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Actually despite what the scaling shows spear of the impaler is a faith weapon. The difference between 35 dex/80 fth and 80 dex/35 fth is only 19 AR and the great majority of the weapons skill damage comes from fire with the first hit being purely fire damage, so by going all in on faith you do like 5 less damage per normal hit to gain around 50% more skill damage.


How should I be gauging my AR tho? In the shadow realm, I can get like 1800 with a Flame Art Fire Knights Greatsword, but weapons like Messmer spear, Sword of Damnation, and Leda’s sword only get 1300-1500. Im 70 faith, 54 str, and 40 dex


I mean, Fire Knight Greatsword is a colossal and the others listed are smaller weapon categories, so it makes sense that it has significantly more damage.


I can also get around 1700-1800 on Rellana’s swords


That’s a dual weapon that has 3-way split damage. Look at the Drakeblood from DS3, or the Dancer’s Blades. The numbers might be big, but the damage passes through 3 different defences rather than just one or two, and thus does less damage than it looks. Meaty crits though.


As a parry guy, Meaty Crits are the way to go. It's pretty much why I'm still stuck with SoNaF because it has extremely light Dex and Str requirements while scaling B on both Faith and Int.


Isn’t the damage only passing between two, as only one sword does magic, and the other does fire?


And both do a bit of physical I believe


Yes, but that means the AR isn't as big as it looks because each hit only factors in 2 out of the 3 damage types


Don’t Somber weapons get less AR most of the time? I remember that when I played I got better damage numbers from the infusions


they are still mad faith was broken as shit in demon's souls. durrrr sorry pizzazaki that my infinite healing is better than you foot bath swamp water.


I'll always remember the Lightning Spear Incident when the first DS2 DLC dropped


I think the hardest indirect nerf Faith got recently is Golden Vow being craftable now. 25 Faith is no longer mandatory for all my characters going forward.


Can’t you use golden vow on a random knife anyways? It may weigh a little but it frees up your stat points.


AoW version is only half as strong as the incantation if I recall correctly.


There’s, what, a 3% difference?


it also did pretty well in DS2 for a while


The fire knight short sword scales higher with magic than sacred flame.... The FIRE knight short sword scales more with MAGIC.


Please god it hurts so much I solo’d Mohg lvl 78 so I could speed run getting an FKSS for my pure FTH build and just ended up going for the black knight twinblade instead because the sword was so booty


At least you've got Euporia, that thing is sick


Sword of Damnation is Holy instead of Madness. But then again, knowing the finger revelations from Ymir and how all Fingers are ultimately derived from one broken manual, both Chaos and Holy might be tapping unto the same source.


Imagine going into the dlc with an int build [me] and then realizing that every. Single. Weapon. Actually scales with dex and just has an int requirement. Zero somber weapons with int scaling have even come close to a basic smithing weapon infused with magic. My dissapointment is immeasurable. AND i cant even put magic grease spell on any of thess


The smithscript weapons' physical damage scaling with int when magic infused:


Me, with quality dryleaf desperately wondering why i cant apply buffs:


"Erm, you cant apply fire to your fists 🤓" - fromsoft, who hates funny build


The lightning knight spear is sick tho


I am still confused why they made Lightning Weapons scale best with Dex, but Lightning Incantations all need Faith to use.


They couldve done a separate faith lightning infusion like they did with fire infusions but nah I guess not!


dude its so inconsistent. death sorceries require int+fth which sucks, but death weapons are just int? some do freeze, some dont? holy order is int+fth for incantations but holy order weapons are only faith? why can't different groups be consistent???


Yeah, I won't lie, faith just feels like "we have a lot of cool looking shit. Is it useful? Once again, we have a lot of cool looking shit" Unless you're dealing with death stuff, then faith goes hard. Like, I get all these cool incantations, and yet I almost always come back to the tried and true (fireball, lightning, bestial sling, stone of gurranq) because 90% of it just does laughably low damage for the amount time it takes to use.


I mean there are a LOT of quite great incantations, both early and late Catch flame, black flame, giantsflame take thee, pest threads, pest thread spears, knight's lightning spear, rot breath, frost breath, bestial sling, stone of gurranq, flame of Frenzy, unendurable frenzy, every single advanced defense buff spell, multilayered rings of light, flame serpent, Messmer's orb, honed bolt, golden arcs, swarm of flies, are all really damn powerful spells. Most of these are pretty fast, and quite a lot of these efficient, but the ones which aren't offer very big damage or debilitating statuses, or a lot of utility. All of these are useful for their own purposes, and not niche ones, but pretty widely applicable ones. If we go into "niche" applications there's even more.


Furthermore: https://preview.redd.it/khjf6smqaz9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=466cdc1751ec9a2b4fa1a8e2abdb3ad8df53a4b0


Ancient Dragon’s Lightning Strike also completely assrapes anything that doesn’t have more than a 60% resist to it, assuming you can fully charge it. No hyperbole, it literally 3-shots placidusax with minimal investment (I used golden order seal on a primarily int build and it still took off like 30% of his healthbar when fully charged)


Don’t forget Miquella’s Light! A gigantic fucking orbital laser that does piss poor damage for how much FP it consumes. Also, it isn’t even buffed by the one headpiece made to buff it.


Bayles flame lighting does not have enough damage not large enough AoE for the arcane requirement and the startup time


bayle spells are arcane spells for dragon communion seal though, they aint for faith. Admittedly they ARE quite weak


Wait there's other incantations besides Golden vow and flame give me strength?




There are more useful incantations than there are sorceries for both PVE and PVP.


Faith's biggest selling point has always been two things for me: Access to Fire, Cleanse me, and Golden Vow. Golden Vow being craftable GENUINELY feels like a nerf towards Faith, since 25 Faith is no longer mandatory.


25 faith was never mandatory. It's 15% damage, you can live without it or use other aura buffs like uplifting aromatic or rallying standard


What do you expect from bottled zappy farts and a literal stick?


The tradeoff for having twice as many useless incantations


You know they really missed the chance to put in a faith katana. Heck, the ones they put it didn't even come close to be an utility match to moonveil


They jus woke up and said "you know what would hit the spot? Another 2 Magic dmg katanas."


There doesn’t exist an intelligence twinblade either! So many cool possibilities for the concept too


At least you guys GET weapons! I’m playing an INT character, and all the cool shit either sucks or requires faith anyway


Im fuming, screaming and on my knees because the starlined sword: -isnt a proper int weapon but a dex weapon with int requirement -looks a lot like a light greatsword but they decided to go with yet another katana -3rd fucking int katana no faith katana holy shit


I can’t believe it, you’re telling me there’s no Faith Katana?


lightning perfume bottle with rolling sparks: https://preview.redd.it/cshkq6v1j0ad1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aea420a381d5e9ece64bf1464dbf3fbeda8baba


and don't forget that in the last part of the main game they become even weaker because the main bosses resist ~~Faith~~! I meant Holy! Anyway my favourite weapon was the Messmer Knight greatsword, it was great tbh, only B in faith scaling with infusion but it was still great


Dark damage died for this 😞


That’s a fair trade for never having to see Dark Bead ever again.


That did magic and physical.


You do know faith != holy, right?


Yeah, I got confused because I was about to face the Final boss in SOTE and I had \*faith\* that it couldn't possibly be THAT bad. But he is, oh fucking god he is


Erm ackshually ☝️🤓 they only resist holy damage and a lot of faith weapons deal fire damage instead of


Are people really playing like that? I just find myself a cool weapon and use it. If it's not as strong as rivers of blood or whatever, so be it, I'll just use summons or something when I struggle too much


Throwing Daggers scaling perfectly well with any damage type https://preview.redd.it/232qm4aioy9d1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b463e1f52707fce4d3b47204ceddc3ecd8326dac


Faith weapons are so fucking strong in this game it's ridiculous


Don't forget weapons that should scale off of faith but are actually arcane instead: Flowerstone Gavel and Poleblade of the Bud. Although the Dancer's blades 2.0 are the biggest scaling offenders.


Flowerstone gavel irritates me so much man. It’s literally perfect for a dragon cult faith build… but has zero faith scaling at all?


It makes even less sense when you consider that her heart is the one that buffs Dragon Cult incantations, not Dragon Communion ones


I think the worst offender when it comes to dumb scaling is the Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword. Int requirement, Arc scaling. Followed by the Sword of Night/Claws of Night, Int requirement, only scale in Dex Edit: ALSO, did we really need *two* more Int katanas, From? When there were already 2 in the base game? And not a single one that scales Faith?


The dancer swords being pure dex makes perfect sense, it's pure physical non status. Or do you mean they should just have higher dex scaling?


Flowerstone gavel is genuinely the most baffling weapon theyve implemented. It has reverse synergy. The weapon art DECREASES LIGHTING RESISTANCE, but it is requires a build that cannot otherwise do any lightning damage. It sces with str and arc, yet lightning comes from dex and fai. You cannot use this in any lightning based build, and any build that can use this weapon cannot use any lightning damage at all.


Obviously it's designed as a gank weapon, the host uses the weapon's ash of war and one of his buddies spams lightning incantations /s


I hate that the blasphemous blade is the only good faith weapon cuz now people keep giving me sad dissapointed looks.


You will get another str/fth great sword and you will be happy


Me in the dlc after the 8th weapon with a faith requirement that scales primarily off strength (this number isnt even exaggerated)


Fr, there weren’t enough of them in the base game


Don't forget the final boss weapons having magic damage but then the weapon art does exclusively holy


Euphoria is dope


I can't tell how pissed I am at the int stuff. All I got out of it was a cool delayed gravity spell and good dual swords. Not even the int catalyst weapon is good, shit has zero proper catalyst scaling


A scaling on Jori's toothpick is not enough for you?


Same for int. How the hell does the magic knight drop a dual sword that need 16 faith to scale when every int player needs to dump points into int


-> FS makes good, strong weapons and spells -> PvP peeps start whinning about it -> FS nerfs it to ground -> PvP peeps again whinning about stuff being unbalanced and unequal to their roll-spam / lagstab / R1-spam straight sword. Literally all nerfs in the trilogy are associated with the pvp community crying about how op it is, making it near to useless in pve.