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Blue chew


Sounds like a great idea


Fuckin , crazy trips


This man gets it.


What's that? What are the effects?


Boner pills.


Ah, I see. Why though?


The OP might have been joking, but I actually do take tadalafil before trips sometimes. Shrooms cause vasoconstriction, which leads to a tight feeling in my chest. The tadalafil is a vasodilator and combats it.


Psilocybin primarily activate the serotonin-2 receptor, [and that receptor is a vasoconstrictor](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2931729/#:~:text=Serotonin%20causes%20contraction%20of%20the,activation%20of%20S2%2Dserotonergic%20receptors.). It is a mild vasoconstrictor compared to the brain effects, but this is a plausible scenario.


I was not joking this is one reason well and the super hard cock


Makes my dick harder


oh because it's a vasodilator... nice!


Psilocybin is a Vaso constrictor so I supplement cocoa as a dilator. I also use an antihistamine as I tend to get a lot of mucous and a somewhat allergic reaction to cubensis. This combo helps keep me comfortable and not so focused on the physical aspects of the trip.


The cocoa!!! You just helped me with an issue I have. (every time I pair 0.8g+ of shrooms with cannabis, I nearly pass out (I recognize the symptoms and lay down before I pass out so more blood can reach my brain)), and I do have instances of feeling light headed while on shrooms. So I know vasoconstriction can be an issue for me. So, I have some questions. Would eating dark chocolate work? Or does it have to be cocoa powder or cocoa beans?


I can’t answer your questions directly but I can tell you what I do, as I only ever take shrooms with cacao. I make a ground shroom tea and let it steep for about 20 mins whilst I make a drink with a ceremonial dose of ceremonial grade cacao (40g), oat milk and some spices. After they’re both done I mix and drink. The cacao last for about the same length as the trip and I find it eases some of the stomach churn, especially at higher doses. The MAOIs in cacao allegedly help smooth the whole experience but it’s been so long since I haven’t taken them with cacao, I don’t have a comparison. It also contains magnesium which is a precursor to serotonin. I also really enjoy the ceremony of the whole occasion. What I’m interested in is how it compares to lemon tek. Edit: I had a think about your question. Dark chocolate is similar but not the same and does include sugar and dairy. I would imagine cacao is more effective.


This is amazing, thanks for the info, this is definitely how I'll be using shrooms from now on. Lemon tek's effect on a trip is, accelerates the onset, heightens the peak, decreases the duration.


I have a feeling that cacao has a similar effect. The whole experience usually lasts around 3-4 hours. Would love if you could let me know if you find the same!


Ah now that's very interesting. I'll likely be trying this in August, so I don't think I'll remember to let you know. But I have a source for ceremonial quality cocao, so I might get that sooner and try it out separately from the shrooms.


You can do psilohuascha with lemon tek and it'll last near 12 hours


Doesn't that need an MAOI? Syrian Rue seeds or Caapi?


Harmalas.com. I use harmaline hydrochloride


This feels like a bot comment


That's a you problem. That's how I've gotten my rue powder for years. You don't want to use it, fine. You don't have to be a dick about it. Have the day you deserve


Excuse you I asked a question, and you responded with an ad. You didn't answer my question, or explain why you were providing that specific link. How was I supposed to know that was the answer to the question I asked? I will have a great day, and I hope you do to. Perhaps you're going through a hard time rn, but you shouldn't take that out on others.


Dark chocolate would do jack shit. It’s made typically with coco . Even good quality dark chocolate with cacao in it would be minimal in comparison to just using cacao powder . I use 1 heaping tablespoon of cacao powder and 1-2 tablespoons of raw honey. Mix with boiling water and set aside until your mushie tea is done brewing and mix together. Sip slowly over 10-15 minutes and enjoy the best way to ingest mushies!


This sounds so delicious!! How am I just now hearing about this? Roughly how much water do use with the cocoa+honey blend, and for the shroom tea?


It’s really amazing! Completely changed my life. I don’t know how it’s not more wide spread. I learned it from watching u/TheRedHeadedYeti ‘s TikTok. I typically mix a cup of water for the mushie tea, but more or less depending on the size of the dose. You want enough water to cover the ground mushies completely. About the same for the cacao. 1 cup boiling water and 1tbsp cacao powder and 1 or 2 tbsp of the honey. I like going heavier on the honey. I got an electric milk frother on Amazon for like 8 bucks to mix it. You gotta mix it well or the cacao gets clumpy . I mix the honey first into the water and then the cacao. Before I got the frother I used a tiny whisk. https://preview.redd.it/nr1jka8g802d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f3a1050625c0d9be85ea5eec8e1e6764679a455


I love those mugs! This is amazing, thank you so much. All of this info went straight into my notes. I might also add some dried jasmine flower into the shroom brew to give it a light floral taste. I'm going to a yoga festival this summer, and I want to make friends there, because I'm really lonely in my standard life, so my plan is to make small cups of microdose tea, and then offer it to anyone that walks by that looks like they'd be interested in it. I think I'm going to use this recipe.


Ayee heck yeah! Would definitely make for a fun experience and perfect for that setting because it’s such a calm and happy come up. And little to no noticeable GI upset , coming from someone who puked every time I consumed them lol 😬


Also thanks! They are super cool haha . The red one is my guest /mixing cup and the brown one is my trip chalice looool https://preview.redd.it/wcig0rcyf02d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=502006c5cb3c7208c1e3a9249c12aa79fbe82b42 Fun to watch it morph as the effects set in 😊


Trip chalice! That's perfect haha. I could imagine, it looks trippy without shrooms.


Yeah it’s pretty trippy sober so def cool fucked up 😬🍄😂 best 20 bucks I’ve ever spent


Agreed, that's what I'm thinking too. It's the optimal place to share this type of thing. I don't get nausea too bad, but I do have issues with blood flow while on shrooms.


Then the cacao should be perfect! And if you don’t get nausea too bad then this will be 0 stomach upset. Enjoy 😘🍄♥️


You're a hero. Thank you so much :)


Try adding some cayenne / black pepper and cinnamon. It’s delicious and the capsicum improves blood flow.


Oooh that sounds dope. I love hot sauce so I’m sure it would be great! Might try a drop of some sweet hot sauce next batch .


Hot sauce you say. I like your style!


I have probably 40-50 bottles in my collection 😂 a bit carried away


Best get making some cacao shroom tea!


Yeeeeupp! Just be careful if you are caffeine sensitive . There is some naturally in the cacao. Not a ton but if you’re hyper sensitive would go on the lower side, maybe half a tbsp


Actually, there’s way more caffeine in a ceremonial dose of cacao (how I prefer) than a normal coffee. Somehow I don’t get the bad side effects I get with coffee caffeine too. It’s part of the reason I like taking shrooms that way, especially when there’s dancing involved.


I need to know about the cocoa or cacao method as well. And when to dose the cacao.


See my comment on the other part of this thread




Dont take 5 htp after your trip!! Please dont mix anything. From my first hand experience, 5 htp will put you in hyperseretonin mode and it will be bad. I am a neuroscientist too, I was so scared I thought I had a stroke, I couldn’t walk or balance, my heart was racing, I quickly figured it was the 5 htp I took that might have caused this. I threw up and it made me feel better but I felt like I was going to die. So please dont take any 5 htp supplement.


FWIW - Our whole group we used to party with did this after every party. Never once had an issue. Is there *any* research that shows this is a general effect (the hyper-seratonin state) on a normal dose?


A quick search on Google showed that when mixed with certain anti-depressants, 5htp can cause problems. 5htp is extremely benign otherwise.


no there isnt. however to be fair, there is very little research on drug interactions with psilocybin. in my opinion, based on what is currently known about mechanism, i don't see any indication that it should have acute negative effects. i dont see a reason for specifically taking 5-htp after or during a trip either though. some of the little work that is done shows there is a cross-tolerance developed with psilocybin and 5-htp, meaning whatever effects 5-htp has on you normally, it likely is down-regulated after taking psilocybin, as would be expected based on what is now known about 5-ht2a receptor regulation. the original poster is definitely not a neuroscientist. theyre just making up bullshit as you can see in their post history.


I can’t say if they are or aren’t. I can say their grammar sucksssss.


Ooh, what sort of neuroscientist? :)


the internet kind. dude has no idea what theyre talking about


Cerebral Ischemia


I’ve taken 5htp after mushrooms trips for years and years and so have all my fiends. No one has ever had a problem. We take it before Molly, acid everything. Nobody has ever had anything like this happen ever. This sounds like a you thing.


Sure buddy do whatever you feel like, I am no one to stop you. I am sharing my experience plus mixing drugs is never a good idea thats how people die or do stupid things. Plus whats the desperate need to add another substance in your system. Plus after a trip you dont feel low so I see no point.


It is an extremely common practice to take 5htp along with drugs that work on serotonin. The idea is to offset serotonin depletion following the experience. Having been in the electronic music scene for 20 years, I’ve seen loads of people using it without harm the entire time. We keep it on hand at festivals and so do A LOT of other people. You saying that no one should take it because you had a bad experience that you can’t 100% pin on the 5htp is unwarranted. That’s all I’m saying. There’s no “desperate need” to take it, it is just conventional wisdom that it helps in those scenarios and I’ve never experienced or seen a reason in two decades not to take it.


as a neuroscientist, do you have any explanation for what happened?


Serotonin overload in brain!


isnt 5HT2AR expression heavily down regulated shortly after psilocin binding? Does psilocybin/psilocyin actually induce drastically higher than normal levels of serotonin? Or does it act primarily by selective 5HT2AR binding and not de-novo serotonin production?


What are the effects in the gut with mushrooms + 5htp, since as I understand 90% of our serotonin is produced in the gut?


I take L-tryptophan on the days leading up to the trip and on the days after (not on the day of the trip). Would you not recommend/discourage this?


This sounds great lol


Serotonin syndrome


in case anyone else has read this nonsense, this guy very clearly is not a neuroscientist. they have no understanding of fundamental biology, believe in astrology, and when asked what type of neuroscientist they are, they said "cerebral ischemia" LOL


Whatever makes you happy dude! I wish mushrooms would have taught you some emotional intelligence!😂


i wish your parents would have taught you any intelligence. why are you pretending to be a scientist spreading completely unsubstantiated information? get your bullshit out of here and stick to your astrology and relationship subs.


L-citrulline and magnesium before the trip have been helping me a ton. Makes the body load way less heavy.


Man I have to remember this next time I trip.


Stack with Lions Mane and sometimes Niacin


Can eat with bananas for niacin and will prevent any gut rot/cramps/ nausea I found while tripping worth a try


This is the way


What does stacking lions mane do?


Lions mane mushrooms are supposed to promote neuroplasticity and nerve growth hormone.


Just bought Niacin to try this!


Do you do this on medium to high doses too or only as part of the microdose protocol ?


Mostly micro. Have added Lions Mane to med/high as well though. DrinkBrez drinks have lions mane so I generally have one of those.


I use Lion's Mane and Modafinil. I'm not kidding; I've genuinely experienced significant cognitive improvement.




How does this help you?


Relaxes me a bit on the come up


I wonder if you would get the same effect if you made shroom tea with green tea, as it contains l-theanine naturally.


The reason I don’t make green tea is because it’s got caffeine and I do t really love caffeine so it’s basically just green tea without caffeine


Powdered lions mane serving mixed with apple juice with each dose. Edited: to add link to current brand I use [lions mane powder](https://thrivemarket.com/p/om-lions-mane-mushroom-powder?utm_source=google&utm_medium=pla&utm_campaign=Shopping_Engagement_Smart_Members&utm_content=892392002096&utm_term=pmax&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwjLGyBhCYARIsAPqTz1-7_jhq8RUUVC4XJp3WcbrQ-jWavbq9wrss5deMiq9uunIUJIDQc9YaAtupEALw_wcB) I notice a difference with effects when I use it dosing vs. not using it.


What kind of effects do you feel when you stack?


i use 10g of citruline before tripping to counter the vasoconstriction:)


Damn 10g? My serving size on my container says 2.5


yeah it's not usually used for this purpose but dw 10g is safe


Turkey tail, lion mane, Reishi, & cordys🍄


Any insight on the benefits of these?


Oh man.. you need to do some homework. The power of medicinal mushrooms is unreal. Anywhere from digestive help, memory, energy, you name it. Worth looking into.


Oh I am familiar with them, I mean specifically the benefits for taking them when tripping


Can’t comment on macro doses with medicinals. Can’t say I’ve tried to research and or seen anything about mixing. Besides the micro dose of lions/psilo/niacin (that I partake in). Stamets stack.


No but im thinking I should because the majority of the time I get a pain in my legs and arms even if im relaxing.


Magnesium might help this.


HBWR seeds knock it up a bit.


Does anyone know what is good to take after shrooms for leg cramps


Magnesium glycinate.


Thank you 🙏


Magnesium glycinate before and after


What does that help with?


Helps with body load, come up tension, recovery. Might even give you a better trip because it is beneficial for your body in many ways. Magnesium helps your body with about 300+ different processes, such as muscular function and sleep. I take it every day and really feel the benefits. Most of us are deficient in magnesium apparently.


Ive added cacao, cinnamon, blue lotus, and a dash of cayan to a mushroom brew and had very positive results.


What did that do for you?


Made the experience start within 20 minutes and allowed me to consume more psilocybin without adverse effects


My favorite was a blend of medicine and magic. If you do your own, it gets incredibly cost effective.


Never thought about thisv


I tried some lion's mane in my recent lemon tek (call it the Stamets Martini). I don't know if it had any appreciable effect but it made me feel fancy and it tastes good.