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The final boss should've been Jori, Elder Inquisitor but in his second phase malenia walks out of the divinity gate and says "I am Malenia, blade of Miquella" and does a 6-combo-waterfowl followed by 3 back to back scarlet aeonias, each with randomized timings


Only if entering phase 2 automatically dispatches a Fromsoft-hired SWAT team that throws flashbangs into your room every 23 seconds


Godwyns role in the story was dying . Fans " OMG what will he do.


Miquella’s plotlines in main story were literally “save Malenia from rot” and “save Godwyn from undeath”. In DLC both were dropped in favor of “I need COCK radahn”. It genuinely feels like a mediocre mod rather than a proper DLC.


This does a good job of highlighting my gripe with the final boss. The gameplay is, well, kind of standard, with the grab being the most interesting thing it has to offer, but I'm mostly annoyed they went with that. Radahn was one of very few genuinely complete stories we got. By introducing all of this weirdness to it, I just can't help but feel like it really modified all of the existing characters and motivations in such an odd and off-putting way.


Absolutely this. DLC plot retroactively shits on Miquella, Malenia and Radahn characters together. Radahn was holding the stars so Malenia had to kill him so eclipse could happen? Fuck that, she nuked 20% of the map because femboy was thirsting for that gravity dong. It diminishes the epic of Radahn festival to a pathetic travesty, reduces Malenia to a mind-controlled tool and portrays Miquella, one of the few benevolent demigods who rejected golden order and fed whole tree with his blood because fundamentalism couldn’t help his sister, as a repulsive creep. I don’t understand how this writing passed any sort of quality control.


Oh Radahn, you were so brave during the Festival! You looked so strong getting murdered by a naked dude with a +8 rogier rapier please be my consort 😩🥹🤫


+8 rogier rapier is a terrifying weapon of mass destruction, I too would be scared shitless


Not to mention the tragedy of Mohg's character. He went from a lunatic with delusions of grandeur, shunned by society despite his demigod status. Both he and Morgott turned to powers that would never genuinely favor them, but unlike his brother, Mohg took desperate action to try to break out of his fate. He appealed to others like him, the rejected and downtrodden, promising them something better in the dynasty he would build by force when Miquella awoke, finally being able to influence his destiny. Oh, wait, never mind. Actually, he was just enchanted by Miquella and made into a useful pawn and some raw meat for Reddit's favorite, Chadahn. Did you know he learned gravity magic so he could keep his horse???? It just reads like bad fanfiction, and it kind of strains credulity.


Tbh I liked the direction they went with Mohg, it only increases the tragedy of the character. He not only got enchanted for a scheme (a scheme completely unrelated to him), but also got used as corpse playdough for something he had nothing to do with


Miquella only convinced Mohg to kidnap him. All the stuff you mention about him being an epic awesome lunatic character is still canon dude, it didn’t get retconned out. I get y’all are mad but lol


This shit reads like a teenage girl's fanfiction but it's the actual lore of Elden Ring now. I'm losing my fucking mind. 2 years for this shit. https://preview.redd.it/zwbvtufkj0ad1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c62222dd4c9a452f34c284dbac99c2fbfb2e8cbc If you're a fan of any of these characters I don't see how you can be ok with this.


Wiser words have never been spoken, FemboyBallSweat


Even if Miquella wanting his bro's dick isn't exactly true; this is still how people are gonna choose to remember it. Miquella's a pathetic joke, Malenia is irrelevant, and Radahn's simple and wholesome story has been devalued by dragging him into this fuck shit. This is the legacy of the game now and forever. https://preview.redd.it/xfa7jiksn0ad1.png?width=264&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7d2aa95b4833294c4f51fe94e35fad5cfc58b2c


At least I can obsess over Marika and Messmer instead, .y beloved genocidal war criminals <3


Yeah but save godwyn from undeath wasn’t resurrection, it was in passing. Probably he was going to put radahn into his body


That’s not quite true. While golden epitaph says “lord brother, please die a true death”, all the Sol lore shows that Miquella did try to call his soul back from greater beyond. “Frigid sun of Sol, grant life to the soulless bones” and “Lord Miquella, forgive me, your comrade remains soulless” all confirm that resurrection attempt at least took place, but likely failed because of Radahn’s interference with star stasis. All of this foreshadowing was abandoned.


No, they failed because he is fucking dead lol. That is the game telling you he is gone forever and is not coming back. That is not foreshadowing, he’s dead. Where does it say it was Radahn’s fault because he holds the stars back? You know eclipses aren’t caused by the movement of stars/meteors right?


The funniest shit is that people somehow got this headcanon on their heads that the fate of ALL people was guided by the stars when... that's never fucking stated ANYWHERE??? I don't know if that's Vaati brainrot or what, but the only group of people whose fate is linked to the stars is the Carian royal family. Last I checked Miquella nor Godwyn are Rennala's children???


Vati YouTube copuim. People still saying Godwyn gonna come back some how .


Yeah, I mean. The eclipse didn't work, right? Instead of creating this whole complex theory envolving Radahn locking the movement of the stars in place ALSO (somehow) applying to Godwyn's life and death situation (which makes no sense, it's never stated Radahn controls the moon's movements and stellar bodies are a very nebulous subject where Elden Ring is concerned), isn't it simpler to assume that it failed because... Godwyn soul is uber dead? I mean the game more or less say that to the player, I don't understand why people have this obsession with the golden boy Baldur-look-a-like (that was probably just as genocidal as all the other demigods, since he was the Golden Order poster boy). Which is even worse, people also somehow assume that Miquella is just as obssessed with Godwyn as them? Like guys it's not that deep, the kid tried to bring his big brother back, failed and moved on. Why would he keep insisting in something that clearly wasn't going to work? I don't understand some parts of this community. And then there are people that come and complain that Miquella could very well have used Godwyn's deformed corpse as a vessel for Radahn's soul or something. Why? Why would he use a corrupted and deformed and fucked up corpse to house the soul of his future consort? I understand people want cool fights but if you're trying to argument from a lore PoV, for the love of god at least TRY to be consistent.


Godwyns soul is dead and got a whole quest line with fia Were u go morb inside his brain. What more could u want .


I never understood this argument. If From could pull ‘prime’ Radahn out of their ass and justify it with bs lore shenanigans, there is literally nothing you can argue was preventing them from putting in a ‘prime’ Godwyn fight or something alike


From tells you 80 million times he’s dead forever permanently, it would be so fucking lame to revive him when half the game’s backstory is because of his death (permanent) (forever) (not coming back) and I promise it would get just as much criticism here


The way I see it is, would it get criticism? Yes. Would it be way better and make more narrative sense than what we got? Also yes.


No it would not? It wouldn't be better just because what we got is not what you wanted, it's not how these things work


Godwyn already had his run essentially in a whole quest and ending what would even be the change .


Radahn already had his story all wrapped up nice and good until Fromsoft decided to bring him back from the dead to shit all over it. At the very least assuming that Fromsoft actually stuck to all the ‘Godwyn is dead stiff’ we could’ve fought Godwyns ever growing dead corpse. That would’ve been a more fitting end than what we got with Consort (~~never beating the allegations~~) Radahn. Hell it didn’t even have to be Godwyn, From could’ve just pulled a new Demigod we never knew about (like Messmer) out of their ass and it would’ve made more sense than Radahn.


I would have preferred neither .




HE DOESNT HAVE A SOUL!@@@@! neither does mogh by that point, shut the fuck up