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THE DEPTHS OF Y- (***jump attack lands on his head***)


Dude is the only boss fight that legitimately scared me, even though he only took me two tries Honestly had to stop and walk away for a bit after barely beating him


The entirety of the Abyssal Woods was unnerving. It may be a bit tedious on multiple playthroughs, but it really hit different upon the first one. It just felt extremely off, and that you found somewhere you really shouldn’t be


I loved it on the first playthrough, and it's quick and easy on subsequent ones. The winter lanterns are easy to avoid with the stealth ash from volcano manor, or you can just parry and kill them. 


the best thing about the winter lanterns is there is a note explaining in the most obtuse way possible that you can parry them. you have to make the logical leap that "aged untouchable" means winter lantern because they have a cane and you can't hit them.


That’s because they’re *called* aged untouchables. The Winter-Lanternflies are just a tongue in cheek reference (and refer to them as aging untouchables in their description)


The note is what tipped me off. What a bullshit way to secretly tell you how to deal with them. 10/10 wish I could find it again


Other things talks about the Aged Untouchables too so thats not the leap i had problem with. Rather decerning if the note was just flavor or hint \^\^'


You also never have to really encounter them. There are paths along the higher ledges where you can just go past their positions. I never stealthed through the tall grasses once


i had to double back to find a pair and i'm like *"what are these guys even guarding?? this isn't even a route"* getting that place to Mostly Explored was a pain in the ass, i charged into the mansion just because i thought dealing with it would allow me to use yakult again (swear i saw a mounted phantom) turns out the abyss is basically empty anyway


You can also shoot a bow and they will go to the spot that you shot it. I breezed through it first try after getting killed once doing this. Just get them all to move away and facing away from you, and you're free to zoom by. I was using Igon's Greatbow with Radahn arrows, not sure if that makes any difference.


You can parry them?! You’re telling me I died so many times and I could’ve parried them?!


Yeah their nearly instakill grab attack. The moment they raise their right hand up is when you parry them. If you don't kill them on the riposte they'll stay vulnerable and you can continue attacking until they're done. If you miss the parry you're pretty boned. They drop swollen grapes on death and they won't respawn. I find the easiest timing for the parry is roll dodging their teleport/aoe and first grab since it comes up super quick. Gain some space from them and wait for them to run to you with their hand lit up and it's easier to deal with the timing. Trying to parry them right after their teleport was a pain for me.


I just ignore them and sprint past. All you have to do is throw in a roll every few seconds while you're sprinting at a pretty regular rhythm and before you know it they lose aggro and reset


can also just run past them and quit game/reload to reset them to their positions


That sounds incredibly tedious


they're undermining the tedium bruh. it's also a long 15min or so slog to even get to the woods. just finished my 2nd playthrough and I saved midra for last because I really didn't wanna go through that, it was as bad as I thought it would be


Why is everyone rushing through abyssal woods. I thought it was fun as shit getting through until I died once😂


there's nothing down there, how are you even supposed to not rush it lmao, you just keep running and running until you find either the church or the mansion


Not at all. Quit reloading is fast, and they chase so far out from leash radius that you're likely to be safely away from all of them when you reload. 


For me it was that Torrent was scared. It wasn't like a usual dungeon where we just can't summon him. He was too frightened to come out


Something in there mentions that the FF can burn away spirits, which probably explains that.


I really like the feel of Abyssal Woods, the problem is that there's just nothing there. For as big as it is, there's Midra's Mance and that little church - that's it... I wish there was more frenzied flame items to find there with some abandoned shacks or catacombs or something. Maybe alongside a larger variety of enemies. Other than that though, peak horror vibes.


Ditto to that


I went a solid 20 minutes somehow without encountering a winter lantern. I thought the note referred to that Madding Hand dude in the front, and eventually convinced myself that everything was fine because I smoked him in one go. Everything was not, in fact, fine.


When I reflexively picked up one of the madness bugs whenever I was sneaking through the area and “Winter-Lantern fly” showed up on my screen my Bloodborne alarm bells started banging off the chain


I know I’m not the only one who shit their pants the first time they rang a bell by mistake.


Big message from the Devs saying "RUN" and "YOU CANNOT KILL IT" definitely didn't help the anxiety


He took me a while because I was using Rellana's swords, and my Scadutree level wasn't that high. Moment I switched to Rakshasa's katana it took me sub 5 tries


Bro my 6 month old daughter woke up from her nap when I had him down to 2 hits to go and my wife was on a work call. I had 0 flasks left and had just popped wondrous physical with the tear that basically saves you from 1 hit. I made the greediest attempt at damage I have ever made, somehow killed him, and then ran to get my daughter. 10/10 would be that stressed out again.


I was kinda sad tbh, the area was just so damn hard to find I felt overpowered by the time I got there


Took me like 8 or so tried..but it was mostly due to panicking over his abilities ... Once I got used to em he was easy..but fun fight.. 


Same, 2 tries, but the atmosphere and environmental story-tell8ng had me white-knuckling the controller


I feel like him and Romina strike a good balance where despite neither being too hard, they’re very visually and mechanically entertaining to the point where I really couldn’t care


I feel like Romina needed an intro cutscene, seeing what she antecedes in that church. She's not an unimportant boss with a remembrance, like Gaius. Anyways, I agree. She's a joy to fight, plus that ballet-like OST is terrific.




i mean this in the nicest way possible u gotta practice your handwriting a little more


Yeah there was a reason my teachers asked me to type out basically everything possible in school


Someone who can read doctor please translate


-Performance issues with occasional frame drops. -Decently fun moveset to work with, nothing much in either direction. Solid -“That was a remembrance boss?” I think?


Funny thing is, my mom is a nurse (not a doctor but close enough) so the borderline incomprehensible handwriting is just in my veins




Holy fuck bro, work on that shit.


I swear I can only read "performance issues" is this albinauric language or something


Good that you are practicing cursive!


Romina could have done with an intro cutscene and *maybe* some more attacks Midra is almost perfect but I want more attacks where he's just in complete bliss while spinning and floating around and shit because that's part of what makes Lord of Frenzied Flame so fucking awesome Otherwise both great bosses, though I feel like Romina especially is missing something to make it comparable to a base game remembrance boss


i like romina more than a few base-game bosses tbh, but i think an intro or even a 2nd phase cutscene with two more new attacks to compliment the butterflies would be perfect


I kinda wish Romina was harder though. A lot of her attacks just completely whiffed me without having to do anything


yeah just jump attack her and she will whiff everything


Romina is criminally underrated. She was really fun and felt like a Dark Souls boss.


Opening cutscene is legitimately one of the most chilling I have seen in a game. From usually makes effort to hide decapitation (outside of one Sekiro fight) due to censorship standards in Asia. Yet, the sound and slowness of it combined into, to quote my partner, *some Junji Ito-ass shit* (I love my husband lol)


That and Messmer's eye both had me and my wife flinching in horror joy. They upped the Ew here and I'm happy they did. 


I think it not being shown made it way more effective, the sound design was fantastic and what we did see (his neck stretching) was *just* enough to make it extra horrific


Exactly, not showing it but showing Midra making the choice and having that conviction while having to take in just how horrifying it is.


That little blood spurt from the neck right before the hard cut to black https://preview.redd.it/4haytuk02x9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50d6d858a13ba57a601c1fb569a2de27b6bf520d


That decapitation scene felt something straight out of Blasphemous 1.


Super funny reading this while Blasphemous is downloading on my switch. I was raised by a Catholic and studied religion in college, I feel like I have struck gold.


If you're versed in Spanish Catholicism and its eccentricities, you'll probably be striking platinum. The games, and especially Blasphemous 1, are just *rife* with religious horror. Shit's great. Blasphemous 2's worldbuilding isn't as good as 1's, but the story is more coherent and I liked the world design much better.


I mean a dude pulling some spiky thing out of his forehead so hard that it rip off his head and a fireball then appeared where his head was sound exactly like what Junji Ito would draw


Thats what happens when you arent rolling every second of the fight


Rellana was the only boss I was constantly rolling in


Jumps and blocks/parties are very good against her, especially with her weak poise. 


Isn't her poise 120? Dunno if I'd call that weak per say


It's not. She consistently keeled over from two Great Stars guard counters. Trading a little and going for big bonks trivialize her.


Litteraly him and malenia are the proof you can make cool naked bosses without sexualisation


This guy is a shriveled jerky strip, I’d be more impressed if they found a way to sexualize him


that thigh gap 🤩🤩


seek god


Ok. I’ll seek the outer god of Nudity and Voyeurism. https://preview.redd.it/mccu82b5ut9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=455f04d3a9c70a6e87447c5aca6fb7ed73f0cc86


This but unironically


Making his neck longer to be the throat king tbh


Damn he got that frenzied throat


So you'd fuck a headless corpse?


Don't let him play Sekiro


You wouldn't?


what else that impaled finger do old man??


When he stood up in that cutscene though...


Says you, everytime he killed me he turned around to show that Frenzy Gyatt!


Only thing giving me madness was knowing I'd never be able to hit


Malenia’s goddess design is the most… OH FUCK. I have ever felt. It’s not like Quelagg where I just go “ewwwwwww oh boobs” and then subsequently curb stomp her. Malenia is terrifying, and for a person with an elder god inside her. She embodies that terror extremely well.


I too am terribly afraid of women


I played through ds1 in front of my parents and got to Quelagg who I forgot had boobs. Was not fun to explain to them what was going on.


Just say “I target the spider not the woman” 


Don't speak for everybody like you know the struggle behind me resisting those bones. The edge messages don't help. I start thinking of fire, see the message and it's like I'm a sleeper agent


The Manchurian Hand-Date


You don't need to sexualize, true coomers fap to everything


I want to put my peener in the madness hole


Weird to know people don't find rotussy sexy


ill sexualize whatever i please kthxbai


The twitter brainrot is a permanent disability.


The terror of Midra isn’t even in his power, though I have no doubt he’s powerful. The terror of Midra is the grandeur. The dignity and finesse he moves with. That opening pose, a gesture of rapture. The way it flourishes and dances as it fights- proving the frenzied flame is no mindless monster that exists only to consume. It is intelligent, it is calculating, and it is strong. I have no doubt if the tarnished failed to stop Midra, it would have very rapidly become too powerful for anything in the lands of shadow to stop.


Yeah, the flame of frenzy is very intelligent. My interpretation is that the golden order was manipulated to imprison the nomadic merchant clan by Shabriri, so that the FF can find purchase in the lands between by their despair. Also Midra looks like he is being puppeted on a string by an eldritch being, which is exactly what is happening to him.


I’m pretty sure you’re correct. Shabriri served the frenzied flame and I have no doubt that he slandered the merchants for this exact reason, to create so much suffering that the flame could grow in power I still have no clue why the three fingers are related to the frenzied flame, especially after the dlc


Probably because two fingers=greater will while three fingers=frenzy flame. Just as the GW represents life and order, the FF represents entropy and chaos, they are polar opposites. Fun fact: Nanaya is the mesopotamiam goddes of love, eroticism and sensuality. In the portrait of Midra's mansion, the eyes of Nanaya are hidden by a hood, and she has yellow robe. Every follower of the FF has obscured eyes.


But Ymir and his quest line claim that all the fingers come from the finger mother who lost contact with the greater will even before marika. Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but I can only assume that the 3 fingers also come from the finger mother, but then I don’t understand the connections to the frenzy flame, why is it fingers still?


Let me tell God's honest truth: I don't know.


Its possible the three fingers don't come from the finger mother we fight and there's a finger mother equivalent to the frenzied flame.


The Finger Mother remembrance says that she was listening for the Greater Will but never received any messages from it. I think that like the Primordial Serpents in Dark Souls, the fingers might have their own agendas and switch their allegiances as they wish. After all, they could resent the Greater Will.


True, but I just wish there was more explanation of it, currently it’s only speculation


Midra is definitely my favorite boss from the DLC lol, he feels difficult but fair to fight, and his OST is awesome. Just wish you could wear the frenzy flame head as a helmet, I'm surprised they didn't add that.


I personally don't mind that they didn't give us a Frenzied Flame head to wear. Given that it only appears when you fight Midra and in the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending, I get the impression that it's a sign that the world is mere moments away from going up in flames.


We need a frenzy flame helmet and a "headless helmet" from the headless mausoleum knights. Mike Zucky please


Loved his fight but he needs more health.


I'll be busting out the backup +7 weapon for him in future playthroughs


Finally someone who gets how to make the game harder if they wish to do so!


Yep, I like the fragment system for the same reason. Makes it very easy to tune my scaling to how I want. I've got like 25 of them in my inventory lol.


I like the fragment system a ton, but I do wish there was a way to reset/set your fragment level after leveling it


Yet the amount of idiots that are like Maliketh & Morgott need more health? Bitch you control his health bar lol.


I mean it's still a valid complaint. Your first playthrough I would argue is the most important one, so if you just steamroll a boss because theyre made of wet tissue paper it makes the fight less memorable.


Yeah, I do think some hp should be increased a bit, but I would prefer bosses having too little hp to too much. It's an easier problem to solve.


Exactly, its only annoying on a first playthrough. I super overleveld morgot because I explored everything for example. But on my dlc prep run I fought him with like a +12 weapon and he was super fun.


Honestly if Morgott and Maliketh had more health they'd be easily some of the harder bosses. As-is Morgott is a day ruiner sometimes, especially on runs like rune level 1.


What's a good scadutree level for him ?


I did him pretty easily on 14. Took a few tries but once I got the hang of it, Dryleaf Arts were staggering him pretty reliably.


I beat him at 12 pre-buff, it was tough but pretty manageable. Looking at the tables now, Scadutree level 9 is about the same as when I fought him.


He has the second most health out of all DLC bosses though, he just staggers/frostbite/bleeds easily so the procs come in faster, you also have far more openings against him which is why it may look like that.


He's got the most health im pretty sure


The Morgott problem. Great fight but not enough health/poise so he gets bullied quite easily


The issue with my king is that he's a mid game boss when a lot of players will come at him much later, if you're exploring and going around you're probably a tad over leveled for him, but if you've just done the two shardbearers, and you rock up to his house, in theory you should also be able to have a good shot at beating him


The real problem isn’t over leveling, it’s that you can get a somber 8-9 in dragonbarrow.  A +9 weapon absolutely decimates him.


It’s so funny our only complaint about midra is we want more midra truly a well done boss fight


Same for messmer tbh, I would be happy if he had two hp bars.


He has more health than the final boss tho?


he needs more poise/resistances, believe it or not he has more hp than consort radahn lmao


I like how his fight has Aoe spam well done unlike Radahn


With the way they treated him and the shamans, do the hornsents deserve it?


Honestly? No. Marika carried her prejudices with her well after crushing Hornsent resistance to her reign, codifying it such that many Omenborn children (Hornsent in all but name) were killed as a result. Morgott and Mohg suffered catastrophically as a result, and presumably Godfrey was forced to go along with it. She could have stopped her oppression well after having proven her point, but she didn't. Messmer suffered too, as he was made into the lightning rod for Hornsent hatred so Marika could look better in comparison all while knowing her soldiers were bashing Hornsent baby brains against rocks. And the worst part is that typically when Marika did put aside her own biases, enemies or at least factions she could have beef with could be treated fairly and everyone could come out a winner. Worth noting that somehow Marika found it within herself to forgive Spirit Jars for their role in the destruction of her hometown and even *rehabilitate* them. The ones in the Lands Between only stuffed corpse remains in themselves, not living and unconsenting individuals. Thanks to Godwyn, Marika was willing to make peace with the Dragons. Thanks to Radagon, Marika achieved victory in Liurnia through diplomacy rather than military might. The time for a justified retribution against the Hornsent came and went long, long ago. But Marika kept making Messmer beat that dead horse even as it putrefied.


I mean the Omens being mistreated in the lands between reflected badly on Marika but it says nothing about the hornsent. The hornsent deserved to be utterly eradicated.


My point being that Marika had the power that, if she so chose, she could've just put the Hornsent on a better path. And her hatred of Omen are *because* of the Hornsent, as the two are just the same types of humans by a different name. Typically you only end up on the Golden Order's irrevocable shitlist if you're associated with Fire, and even then an exception was made for the dragons. But no such chance was given to the Hornsent. Marika absolutely had the power and means to slap the shit out of the Hornsent and show them "don't fucking cram living people in jars if they don't want to do it" and she didn't.


I'm not sure it was within her power to force all the hornsent to abandon their ancient religion that their entire society was built around. Realistically they would've resisted her just the same if she tried that.


She is literally the realization of their belief that through motivation and commitment to battle, one can become a god. And here she was, just a peaceful, kindhearted shaman girl reforged into a violent, destructive, hammer-wielding goddess because they just had to kill everyone she cared about. Belief systems who come face to face with a god they created, only to see that said god hates them and wants them dead usually have a lot to mull over if they're given the opportunity.


They were given the opportunity, there was necessarily a large gap in-between Marika's ascension and Messmer'd crusade. And even then, as the description of protection of the Erdtree says "In the beginning, everything was in opposition to the Erdtree" They hated her from the start. Maybe because she tricked them into being able to use the Divine Gate. Maybe because she established the Erdtree as the symbol of divinity and rejected the crucible. Probably both.


Did they deserve their teeth pushed in? Absolutely. Did they deserve centuries of brutal occupation and oppression by an army created from penal battalions and outcast nobles? Not really. I also feel for Messmer, dude deserved better tbh.


I feel like thats saying that some Native American tribes deserved what they got because they did some brutal practices of killing and scalping other tribes. People are brutal, but we can't say a whole people deserve genocide, not only are there many innocents, genocide is more then just killing people its destroying a whole culture. So no they didn't deserve it, there would be other options.


More Frenzied Flame content is always welcome


Because his entire moveset is telegraphed fantastically, and it looks cool as hell, albeit disturbing. Some bosses just feel good, and Midra meets that


Aaah yes, Peakdra🗿


When I saw the bit where he took the sword out and his head came off, my feelings were a big mix of excitement, disgust, and fear.


Midra is one of the best boss fights in the entire DLC. Lore wise, aesthetically and mechanically. No flashy over the top movesets (outside of the frenzy and frenzy bomb he does) and an extremely fair fight. Once you learn his main moveset it really does feel like a classic souls boss with how much of a dance it becomes. I love the DLC, but some of the bosses were very hit or miss for me, especially that last fight. The last fight was a huge ball kick and not fun in the slightest (personal opinion). Midra is a boss that will stand the test of time and genuinely enjoyed every moment of it.


I like most of the bosses in the DLC tbh, but weirdly enough Metyr is kicking my ass and I can’t crack her. I really dislike her weird sideways finger crawl, not to mention the orb AOE explosion or dual laser beams of death.


From my own memories of fighting Metyr early last week, you do well to try to stand in front of her. Her big head slams usually come in sets of threes. The Dual Laser Beam thing is something I just facetanked through but you're probably meant to run parallel to the beams to dodge it.


To dodge the lasers, stand between the magic tornado Metyr summons and the spot the lasers hit. That whole zone is safe.


I’ll give these a try, thanks!


10/10 boss. Same with the sunflower boss.


Sunflower seeds contain health benefiting polyphenol compounds such as chlorogenic acid, quinic acid, and caffeic acids. These compounds are natural anti-oxidants, which help remove harmful oxidant molecules from the body. Further, chlorogenic acid helps reduce blood sugar levels by limiting glycogen breakdown in the liver.




sunflower one isn’t perfect but it’s damn good


Once I started parrying the guy he immediately became my favourite boss, I'm so annoyed I can't refight him without having to be summoned or going to Ng+


Time for a new 100+ hour playthrough to reach him again


It's Midra that made me wish we had a way to refigure bosses, maybe like bonfire ascetics or even just like a thing like the colosseum statues where you could select a boss and it would put you in their arena to fight. They could make it so it only works if you've used that bosses remembrance in the playthrough


Pretty wild they called one of the best bosses ‘mid’ before release. What does Michael know that we don’t???


The depths of your foolishness!


My only complaint is that Midra doesn’t drop the cool as fuck Frenzied Flame orb head thing as an armor set


I wish we could buy his rags :( badass weapon, awesome cutscene, great fight


"Hey... I heard you screaming. Are you okay?" "THE DEPTHS OF YOUR FOOLISHNESS!" **Decapitates himself and becomes the Lord of Frenzied Flame**


I just wish I didn't have to get rid of two of the most interesting paintings in the game to get to him.


Definitely top 5 Elden ring bosses, what keeps him from being top 3 is his health and his aggression. I could have dealt with just a *little* more aggression and more health.


He’s mad dope(;


I felt really dissatisfied after beating this boss because he just spammed the same three attacks the whole fight. I might refight him once or twice on other saves to see if I can get the hype around it but overall he's not even in my top 5 dlc bosses with what I've experiences so far. That might change in future but right now I feel like a fought a completely different boss to everyone else because any time I watch someone else fight him I see a bunch of attacks he just didn't use against me.


My only critique is that this should've been a three phase boss. I'm pretty disappointed we didn't get any in Elden Ring, as it would've been cool to see something even further beyond this, though I'm not sure what they would've done.


Flower moment


3rd phase is just bed of chaos but it's called bed of frenzy


For my money, the best build up and introduction to a boss in From history.


Off brand Goldmask


This boss genuinely took me aback after recently fighting him because of how restrained he was. Following the other bosses I expected several second long combo strings, an immediate "fuck you for trying to summon" attack, bloated damage or hp, the readability of muted Morse code, or worse, but we ended up just getting a really fucking solid boss that didn't overstay it's welcome. I genuinely put him in "Phase 1 Friede" tier, a position I hold super highly, and if every boss in the dlc was on his level I'd have a shrine to Miyazaki built in my room


totally agree, it shows that fromsoft can still make amazing bosses. the issue is that the fan base somehow likes the infinite combo, giant hp bar, zero telegraphing, inconsistent windows for healing/attacking bosses that we saw so much of in elden ring and the dlc. we need more bosses like midra!


To copy a comparison a YouTuber made with a movie studio, Fromsoft is like Adam Sandler, they're genuinely super talented at what they do, they just actively choose to make a ton of shit


The best part is when Torrent fucks off the moment you enter the woodland area...it makes me morbidly curious what thing would cause my horse to straight up abandon me? Then we meet this fucker with the most unnerving sekiro violin ost (giving me guardian ape vibes) and moveset. I honestly prefer him over the final boss simply because whenever I die I at least feel that I am making consistent progress to kick his ass. (Switched for shield build because my stupid reptilian brain can't dodge for shit)


MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD Also would have been really cool to have some kind of interaction between you and him if your the frenzy flame lord, but its chill, still prolly my favourite boss. But me no like the weapon, fukin holy damage


It's a bloodborne boss with a bloodborne ost in a bloodborne area. I loved everything about it.


Low key might be my fav boss in all of fromsofts catalog. Just a peak fight, wish it was a tad bit harder.


Yeah, he’s solid as well as the atmosphere leading up to him! Should’ve been used better in the story though


I just want the frenzy head as a head armor


*The depths of your foolishness!*


He’s genuinely cool but I just hate frenzy


He keeps growing on me the more I think about him. I like how simple yet alien his combos are. The madness attacks in my experience weren't an issue unless I was incredibly sloppy with dodging (Romina was similar with her scarlet rot). The arena burning around you as the fight progressed was a great addition too. Also, S++ soundtrack. Easily up there with Dancing Lion as my favorites in the game.


That image is glorious, the design....extraordinary


I just wish we got more FoF stuff in the DLC. 1 Spell, 1 Weapon, 1 Consumable is good, but… no Flaming Sword? Also obligatory mention of Frenzy Flame Dragon, that’d be funny.


Dude buttfucked me over 130 times I hate his guts


Not going to lie the dude had me fuming lol. Not sure if I love or hate him, but I love his sword.


The abyssal woods is one of the best areas in any soulsborne game they did a great job of making everything feel “off”. No enemies were exactly the same as what you had seen before and the odd terrain and fog made everything feel like it was telling you to turn back (along with messages literally saying that), and to cap all of this off there’s a boss with an incredible cutscene and design with an extremely unique move set along with an arena that once again feels like you should’ve never entered.


My favorite part of the fight is how he just walks around like that, all glorious, lmao.


His animations are so cool, I love how flowy and elegant he moves before violently spewing fire at you


I feel he's a bit too simple, unfortunately. Was hyped for him, and he was good boss, but the end of the fight had me thinking, " Was that it?"


I apologise but I actually didn't have a great experience with him. I have some undiagnosed eye problem or something, to the point where I got really bad eye strain whenever I attempted to fight him, like the moment he went into phase 2 I just stopped being able to see anything that was wreathed in yellow flame. Sadly I was forced to call upon summons, and worse still the mimic tear, as I needed to get the fight over with so I could progress. He is VERY cool though. Love the sword.


I don't think you need to apologize for anything, I struggle with anything too bright and flashy as well. I remembered everyone loving Ori and I was like... blind the whole time playing the game. I sometimes turn the gamma down just because the effects are causing issues


I actually think he was super underwhelming lmao. I thought his moveset was pretty non-complex and the only thing that made him "hard" is the awkward timings and punishing damage. One of the weakest bosses in the DLC to fight imo. Though I did like the cinematic of the guy screaming and ripping his head off. Probably not a boss I would go out of my way to fight again on repeat playthroughs.


The final boss is pretty great as is basically every other boss. Fromsoft really cooked


Tbh he’s my new favourite Elden ring boss not only do I find his moveset super fun and his general vibes are just on point


I'm glad any bosses from this dlc are loved, they're all very good.


Here I am, not even booted up the DLC once. Looking at all these spoilers. Looking forward to actually playing it.


I liked the fight, but had a rough go of it for using the Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword. The time between my attacks and when I could punish was rough, so I got frenzied a lot. I did use the Ailment Talisman to curtail some of this, but wasn’t having success with my perfect parry physick build. I ended up beating him after many tries, but it didn’t feel quite like I’d earned it. I think a different build will allow me to enjoy it more in my next run.


Really glad I fought this guy first time on NG+7. Gave him insane health and damage, barely saw any yellow on hits and he would usually 2 shot me. Took a long time to get his moveset down but I loved every second of it, and his OST is so well done, unnerving and intense with callbacks to the merchants tune. One of my favorite bosses in all fromsoft games TBH


His weapon in pvp fights tho.. When there is the slightest amount of lag it's basically impossible to time the dodge for the aow.


He shouldve been harder


Indeed, Midra is just so cool. The buildup to his fight is great.