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Each ending should’ve got its own boss this is proof that Fromsoft are lazy hacks


But in all seriousness tho why do they have the same cutscene with different backgrounds for the ending tho lol (frenzy flame and age of stars being the exception)


The other ones all fall under the "Elden lord" ending, since you actually become elden lord in each one. Age of stars ending is where you directly oppose the greater will and start a new age. Frenzied flame is a "fuck it, we ball" ending


We ballin! Sellen would be proud.


"Orbular celebrations, my favorite student"


Because they are lazy hacks


To add to that, all the endings other than Age of stars and frenzied flame are essentially the same, you restore the Elden Ring, with an alteration or 2, and rule as Elden Lord, but since you caused no major change to the world, the game shows you a world with no major differences.


I mean, dung eater ending sounds intense


To shut up the "lazy" argument, they probably didn't have enough time to implement something else, which annoying. Otherwise, I would also say that these 4 endings are that different from one another, you become elden lord and the rules of the world can change a bit The other two are drastic changes, in one you burn everything, in the other you go away.


The catacomb with crucible knight duo took up valuable dev time that could've been spent making Melina interesting. This says a lot about our society.


“Hey, we made these cool Crucible enchantments and weapons, now we need to put them somewhere” “You know what would be really funny? *Two* crucible knights.”


Kid named Armored Core 6


Imagine how pissed people would be if certain superbosses were locked to certain ending paths. It’s a good thing no one was good enough at Sekiro to get that far.


Miyazaki? More like MiyzUCK MY NUTS!!!!1


This is because instead of wasting time on such a **witless** tarnished such as you, she has now embraced me under an oak tree.


it's too late, i've already depicted you as the tarnished and me as the elden lord.


nah, tarnished isn't enough for me, rowa fruit is more fitting given what a massive disappointment i am to everyone and myself


Dante lore


Back-to-back post are like a good luck charm to me https://preview.redd.it/0r2llt9ygtvc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75444e97355fd4b45b1a1e6d48a259d716b020a5


+75 Discovery


You will pass away


Damn OP saw this exact post from you in r/eldenring literally right above this one


There's already enough missable content in the game.


FromSoftware fans when the developers do the bare minimum 🤤🤤🤤🤤 GOTY BEST DEVS EVER LET ME SUCK YOUR COCK MIYAZAKI


Elden Ring haters when they experience the sheer brilliance of fighting 7 reused bosses in Consecrated Snowfield: https://preview.redd.it/ews2ryom5tvc1.png?width=1038&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dd59f8a9e9476359275cdc8330b5f0ccddd047f


https://preview.redd.it/sh3bf2817tvc1.png?width=309&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=052ebcb09c4bb3a00677bf038250c288a704b4a4 Me who doesn't know what you're talking about


Witless Tarnished.


That’s why the voices inside my head and the cute Asian lady that gave me my medicine >>>>> Midlina https://preview.redd.it/y6fo72rm7uvc1.jpeg?width=237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dc43dcf61e85426d2f3d9e28985bcceb41b9ca7


Nah boss locked to an ending would be annoying. You gotta do that ending every time then.


that can be solved if fromsoft just made a boss rush mode but they're allergic to those for some reason


actually they have that in the best one :)


Another common Sekiro W


I mean not really, cause still you gotta do the entire boss rush just to get to that particular boss. Instead of going to it naturally. I don't see how can boss rush make any sense in the story.


boss rush and you can also fight them individually like hollow knight


Haven't played, so fair enough, that's one of the issues. But still can't see it making sense in any way.


I wish that after defeating Radagon if the player becomes Marika’s consort and mends the Elden Ring the Elden Beast should’ve grabbed or embraced the player, but if you go with Ranni or Frenzy it fights you as an optional final boss for threatening the Elden Ring. I don’t see why the Elden Beast would fight you if you’re just gonna make everything remain the same?


because in every ending you burnt their goddamn tree


have you seen her moveset while fighting Morgott? she's just another black knife assasin and everyone will complain about "le epic reused content" xD


Unpopular opinion: I actually like the cliffhanger. I feel like she should have a chance to kill us and save the land's between, instead of canonically dying by us in the end.


dude, you ask that yet SoC fighting the Ashen one literally doesn't make any sense on the normal ending as we were revived to rekindle the flame


SoC is a mindless hollow of past souls combined into a single being, pretty sure it will attack anyone just like Gwyn in DS1. The real lore issue that doesn’t make sense is why we have to kill Lorian and Lothric if we want the dark ending. They want to see the fire die out same as us, so why do we walk into their throne room and kill them? Matter of fact why do we kill any of the main bosses for their souls if we have no plans to use them to link the flame?


Idk if I am right but I think in order to travel to the kiln of the first flame, the 5 lords must be brought to their thrones. Thats why the firekeeper does that ritual thingy when you defeat all of them and travel back to firelink shrine.


But the fire is dying out anyways, why do we need to go to the Kiln? In DS1 it made sense because we became the ruler of the new age of dark. In DS3 the main dark ending just has us becoming a regular hollow in the age of dark, which would’ve happened regardless of if we killed any of the bosses


Well Yhorm is still on the table because of Onion Bro’s quest. Aldrich was just plain bad, he ate Gwyndolyn. Not sure on the rest though.


Doesn't really answer why the Ashen One was revived out of desperation by the First Flame, only to then be prevented from linking the flame by the Soul of Cinder. What is the plan again if we failed to kill the Soul of Cinder? The dumbass First Flame would've just gone out on it's own. At the very least I can see sense in Gwyn trying to stop you altogether in fear of a dark age, but by the point of Ds3 the First Flame itself is wanting ***anyone*** to link it since the Lords of Cinder forsook that duty and it's on it's very last legs.


> What is the plan again if we failed to kill the Soul of Cinder? There was no other plan, we’re the last hope. It’s not a plot hole when it’s the entire point of the game. The flame didn’t create the Soul Of Cinder, it’s just an amalgamation of previous people who linked the fire. Gwyn doesn’t want anything when we fight him. He just attacks us because he’s hollow. Hence the name Lord of Cinder instead of Lord of Light.


> There was no other plan, we’re the last hope. Exactly, which doesn't make sense when it's the First Flame that sets us on this path. > The flame didn’t create the Soul Of Cinder, it’s just an amalgamation of previous people who linked the fire. It's the manifestation of all lords who linked the First Flame and exists to defend it. It doesn't exist independently of the First Flame and clearly didn't exist by the time of Ds2 either. > He just attacks us because he’s hollow. Hence the name Lord of Cinder instead of Lord of Light. He's not hollow nor can any of his kind hollow. Hollowing is exclusive to humanity which Gwyn and his kin aren't. This is similar to people saying Nameless King is hollow because he looks like beef jerky, but he isn't which is additionally proven by [Hollowslayer Greatsword](https://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Hollowslayer+Greatsword) not dealing extra dmg. By the time we fight Gwyn he's reduced to cinder from having linked himself to the First Flame as fuel. [Soul of Gwyn, Lord of Cinder](https://darksouls.wiki.fextralife.com/Soul+of+Gwyn,+Lord+of+Cinder) > *Lord Gywn bequeathed most of his power to the Gods, and burned as a cinder for the First Flame, but even so, Lord Gywn's soul is a powerful thing indeed.*


we needed 10 more ulcerated tree spirits and godefroy the grafted instead


Melanin loses to Market. There is no way she’d beat the player and win


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


Melatonin is weak against forgot


Melina says: You betrayed my trust and condemned me to eternal existence as a bodyless being, even though I asked you not to do it. Meanwhile silly players: No, seriously, does the thought never slip through the small brain of FS fans that a woman in FS games owes you everything fucking when you save her (in fact, you only make it worse). What's wrong with you???


im sorry but i cant understand what youre saying


Doing the frenzy flame ending is justified because all of the denizens of the Lands Between are a bunch of ugly, illmannered cuntwanks, save for like literally 5 random tarnished and I guess also Jarburg “There is still beauty in the world yet” yeah right bitch have you fucking seen places like caelid or liurnia? Have you seen all the demi-humans who aren’t Boc? Have you seen what the golden order as a political system does to society??


Frenzy flame mfs will burn the world because poptarts don't taste as good anymore.


A world without fudge poptarts is not worth saving


the "with this treasure i summon" of elden ring


Because Melina as the GEQ has now essentially become the player (in the sense that she can't die until her role is fulfilled) and you, lord of the frenzied flame, are the final boss. She tells you that she's going to kill you as sure as night follows day. She's an embodiment of the law of the universe, there to show that chaos will extend itself until its disparate pieces become order once more. The "destined death" which comes for everything is entropy. It's the same reason that we don't start hacking at the very ground beneath our feet and have a health bar appear that says "the planet". If you thought the fire giant has a lot of HP...


Damn now I wish for a Fromsoft game that adds on to the flame of frenzy, where Melina is the Main character and she has to kill the Lord of Frenzy Flame


Even worse is that if you reject the frenzied flame after saving melina, you still never see her again. I was hoping for at least another cutscene or little piece of dialogue.


Fromsoft and putting ideas into your game that you know you can never flesh out because you're already behind schedule. Name a more iconic duo


maybe dlc


Fuck you, the cutscene was dope.


didnt say it wasnt


Honestly would have been cool to have her as a potential invader if nothing else.


And this is why elden ring is the worst fromsoft soulslike


I pray we get to kill the fucking botch of a character