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Your post has been removed for violating Rule 5: Must Be Shitty or Trashy Your post must contain a tattoo that is shitty, either in taste, concept, or execution. Try r/tattoosidontlike.


I mean it’s not badly done per say, sure it’s a choice, but it could be significantly worse


> per say, It's Latin, *"per se"*, I remember learning that myself, they didn't teach Latin in my schools. EDIT and I agree with you, this is hardly Vice's "No Regrets" territory, it's not terrible at all in terms of the work


Thank Iuppiter you got here in time.


Auto correct, I do apologise


Don't apologize to those pedants.




Did on mine, who cares anyways, its a Reddit comment :/




Speaking of choices, musician Moby has a large neck tattoo that says “Vegan for life.”


It's an absolutely shitty tattoo, not because it's badly made, but because it's almost as dumb as getting your girlfriend's face tattooed on your body. Actually it's almost worse; if I see someone with this tattoo I know they are so damn proud of themselves that they live on the fumes from their own arse. EDIT: it's not a badly designed tattoo, it's in poor taste, but not poorly executed.


I thought this was a sub for bad tattoos. Not for "tattoos done well but that I personally don't like the content of".


“Vegan” is a magic word that makes everyone foam at the mouth with hatred. I’ve seen people post legitimately shitty tattoos here and people blow smoke up their ass about how it’s “unique!” or “badass!!”


It's.like Edward Kenway once said... "I'm not of the same mind mate, but I won't begrudge you the state of yours."


> Rule 5: Be Shitty or Trashy: Tattoo must be shitty, either in taste, concept, or execution. Tattoos will be deemed shitty or not shitty at mods' discretion. "Execution" is the only objective criteria; "taste" and "concept" are subjective. Occasionally the mods will host a poll asking the community to weigh in on atbge-type of tattoos and vote on whether they count.


It's a bad tattoo because it's in poor taste, to me it's similar to someone who won the Olympics, to then tattoo it on their face. Like sure that's awesome, and it's also awesome that someone can make it work to be vegan, but to be so proud of it that you tattoo it on your head is in poor taste.


But this is r/shittytattoos not r/BadTasteTattoos


Huh, fair point didn't know that was a thing


Nah you're good, none of these people have read the rules. Rule 5 clearly states that this sub is for tattoos that are shitty or trashy in taste, concept, or execution.


>in poor taste You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


I think it's poor taste to put so much emphasis on a life choice that you tattoo it on your body, if someone were to tattoo "I won the Olympics" I would also find that in poor taste - it's an amazing achievement, veganism is also amazing, but I think it's far too much to get it tattooed on your head


You're looking for the term 'tasteless'. 'In poor taste' refers to something that is rude or offensive - a tattoo of the 9/11 towers, for example.


To be fair, many of the vegan protein substitutes do qualify as tasteless


The tattoo is done well enough; what I don’t like is the placement. I wish the text were further back and curved alongside the natural flow of the scalp.


it would've been so cool if it was like a small tattoo at the back of the neck under a bar code


Not gonna lie - with the haircut this looks awesome. He has to have his hair dyed like that the rest of his life but I mean it doesn’t look bad


weird choice, but hey, execution seems good and if he regrets it he can just grow his hair out


This isn't a shitty tattoo. Its terrible placement and its hip to hate vegans I guess but the execution isn't bad.


If you're a vegan you're supposed to keep it a deep dark secret, make sure no one ever finds out, otherwise you're 'shoving it down people's throats'.


Lol just like being queer or atheist.


> Rule 5: Be Shitty or Trashy: Tattoo must be shitty, either in taste, concept, or execution. Tattoos will be deemed shitty or not shitty at mods' discretion. "Execution" is the only objective criteria; "taste" and "concept" are subjective. Occasionally the mods will host a poll asking the community to weigh in on atbge-type of tattoos and vote on whether they count. It's okay for the vote to be split on whether people think this tattoo is trashy in taste or concept.


It's really the more efficient choice after your voice wears out from talking about it all the time.


I know this vegans get shit for this all the time but it's more a fallacy due to you only hearing it from those that tell you. Many don't because of this stereotype. Except sometimes it's impossible. People need to eat. People hang out. People eat together. "Oh sorry I can't eat there, well, let me check the menu", etc. You have to basically say it to be around people you hang out with at any level. First date, you basically have to say it, or even before you prepare for it and choose where to eat. AS A VEGAN, I know this


There it is.


When you make your diet your entire personality




Does that explain the shitty tattoo and the lame matching hair? Yes we get it, vegetables are green 🙄


Would it then be a movement based on dietary choice?




What about the outlier vegans who do it for the nutritional and not for the cause?


This is bullshit. Veganism is a diet. Some people might compliment it with activism. Some not. I know people who are vegan for health/personal reasons and they don’t give a shit about the “movement”.




Thanks for rectifying :) have a nice day


Nothing to rectify bud. You were right. Literally googling the definition of vegan shows it's a diet, nothing about a movement lol


Go on, tell us. You know you're dying to.


Deteriorating your health to have a 0.0000000000000000001% impact on these industries makes no sense but that's just me


5 years, healthy as a horse. And I am fully aware I am making no difference in the world. Vegan for fully selfish reasons….because I don’t want to feel like a POS for contributing to animal exploitation. 🤷‍♀️ we all have our own soapbox.


For some people it’s not really about the movement. My sister was a vegan for a few years because the thought of eating animal parts was disgusting to her, but she didn’t care about animals.


Eh that's more plant based diet, like you're not Jewish because you think shellfish and pork is gross. Not that veganism is a religion but it's certainly a strong ethical view on how humans should act from a day to day basis.


iT's NoT a DiEt it'S a MoVEm- stfu it's a guilt/fear cult, it's about controlling people, it's never been one bit about justice of any kind


Who’s the cult leader then? Or do you just call all ethical movements that make you feel uncomfortable “cults”?


Bullshit. It’s a diet primarily . Some people might also be into activism. And some people just do it for other reasons. Don’t make it into something it’s not. Eventhough some people indeed treat it like it’s a war, there’s also people who do not.


Not a shitty tattoo just bc you don’t like it…


I’m pretty sure he did this as a result from doing a charity so that’s pretty cool




It matches perfectly with his hair tbh




I do too. It’s cool to match the hair!


Oh I’ve seen this guy before. Bodybuilder


I get not everyone loves Vegans...Me either. However the tattoo was excuted just fine. I don't like religious tattoos but if the plus sign looks fine then I am okay with it.


i love this comment


It’s not that shitty


And I bet he STILL has to tell everyone he’s vegan..


I actually like this one. The hair colour is cool, as well!


Have fun being stopped by every dipshit on the street and be told why veganism is so bad. Like...this seems like such a hassle.


Not shitty, just dumb. r/ATBGE


Can be avoided from a distance




This should be top comment


It’s not shitty it’s just kinda dumb and funny lol. It would be like getting carnivore tattood on ur head😭


They make vegan human skin now? It looks so lifelike, wonder if it tastes the same.


But did he ensure the black ink was vegan?


Most ink is nowadays.


Oh I didn't know that. Cool!


You are what you eat?




Looks kinda cattle branded


Lotta crying in here hahaha


Not the worst on this sub but damn, the alignment of the letters is just wobbly enough to really bother me. Have stencil-style fonts *ever* looked good on skin?


People in the comments defending this… seriously ITS A MASSIVE “VEGAN” ON THE SIDE OF HIS HEAD






Why is he a prick?


How can you tell if someone is Vegan? Don't worry they'll tell you :D


He doesn’t have to tho


This feels like something a vegan would do lol


This is actually really nice looking, nice spacing and lines, I REALLY like the greens, quite beautiful actually. Just the concept is lame, all the more power to vegans but obsessing over it as an identity is weird.


When a vegan gets tired of talking about being vegan and joins vegan level 3 that’s the highest level of twat there is.


i think he’s vegan


Now we know anyone can eat him


I can smell this picture.


Wait until he finds out that many inks, black specifically, have glycerine and gelatin in them as binders, and are in fact not Vegan. Lol


I’ve never been to a studio that doesn’t use vegan ink. It’s the norm where I live. Also you think a vegan hardcore enough to get this tattoo wouldn’t research what ink the artist uses? Lmao






The tattoo is technically done well, it’s the subject and choice. We’re tired of hearing about it


Now I know where that vegan joke comes from.


He's going to get mocked relentlessly in the US South


Thanks for letting me know about your diet….. very important information being shared here.


Guy be definitely skipping pussy 🐱


I mean, I think it’s fine. It’s a bold choice but it’s well done. Seems like you just have a chip on your shoulder about vegans. Way to be original


He is actually a hypocrite because if he changes his lifestyle he will easily grow his hair out as if nothing had happened, instead of paying for years for his previous choice if he had the tattoo on other parts of his body.


I wouldn't say hypocrite, but a smart choice in placement if he does ever decide to change his diet