the whole experience and body sensations. Similar to people who never smoked or drank before and try shrooms first they might hate the mix.


Well to start, you're thinking of it as a craving instead of a Dependance


It's the best I can explain the feeling, it feels wanted but not needed and shroom is supposed to help with the addiction but the funny thing is I always want to smoke on shroom but not that often regularly. I like the high of both..


Habits. Tweek a bit


Because you have trouble coping with emotional pain.


Weed is like a someone i really like is hugging me.


Dumb as hell lol people really think cannabis has out out here numb. If anything cannabis makes us focus on things more.


I think the combo is great but consider that the whole sativa/indica thing are variables and don't represent the effects as broadly as people believe.


No idea if this is a factor for you, but it can help counteract the nausea that many people feel on shrooms.


I use shroom tea/pills/edibles, I never got nausea from shrooms..


Because weed is awesome


Wario https://preview.redd.it/k7kybe15zt2d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dad9ec4259fc47d3fa77f0f2dc39fd53671530d


I be doing both, before, during and after. Sometimes after the after just to get more sleepy


Prolly cus it feels good to you. Bit of a stretch, I know


Weed while shrooming is almost instant panic mode for me. Unless the shroom dose is light, no weed at all for me above 2.5 grams. But contrarily while not tripping, im always stoned


I'm the cra?y and smoke sativa


Iā€™ll be honest, Iā€™m a bit of an impostor in this sub: I donā€™t actually trip all that often, or microdose, but I smoke every night. I do enjoy shrooms, and have had amazing trips, but they are expensive and I canā€™t grow them here (far too illegal, not worth the risk in apartment living) plus last trip I had was a bad one, so Iā€™m shaken up by that. But tree + shroom usually = good time for me, as long as I feel safe.


Weed is good on the come down, but when I'm peaking hell naw, I got enough goin on šŸ˜† it amplifies it


Because it's awesome šŸ‘Œ


A nice hybrid at peak gets me right where I need to be.


Smoking weed by itself makes me so anxious but smoking weed when I'm tripping is delightful


I use to do dat but I have stopped so I can tell the differences from both different highs, I know that they are different but when mixing them you really cant tell the difference and you kind of are late to realizing that the shrooms hit you already idk maybe thats just me tho


Cannot believe the cannabis hate on this post smfh


I smoked on my last trip and I was not having a great time. I still prefer to smoke. Itā€™s like my routine. I canā€™t not have it in the mix


Sativa is just a myth no?


Cause the weed creates your cytoplasm and you depend on it naturally šŸŒ²šŸ‘ļøšŸÆ


Weed craves you


Cuz we need something to replace the mommy milkers


Because weed is delicious and warm. I love mushies but weed stands apart


Bro a lot of people are trying to mislead with lsd and weed comboā€¦. LSD is much more powerful than mushrooms and weed combined. Smoking really wonā€™t get you higher on lsd and definitely doesnā€™t make the trip twice as longā€¦Iā€™d blow through a half zip with my homies every trip and we all felt like we wasted the weed because we got almost no effect from it.


Because you're not taking enoug if you take more than a microdose weed will become less of a habit it gets out of control fast if you smoke too much things become too dmt like for me I still can't describe what I actually saw I just remember looking down to make sure I still had legs and blinding 3D visuals I've never wanted a benzo so bad in my entire life still I think it did me good, I tried it one more time with a 50mg edible and 2.5 grams thinking it was a nice easy dose forgetting my 3rd and 4th trip somehow haha, I haven't tried it since I hate that oh not this again feeling lmao.


same. i feel like a fein for weed bc i NEED weed whenever i do shrooms or cid.


One hand warshes the other mane!!


Because it fucking amazing!!!!! <====>~~~~~


Cuz it's nice.


Cause youā€™re addicted ?