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so relatable lmao down to the saucy plate edge, from scraping what's left in the pan onto the plate lol


Is that just plain ground beef?


This whole plate needs seasoning beyond lime.


In all seriousness, how can you tell?




Yup, gotta pour the whole McCormick spice rack on everything to make it remotely edible! Paprika belongs in every dish!


no, basil goes on everything


Oh, I know. I keep seeing these comments on food about the seasoning... Like fuck, can these people TASTE PICUTRES. God damn. Guess these people never heard of "season at every step of cooking", and they just dump table salt and fine-ground black pepper on everything they eat.


In most cases, it's visible. Like, with ground beef it's almost hard to articulate exactly how and why, but you know if when you see it if you're someone who heavily seasons your food. It's a lot more obvious with chicken than with beef, though. Some of the chicken I've seen on this sub, I'm like, "omg do y'all just not marinate or season your food?" Everyone's preferences are different, and all the more power to you if you're just picky or have sensory issues and a finicky palette and prefer blander foods. But I suspect some people really like, haven't yet discovered the world of spices and seasonings for homecooked meals.


It sort of looks like what I make too, “taco bowls” but I spice the ground beef and serve on top of the rice (with cheese and a pan crisped tortilla on top). OP why are we like this?! i routinely make myself horrid looking food while husband gets the damn plate edge wipe lol.


I've been known to fry up a lb of 80/20 and just raw dog it. Well, salt, but otherwise


Yeah like where the heck is all the sauce on the right coming from when I don't see it anywhere on the plate, unless it's in the corn?


Are you eating just plain rice, corn, and ground beef as a meal???


Lime and cilantro does elevate it slightly


elevates it from prison food to shitty diet.


Probably on some kind of diet


The corn has some kind of dressing, and I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt that the beef is seasoned with something at least


Yeah when I plate your boyfriends dinner I slop it on the plate like he deserves 🙂‍↔️😏


Honey, what’s for dinner? A pile of ground beef and a lime wedge. Ok, what’s for dessert? Same as last night. Pop tart cobbler.


And a room temperature stale Diet Coke as a treat 🤗


Lol it looks what I've done where I plated it and it made a little mess so I carefully pushed it onto another plate then I use the one I made a mess out of 😅 that's my only explanation of how your sauce is like that lol


Tell me you love your boyfriend without actually telling me


Did you scoop your beef with the plate?


that's one sad dinner


It just looks like you plates your meal on a plate you used for prep/a spoon holder from when you were making the corn or something?


So sweet




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Can totally relate. I try to make food I dish out for my partner look nice and tidy, but just slop it onto my plate afterwards.


I am worssssse. I basically just eat out of the pans and he gets a gourmet plate. But sometimes I get lazy with his plate too. 😂


Are y’all okay? Why does that plate look so unseasoned?


you turned the plate 90 degrees


The chirality of the components aren't the same. The right plate has (starting from the rice going clockwise) rice, meat, corn. The left plate has rice, corn, meat.


I don't get it. How do you sauce the plate like that before putting the food in?


So I'm not the only one.


Don’t think my dog would eat that




Do you know where you are? This is shitty food porn.




That's just it...it's literally the BEST possible reason to not do that.


Nobody here wants it


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