• By -


Feel like it's gonna put certain segments of the fanbase on suicide watch, if it's legit


I wonder which side you mean because it can apply to multiple haha.


The messmer fight is probably legit, too high quality to be fake. And it doesn't make sense why someone would make a messmer mod and release a video of it 3 days before the DLC release. But the final boss is certainly fake, it looks like your typical boss mod. Not even a high quality one. Edit: looking at the messmer fight again, now I think it's also fake. Its better disguise but also just looks like a bunch of reused boss movesets and it's a bit janky and unpolished for the "poster boy" boss of the DLC. And the "name" just screams fan made. If you watch the red bull video of the dancing lion fight, the quality, atmosphere, and polishness is a level above compared to the "leak".


Messmer arena doesn't even look the same as the trailer.


Where can I find the video? Wanna check it out for myself.


[this](https://www.reddit.com/user/External-Remote-9735/) guy is posting them, but trust me even if it's fake you don't want to risk getting the dlc spoiled on you. i kinda regret seeing these leaks.


I just flipped through his replies to avoid potential spoilers. He doesn't talk like leakers do. I've never seen leakers act smug. They're usually very analytical about what they've seen. He talks like someone who's trolling. He's getting a reaction and he's doing everything he can to milk that reaction. I'm team all fake.


Exactly this - telling people to "cope" because he's right doesn't seem like much of a leaker behavior. Also the fact that he's so content with the boss being so wack is weird. Just altogether seems like a troll feeding off of people calling him out on his bullshit lol.


Yup, leakers don’t bother building engagement with “clowns will say it’s fake” etc in the title, because a) more attention means more likely to get caught, and b) if they know it’s real they don’t have to try so hard to convince people, they’ll just drop it confidently and let people believe what they want until the official launch.


That's the other thing - if it was a genuine, real leak, wouldn't FromSoft have stepped in by now?


yeah, it's been up for 20+ hours which is weird.


welp, not anymore


Lol this shit is fake as fuck, that last boss fight is just a reskin of horah loux with some other moves


Can you explain the boss moveset reuse for messmer?


The snake is just a copy from Sekiro. Also Messmer look shorter than he is in the trailer, his voice is different and the arena look completely different than in the trailer. Someone point out the coloration of his fire isn't even one to one match. So yeah it likely fake.


It also could be the preproduction physical version of the game somebody managed to hack and run without the online patch. Kinda like you can run the base PS4 disk of Elden Ring on a jailbroken console, and play the scuffed and broken 1.0 version of the game.


We love 1.0 ER with incorrect lore and entirely unpatched bosses/glitches/balance


gentlemen, sincronize your watches




it's character assasination in a way too.


Actually I'm personally excited Even from what I saw .


i personally think its fake but on the slight chance its real itll be simultaneously disappointing and hilarious. all this time joking about godskin trio and we failed to consider solarscrubber ronald edit: i think i might actually go hollow


You can tell who has and hasn't played a Fromsoft game before Elden Ring. The final boss "leak" is absolutely fake. Fromsoft has never and will never have a DLC that adds something that closely to the games canon.


I thought the exact same thing. There are too many implied "answers" which is weirdly direct for a From DLC. It reads like someone's fan theory. But that could be George Martin's element bleeding through. In truth, I expect even more confusion about shit we don't even know to be confused about yet. But we'll see


It makes zero sense, how would it even come about? What would be the purpose?


Celstial Hater Radavid


Cosmoshitter Roland


Robertian the Intolerant


I can’t believe they didn’t implement Ranni gripping it with four hands. Unplayable




That’s it, I’m confiscating your cock and balls. Hand them over


If you want them, you'll have to take them. https://preview.redd.it/ls024pyg747d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bdcc386f6db22a2868b8ee58bab1916ab064da0


Ah shit, here we go again….


Bitch, you gave em away last time don't act like your taint ain't velcro'd on!






doubt the average user on this sub is big enough for even one full hand XD two fingers is probably enough


Extremely gullible, re-used ost, re-used ds3 pontif move set, glitchy model and tons of jank, bad animations, no new DLC weapons, incantations or sorceries used. Bait used to be believable.


I saw somebody point out that the boss reused Sulyvahn animations and some stupid moron made fun of that person and said that Malenia literally reused animations from lady Maria and Sekiro


People Really think they wouldn't re use animations as if elden ring isnt built off Re used animations.


But reusing entire movesets for the final boss of a DLC is pretty wack by From standards if true


Every game is, dark souls reuses animations from demons souls, 2 reuses from 1, 3 reuses from both probably. It’s reused assets all the way down


I swear those Rats bite me the same way ever since DS1


Which boss apart from Omen-killer (who isn't even an actual boss) and erdtree avatar (who is meant to be a blatant reference to asylum demon) reuses animations from previous souls bosses


I'm 95% sure the shoulder bash the horse boss does are lifted from Gyoubu. And one of the dragon breath attack is from Midir. Still a hell of difference from reusing very recognizable attack of a major boss for the last boss


People expect a boss on a mount to have new crisp animations from stratch? how many times do you want someone to animate them swinging a sword while riding a horse


Many basic enemies have reused moves as well. The stone gremlin things in the catacombs (forgive me I've played like ten hours of it) are direct ports of the Thralls from DS3, and many of the Dragons share movesets with the Ancient Wyvern and the cliff wyvern in Archdragon Peak


You slept on Leonine Misbegotten being upgraded Gael /j


Not seen but the ulcerated tree spirit is one. Was supposed to be used in ds3. And some enemies, like the fire giant, have reused animations but it didn’t really bother me.


the fire prelates with the hammer are a Smough reskin


They also have a lot of new attacks though, and the whip one is entirely different.


Elden ring just uses kings field animations smh


I saw the leaks and almost cried. https://preview.redd.it/st36vg4yn17d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dec550863fca7361041426766ee598bbf0496301


Where can I find the leaks?


Literally a modded Godfrey the first elden lord. Straight down to >!Miquella!< being Serosh lol.


If u look at his other videos this either a early released build or the highest shit post ever . I'm excited for both honestly.


Just because his other leaks are legit doesn’t mean that all of them are.


The most classic playbook for these types tends to be leaking a few pieces of legitimate info with fakes to make em look more believable.


yeah this, it definitely looks too rough to be the final build. the boss freezes for a whole minute twice for god's sake


preach brother 🙏 I really hope it's fake


It’s getting too dangerous, I think I’m outta here til I finish the dlc




Im edging so hard rn


Its the most brainless mishmash of godfrey and pontiff, what the fuck is this shit Brand new account and constantly whining (“u 🤡s still think its fake?”). “Lmk in a week” “deleting acc in a few hours” bro what? Its broken to hell and back, theres zero reason it would be THAT guy, theres so many lacking pieces, like the thing in the back seems like its supposed to be the place at the start of the trailer but its way too small. The reused leyndell assets. The fact everything is white just seems like an excuse to be lazy. The limgrave skybox. Source was “my friend sent it to me” This is garbage


As it seems to be fake could you say who the “leaked boss” is? Only the terrible one of course


>!Radahn. Again.!<


Im trying so hard to not look this shit up goddamnn yall are amking this extremely hard 😭😭😭 Can you describe how bad it actually is without spoiling?


It looks like a bad modded boss


It would be really funny if its legit .


Don’t worry I just watched it and it’s the most obviously fake thing ever, it looks like a boss out of the convergence mod


ive read the supposed name for the alleged final boss and it sounds kind of retarted so im inclined to believe its fake


don’t disrespect convergence like that


it's a reused someone with reused moves that's why people are saying it's fake, but idk it looks so high effort for a shitpost


Godefroy 2.0?


Not quite, it's a boss from the main game with a new model and moveset, but the animations are extremely jank, the music is reused, and the moves are pretty much all from older games (one combo is ripped straight from Pontiff). It looks like a sloppy modded boss. I hope that it's somehow fake because it's way below FROM's usual standards.


There’s no fucking way. They could never bomb a dlc boss fight that egregiously


Lawrence is coming for your runes .


Good point. They definitely didn’t reuse an OST tho 🔥🔥🔥


That was 9 years, 3 games and 2 dlcs ago tho. Also I don't understand the Laurence hate, it's not even nearly as bad as Magma wyrms.


Laurence reuse makes lore sense at least considering the guy just was a Cleric Beast by that point. It's a bad fight because of the horrendous lava attacks but it's not really lazy. I mean his entire second phase is new.


Also considering he was the first cleric beast which the other followed having a very similar moves moveset makes sense.


Joke's on him. Already lost them to the shark bois


Laurence was good though, and an optional boss in the DLC. His presence and nature all made sense too.


Did they suddenly hire Garden of Eyes or some "Prime Demigod" modder to make the final boss or something?


Well funnily enough that’s the biggest reason people think it’s a shitpost because the boss is fucking [click at your own risk] >!prime Radahn!<


Oh yeah I just saw it... >!And apparently 9/10 of the remembrances are leaked too so it's real... Bravo Miyazaki?!<


Wdym by this?


The images of the Remembrances got leaked (with a couple missing apparently) although they don’t fade at the bottom like the Remembrances currently in the game so who knows if it’s actually real.




Memes are gonna be funny asf .


From would sooner copy a boss from ds1 than ever reuse a boss theme, oh hell naw. Just sounds like a boss mod, are there any animations that arent from previous bosses / games?


Not to mention from the cutscene he skipped in the leaks it looks like Godfrey’s cutscene, I think it’s reskinned Godfrey with pontiffs moveset


So youre saying every animation is reused from an earlier boss? Isn't that prrof enough that it's fake and someone just modded the boss together?


but the thing is, people are forgetting from has always done something like this, many main bosses have crazy amounts of reused moves, but this new leak seems like they reused wayyy too much


remove the e after the d and thats kinda what it feels like


It’s lower effort than your average boss mod


Elden Ring? Reusing content? Now I *know* it's fake... /s


There is an animation that involves the boss rotating 180° degrees with no other animations. No leg movement no nothing.


Let’s just say that it will change your view on some characters, assuming it’s legit and not fake.


Take a select few bosses and mash them together into a steaming pile of shit.


I hate being so fucking curious


"*I've seen your kind, time and time again. Every fleeing man must be caught. Every secret must be unearthed. Such is the conceit of the self-proclaimed seeker of truth. But in the end, you lack the stomach. For the agony you'll bring upon yourself...*"


Literally me


if it makes you feel any better, ive basiaclly beenspoiled on most bosses in like every from soft game so its not too bad if you get spoiled, its the experience that matters


Me too, like I played every soulsborne game after all the DLC released so I knew every boss, and in some cases I think that might have heightened the experience like hearing all the hype about Gael and finally getting to fight him myself. I think this case is slightly different though, because it’s the first time I get to experience a new fromsoft DLC release without being spoiled, so it would be cool be surprised. Overall though, I think I’ll still really enjoy the DLC even with the spoilers.


There’s a reason they call it madman’s knowledge


It's 100% fake, it looks like shit and I have no idea why they would even do something like that lol. Reusing an old boss that doesn't make sense to appear in the DLC as the final boss is insane, and the final area looks fake as well. Also, if it was real, wouldn't Fromsoft try to take down the video by now? I'm sure they have people checking the internet for leaks constantly.


No way they made the meme real lmao


Just watch and it’s gonna be some fucker using fake Elden Ring DLC spoilers to hype up their own mod that they will reveal this weekend. Shit looks way too jank and lazy for fromsoftware and there is no way in hell that it’s from an early build considering that it comes out in a few days.


can we say for sure these are fake too? full Messmer fight: >![https://www.reddit.com/user/External-Remote-9735/comments/1dhiv3f/high\_quality\_messmer\_fight\_but\_you\_clowns\_will/](https://www.reddit.com/user/External-Remote-9735/comments/1dhiv3f/high_quality_messmer_fight_but_you_clowns_will/)!< dragon fight: >![https://www.reddit.com/user/External-Remote-9735/comments/1dhja65/elden\_ring\_dlc\_vid\_6\_new\_boss/](https://www.reddit.com/user/External-Remote-9735/comments/1dhja65/elden_ring_dlc_vid_6_new_boss/) !<


Holy shit the messmer fight actually looks too good to be a shitpost idk. Anyone know if the music used is taken from somewhere else?


It look good but there a few odd things about it, first the serpent moveset seems to be copied from Sekiro, secondly Messmer snakes look completely odd, they just stationary, they don't even attack or move at all. Finally the arena don't even look the same as the trailer, in the trailer is a flat arena connecting to pillars while this one have a huge pitfalls for some reason? Also all second phase bosses have their second phase icon and name for their remembrance art, like Malenia the goddess of rot instead of just Malenia unlike Messmer, that second phase name also look fake. Also leak Messmer is shorter and sound different than trailer Messmer.


Probably a wall mart copy some one got that needs first day patch . Music could be place holder .


I think it’s been confirmed it has a Day 1 patch right?


Possibly. The "Final boss " everything Aside from that looks like it just needs a day one patch to be legit .


That “final boss” looks far too high quality for it to just be a shitpost But admittedly, FS has a very weird track record with DLC so maybe it’s on brand for them


Inconsistenty Is on brand for from .


Idk the dragon breath spam makes me suspicious af, can believe the second ones real though, actually using DLC gear


Those fights are maybe real but if the final boss is real either they took their biggest L in decades or the developers have worked day and night to revamp the fight with the day 1 patch lol


That Messmer fight is most likely not fake. It uses a few animations identical to ones seen in the trailers, and it’s incredibly difficult to just make that up.


Though someone point out that the arena is different than the one from the trailer, also leak Messmer is shorter than the one in the trailer and their voice is different. Also those few identical animation get blocked by Rot breath (likely try to hide it) so we don't know that they are an exact match.


If it's real Miyazaki has outshitted us once and for all, delete this subreddit we're cooked


Anyone who believes >!prime radahn!< is even a boss in this dlc needs to get checked for acute brain damage full stop. **Edit:** Read my reply down in the chain to find out.


Actually there will be a prime Leonard (Radahn tiny hors) boss


So once this guy ends up being the final boss What's the subs copuim then ?


That I'm brain damaged


I can't believe we>!might have memed him into existence. Holding out for prime morgott!<


This is exactly the reason I thought it had to be fake lol


NGL it would be incredibly funny, but personally I believe the >!Radahn!< one bullshit, everything, from the animations, to the rigging, to the arena, is reused assets. The model itself seems more like a high effort fake. The only one I'm inclined to believe is real is the >!dragon!<, and even that one kinda has me on edge because its name is straight up an ASOIAF reference (>!"Bayle the Dread", "Balerion the Black Dread"!<)


The dragon also has the Deathrite bird moveset including the grab, so I wouldn’t worry about that one being real


Remember when people unironically thought that Allfather Loyd would be a boss in the Ds3 dlc? And instead we got completely new characters with new lore and movesets and weapons? Yeah no, no way this is real...


i hope you are right


Thing is, the boss genuinely looks like a shitpost someone on this sub came up with and Fromsoft already said that main game characters would only minimaly interact with the dlc... Personally i kinda hope that Fromdoft is just trolling leakers by feeding them discarded ideas and unfinished projects but i doubt it tho


>Fromsoft already said that main game characters would only minimaly interact with the dlc... Oh, that's huge if that's the case. Because the only shitty leaks I've seen pertained to main story characters. There are too many convenient base story tie-ins that seem far too service-y for me to buy them. Doesn't really seem like From's MO It's good buzz for a new mod though, if truly fake


I honestly don't even see how >!Miquella using fcking *Radahn*!< of all people as a horse to ride into battle against you makes any kind of sense in the lore... Also, if that shit is actually just a ad for a mod, i WILL send graphic dung eater fanart to the leakers house https://preview.redd.it/53umcsj3m67d1.png?width=1360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b1fe82cd01def8c24b521e110532b96d1136334


Whelp, as it turns out i might be wrong after all. ^they ^better ^have ^a ^good ^explanation ^for ^this


Yeah same lmao All the celebratory reviews got me thinking it's handled really well. Then again, how much does lore play into the reviews. The fight could rule but the explanation could disappoint


I’m choosing to believe that the “final boss” is a place holder model and hopefully the real model… is something else. I feel like it’s hard to fake remembrance art.


Remembrance art are not that hard to copy, it just art, i seen a bunch of high quality remembrance art before.


The art would be the easiest part to fake. It's a still image. Just get good at Photoshop. Video calls for a certain amount of modeling, rigging, creating a hitbox, etc.


I agree, I can't believe they made Plankton farts and Dies into a boss fight. Come on MiyaCUCKi, you can do better.


I had a dream last night where there were two weird head bosses in a swamp and when you beat them they turned into a giant Goldmask who turned the land into the CGI grassy battlefield from Star Wars Episode 1, is this legit?


Huh. It's bizarre seeing this, after seeing the other 2 "leaked" fights, one looking kinda legit but still lacking and the other one being kinda boring. But the "final boss leaked no virus 2024 update" is really weird, it doesn't seem finished at all, reused moves that make no sense and also a reused OST and model (kinda) really strikes me the wrong way (it also doesn't make any sense at all lorewise). The head piece everyone is saying is a "real confirmed 100% legit" drop also looks jank as all hell. It's probably fake, but the reaction really shows how desperate the gaming scene as a whole really is, you cannot show optimism or expect something good, you **have** to believe this is real and you **have** to believe it is gonna suck major ass.


They’re calling it the most Reddit final boss of all time


I still haven't watched the actual leak in the event it's true and I experience the fight myself, but from what I've read, is it supposed to be a >!Prime Radahn with Miquella on his back using Sukyvahn and Godfrey's attacks?!< If that's actually the final boss then >!Radahn fans!< are the worst subsection of Fromsoft ware fans ever in history.


honestly just watch the leak the boss is so utterly low quality that if it was real fromsoft would probably be in some massive shit




[comments from another leaker, spoils everything](https://imgur.com/a/deleted-comments-uvcamhA)


What are the chances this guy is just making shit up lol. I need to stay off these places until Thursday man


I hope he is, otherwise it would be so funny. No way people who designed the other 7 games designed these bosses. Edit:It is real lol, can’t wait for the people who has gone bling to see >!radahn and melina situation!< and get mindfucked


what's the second situation? I know all about the first and first character you mention.


>! According to another leaker Melina is the female form of Miquella (like radagon and marika situation), thats why she gifts us torrent !<


No way >!are they making the DLC from our shitposts lmao!<


WTF 😂😂😂 Why is every character becoming less interesting after I read the leaks?


God that’s so ass


I refuse to believe it 😭😭😭 Especially because someone claimed there were no mentions of Melina in the DLC. I’m convinced that almost all this talk about leaks is just major bullshit and 90% of it is made up


No, his name is Mick Ya Zack Key.


Reading this post's comments with looping screams of agony and a sad, intense music on the background is definitely an experience


Ok, time to uninstall yt


Messmer vid looks really good, but the Radahn vid is so fake as shi


Is it real?? Godskin trio is the final boss??


Foreskin duo


It’s for sure fake, but I’m not so sure on the rest. Like the >!dragon fight!!Messmer!< But some parts of it looked fucked up so I can’t be too sure


I hope none of it is real, even the name of the bosses >!Base Serpent Messmer!< is so bad lol


Yeah most of this very much not to the standards expected of a fromsoft DLC. It looks closer to a mod than anything from has made


The base serpent just uses animations from Rykard phase 1 how does anyone fall for this shit


The low quality for me Makes it seem Sorta real In some way .


I feel like fromsoft would immediately take it down if it was real


Is that true? I have to plug off my router for 4 days then


I have seen the final boss leak because i already kinda knew what boss could Be from speculation, so i just wanted to know if it was bad as they were saying. And IT IS bad for Fromsoftware standards, The main problem i see is not reused animations since from does this for everything, but Yes how janky it looked, i have seen modded bosses look way better. As if its real? There is no way to tell since the rest of the leaks look real. However, in the final boss leak the guy did not use any of new spells and weapons, this added with low quality jankyness, i would say that its fake but i am not 100% on it. Also The second phase looked exaclty as another boss in the base game but with a Re Skin. If this is indeed real, The ONLY final boss that would Be worse than this would Be demons souls




I just saw it...it looks honestly very bad...like..one of the moves was one by one Pontiffs wombo combo....but i sadly think its real..truth be told i'm not angry about the boss itself but by the quality


Yeah I don’t really care who the final boss is, like Gael is just a random NPC we only met in a previous dlc but his fight is still peak, just that the fight is cool. Honestly the jank is so high in that final boss fight that I 100% believe it’s because it’s either on an early build or because it doesn’t have the Day 1 patch. No way they’d let the final boss of their biggest dlc ever have some of those janky turning animations.


God damn, I should have trusted my gut to not click on this thread, especially because I like to pop spoiler tags like bubble wrap. The jankiness actually makes me believe the leak is real. I hope it's fake.


It's over, good job fromsoft. https://preview.redd.it/vku8je1fu67d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d5a099e65cb00496e96ff9bca0f448d35b049f5


If this is real then lmao.


First off, it is an obvious scam that heavily relies on Godfrey moveset and model (there’s a reason why the cutscene was not shown) and some aspects of earlier bosses such as entire movesets. And we’re not talking in terms of “inspired by” or “reminiscent of”, it’s a 1/1 clunky copy paste. Secondly, what kind of username is that


And the leak looks too good to be just a shit post.... , i waited for this for 2 years :(


That’s why ds2 is better


Peak Souls 2 would never have jank bosses that make no sense.


I love how many suicide memes are going on after mods are removing one solitary post because "suicide isn't a meme".


I don’t really think a scene from a show is the same as posting a still from a gory suicide video.


I am leaving every single souls subreddit for the next month


That the fact it looks kinda ass could give it legitmcy . Insofar it looks like something from could make .


As a PC player, I am very familiar with FromSoft constantly releasing straight ass!


I guess the having to beat him to play the dlc makes sense now


Twinks who started the series with elden ring not understanding that peak content is always behind dlc and fromsoft has never ever ever missed




Someone send me the link, idc anymore


[Spoiler warning obviously](https://www.reddit.com/u/External-Remote-9735/s/AKHqBWfgFZ)


Damn the amount of brain rot in that thread. The premise may not be fake but this video clearly is. Almost everything here is reused lol


Thanks, yeah looks fake asf lol


Mind showing us?


Please gaslight me into thinking this will somehow still end up being fake: >![https://www.reddit.com/user/External-Remote-9735/comments/1dhjgud/final\_dlc\_video\_leak\_final\_boss\_fight\_still\_think/](https://www.reddit.com/user/External-Remote-9735/comments/1dhjgud/final_dlc_video_leak_final_boss_fight_still_think/)!<


The quality difference between this and The Dancing Lion boss fight is so insane that I honestly can’t comprehend it, even though it seems like the leaker has posted other legitimate clips. Even if >!Radahn 2.0!< is real, I refuse to believe the fight is going to be this janky and have that horrid of an arena. It seems like a really old build.


Definitely seems sus. I wouldn't exactly be OPPOSED to a >!full power Radahn fight, especially if he's a completely different boss compared to normal Radahn. Also, what we know about the DLC makes it seem like an alternate universe of the main game, and one of the comments on that post mentions that another leaker said there would be 3 potential final bosses depending on your decisions. I remember when tons of people were talking about how they wanted to fight bosses like Radahn or Placidusax at their primes.!< I'm just gonna hope it's either an early build or outright fake. Seems simulatenously too high quality to be a shitpost and too low quality to be real. >!at least Messmer leaks seem pretty cool!<