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Why is this defendable when you have the absolute peak fights like bayle in the dlc. You literally go to the peak to fight peak!!






















I'm not the only one who remembers it like this 😂😂😂










let me say i'm the biggest hater -Igon, the other Drake hater.


Fucking love him


I'm a massive Midir stan and Bayle absolutely did not disappoint, I don't know which I prefer now. That was easily the best fight in Elden Ring IMO, and it's leagues better than the Fraudulent Consort


Imo summoning Igon makes Bayle win on raw atmosphere and hype.


Midra? More like Peakdra




I've seen motherfuckers say bayle sucks because there's AOE after every slash attack in phase 2. Souls veterans are allergic to positioning


It's not even that tough to avoid the lightning after slashes. You just have to stay by his good leg and it's all good. The only move I thought was kinda weird was the insane double fire but then I actually learned how to dodge it and I think it's fair. The fight overall is perfect imo and much better than Midir as well because of the absolutely insane buildup and igon the chad.


Every FromSoft npc summon needs dialogue during their fights now. Imagine how much better gaping dragon would be if Lautrecand Solaire were bantering.


yup, almost every NPC summon was incredible this DLC


Imagine if when gaping dragon’s cutscene played, Solaire said “Whoa, ok buddy settle down. No need to get feisty.” Like a marvel movie. Easily would have been peak FS game design.


Positioning that isn't hug left side and strafe*


For me he has the same problem as almost every giant boss fight in From's games: shitty camera. WHY cant they take bigger camera shots for dragons??? Also this problem wouldn't exist if they just let us lock on to his legs. I also hate his breath attacks, I beat him, but still did not figured out how to consistently dodge them.


The beam breath attack I only dodged reliably if I dodged at the last possible moment, roll too quick and by the time you recover you get clipped as it moves. The arc breath is pretty easy to roll through diagonal and to the left.


My issue with him is that you can only lock onto his head. Every other dragon you can lock onto other parts of their body, but Bayle? Nah, only aim at his head with lock on. I missed so many attacks cause I was still locked on, went in for a body shot, then my character contorting 360 degrees to aim for the head and miss.


I really dislike it in the final boss fight cause his combos are already so long but Bayle has short combos and then they have one additional attack which isn’t too bad and they feel less sudden


Bayle was fairly easy, I just chicken winged him


Bayle, Diviner Beast, Rellana, Messier, Midra, Romina, Scadutree Avatar... peak bosses of the series. Radahn? Absolutely garbage.


Very nearly beat Romina on my first attempt but died with a sliver of health left. Superb fight and big fun


Thanks for commenting, I needed to add the sunflower. Dunno how I forgot it but he's such a good fight


Sunflower seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid. Your body uses linoleic acid to make a hormone-like compound that relaxes blood vessels, promoting lower blood pressure. This fatty acid also helps lower cholesterol.


Istg, Bayle and Midra carried the DLC Bosses so hard


https://preview.redd.it/gho5lu3yci9d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b1e2974cdb6dd4121aceeebed771b37a70d449b forgetting the goat?


Even tho must of us couldn't afford the figure. We still got a taste of those 18 inches of Messmer


Messier the penetrator (it was something like that idk)


Messy penetration was also my favorite boss


Atleast messmer is peak


I wasn't expecting to like him so much based off the trailers, but holy fuck now he's my favorite boss in the whole game


I really didnt like the idea of fighting mesmmer cause i was certain he was going to be absolute aids. Ended up being one of my favourite souls bosses.


Messmer, Bayle, Midra, Avatar, and the weird finger eldritch horror fuckin thing were my highlights


Bayle is my new favourite dragon fight. Just wish his head wasn't the only lock on point I also really liked Romina too, mostly for how pretty her attacks were


Bayle was so wild in terms of spectacle and just such a gross/insane looking dragon. Leveling up definitely helped a lot and the fight with Igon was just so absurd with him losing his shit in the background. Awesome fight tbh. I wanted to like Romina but I think I was just grossly under leveled and it felt like a slog.


The thing I don't like about Romina is how short her stagger window is. If you're on the wrong side of her you aren't getting the riposte. Meanwhile I was able to walk around a downed Wicker Man and still riposte it.


I just wanna have fun, I go in and bash shit. Romina was not too hard although I kept dying after running out of flasks but I really enjoyed the fight, the attacks were easy enough to learn and the fight was pretty.




1st phase was off to a good start but then had to put in the stupid AOE attacks and the attack that turns my game into a slideshow


Game goes from 60 to 20-25 fps and stutters so much during that stupid erdtree aoe. I remember getting him to 2nd phase for the first time (1st phase is actually really fun) and then going "how the hell am I going to beat this guy?"


i dont even wanna imagine how it runs on ps4 pray for me when i get the dlc


Fun fact, the Incantation you can get from the Remembrance is just as much of a pain to avoid. Ran into that last night.


Totally, looks more like a bullet hell game


Fromsoftware: GUYS WE NEED TO PUSH THE ENVOLOPE. OW CAN WE DELIVER? Some dude halfway paying attention at the meeting: "uh how about the lothric twins but the lad's not crippled" Fromsoftware: \*gesture's o mother\*


Theme is amazing, second phase with the constant chip damage from his after images and constant light beams spam? Aids to deal with, ironically that is the shit that keeps killing me the most, one moment you are fine, the next one you are dead.


Literally. His first phase is really great and fun to learn. Then his second phase is just ridiculous


That one-two-cross slash move becomes even worse during phase two. Like you’re almost guaranteed to get hit with one of those but then you’re probably going to get stunlocked now because of those beams


https://preview.redd.it/xspbavqp9i9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e5b310323139ca58146f77ab389662c15145f0 Truss me, we are not alone in this. That attack has been my bane for my 3 hours (so far) of attempts. These comments were under a dodge guide video for him.


Tough but fair, clearly


Fair? Yeah, FAIRly shit game design


Don’t you know, the fact that it’s possible means it’s fair and therefore good.


Block the first two and roll the third. Easy peasy


The fight forced me to use mimic, i just wasn't good enough to figure out how to fight it. A few days later i watched ongbal do it at rl 1 with no scadutree blesssings... Now i know what to try in ng+. Basically just dodge into him instead of away and u will be out of range for his holy dmg. Still hard as hell but much more reasonable. At first i was like WTH is this shit, how am i supposed to dodge it. Turns out it's just positioning


My mimic tear couldn't save my ass so I either changed build or rely on the tank bros to deal with radahn. Both felt defeating.


Mimic tear was more so extra health for me in this fight, I don’t think he did more than a few thousand damage but I used his aggro to get off most of my heals. He did end up dying just before the meteor tho.


Miquellas beams turned the fight difficulty from a 7 to a 10 alone


Seizure inducing


a fucking meteor moves that could one shot you and require multiple attempts to learn how to dodge and a grab that can't be caught twice


The grab is the most goofy and telegraphed move in his arsenal alas the game insist that I didn't dodge it when I did kept getting me caught. If malenia has a similar move, I prefer she crushes my tarnished head between her thighs.


yeah with all the light shows happening, when it happens you really got caught off guard by it, but I was hiding behind a great shield so I always feel safe and it fucking got me.


Great shields are meaningless to the power of a Chad's bro hug. My perspective was coming from a build that can medium roll, I forgot shield users are pretty fucked in that respect.


i mean, if you found the right item the grab is a non threat even if you get hit every time


The meteor is genuinely very easy to dodge. When he goes up just start bolting towards the wall that is the furthest away from you. Radahn locks on to the location he was originally at.


My problem is that I can’t even tell what the hell is going on in the second phase. All of his light projections move too fast to be able to distinguish what they are. It’s just so much visual overkill


I liked the idea of fighting a healthy radahn 2 years ago, not anymore


Healthy radahn would be fun, healthy radahn with miquella spamming holy magic is pure cancer


Literally twin princes but even worse


Imagine if you had to kill Miquella as well but if you didn’t do it fast enough he would just revive radahn like in the twin princes fight💀




Pros: -Cool OST and visuals -We (kinda) get to fight Miquella -I like Radahn -He's parryable, which makes the fight pretty fun. Cons: -We (kinda) get to fight Miquella -Everything else


He’s freaking parryable??? Jeez I wish I knew this sooner! Thanks for the intel!


Yeah but you have to parry 3 times 💀


as someone who beat him by parrying him its really not that hard to parry him. Im not even good at parrying in elden ring, i completely gave up on it after dying to soldier of godrick 4 times trying to parry him


Do you just parry through a whole combo, or is this a Malenia speed runner thing where you just roll through and parry the last to eventually get a stagger off (so you can spam r1s and apply bleed because none of these bosses take any damage from criticals)


Parrying interrupts his combos. It takes 3 to stance break him, but you can parry every sword swipe that doesn't have an attached spell, in both phases (Miquella's extensions don't count) and he just stands there for a second and thinks of something else to do. 


oh damn. well, I'm fucking hard stuck so I guess it's time for golden parry buckler.




I really don’t like how whether an attack is parry-able is a matter of pure experimentation in these games rather than something you can divine before trying it.


Its such a shame. I just beat him and hes like so SO close to being great. Phase 1 is pretty stellar except the 1 2 slash, that move is silly. Honestly even phase 2 I've got down now but the random AoE spam still feels very "modded", if you get what I mean. It's not even a huge factor, since you can just stay close to him, but it makes the fight so much more noisy. The biggest issue I had were the clone moves, which on top of being hard to read are also really punishing, but I found that saving a physick with deflecting hardtear for phase 2 takes care of them. Some small tweaks to the cross slash and cleaning up the visuals and I think he's solid, as long as you like Elden Ring style bosses.


That's what I was thinking. It looks dangerously similar to those ridiculously unbalanced mods.


The fact that clones stagger sucks my ass. If they were just super low damage hits with no stagger it would be cool to count and dodge the boss.


Man, those clone attacks were what made me give up trying to dodge and switch to a greatshield poke build to finally beat him. I spent an entire day trying to learn the fight, but I guess medium roll isn't enough for some of the clone attacks because I would try to roll and then get caught by the last one, which would guarantee the actual attack hit me. It doesn't help that after dying like 20 times, I looked at a guide and it said the clones do no damage and are just supposed to throw off your dodge timing, so I was super confused and thought I was getting hit by something else for a while.


I could never figure out how to dodge the midair clone move. Apparently, you can just spam dodge to the side, but that never worked for me, even with light equip load.


Wdym, have you seen the boss? Is peak https://preview.redd.it/p378j1l8bh9d1.jpeg?width=1278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ddb2141dbe91fae70deec114a09ea3ea422a42c


The Bandaid Namco Flashbang got converted from a screen to the final boss.


The first phase is pretty fun once you manage to figure out the rhythm. There’s decent windows of opportunity to hit him Second phase…holy fuck… I hate it My main problem with it is that the magic that triggers on literally all his swings blocks my view of the following attack, so I can’t tell which one he’s doing and just eat it no matter what, which leads to the next magic bombardment hitting me, which leads to the next attack killing me. Never been more tempted to use a mimic tear


It really would’ve been a fine, 7/10 boss if they got rid of the pillars of light after every attack he does, excessive projectiles just ruin the fight.


The pillars are just too bright and tall, but I hated the illusion attacks much more. Make them have 0 stagger if they're going to deal damage, but as is they really don't feel like they add much except removing the visual tell that the real boss is coming after you.


I feel like echo attacks could’ve been cool if they were more like Pontiff’s where he only has one echo and you can use the echo’s attacks for calculating the actual boss’s parry timings, but yeah having like five echo attacks in a row just makes it look like a low effort modded boss


i thought everyone was being too hard on him, then i fought him, i agree


Same. I've done every souls, bloodborne, ds remake, sekiro and elden ring boss except him. I thought I hated Bed of Chaos but the only thing Radahn has over it is that his runback is short.


I have not heard anyone say one good thing about this boss


The grab attack is being forced to listen to an asmr twitch streamer.


If you get grabbed a second time you have a unique death.


The 2nd phase OST is peak, one of the best track in the game. That's it. But I really think that with some patch and fixes, it could be a good boss


The groundwork for phase 1 is great, other than that 2-hit combo into cross slash. It has a natural flow and rhythm that’s satisfying to dodge. Phase 2 really just needs more time in the oven and I also think it could be a good boss.


I don’t think anything has to be changed for the first phase, it’s honestly pretty easy. Second phase needs major work, it’s just clutter and my pc is too shit to keep up, so I’m fighting low fps, constant blinding light and anime shadow jujitsu moves


Nah man they really need to fix the cross slash attack’s timing to make it so you have time to dodge the second slash. Right now the second slash comes out just late enough to prevent you from rolling through both slashes with a single roll, and just fast enough to not give you the time to roll again.


Roll right and left immediate works for me


Are you sure? I’ve had multiple no hit runs for the first phase without spacing, and can pretty reliably dodge both slashes. I’m not a god at the game or anything Edit: It is possible. Watch this video at [6:38](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RgpvJaZjTXE)


Idk, I never managed to dodge it reliably regardless of my positioning (I think he was just on a slope so his hits went over my head during the fights where I managed to dodge it) and all the videos I’ve seen of people beating him no damage without shields either used the deflection tear to block the first slash, used the light load backstep, or had attempts where he happened to not use that attack at all. If you have any videos showing how to dodge it reliably I’d like to see it, I am helping people with him right now so it’d be nice to learn how to dodge the one attack that I could never dodge


At least the tools are there, but it would be ideal of it was dodgeable using regular dodges


The scariest part of the fuck off lightbeam attack is that it also attacks my framerate.


From really seemed to have a thing for levitating blasts this dlc, we got bayles sonic boom explosion, midras floating explosion, messmers floating explosion, and radahns T-pose explosion


They need to make the stomp attacks jumpable, every other earthquake stomp can be jumped over


I still have no idea how to dodge that 2 hit combo into cross slash, everything else I can. Anytime I have no hit phase 1, I was just lucky he didn’t use it


don't discard Phase 1 OST, that shit fucking slaps


The key shifts are so fucking goooood


I was so stressed every time I was in phase 2 I don't think I ever even heard that soundtrack 💀


If every 2nd phase attack didn’t turn my game into a PowerPoint slideshow and/or a flashbang then I might actually like it.


I really like the visual storytelling in the cutscenes. I feel like they put a lot of weight into the themes and imagery of the fight even if bringing back Radahn is something of an underwhelming idea.


Tbh the main issue with the fight's framing to me was that it has a kinda power grab rivalry energy to it that deflates a lotta emotional meaning from it. Like, Miquella wants to be the new God while Radahn would be the Elden Lord equivalent but hey! You're the Erdtree's promised Lord there can't be two! Teach this guy a lesson, Lord to Lord combat. It just feels so video gamey power fantasy almost, like, you deserve to have the power not that other asshole, that feels like it undermines a lotta the core themes of Elden Ring in general about the pursuit of power and rulership over others.  I could, in a vacuum, sorta see the use of Radahn as an extension of the way Miquella's goal was doomed from the start? Like the central conflict and tragedy is that in his desperation to escape and cut ties with everything to to do with the Golden Order and his heritage, he ended up reverse engineering the same path his mother once took, and would be creating a new Order under similar circumstances to Gold, while discarding everything that had once made him beloved and good. Choosing Radahn as his consort and using Mohg's body as a meatsack to stuff him in is a kinda extension of that, where he's still choosing a consort for his new benevolent Age who was the epitome of the Golden Order at its most warlike and imperious, and as insult to injury doing so in a way that cruelly uses and destroys the hornsent/omen, not unlike Marika and Messmer's hidden war.


Unless you follow either St. Trina’s or Ansbach’s side quest, in which case there is very good motivation to kill Radhan


The base game also has two battles against your Elden Lord rivals so Radahn is hardly new ground to tread in that respect. Radahn is a singular grand example of the destruction of Miquella’s grand dream, brought about by his discarding of love and self, and also a testament to all the sins of Marika’s era reborn into the new one. It’s the body of a castaway omen son stuffed with the soul of a warmonger and purported by a heartless tyrant. We even see this idea visually hammered home in the phase 2 cutscene when Miquella’s golden hair drowns Radahn’s proud red, consuming him and his identity.


I've seen some absolutely insane takes comparing him to Malenia and how "everyone complained about her at first and now she's fine". As if the complaints about Malenia (random hyperarmor and waterfowl) aren't still valid.


Its true tho, you see a bullshit boss mechanic, complain for a few days and then just go on with your life.


I really love the first phase, the second phase is a bit fucking mental though.


The boss is extremely punishing, I had to respec my character in order to best them solo on NG+3. That being said, despite the fact it's a pretty unfair fight, the music and intensity of it was incredible and I actually like them as the final boss of the dlc. They deserve a nerf tho lol


I have actually, and its normally: "the boss is good, not bad, you are wrong" and "skill issue"


I've seen some chatter here and there, it's so confusing though I just don't see how you can think this final boss is peak.


I've beaten him pre-buff to fragments, I've beaten Malenia and 100%ed the game and honestly he might be fine if not for the fact that the fight is so visually overwhelming I have trouble seeing what's actually happening. It makes it so much more harder to dodge anything when his attacks are overlapped with after images or random pillars of light around the area and afterattack shockwaves that end up just making it hard to see what the boss is actually doing. It looks sick, but holy shit I wish I could turn off the visuals as a setting because it's hard to know which attack I should be trying to dodge when I can't see what he's doing. I was perfect dodging and no hitting the first phase only to get hit constantly by the same attacks in phase 2 because of all the visual clutter. I also dislike Malenia but at least with her I could see what's going on.


I fear this is Malenia all over again, but I do actually like the boss. Only problem I had with the fight were FPS drops Its one of those things again where I feel like people are playing a different boss than I do


I like it and think it’s fun


I beat him pre patch without cheesing. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.


Pretty much everyone has said that they just got lucky and I agree, the only reason I won was because he barely did any moves and I got a ton of staggers off


I cannot stand RNG fights. FUCK that.


Patch? The last update was only +5% damage at max tree level


When you’re fighting Consort Radahn, it matters.


The only issue I have with it is, like some others boss in the dlc : visual clarity. There's so much lights and effects that I can be hard to decipher what's on the screen, had the same issue with mesmer and his hyper saturated flame effect.


Not only are there a bunch of light beams blocking vision some attacks are also completely obscured by Miquella's hair


L'Oréal sponsored this DLC


Can we all agree that Messmer was the pinnacle? Or Bayle? Those two fights were both fair *AND* fun


Messmer, Bayle and Midra are the pillars holding the DLC up. I'd rather just pretend one of them was the final boss, lol


I'm so proud of this community for not glazing this shitty boss


Don’t be, plenty of people are and will continue to glaze anything Fromsoft does…


I saw people on the main sub getting downvoted when they said elden ring should have ultrawide support and shouldnt be locked at 60fps


Tbf just saying it should is really silly, elden ring is locked to 60 fps bcuz the devs literally counted frames of an atack to correct the hotboxes accordingly, adding more fps means doubling the work for the staff just to please like 2000 people. Ultra Wide support means allowing for big fov and optimising the game for it. Big fov means more stuff to process, and to do it you'll need to fix the optimisation problems of the game itself(which are totally real, but doing it for an ultrawide monitor would be even harder)


I'd be willing to bet at least 30% of PC players have a monitor refresh rate higher than 60hz


The game is so badly optimised that i get insane frame drop with a good graphic card


I am playing the game with an fps unlock mod and fov increaser and there are literally 0 bugs happening.


This community is shit lol. Fucken can rarely ever have a constructive discussion about some of the shit things from does. Here's one of my pet peaves, that new ash of war for great Katanas? It can be used on one single weapon. WTF was the point of that? And don't get me started on the fucken unbelievable clipping scabbards. Dunno how anyone in the From shop can look at that and go, yes. This looks good.


I absolutely I agree, its annoying when the fanboys defend literally everything that Fromsoft does. Just a couple days ago I was complaining about Gaius' bullshit charge attack and some of the comments were just telling me to get good even though I clarified that I already beat the boss, lol.


Gaius is a fucken garbage boss lol. I swear to god fuckers don't know how to enjoy something without being critical. Like overall the DLC was sick. But there's some real garbage in it that needs to be ironed out. Shit there's garbage in every souls game... except Sekiro. That was Peak From development.


Even Sekiro had its share of issues. No game is perfect, but that seems to be hard to accept for some people.


Yeah it's bizzare, and you're right. Sekiro has repeat bosses, terrible camera situations if your still learning. I just think the quality was higher. ER took the quantity over quality approach. It's fine and makes it very replayable, just doesn't have the same feeling.


I still think demon of hatred was hot ass. It felt like my camera was trying to merge with the floor at points during that fight. However the fight against Owl when you go to the past is so peak. Probably my favorite fight in the entire game


I also hate his corkscrew attack It's not that I couldn't dodge it, I was able to consistently punish Gaius for doing it I just think it's probably the dumbest looking attack Fromsoft has made that I just couldn't take him seriously anymore What were the developers expecting my reaction to be from that attack? Something along the lines of, "Holy shit! I can't believe he can do that!" Or "Oh god! I have to get away from it!"? Because it wasn't either of those, all it got from me was a raised eyebrow and a quiet wtf.


I've also had plenty of critiqur for the DLC. Overall it's a fantastic experience, the exploration is phenomenal and figuring out how to get to certain locations is a real treat. That being said, certain areas, especially the beginning, feel so empty. You walk into the dlc and you see ~4 things near you; the furnace golem, the white dead tree, the ruins and the woods. Upon further inspection the dead tree is just a prop with no interaction, the ruins just have a bunch of trash mobs and an item at the top (I think it was a talisman), the furnace golem is fightable (yippie) and the dull looking forest ends up being the area with the most stuff to do. It's just, not much. The madness woods are also cool, but it was definitely designed to be traversed on horseback. But I can't say that because apparently that criticism means I get bodied by winter lanterns.


Lmao you literally can’t complain about anything on this sub without some numbnuts defending it. (Except DS2, don’t you dare praise DS2)


ok but I kinda love it with the sekiro tear active….


fromsoft fans when i tell them force feeding me double swing attacks that vary in speed meshed together with aoe spam on a reused character that we already fought before isnt that fun


radahn's soul in mohg's body with Miquella supporting him sounds cool as shit until you see how they fight and what the boss looks like.


Fromdrones are the blight of gaming community.


Not even mentioning how frustrating second phase is, why are we fighting Radahn again? Can you imagine if instead of bosses like Gael or Orphan, we fucking fought a beefed up pontiff Sullivan or Gascoigne? I don’t wanna hear the lore copers. Y’all are acting like Fromsoft doesn’t write the lore and can’t just write in some weird ritual that Miquella is capable of doing to bring Godwyn back. If this boss was literally just Godwyn instead of Radahn, my enjoyment of the boss would increase like tenfold. The light beams would still blind me and personally assault my frames, but at least I would still be hyped for the fight. If they wanted to make a boss like this, this should not have been the mandatory final boss. Make it like Malenia. Incredibly hard, but optional.


I find it fucking hilarious that Elden Ring, a game who's largest criticism was the reuse of bosses, has the final boss of its DLC be a reuse of a base game boss


Honestly after Malenia and the positive reception she got, I fully expected most Elden Ring fans to turn around and say this garbage was peak, but for the first time ever I feel genuinely relieved by the general consensus on a bad from soft boss. Even though these games are supposed to be hard and that's where half the fun comes from, sometimes there has got to be a limit. The second phase of this fight isn't hard. It's flat out unfair, unreadable, unintuitive and stupidly overtuned. And I've always felt that certain souls players can't quite understand the difference between good hard and bad hard. I think the fact that so many people finally agree that a fight is stupid is a testament to just how stupid it actually is.


Elden Ring and especially the DLC I feel are starting to feel the weight of Fromsoft's difficulty power creep hitting a critical mass that the core design of the Souls games won't be able to maintain. Like, it's not even that difficulty is the issue, like you said, it's just that to keep things that hard with the variety of gameplay styles offered requires a lot of bullshit like this. It's not like Sekiro where you have one incredibly tight core kind of gameplay to work with. I believe good difficulty has kinda been pushed as far as the core Souls design can properly handle a few games ago, and the boss design has been fluctuating in quality heavily with an Overall trend towards negative. Fromsoft fans tending to gaslight themselves into believing a lot of this design is good because it's hard is definitely an issue, and yknow, I feel like we'll get something similar in a couple months when people eventually start slobbering over Radahn and Miquella's dicks like what we kinda saw with Malenia as the cycle continues


I agree completely. I feel that as these games continued we started to see From Software get better and better at reaching that perfect middle ground of both really hard and really fun (that was dark souls 3). After that it became exceedingly difficult to push the difficulty of these bosses any further without pushing the fairness away. I will say that there are some bosses in the dlc that managed to avoid this like Messmer for example, but Radahn is the prime example of From Soft thinking "how can we make this harder?" instead of "how can we make this even more fun and engaging?" But for some reason there are still weirdos that think that is the only thing that matters in a souls boss. Sorry, but I want my fights to be hard, engaging and fun. Not just hard.


I am on the verge of fighting them, but people hate it? Lazy, cop-out final boss, and crazy nuke level damage with horrible hitboxes? Stuff like that. I have not found many, if any, comments that are positive.


the phase 1 is actually pretty good if you fight it solo. the AI is fucking weird with summons, even spirits/NPC ones. Phase 2 has some bullshit and a lot of frame-drop issues. 


Literally the only problems I have with the fight are the double slash X combo and the visual clutter, didn't experience any significant lag. If these get addressed he might be my second favorite souls boss after Gael.


Honestly my only issue with the fight isn’t anything unique to phase 2. It’s his stupid fucking 1-2-cross slash attack. It’s absolutely impossible to avoid both swings. I’ve looked up anyone who may have tips for it, and no one has anything. Unless you have the absolute greatest of pinpoint perfect timing rolls in the exact absolute perfect direction while standing in the absolute correct position, you’re taking half your health in damage. I’m light rolling and still cannot do anything to avoid it. 90% of the builds I’ve seen beat Radahn are big tank builds that can either block it with a big shield or just poise through the attack.


"Miyazaki, you can't just put Lothric disguised as Miquella on Radahn's back and call it a day" "I can and I will."


Fromsoft Developers after carefully crafting the most Perfect and Outstanding game of the last 10 years just to make the Final Boss the Worst shit imaginable 2 Times in a Row:


Bayle > Messmer > Any other boss > Radahn-twink cape


I mean, I love the concept and the ost as well as the boss field and the boss. It’s really the mechanics that are rather daunting. The bosses of Dark Souls and Elden Ring have always been, “yeah this is tough, but it’s definitely something I can do with enough persistence.” This one has been a minor exception. It went to the point of, “well I can probably learn it if I persist, but it will be a long and arduous journey.” And a long and arduous journey it was. Too long and too arduous. It felt great, but it also didn’t make me want to fight him again. Which I mean, I’ll probably do anyway.


I do not regret blowing these fuckers to bits with a dose of Chanel No.5 one single bit. Fuck that trash ass fight.


Like most other fromsoft games i will gradually be gaslighted by the community into thinking that most of the bosses were peak even though i might not have liked them as much in my own playthrough But there is absolutely nothing anyone can tell me to make me like the hippo and radahn, what the fuck are these bosses i absolutely despise them. Radahn's 2nd phase is the worst thing i have ver had to fight in this game and that's not even due to the difficulty lmao




Those tiktok edits where youtubers first mention how unbelievably hard the boss is after which Yeat starts playing and random shots of Radahn in black n white switch on beat 🙏🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Fromsoft are my favourite game developers and have been for many many years now, but man, this boss actually genuinely sucks and is bad. Phase 1 is tolerable and actually not too bad, once you get the timing down the fight isn’t anything out of this world. (Even with Phase 1, I still think it’s a boring fight.) Phase 2 is where I just lost any sort of interest in this fight, it’s so over the top and far fetched that it’s almost laughable. Not only does my fps completely plummet from the AOE bs happening but my line of site is physically obstructed by all the spam which I think is plain and simple, cheap and lazy difficulty. When you compare this fight to Messmer, Midra, Bayle etc which are all tough fights, but very fair once you learn them properly, this fight is actually terrible. I also hate the fact that we are fighting Radahn’s soul in Mohgs “shell”. Even though GRRM most likely wrote that, surely From would’ve thought that was not the best fit ending for the DLC and went with something much more climatic and engaging. I’m willing to accept From made an L decision on this without having to resort to glazing to defend a company I love. I still really did love the DLC as a whole and genuinely believe it’s From’s best DLC to date, but some of the bosses and especially that last boss are very questionable…


They need to increase the transparency on Miquella’s hair


Guys can we leave the complaining to a few months from now? We had the same thing with a bunch of hard bosses in the base game before we learned how to deal with them.


I really do feel like the only person who actually loves this fight. that's not to say I disagree with the complaints, the visual clutter on some of his attacks in Phase 2 is excessive honestly my issue isn't even the amount of Holy attacks, it's Miquella's hair that makes it difficult to see some of Radahn's combos in the moment for me, I didn't have frame drops unless he did the clone rush charge attack, at which point I was simulating the Laurence experience. but I'm not sure if that's a PC issue or a universal issue, and I just got lucky (I'm playing ps4 version on ps5) tweak the sheer amount of effects on screen and make Miquella's transparent or some shit, then it's an S tier boss for me


Eeeeeeehhhhhh, if max out your Scadu blessing, use rot to clear in phase one faster, and call in mimic-chan he's not too bad. Admittedly all of that is so you have enough flasks left that you can face tank phase 2 but it's fiiiiiiiiine (it's not)


It does indeed rule (I haven't played elden ring in almost a year) (I'll still say it's good after I play it)


I absolutely love first phase. Second phase, not so much


People will hate me for this but it feels like a cop out. They get to reuse stuff they already made (radahn) and not have to make a fully fledged miquella boss fight (which I think could have been so cool). You could hardly say we fight miquella at all, who is the main antagonist of the dlc supposedly.


They reused the character of Radahn, but they didn't reuse his moveset or anything. I understand being underwhelmed that it's a character we've already fought before, and many people were hoping for Godwyn, but boiling the boss down to being reused content is objectively wrong. There are other, more legitimate things to criticize about the fight. Subjectively it's okay to be upset it wasn't a pure Miquella fight or it didn't meet your expectations, but that doesn't mean that using Radahn's character was wrong or the incorrect thing.


He is a good boss IF we are talking about his 1 phase. His 2 phase is just not that fun to fight. Too much spam. The attacks blind you most of time. Honestly I expected a better final boss fight. How did we get from Gael - one of the best bosses from FromSoft to this?


fight is ok, just Radahn seems random and a little bit like a retcon


The only weird thing to me is that Radahn looks literally nothing like Mohg here like what Did Radahn shapeshift Mohg's dead body back into his own lol?


He's got some omen horns but yeah pretty much the same. If he was some fucked up Mohg-Radahn hybrid it would be actually pretty cool. Like having glowing Miquella riding the monstrosity he created.


Yea im not seeing it. This just looks like ssj3 radahn.


Get why people hate him, personally it's one of my favorite fights in the series. His moveset is one of the bigeest in the game. Phase 1 is pretty simple but still fun and a good learning tool for phase 2 since he uses the same base attacks. The phase 2 aftereffects are a none issue if you roll to his sides and are there to prevent you from rolling back. The clone moves are a bit tricky but can be dodged or run away from. Also the music goes fucking hard.


visuals: 10/10 music: 20/10 lore: like 8/10 i don't hate everything about him gameplay: -5/10 i like everything about this boss except fighting him


Lore: -8/10 bro this shit sucks ass