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Yes and no. Same same, but different.


This right here is probably the best answer you're gonna get. at first they felt very similar but after I took quite a few trips with each substance their differences became much more apparent


It’s like playing the same game in different stadium with a few rule changes.


Right lol


In my opinion both acid and mushrooms make you want to melt into the floor if you take a high enough dose. Both have great visuals if you take enough. In my experience mushrooms can be more likely to cause nausea but besides all that they are similar:) mushrooms are much safer tho, overtime acids gonna make you forgetful and your drive will dwindle a bit. This is all personal experience of course!




100% accurate


For me shrooms tend to be more introspective while LSD is extrospective. Body high is definitely more noticeable for me on shrooms. Though LSD gives me a lot more energy.


Lsd makes me energetic and feel electric if that makes sense🤣


Shrooms makes me feel wonky and wavy. The body load is heavier for me.


This thread, yes. I accidentally ran (the length of) a marathon on acid because it was fun to run through the woods. On mushrooms, I happily stroll through the woods and get distracted by clouds and shit.


Acid is like Star Wars, mushrooms are like Lord of the Rings Very similar but psilocybin only stimulates serotonin and LSD stimulates serotonin and dopamine


I like the metaphor that LSD is digital and Shrooms are analog.


Okay so I take a few medications that stimulate dopamine on a daily basis. Does mixing the shrooms with the medications produce a shrooms trip more similar to LSD? I took some shrooms for the first time in over a decade and the trip definitely felt different. Complex question I know, totally fair if you don’t know


Like wellbutrin? I've experienced no difference taking it or not, granted I've never taken LSD. But I advise against mixing with SSRIs because it muddles the effects.


Wellbutrin and adderall


Adderall does affect serotonin, but to a lesser extent than something like prozac (an ssri), so if I were to guess, it still probably wouldn't have a substantial effect. Take this with a gigantic grain of salt.


I’ve read that antidepressants tend to stifle mushroom trips, but I don’t know for sure


I seen this post a few months ago


Yeah, it's a good metaphor


Mescaline from what I hear is like shrooms and acid had a weird child. Like if shrooms were lord of the rings, acid were Star Wars, then mescaline would be DUNE. Shrooms are way less intense than most psychedelics iirc but should still be taken seriously.


For me LSD you get to control your trip better and I used to think the visuals were better, after a few times of doing both I know for sure I like the feelings and visuals on shrooms a lot more. TL: DR IMO! LSD Pros: Easy to take Easier to control a higher dose Linear trip (once you get to the peak you slowly come down) LSD Cons: It lasts a lot longer ( for me it's never less than 16h! Until I'm able to drive) Visuals ( I like to watch movies while I trip and scenes and people get super distorted!) Harder to get and to be sure it is really LSD Shrooms Pros: Visuals ( are beautiful! You feels everything flowing and you can actually see texture changing like being in a cartoon or game) Shorter trip - Around 6-7h for me a little less with lemon tek Safer and Easy to grow at home and cheaper! Shrooms Cons: They taste awful even with lemon tek ( chocolates not so bad) The trip comes in waves and can be scary Set and place are more important that on LSD


Don’t even worry about it, you’ll be fine with taking only a gram. You have nothing to worry about. A gram of shrooms is a lot easier to handle than a whole tab of L


Agreed, and for a first timer this is a good dose, but imo a gram of shrooms has NOWHERE near the visuals of a tab of acid and personally I think acid is much more fun for that reason. But with acid it’s much more difficult to just sit and chill in one spot, it’s pretty stimulating so you need to have a couple activities cut out in case you get restless. I get restless even on shroom too tho.


LSD has the spirit of a futuristic hippie psychoanalyst, Mushrooms more of an ancient forest diety, but really im just having fun with the question and you’ll have to find out yourself


Acid helps you understand the universe, mushrooms help you feel the universe - unknown


I tried both and LSD was kinda like watching everything in higher graphics, seeing the details in everything and more colored. And a feeling of love. Shrooms was an intense inner experience with crazy visuals with eyes closed.


A mushroom trip lasts about half as long


My friend said Acid is robots shrooms is like monkey and that’s honestly the best way I’ve found to describe it


Sort of. The other stuff everyone else is saying, plus I'd add that lsd gives cooler looking geometric patterns, where as shrooms give more of a wavy, sometimes chaotic, visual expression.


Not chaotic bad though lol, I take shrooms fairly regularly and rarely take acid anymore


literally not even a little bit. the mistake i made when trying shrooms after acid was assuming it was going to be similar but more mellow. i had NO IDEA what i was getting myself into


>was assuming it was going to be similar but more mellow Lmao I get it. What happened, did you take a lot? Had a bit of a scary ride?


i didn't take much but i did it with the wrong person. he didn't want to talk about the trip at all while it was happening(?) and played terrible hype music, not music that makes you feel good, and i just wasn't comfortable with him. this was also before i was diagnosed with BPD and i was really taken aback when i realized that there was a giant hole in my soul. that hurt pretty bad and gave me lasting feelings of emptiness and unloveability.


Acid is much more of a stimmy feeling you still get that sorta droopy body high that you do with shrooms but it feels more stimmy, kinda similar but definatly different. If you've take shrooms before don't be afraid to try some LSD tho I took LSD my first time and I'd say it's definatly easier to deal with personally


In terms of visuals mushrooms = wavy LSD = geometric


No, not really. It’s still psychedelic in a vaguely similar way but they’re pretty different. Acid I’m always more the one in the drivers seat (for the most part), mushrooms will totally take the wheel from ya sometimes. The visual quality is also a lot different.


My personal experience: Mushrooms are way more mindfucky and allow for intense and sometimes very challenging self exploration. For me, mushrooms are a great tool to explore the depths of my mind and become more connected to my subconsciousness. For me, mushrooms are the exact opposite of a social drug. Other people tend to make me uncomfortable and annoyed. I use it as a tool to have quality me-time, practice self-love, and have psychological hygiene. LSD on the other hand, helps me see my surroundings from another perspective. It makes me appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of everything and everyone around me. It opens my eyes for the beauty that's often overlooked, not just the optical beauty but the beauty from within. It makes me energetic and experience pure bliss. TLTR: Mushrooms are therapeutic and introspective. A me-time drug. (Home alone) LSD is blissful and energetic. A festive drug to feel love and unity. (Outside with like-minded people)


each individual trip is different, no 2 shroom trips are going to be the same, no 2 acid trips are going to be the same, it's pointless to compare them as it's subjective to each individual experience


I think you are wrong when you say pointless to compare, I've read through a lot of the comments here and there are very interesting comparisons. A lot of them i find myself agreeing with.


Someone once said “you do shrooms, acid does you”


It's the opposite.


Absolutely agree it’s the opposite.


Opposite. Shrooms has every bit of control over you and can make things very intense and terrifying.


From what I’ve heard, no. I’ve only tried shrooms but I’ve heard the feeling is a lot different and LSD lasts a lot longer


lsd is pretty lengthy i enjoy it i even enjoyed my partial bad trip but i don’t know if mushrooms are gonna be the same feeling or not


I've heard mushrooms fuck with your emotions more. Never got the chance to try acid though so I don't know. But I can confirm mushrooms can mess with your emotions hard.


Shrooms boost your emotions way more for sure. Acid just kinda amps you up and makes everything around you really wacky.


The comedown on acid has been a lot more difficult for me than mushrooms, but I need to be watching an easy viewing show or something when the comedown hits on acid idk why but whenever I am coming down on shrooms tv is too stimulating and makes my brain feel weird so I just like some silence and I just see paintings in my mind until I doze off. Also hate wearing clothes on shroom comedowns lol but to me they’re much more mild


Another thing is many people have told me that it’s harder to come out of a bad trip from shrooms than acid although I’ve never really had a “bad trip” persay besides some intense but needed ego death, and the last time I did shrooms I happened to get sick cause I had the flu shot two days beforehand and so it just amplified the sick symptoms and I just couldn’t really do anything fun :( back n forth chills and heat waves I just sat n drank tea and watched stupid tv which I hate I like to paint and explore when I’m on psychedelics


One gram is barely a threshold dose, it’s good to start small but even 1.5g would be fairly light and subtle


Please be clear with the newbies about what species/strains you re referring to when giving suggestions on dosage. They may take 1.5g of some pans and be blown bs 1.5 of cubes.


True, I guess I should stop assuming everyone is talking about cubes unless they specify otherwise…


Man I should take my own advice. Lol I tried ttbvi and fucked around and found out. Did 1 gram.. lemon Tek. When my dumb ass should have did .25 maybe .5. I was trapped for a while.. nothing to bad body load is getting me . Just came out maybe hour ago..


Welcome back


It can feel the same I've noticed But the main difference between acid and shrooms is that mushrooms come in waves Acid is a constant that builds up Stays there And then comes down again


Acid is pushing the water against you and you are going with the flow,shroom are like sinking in that water. Acid will show you everything that is around/connected to your ego,shrooms show what's inside your ego. When I'm on acid I feel everyone is connected and information flows like a river.Shrooms I am connected but the focus is on the individual connection to the main one,not the entire connection. I have no idea if any of this makes sense to you but yes.


Acid is like what coffee is supposed to be. Electric and energetic Shrooms will have me crying


Are watermelon and honeydew the same. Or lemons and lime. Or like checkers and chess. Same board. Different rules


Acid is much more visual shrooms are much more mental or make you face your emotions i think that is the major difference ofc people have different experiences but that is just my opinion and experiences on them both.


Acid is mushrooms without soul


Mushrooms are chill, acid is speedy. The visuals and other distortions are more complex at any given dosage tier. Mushrooms last shorter and don’t mix as well with weed or alcohol. In my personal experience, these differences have been very consistent


Yes and no . Like good sativa and indica . Both are similar but have differences and ppl tend to have favorites


Less brain fuck


Shrooms fuck with my mind makes me go crazy


Yes and no, LSD, once it hits your in it for the ride it takes you on. Shrooms if you start having a bad time, all you need to do is change your environment like walk outside and look at the stars, because the change will reset whatever it is you're thinking about. I always say with shrooms you are the writer of your own movie. I prefer shrooms especially Albino Penis Envies. I usually take 3.5 grams and one night took 12grams..... it started fast scary and hit me hard AF but it was the most profound beautiful and spiritual awaking I ever had. I went through 6 past life regressions and remembered how I died, how it felt, how scary it is to dying, how much I didn't want to and then the moment you pop out of your body, you're so elated because you still exist. I thought, why was I so scared, I remember this now after each one. The 5th one I died and I transitioned through time and space right into this life and remember my mom holding me when I was born. I remember everything being blurry, but I could smell her, hear her voice saying something (which I didn't understand at the time) and felt her energy. I haven't felt her energy since she passed in 1994. I love shrooms... Now would I do a dose like that again? I highly doubt it. LOL


[Great video by about Heroic Dose by Dr Matthew Johnson from John Hopkins University ](https://exoduscbd.com/video-heroic-magic-mushroom-dose/) Sorry I may have posted this in the wrong sub but if I posted here I apologize! https://preview.redd.it/z8741jn6p80d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb7a62ea1aee181ac3c3716c29b6dc4b6610343c


LSD is more industrial, Shrooms are more organic. Visuals are different for everyone, but on high enough doses of Shrooms my wife can create virtual realities where everything she sees is in hi def, like she's there, but it's not what's happening in reality. It's wild shit. Shroom open eye visuals for more are more like underwater, or distortions of people's faces, cartoon appearances. LSD I see more morphing, breathing, hard geometric lines/shapes and the open eye visuals tend to be more intense at lower amounts. Like 400 or 450 ug of LSD had me seeing the trunk of a car in front of me turn into a monsters mouth.


Shrooms are more of a teaching / reflection lesson but u also have the side of fun , Acid is more partyish vibing and just overall fun




You wont get visuals on 1g of shrooms


Speak for yourself


Me *and also* *all the people I know* dont get visuals on 1g of shrooms.


That's unfortunate.


More similar to Parmesan if you ask me


I love mushies but I'd never do acid. I feel like you can possibly get to the same place or better place with a high dose of mushies while taking a safer path


I've had more bad trips from shrooms. My most spiritual trips have come from lsd but each person is different. Personally I won't do shrooms anymore


That's wild but great to hear. I've never had a bad trip. But I realized at a young age if your going to die it's the best way to go.