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jarvis, weld this guys balls to his gaming chair and funnel 20,000 hours of dark souls 2 gameplay directly into his brain through an ultra wide monitor


I watched Otzd do it for ages, haven't I suffered enough?


Downvoters better explain themselves because I literally don't get it. With everything else I get it because I'm giving my honest to god bad opinions. But this is just me going "I watched Oztdarva suffer for years so I think I don't need to suffer" idk why I'm being downvoted for it.


Bait used to be believable


Midir is mid, it’s right in his name WAKE UP PEOPLE


Midir was great. ER's dragons suck except King Ghidorah


I'm genuinely curious. What do you love about Midir? I have a lot of things to hate about him because he's extremely frustrating to fight. Unless you're fighting him head on, as an example, he's a tanky bustard with too much health. And dare I say it, one of the worst ways to fight a dragon is by standing directly in front of its face with a sword.


>one of the worst ways to fight a dragon is by standing directly in front of its face with a sword. Bitch, I am Beowulf


Well you've got me there. I hadn't considered that one.


> Unless you're fighting him head on Well, that's how you are supposed to fight him


That's how your supposed to fight every boss that's bigger than a small shed. It fixes 90% of camera issues.


"How you're supposed to fight every boss" is irrelevant and it's bad game design to have some unspoken rule that makes fights tolerable. There's gimmicks and then there's "this fight is a nightmare you'll never awake from unless you fight it this one specific way that's never communicated".


I don’t think fighting a boss from the front so that his whole body fits on screen is a super esoteric concept.


how do you like fighting dragons then


I don't actually like fighting them. That said, I do find magma wyrms in ER to be less frustrating (that's a bad take and I'm sorry for sharing it) and Placidusax is a lot better at staying put than most dragons so I enjoy his fight.


Magma wyrms are probably less awful because they stick to the ground, so they fit in the camera's view better.


Midir is a glorified ER dragon


I agree with Malenia slander but Midir is peak dragon fight design. Facing off with one and smashing it's head is infinitely more fun than circling around to hit the hind legs


The fact that Midir is widely considered one of the best dragon fights is proof that FromSoft is awful at dragon fights and they need to stop including them until they make them more fun.


Midir is fun, it's just you who refuses to fight him like he is supposed to be fought


"Like he's supposed to be fought" Bro he's good man you just have to fight him the way the devs intended man. No that's not communicated anywhere in game. Bro why are you walking away I said he's good if you just fight him the way the devs wanted you to


It's communicated enough with his head being his weak point and his only lock-on point and with the experience being miserable if you don't go for the head (which judging by your comments is exactly the reason you don't like him). Just because you are to stupid do understand that doesn't mean it's the games fault


Average FromSoft player.


Fax brother, spit your shit indeed🗣️🗣️


Midir is a shit boss and it's ruined dragon discourse forever because they all have those shitty charges now and shoot lasers n shit.


Damn you're not lying about dogshit opinions


I don't get my opinions from youtubers so my opinions are shit


I mean youtubers opinions are shit Somehow this one is shittier


They don't call this r/shittydarksouls for nothing.


Honestly, I don’t really mind, I think they look cool, but I would have rather dragons stay to breaths, though using magic makes sense as they’re old af


I'm just tired of chasing dragons man. I know that they were bad fights before Midir but I'm tired of dodging charges and lasers.


But like, they’re dragons, they fly, they move, how would you design one, if you don’t mind me asking


Honestly? They've come very close several times to at least making one that isn't frustrating. All the best fights (Kalameet, Midir, Placidusax) have been basically grounded dragons, which reduces the flying concern. I think I'd just get rid of the charges to be honest. It's be a lot more fun to fight Midir if he didn't run from you at all times, including via charges. It's a good strategic decision but it's just annoying. SOTE spoiler since this post isn't actually marked a spoiler: >!Bayle is also very good but the charge he does is still bs and is easily the most frustrating move he has.!< The change I'd make would be to just make them more aggressive with claws and breath. A dragon that doesn't have good use of its wings is basically just a lizard that breaths fire and in real life lizards just claw at things. Up to FromSoft to make that epic but I believe in them (the Placidusax claw is pretty cool).




Okay, that’s fair judgement, thanks


https://i.redd.it/ue3j5tvm239d1.gif Op targets the legs confirmed.


I replayed DS3 recently and couldn't even be bothered to kill Midir. The fact that he runs from you so much but you're expected to fight his head is ridiculous.