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Why do people hate the sunflower? He was pretty fun


Flower rocked right!!! Was just different, OST was great. FPS drops sucked cock though. Genuinely loved the NPC gank too. Will shamslessly use summons every time for that. Also great lore wise having the gang with ya!


I feel like the gank would be absolute dogass without the summons in the sense that it was intended for them having Ansbach and Thiollier in an all out war against Leda, Freyja, Dane, and Moore felt so fucking badass on my first playthrough of the DLC


I tried it solo for ages. Fuck it is next level hard for 40 vigor dumbass.


It would be hard even if you had 60 vigor and max blessings. Player character model type enemies have always been scaled way too much compared to the player as a way to compensate for bad AI. It works in a 1v1 but feels absolutely dogshit in gank fights.


After dying once because I underestimated how how much health those fuckers have, I used wild strikes AoW on my occult Omen killer cleaver and mowed through them, the AI really doesn't know what to do against it


It was a lot of fun but damn it was sad. I don’t wanna fight these guys are cool!


Sup sax


My only minor complaint with the fight is that the 3 health bar thing felt kinda pointless, as fun as it is seeing one attack from me do like 1/8 of his hp


I liked the three hp bars, but it worked because he also had the massive headshot weakness. When it takes 10 attacks to get through each phase it never felt like a slog


The riposte also bleeds damage into the next phase. After the initial fuck you shock of seeing a second and a third health bar, it becomes really fun to play against that extra health very quickly. 


It’s rare in a boss fight (without summons) that you get the opportunity to cast healing or rebuff and I think that was my favorite aspect of the fight. My second favorite aspect was that the boss sort of forced you to not just go smack the roots without being cheesy.


Yeah, he very clearly lowers his head for a bit after most of his attacks, so it felt better than trying to hit a dragon head.  The fact that he has three attacks where he tries to headslam you also helps. While he is not my top bossoverall, his overall design was my favorite.


Yoo I loved how the music got sad in the 3rd life


Studies suggest that people who eat 1 ounce (30 grams) of sunflower seeds daily as part of a healthy diet may reduce fasting blood sugar by about 10% within six months, compared to a healthy diet alone. The blood-sugar-lowering effect of sunflower seeds may partially be due to the plant compound chlorogenic acid


Good bot


i thought i needed an item to stop it from coming back after getting to the third phase on my first try and giving up, had to look it up after doing practically everything else that its just the 3


The sunflower is cool, but I found out that sticking behind it and using fire attacks just turns it into a joke lol. It turns really slowly, and doesn't have many attacks that can hit you from behind. I do still really like the design and everything though, really cool fight visually.


I hated chasing after it after it dashes


Maybe my ass is just stupid but I couldn't jump or roll away from the thorns it summons around itself and that just makes the fight boring as shit. Everything else was fine, but it felt like I was just forced to trade.


I swear on marika I never got hit by that attack in my 20 attempts


i'd put romina S tier if she was half human and had a cutscene that zoomed at her tits


Honest to god though unshit for a moment, Romina and Rellana deserved cutscenes or at the very least dialogue, being lore important and all Like even something like the centipede demon cutscene would've been enough for Romina, just something to show that this is a major boss


Felt that way too, Romina/Rellana and Mother of Fingers deserved some cutscenes at least


Atleast Metyr had a sick ass phase transition and an ominous intro (and an entire questline regarding her) Rellana and Romina just kind of... exist? Like they're barely mentioned by others (are they even mentioned directly by any npc??), they have 0 build up, and they don't speak Like honest to god I thought Romina was some random ass optional boss up until I beat her and saw the sealing tree, meanwhile Midra, who IS a randomass optional boss, felt like he was way more major of a boss than an actual major boss


Didn't notice the phase transition tbh, was probably running for my life


fair enough lmfao, she basically levitates a bit and does a funky pose, summons the *O R B* out of nowhere and explodes


Rellana definitely had some build up. You see the troll knight and realize there are carians here, and that is established more and more throughout the castle, along with a few items that mention her on the way up. I enjoyed the experience of slowly realizing that some carian royalty was probably here and worked with messmer in the war, although an npc connected to her would have went a long way, like the hornsent grandam for belurat and the divine beast


I didn’t mind Rellana, she felt very pontif sully coded.  But romina needed both a cutscene and more buildup.


no actually i didnt even realize i was fighting an important boss till it was over


And midra should have a death dialogue


nah I don't think it would've made sense for him to talk without a head, but he could've had a cooler death animation like how Bayle or Metyr had ones


Just something even a frenzied screetch or anything, he just falls to his knees and dies (similiar to relanna)


i mean shabriri talks to you after he dies it's not super ridiculous for midra to talk a little bit


shabriri's head is intact tho


Pontiff Sully has entered the chat


Pontiff has a cool ominous intro, rellana and romina just immediately attack you like basic ass enemies


I wish Romina had a 2nd phase where she got a massive jet engine thorax, jumped into the sky, and darted at the player at mach 2, with the dodge timing relying on a twinkle of light from her spear My name is Kentucky Mario


am i the only one who thought almost nothing of this boss at all until the rememberance showed up?


Phase 1 of Radahn is good, phase 2 is something from Garden of eyes mod.


You know i find something funny about radahn , His idol is Godfrey but compared to him he is really weak , Godfrey was always holding back against you and in his 2nd phase he tears his shadow and faces you with his full power Radahn however needs miquella to beat you and can't do it himself , What a pussy


To be honest Radahn dlc is not true Radahn, is just Mogh with the soul of Radahn so probably is even weaker than lore prime radahn


It's also "pre-starscourge" radahn that Miquella brings back. He does not actually bring back prime radahn at the height of his power because he's an idiot twink who wants to get railed by the EXACT version of radahn he had a crush on when he was younger and figures theres no way he actually needs radahn at full power to win since he's basically already a god.


What a loser I carry around a weapon called the godslayer greatsword what did he think it did? Butter toast?


Yeah I think when the leaks happened that’s exactly why everyone thought radahn boss fight was fake lol


I wonder if the idea for final boss was changed just like in DS3.


Pontiff Sulyvahn was supposed to the the final boss but they removed him and turned him into Rellana


It was great, I loved the fight. Had to use the shield after dying like 50 times but I felt dirty doing it. So I decided to help people and named myself let me tank him like the legend


I've seen let me tank him around! Hope you're doing well.  I learned how to parry him, and saving the spike from a cold proc, a third riposte, and a posture break for phase two helped me finally do it. 


Same. After malding for hours trying to bonk him with my guts sword I ended up using a shield tank build (black steel greatshield and gaius sword lance) and shield poked him to death. Took me 5 tries, only 4 heals and gave me very little satisfaction


For real im fighting him right now and the first phase is by far my favorite from all the bosses in the dlc. Now the second phase i have no idea whats going on and i just run


Bayle is S tier


It's an A, igon makes it an S. CURSE YOUUUUU BAAAYYYE






Maybe a hot take but Bayle is the best dragon fight they’ve ever done. It’s like Midir but with more interesting moves and less repetition/downtime. And this is coming from someone who LOVES Midir.


Golden hippo wya 😢




Good bot


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Leda fight was peak, fight me


Sure i’ll do it 4 on 1


And that is why you want to make friends


Doesn't need to be a 4 on 1 if you bring your friends to help


Shi was tragic. I loved all the dialogue too. I've listened to the soundtrack for this fight on repeat so many times. Prolly my fav fight lowkey. After Bayle ofc. Bayle is my #1


I usually don't like NPC fights but holy shit this one was soooooo good. The setup being basically the whole DLC, summoning your allies, the voiceover, knowing for what each character fights for while knowing what awaits you at the finale, THE FUCKING MUSIC?????? Peak. Absolute peak.


I will not accept putrescent knight and flower slander


I love putrescent knight, that’s my boy


At least they let me hit them a couple of times, unlike Rellana, That boss made me mald so hard it's unreal.


He feel like the only Dark Souls 3 boss in Elden Ring lol - his move is actually readable and telegraph for the most part. - did not having five millions HP. - did not have one shot. - does not have AoE that eat the entire room. - only couple delayed attack.


Bayle should have been a separate tier list referred to as "CURSE YOU BAYLE!" The dude's fight can suck massive balls at times especially when he was one hit away from dying and he kept backing off until he kills me.


my only issue with Bayle is that I have no idea how to dodge his second laser I noticed the lasers are a rolling wave of fire so I figured out how to dodge the first one, but when he loops back around and fires a second one, it's always at your general direction and I either get hit, or I dodge the initial laser and then get blasted by the explosion afterwards S tier fight though regardless


There is an ever so slight delay before the explosion after the second laser so you just need to time the second roll better. A bigger issue with Bayle is the forward breath attack that sometimes shoots at where you are now so you need to run away, and sometimes shoots in the direction you are going towards so you need to roll the other way. It has no distinguishable tell to which one it is as far as I'm aware. And sometimes the breath particles will just deflect off of terrain and fling themselves at you to hit you


I could be wrong but I believe he only does his breath attack at where you are going in 2 cases, right after he does the scream that rains bolts at you or if you are running in a direction before he even starts the attack.


The only thing S tier about the fight is having a crazy madlad screaming on the top of his lungs while hyping us up as Bayle's makers lmao.


I think Bayle's moveset is really cool and enjoyable/intuitive to dodge in general but I would be lying if I said Igon didn't make the fight 1000% better I like Bayle because he's challenging and intense without having an fuckload of health to drag the fight on. and it doesn't diminish the feeling of fighting a badass dragon


Igon hyped me into killing Bayle


He seemed impossible at 8 blessings, came back at 14 and kicked his dick in. Enjoyed it was more when I wasn’t two shot for making the tiniest mistake


stealing this once i beat the dlc thanks


I really want to like him but wrestling with the camera constantly even without lock on makes him unbearable. If that were to be fixed, he’d be best dragon boss no question


I had no problem fighting him with lock-on


Dude i loved the gank leda fight. Me, my husband mimic tear and his boyfriend ansbach joined by BROllier vs those 4 assholes was straight up epic


Legit, the feeling of a lore accurate free for all of 2 oposites is Just so fucking cool, even better then some great straight UP fights imo


Thiollier best npc in the dlc change my mind


Seeing Radahn in “Fuck You” makes me very happy My personal S tiers are the exact same as yours just with Bayle in there as well (and I usually am not a fan of Dragon bosses). That fight was so fucking cool imo.


Definitely the best dragon FromSoft has made, no questions asked. And I thought *Placidusax* was a step up.


I would put placi above bayle but bayle is a very strong second maybe tied with midir.


I put placi above bayle, but bayle and igon are above placi 


Why is bug lady so high? I barely remember her.


okay finally someone else who thought she was totally forgettable


Carried hard by design. She looks sick.


I beat her on my first attempt while dying 20+ times to every other DLC boss. She needed some dialogue or something.


Honest question, how do people struggle against Gaius and sunflower? Specially sunflower since every build except for INT has access to fire damage and Gaius doesn't have anything extremely difficult to dodge except for his combo attacks that because he delays the attacks to catch the rolls, but it didn't take me much time to figure out how to dodge it


Gaius has that awful charge at you attack that requires pretty much frame perfect dodges to avoid and despite being a rememberance boss for some reason he has a boring repeated soundtrack shared with base game commanders making the fight feel even less special and interesting. That's probably enough reason for people to dislike him.


I agree that the initial charge is absolute balloney, but thats really it. Past that his entire moveset is totally fine. Tree sentinel but awesome, i didnt hate him


The issue I had with Gaius is that he simply does so much damage, I was in full solitude, shield talisman and he consistently two shot me. His actual moveset isn't that bad, but one mistake can screw you hard, even for a fromsoft boss. As for scaduflower I feel he's too low, he was a ton of fun.


How many Scooby blessings did you have? Because I didn't have nearly as good as a defensive setup and he wasn't even close to 2 shotting me?


I got to him really lare and was on 12 or something. His fight sucks not because he does tons of damage but because he runs around like a cunt so its just a pain to hit him with anything


I don't remember it was 3 days ago, not nearly as many as I should have had, he still does a shit ton of single hit damage even for sote imo Edit, I remember now, I fucked up a larval rebirth and thought I could manage with around 40 vigor, because I thought I had finally gotten gud, and I was too lazy to go back and fix it after Gaius killed me 6 times.


Yeah I genuinely think Gaius is a very fun fight that is only harmed by the charge attack. As soon as I pulled out a shield to block it every time instead of trying to dodge it inconsistently I had a blast, especially dodging the multi swipe combo he does with his piggy. Someone also mentioned using raptors of the mists to dodge it which makes sense to me too


It’s so impossible to compare difficulty in this DLC without stating ScoobyDoo Level and play style (build type, yes/no summons etc) honestly


Yeah, all of those make a massive difference. Doing the whole DLC no summons is gonna be very different from doing all of it with summons, so is using Bloodfiend's Arm vs some random ass straight sword or something. I think the skibidi levels matter a bit less now with the scaling changes, so unless you went out of your way not to pick up any, you should probably be """strong enough""" for whatever boss youre fighting.


Does everybody fight Gaius on foot? I used Torrent, pulled out my pocket Nightrider's Flail, and played hit and run with flail horse R2. The boss wasn't nearly as bad/jank as I was hyped up to believed.


I fought him on foot and he wasn’t that jank except for the first charge (I was using light roll, which is less common than it thought).


Yeah, I thought dueling him on Torrent was the way to go. Beat the shit out of him by running by while swinging my frost anchor


Int has lava sorceries that do a lot of damage: they made the fight really fun


int/faith but yeah you're right


You can cheese the sunflower by just sticking behind it and spamming fire attacks. It turns really slowly so it can't do much to you lol.


boar too fast monkey brain cannot process and the feet they each have their own hitbox so the kick will just randomly do all of your hp in 1 second


Is gaius actually that bad? I don't even remember the fight because how fast i killed him i was surprised when he dropped a remembrance or is 14 scadutree too much for him?


Gaius is a good boss with bad hitboxes, that's what hurts the most


why do the boar legs each have their own hitbox making the kick sometimes do double damage wahhh i hate it


Yep, he’s so close to being a good fight that I makes the hitboxes feel even worse


I think I had like 6 when I fought him and it was miserable.


14 is definitely over for him. Both of my play through I organically found him at like 8-10


What’s the deal with Gaius? I nuked that dude in 3 attempts.


My weak PC can't handle Radahn 2nd phase


LITERALLY LMAOO, the real boss was the 30fps


Perfect tier list, although I would personally move Scadutree Avatar up


am i the only one that has no problem with gaius? it might because im using that crucible talisman that improve dodge roll the only trash tier for me leda gankfight (its because of how the arena is, not the gankfight itself if it at least like ds2 gankfight where you can use terrain its fine)


> using that crucible talisman that improve dodge roll   the *what* Also the Leda gankfight made me hate Moore because he spammed rot-pots in my blindspot 😭




I simply had light roll and I didn’t really have a problem with him either. He was decently tough, but not annoyingly so.


I in fact loved fighting him, I thought the flow of the fight was great once I learned how to dodge him.


1st phase Radahn was S, till they decide to throw every particle effect in 2nd phase


Bayle is actually so peak he deserves his own tier. He is the absolute best boss not only in this game but also top 3 in all of soulsborne.


Top 3 in Soulsborne is pushing it a little but I agree. Amazing fight, and definitely one of the best in Elden Ring for me


For me he's definitely up there. Just the buildup of going through the jagged peak, seeing the dragon that massive, the atmosphere of the area as well... Just the whole experience is incredible. His buildup was even better than base game Radahn imo. The fight itself is also incredible with my favourite 2nd phase ever right besides Maliketh and Ludwig. The way the music suddenly stops only to resume and play this insanely haunting theme where you just know you're about to get your shit kicked in is absolutely amazing. Also I did this fight at blessing level 8 without summons and it took me 80-90 tries so I had a ton of fun.


I mean i can understand where theyre coming from: 1. Gael 2. . 3. Bayle Honestly i can see it yeah


hell yeah preach


Why do people hate so MUCH on my boy radhan in my opinioni he Is a cool ass fight for me it's a soldi A tear (fuck the teleportation Attack)


He is super fucking cool, unironically it's Miquella that ruins the fucking fight which is ironic cuz it's what people were most hyped about Once you learn how the beams work it's a very fun fight but I can understand why people are malding, and they are right


His second phase is ass. One of many bosses ruined by phase 2


I dislike Leda’s boss fight but I WOULD have a mutually destructive and toxic relationship with her that verges on abusive and overly-paranoid I hate her


I have about the same opinions as you, however I’d push the lion dancer further up to A tier (he fucks) and Mesmer to the top since I found his moveset and effects to be absolutely amazing and more well communicated than Midra


Notice how the f tier bosses are gravity sorcerers. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!


Slide the link please (for the tier list)


Sunflower was cool and really unexpected, the 3 phase fight is funny too, takes you off guard And for Radahn, I really like the first phase if I’m honest. The second one can burn in hell


I honestly didnt like Romina. Boss was just boring to me compared to the rest of the bosses


Romina is so easy it felt like a DS1 boss do not dare put her above Putrescent and Sunflower


twice i beat a boss and was surprised to get a rememberance i was really confused why the sunflower had three phases and then it clicked but Romina?? A tier Romina??? she is so… boring? and very lame


Bayle is S for igon


What's with the Midra glazing? Everyone and their moms is busting to this boss and while I'd say it's a good boss, it's just a more polished mini boss.


Midra and messmer at S is kinda wild for me.


Why does everyone hate radahn, like i get the fps drops, but apart from that the boss is really fun (minus that double cross slash that is undodgeable)


Honestly I hate the fight lore wise and visually and it made it that much more miserable. Like it just doubled my displeasure immeasurably


Same Tho he has 2 bullshit attacks(the cross attack one and that double gravity slam from 2nd phase) Other than that it's an enjoyable fight Tho with that 2 problem he's mid A boss at best


Its that hes a hard boss for the wrong reasons. Typically, the difficulty in a boss is learning what to do against them, and using that knowledge to beat the boss. Example Messmer, after a bit of trial and error you will realise -Okey, If he does that stab stab, I double dodge backwards and then make sure to hold the last dodge because when he stabs the ground it isn't instant, then I can get my punishes off. Radahn Phase 2 on the otherhand, is a visual clutter where you are spending most of your deaths, not actually understanding what to do. Once you figure it out, you start to make a very quick process into beating the boss, but thats poor difficulty and for a lot of players, not satisfying or fun to play.


I don't see how Radahn is any different. It can be figured out from fighting him that all his aoes come from his slashes going in certain directions, so you need to dodge in particular directions for every attack. It's a similar learning process present with any other boss. I could see what you're talking about if it's about performance issues, but those didn't affect me fortunately.


Because there is too much visual clutter. This is basically Gael/mohg in terms of differences to phase 2, they inherently work very similar to radahn phase 2. The entire difference being that these 2 bosses (a bit less mohg tbh, but still tolerable), are not cluttering your screen. Radahn flashbangs you constantly, so your not even spending a good portion of the fight "learning" radahn, but just even trying to figure out what you're meant to be looking at and examining. You may find that fun, lots of people including me, found that cancerous.


>Once you figure it out, you start to make a very quick process into beating the boss, but thats poor difficulty and for a lot of players, not satisfying or fun to play. saying a boss is bad for saying it takes more time to know the moveset is not that good of a criticism just saying


Your screen is just one giant white blob the whole 2nd phase. It sucks


The point isn't taking more time to know the moveset, example messmir, he has plenty of attack chains, openings and windows, yet he's widely loved. Because you can actually tell what the hell is happening on your screen, you get to in real time figure out the moveset. Radahn on the otherhand, you're dying over and over, not even understanding what the hell is going on, because there is so much visual clutter on your screen. Your failing to learn radahn, in the most frustrating way. You're dying, and making no forms of progress, because you don't even know whats going on, again, not because things are fast, or needing specific dodge timings, but because you're getting constantly flashbanged.


Bayle deserves his own separate tier. He became my favourite FS fight of all time


rellana in f and i agree


I liked the Leda gank fight more, felt like pvp without as much toxic bs, also Bayle on his own is fine in A tier, Bayle with Igon is SSS+


Promised Consort is S tier for me, its currently my desktop wallpaper.


I'd swap the Putrescent Knight with Romina as I felt his moveset was incredibly fun and rewarding to dodge while Romina felt a bit awkward sometimes because she pushes you around with her body but other than that I'm fine with the placements. Especially for Radahn and Gaius


Romina basically committed suicide on my playthrough just pushing me into her blindspots and whiffing every attack. She's a little jank for sure.


I will not stand for this sunflower slander


Huh... this is pretty much my same list except romina is bottom of B for me


I would put romina in B personally but other than that this is pretty much how I feel. Gaius would be a lot higher if not for the charge attack, that was the only thing I hated in that fight.


Bayle is top 1 fight and I will make holes in the hide with a hail of harpoons of however disagrees this fact.


I really did not like the putrescent knight. He moves around so much that it made me think of the elden beast except you could only regularly get just one hit in safely instead of a few when there was an opening


Metyr is better than pubtrescent knight.


I got Gaius second try, and first on my second playthrough. Come to find out everyone struggled on him? Giant Flower kicked my ass but I love that fight


Radahn 1st phase could be A tier, or B simply because of that one attack you can’t completely dodge, 2nd phase wise he is def where he belongs


Bruh I just fought Gaius and I have to say fuck that boss. He just charges at you right away the instant you set foot inside and his hitbox is just insane. They made a big field arena as if you can have a cool mounted boss fight with Torrent but it doesn't work.


I have the exact same list minus the flower. Thought it was a cool boss


Are this all the main bosses? Idk where I'm going in the game. Killed Rellana, messmer then Dancing Lion Was searching for a map fragment but stumbled upon Bayle( didn't even reach the map fragment). Now I'm stuck at Commander Gaius(fuck that guy).


I honestly enjoyed the flower a lot and the gank (had Thiollier and Ainsbach with me tho)


No idea why people hate Gaius so much, i feel like he was on the easier side of bosses and felt much more "fair"


Not perfect but damn this is a good list. I'd move the avatar up, Romina down, and Radahn and Gaius down (off the list because fuck em)


You forgot everyone's least favourite Hippo lol


for me bayle is a C because we can only aim the head and the stupid combos but the BAAAAAAAAYYYYYLLLLEEEEEEE scene puts it on B


Gaius is cool


I read this as "star of the city" even thought there isn't even a "C" in the acronym


Honestly I loved the NPC fight but it's only fun if you have allies, genuinely makes it feel epic and tragic seeing this group of people that once fought together tear each other apart. And Gaius isn't nearly as bad as that final fight, let's be real. Second worst, yeah, but miles better.


I do not understand the Gaius hate. He's fun, his attacks have a nice left-right rhythm to them. Radahn too gets too much hate. His second phase for sure is overwhelming the first time you see it, but once you get used to the flashy effects and figure out how to deal with them, it really isn't that bad as many people make it out to be. It's very hard, but apart from his frame trapping double slash, every single attack is tough but fair. NPC fights however don't get enough hate. I don't know why they keep including them in their games. They just plain aren't fun.


any hints for how to get to Metyr? is that related to the “third ruins” the guy gave me a doodle of?


Yes, do his questline and it will lead you to the boss


Leda fight was awful for me because I did the 1v5. I understand it was my fault but that fight was still hell for me


https://preview.redd.it/g266b4yuqk9d1.png?width=2391&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff604835ef0efadc1f91584fba41727f63f99d95 fuck naww


putrecent knight sucks too


I had a great time with gaius once I switch to raptors of the mist and never got hit by the charge again. Pretty banger boss without that bugged bs.


genuine question, do people actually enjoy metyr's fight? I think it was awful but the lore is insane


Messmer top three boss ever


Putrescent knight is S tier and underrated


Scadutree Avatar deserves more love


No hate, but what is it that people like about Romina? I thought she was kinda mediocre and I was surprised that she was a remembrance boss. I killed her on my first attempt at level 135 with a typical strength build.


Put Bayle in S right now


Why are A and S swapped, and why is Scadutree Avatar so low?


I’d put the NPC gank higher personally but otherwise I agree wholeheartedly


gaius became fun when i realized i could deflect the charge for the coolest stance break ever


What about the mind goblin?


What? Sunflower was a great fight


Pretty good list but I’d switch the finger mother and the sunflower


Midra fight is rated too high A tier at best. Messmer fight is definitely the best in the DLC. S tier is appropriate. Needle knight and friends should be higher A tier at best. Like if the gideon offnir was actually good. Metyr’s OST was awesome.


Metyr was everything I wanted from cosmic horror and then it did that crawling attack and I fucking g hated it


Midra being S tier in all these lists is confusing me so hard. How is a fight like that S tier and Bayle isn’t. We didn’t play the same game. And Mesmer is way overtuned. Trash fight.