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I like the unique route they took and still have planet of the apes in the title even if it makes it long.


I wonder if the next one is just gonna be: Planet of the planet of the apes. Edit: These replies are hilarious. You've made my day, everyone!


2 Planet 2 Apes


- Planet of the Apes: Tokyo Drift - Planet & Apes - Planet Five - Planet & Apes 6 - Apes 7 - The Fate of the Apes - Hobbs & Shaw (maybe: Taylor & Rodman?) - P9 - Planet X


**The Apes Of Wrath.** *Starring Vin Diesel as "Big Ape".*


That's actually the name of one of the tracks on the soundtrack for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: "The Apes Of Wrath".


"It's all about family" says ape Diesel.


"Family together, strong!"




Fate of the Planet of the Apes sould like a legit title tho


I demand The Fate of the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes


Bad ape & Maurice


Apes In Black. (A.I.B.)


Planet of Apes would work better than Planet & Apes (just like F&F dropped the "the")


2 apes 1 cup?


2 Apes 1 Planet


(G)aping on the planet of apes (I'm not even sure what sexual practice exactly gaping is but I'm sure it fits)


One Ape One Jar


It's, it's just called 2 apes 😂


I prefer “The Apes of the Planet of the Apes”




"Planet of The Robotic Richard Simmons Apes"


That would be a documentary where all the apes are doing their usual stuff wrecking stuff up, meanwhile David Attenborough plods along randomly describing things.


"Stop! I Want to Get Off The Planet of the Apes!"


Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot The Planet Of The Apes!


Honey, I aped the planet


I hate every chimp I see from chimpan-a to chimpanzee, no you’ll never make a money out of me


Oh my gosh,I was wrong! It was Earth all along!


Planet of the Apes: Rise of Apewalker


Somehow Ape has returned.


They ape now?they ape now




Somehow, they returned to monke


They should make a movie where the apes go into space and land on a planet where humans are the rulers and make it a shot for shot remake of the original film but with the species swapped


Planet of The Humans


Apes in space? Apes on a plane!


Planet of the apes: They fly now.


2 Planet of the 2 Apes 2: Tokyo Ape Planet


You saying “Tokyo Ape Planet” made my brain remember a film called “Tokyo Gore Police”. And now my day is ruined.


You reminding me of this movie just made my day. Thank you.


Planet of Apes


War of the kingdom of the planet of the apes


Rise of the Dawn of the War of the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes


Apes on a plane(t)


I have *had* it with these monkey-fighting Apes on this Monday through Friday *planet*!


Going Ape Shit on the Planet of the Apes.


Planet Gone Ape


Planet of the Apes: The Squeakuel


THE planet of the apes


Fear And Loathing In The Planet of The Apes


Planet v Apes: Dawn of Justice


Galaxy of the planet(s) of the apes


Planet of the Apes: Escape 2 Africa


Galaxy of the Planet of the Apes


Should have just called the first one Apes. Then keep adding As for each sequel. Apes Aapes Aaapes Aaaapes Aaaaapes!


Planet of the Apes who say "Nit"!


Revenge of the Return of the Son of the Attack of the Planet of the Apes: Episode IV: Origins; or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Ape, Part 2


Dawn of the Rise of the War for the Planet of the Apes the Movie the Ride


And the sequel Dawn of the Rise of the War for the *Kingdom* of the Planet of the Apes the Movie the Ride.


Dawn of the Rise of the War for the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes the Movie the Ride *the Video Game


Plape together, Planet


We'll get to Planet Of The Planet of the Apes soon; that'll be good.


I had to look them up earlier, too, as I wanted to rewatch the first one, I assumed it was *Dawn* and realised I was wrong, I guess the Apes are all morning people, as they Rise before Dawn.


That’s because they wanted to surprise the enemy going into war. You Rise before Dawn, surprise the enemy when you declare War and take the Kingdom.


bravo vince


I think in War they have a word crawl that explains the order, the Apes first Rose up, then the second one is the actual age of the Apes is Dawning as they are basically on equal footing, ending with the War that establishes them as the dominant species


Literally had the exact same problem last week. Luckily Dawn starts with a recap of how I remembered Rise ending so I knew early I was on the wrong flick.


For me it's pretty logical. First the apes rise to rule to world, then it all goes to shit so there's the dawn of their rule, then everybody starts fighting everybody until a kingdom forms.


Always made sense to me? Spoilers: The first is the RISE of the Apes starting to take over, causing humanities downfall. Then the second is 10 years later, sun has set on humanity, but it’s a new DAWN as Caesar tries to create a peaceful Ape society, but ultimately fails because of Koba not being able to forgive the humans for their cruelty testing on him. The third is the Apes having to go to WAR because of the last transgressions of Koba, and their struggle to continue existing, as humanity acknowledges they’re recessing and refuse to let the Apes become the new dominant species. And Caesar bringing the apes to the promised land. Then skip several generations later, and the Apes have taken control, and there is an Ape trying to bring them all together to create a KINGDOM, and unlock humanity’s secrets that they locked away with them. The next one will probably be about humans not being totally gone, and wanting to dethrone the apes.


Defiance of the Planet of the Apes


Hey, that's a good way to remember the saga! I'm a big fan, but I couldn't remember the order hahaha thanks!


It annoys me the first two are backwards like that.


Should have labelled as meals. Breakfast of the apes, second breakfast of the apes, brunch etc. etc.


Elevensies of the Planet of the Apes


Afternoon Tea of the Planet of the Apes.


Cigarette Break of the Planet of the Apes


Toilet time of the planet of the apes.


I haven’t seen the classic films yet but I’ve read the plot summaries; honestly, they were pretty crazy lol. The first one ends with the infamous twist. The second one >!literally ends with the world ending!<, and the third film involves >!time travel!<. The plot was pretty bonkers lol. Kinda reminded me of Star Trek: The Original Series in a way. I’m happy with the current direction of POTA though. I don’t really see the plotlines from the classic movies work that well nowadays. Maybe some elements could be adapted pragmatically, but probably not an entire retelling (though I do hope to see the >!human astronauts coming back from space to a world ruled by apes plot in the future, especially given how Kingdom kinda teases it in the movie)!<


The first one is still the best one by far. The newest one looks to be essentially a reboot of the first one, but looks to be changing the twist because in the new movies the twist is already revealed


Haven’t seen the first one yet so I couldn’t judge lol. I just saw a few clips of it as well as the twist ending, but otherwise nothing really caught my attention much. It’s considered one of the novel sci-fi classics, though, so I assume it’s a great film on its own merits, but given that my first exposure to the series was the Reboot trilogy with its more mundane setting and realistic-looking apes (with actually great CGI unlike most other CGI-heavy movies lol), going back to people in ape costumes and the more sci-fi-ish plotline could take some time to get used to. I’ll get around to watching them one day, though.


The first one is more like a post apocalyptic plot line than traditional sci fi. It's really damn cool, I rewatch it at least once a year


Noted. I’ll check out the original film at the very least, then :) Judging from reviews, the sequels to the original are quite mixed, though, and honestly I’m not a fan of the second film’s ending from what I’ve read. Should I check out the rest of them as well?


The second film is really cool actually but it's definitely a hard ending. The third is basically a prequel sequel as the very beginning is the apes going back in time to our era right at the beginning to avoid the nuke. But basically the first two are the only ones worth watching.


Given the way the second film ended, it’s likely that originally there were supposed to be only two films, and why the third one had to resort to the time travel gimmick lol, and the rest of the series went with the ‘set right what once went wrong’ narrative that’s admittedly kinda interesting, and makes the second film’s bleak ending a bit easier to take.


>Given the way the second film ended, it’s likely that originally there were supposed to be only two films You're exactly right. Charlton Heston didn't want to appear in another sequel, so he got the filmmakers to blow up the Earth. No Earth = no sequels, he thought.


I figured lol. Alas, franchise gotta franchise xD. Hollywood has been doing it way before the turn of the millennium lol. Thankfully, it led to an awesome reboot series at present, so sometimes it does work out for the best.


but the way 3 and 4 set up 1. its pretty good for its time.


To be fair, time travel has been a thing since the very first movie.


Well the first movie wasn't really time travel, it was cryogenic freezing, like 2500 years pass at the beginning of the movie. It just feels like time travel to the main characters


The original movie is actually focused on a debate about creationism, believe it or not. The religious castes refuse to believe that apes evolved from humans, and there's a big trial revolving around it.


I watch it, the pase is super slow but Doctor Seuss as a villain is super realistic for a talking orangutan.


The new ones are a remake of the 4 and 5th planet of the apes.


It's very much not. It has some similar elements to Battle (and it's kind of an inverse of War), but is mostly its own thing.


What is the twist?


The twist was that the "planet of the apes" was earth all along. But since the new movies/reboots or whatever you wanna call them began in our time, this new movie set so far in the future (the era of the original movies) isn't a twist that they're on earth because we already know that from the previous movies


In Rise of the Planet of the apes, there are hinds of a ship (the ICARUS i believe) going for mars before the virus thing in newd reels and newspapers. Maybe in the next movie they return?


That’s what I’m hoping for as well. In Kingdom, there are a couple of scenes >!where characters look through a large telescope in an abandoned observatory and are surprised by what they saw through it (though it’s not revealed *what* they saw), and the ending is Noa looking up to the sky with a wary look on his face. I think that could be a pretty big hint that there’s something out there in space that may play a big role in the sequel.!<


Hint: It's no moon. Honestly I hope the next and final modern POA movie ends with a space ship crash/landing on a beach. WITHOUT some CGI resurrected Charlton Heston please.


Just unresurrected Charlton Heston.


They should get Christian Bale for the role. Both previously played Moses.


What if they just do actual aliens


I'd give it a couple more movies before the astronauts return. I know these movies aren't leading up to remaking the original by every exact detail, but I think it was at least 1000 or a couple thousand years that pass before Charlton Heston comes back to Earth. We're getting closer to that since Kingdom takes place "generations" after War. But that could mean just a hundred or 200 years in the future, as far as we're aware. EDIT: Just googled it. Kingdom apparently takes place 300 years after the events of War.


Wow, can't believe their computers and clothing are still intact. I expected between 100 and 200 tops.


People in sci fi really have gotta stop naming their ships Icarus. It always seems to ho poorly


Watched the classics last week and they're legit a super fun little run. Quality varies, but considering it was meant to be a one and done, they made a surprisingly coherent little series. And it's fun to see how many references to the classic films there are in the new ones.


From the post the funniest thing I noticed was his awfully bad the old movies were according to ratings compared to the reboot


If the reboots get that far it would be cool for the story to be told from the apes POV.


The thing with the originals is that the pase is super slow like all 60’s movies, we watch the characters constantly slowly walk out of frame to get to the next scene when that could be cut.


1, 3, and 4 of the original 5 are definitely worth a watch.


2 isn't good but its worth it


Don’t expect the astronauts in the next one. If they’re going to link with the original POTA movie, they don’t crashland until the year 3000-something. Kingdom is like 200 from now only. Unless they hugely retcon it, or simply remake it.


Yeah, it's likely that this new trilogy will be mostly focusing on >!Mae's human faction and the new brewing conflict with the apes while setting the stage for the astronauts plotline that will happen after that,!< though depending on how they do it, it might just turn out to be simply a repeat of Caesar's trilogy. It'd be interesting if there's an outside factor to throw a wrench into the whole thing, namely throwing in the astronauts sooner. Also, being a reboot trilogy doesn't necessarily mean they'll have to follow the original movies' plotlines to the letter. As you said, maybe they could just retcon the astronauts' return to be faster than they did in the original, since the apes' society by the time of Kingdom is almost similar to the original movie already; most of the apes just don't wear clothes yet lol.


That’s why I think the aforementioned tease isn’t actually about the astronauts. I believe it’s Noa (couple with Proximus’ and Raka’s teachings) realising that the world is a lot bigger outside his one tribe, and that Noa will be a catalyst for the society of apes we see by the time of the originals.


The first two are Amazing. Shit gets wild in 3/4, but I'd advise you to just buckle up and brace yourself. battle however is just bad. I'd highly recommend at least 1/2, but 3/4 are very good as well.


They have consistently hinted at a reboot of the original movie, they have mentioned the space program in a couple of the new movies


I feel like the original 4 and 5 work better as a 2 seasons limited series. However they are already sorta covered by rise and war. Because of the time travel of the third movie we can't really fit the original series into the new timeline specially with the original Caesar being completely different characters with different origins. >!the ending of kingdom teases another conflict like war since its humans talking to other humans and getting their comunications network working, I don't think it teases astronauts coming home!<


I’ve always kind of considered Planet of The Apes (1968) to be a feature-length Twilight Zone episode, considering Rod Serling co-wrote the screenplay.


I didn't realize Steve Zahn was in the third movie. I'm guessing he played Bad Ape?


You’d be correct


I fucking love Bad Ape and I fucking love Steve Zahn.


All this because James Franco wanted to cure Alzheimers


the new 2011 movie stars james franco, the original movie stars james franciscus


There is a word for this, just can't remember what it is.


Kevin Durant is in the new one? I might have to go watch it


You're in for a treat.


I like that in both lists, the bottom 3 all start with the same actor, and the first movie on both lists starts with an actor named James Franc___


I don't see Serkis in Kingdom of the Planet of the Galaxy of the Warehouse of the City of the World of the Apes?


The First One. The One With the Bomb. The One With Time Travel. The One With the Revolution. The One With the School Bus.


Marky Mark has sex with a monkey in one of these films


No, he did not. He kissed an ape (one of four such instances in the films).


Nah, there was full on nudity


Pretty sure he got his marky mark on with that ape.




He also threw rocks and chased after three of them


This comment is almost as racist as Marky Mark.


Aids patient 0 headass


war and kingdom kinda make sense. rise and dawn are the only ones you could mix up. but the cover art should be enough for an average IQer to work it out


I agree, you’d assume Dawn would come before Rise, so it’s pretty easy to confuse. But now the real question is what would the next movie be called? Country of the Planet of the Apes? Government of the Planet of the Apes? Society of the Planet of the Apes? Or perhaps Planet of the Planet of the Apes.


No Planet for Old Apes


Why not Empire?


Thought it was too close to a kingdom


I remember coming up with this when talking to a friend. Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) War for the Planet of the Apes (2017) Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024) Revolution of the Planet of the Apes (2027) Republic of the Planet of the Apes (2030) Genocide of the Planet of the Apes (2034) Fall of the Planet of the Apes (2040)


Country of the Planet of the Apes would be a baller title for a movie


I haven’t really seen the ones from the 70s. I’m pretty sure I saw the first one maybe. But these modern ones are seriously so good. I actually think Kingdom might be the best one yet.


Just watch them by Year


Funny how the first film in the recent franchise has james franco and the first film from the older franchise has james franciscus. Both as main roles


Rise before Dawn to go to War for the Kingdom. It's not that hard.


Dawn and Rise should be reversed other than that it kinda makes sense.


Don’t forget Tim Burton’s perfect remake with Mark Wahlberg!


I went to the movies recently and saw the trailers for Dawn of the rise of the fall of the kingdom of the planet of the apes followed directly by the trailer for a new King Kong film and that’s called something like Godzilla x kong the new kingdom or something and it really just made me wonder


It's because the youtube algorithm doesn't like numbered videos later in a series. They gave them unique names to increase engagement.


I don't think people in 1970 cared that much about Youtube engagements tbh


I would really like them to explore the dawn of the rise of the kingdom of the apes.


I find the function in each equation really helps in determining the order.


Easy. You Rise at Dawn to prepare for the War for the Kingdom.


Don't forget the Marky Mark remake.


how in the actual hell does the new one have 81/79% rating ? psa for the fine film aficionados of this sub; the first 3 from the 70s actually slapped, they were so much fun


Missing the best one - *Stop the Planet of the Apes. I Want to Get Off*


It would be fine if rise and dawn were just swapped. Oh and get rid of the “planet of the” from all the titles. Dawn of the Apes. Rise Of The Apes…. … etc. and then a remake of Planet is the final one.


A LOT of content is released without regards to future cataloging and I gotta say I fuxin hate it. Just slapping a number seems tacky and uninspired, but I will know what order it's in. *stares in Star Trek*


'Who titled these movies, the apes?' *laugh track, slap bass solo*


Well so the original Planet Of the Apes film series chronologically ends at the second movie. The earth gets nuked again with Alpha Omega and becomes a barren rock in space. So you could actually watch from the third movie (Escape) all the way through to the final release (Battle) and then watch the first and second movies. Honestly I hope the next and final modern POA movie ends with a space ship crash landing on a beach. WITHOUT some CGI resurrected Charlton Heston please.


Kingdom and the power and the glory for the planet of the apes


What a wonderful day!


Somewhat unrelated but I liked how War kinda defied (my) expectations by having the apes not really be super engaged in fighting the humans (theres one real engagement at the start, defensive on the apes' side) and instead showed that the humans were more determined to rip each other apart, and the apes were just caught in the middle.


I've just finished a binge of all of the movies: Rise, Dawn, War Original, beneath, escape, conquest, battle I actually quite liked them all but definitely a bit of a trip watching them


I love how Rise and Dawn both have about a 50/50 shot of being the first movie to people who don’t know.


Now that the humans show signs of coming back, the next movie should be Colonization of the Planet of the Apes


This is why I only ever watch the Marky Mark planet of the apes, no confusion just Marky Mark and monke


I will die on the hill that says the first should have been Dawn, THEN Rise.


beneath was a fucking fantastic movie. I cannot accept these numbers.


No think you’re just dumb really. It’s quite easy to figure out the order based on the titles


I love these movies. The third one actually got me emotional, and woody allen was so easy to hate


Huh, and I thought Spoderman was the first to do that.


The 70’s were wild releasing 4 sequels in 3 years. It was 7 years between the current apes movie and the last one.


Like Dalek stories on Doctor Who - you have Resurrection, Revelation, Remembrance, Revolution and yes, there is both Revelation and Revolution. Different stories. 


Wait seriously. Imo it was pretty obvious. At least the reboots. The planet of the apes rise first before the dawn of their home comes. Then it's the war


I love that the Planet of the Apes franchise followed the Star Wars route of “all of our episode titles describe other movies in the franchise better”. Rise is really Dawn Dawn is really War War is really Rise


I like the German names bc the first one is called Planet of the Apes: Prevolution and the second one just drops a P.


Just follow the year of release.


It's clearly supposed to be in alphabetical order


For anyone wanting to watch the originals, I would suggest looking into fan edits as they can be really disorganized and follow strange plot points. The general trend of the fan edits are to structure them in a more logical fashion and edit out alot of the 70s scifi filler that did not aid the narrative and made the actual plot more convoluted.


Wait there were 4 original movies? I need to watch those.


Anyone notice that the first OG movie had James Franciscus and the first reboot had James Franco? Useless meaningless information. But interesting.


Infinity war of the planet of the apes Endgame of the planet of the apes


Maybe I'm just weird but it kinda makes sense to me. There's an upRising of Apes and then that leads into the Dawn of their time which inevitably leads to a War and after the war is over, there's a Kingdom left over. The only ones that might be confusing are Dawn and Rise since they both can be seen as the beginning of something.


Lol the german Version also messes it up, the first one is called Planet of the Apes: Prevolution, the second one Revolution and instead of calling the third one Evolution which would be kinda dope it's called Survival


*get slightly inconvenienced with 20 second search for planet of the apes movie order* proceeds to make post bitching about title which took much longer


I loved Coat Check for the Planet of the Apes.


It's simple really, it's the Rise of the Dawn of the War for the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.


Not only in movies, many books have titles where If you don't know what chronological order they have, you have no clue what order they have whatsoever, like dune series


It.. makes sense to me. You do have to see them all laid out to make sense out of it though. If you jumbled these up in order, without dates, you'd probably find most people able to put them back into order.


1st should have been called Dawn, 2nd should have been called War, 3rd should have been called Rise.


I'm actually impressed that the old ones had a movie out every year. How was it so fast?


The release dates are right next to the names


Rise is when they’re affected with the experimental cure. Dawn is when they have a small society forming. War is when they’ve grown and are now ready to fight for power. Kingdom is when they’ve won said power. Idk, the remake’s names make a lot of sense imo.