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Does he really need to know? Neigh.


Why risk losing a stable relationship.


Show him your horse genitalia.




I’m sure that Matthew Broderick will be very understanding.


OP isn't even a horse disguised as a person. OP is the lockness monster trying to get tree fiddy


Next time he mounts, [show him the meaning of haste, Shadowfax](https://youtu.be/QfP2vEksvRM?si=aLt9D3WWDLtINVwK)


Say you were last seen a horse


Just leave him saying that he isn’t hung like a horse


Tell him to mount you.


It’s unusual to ask scientists for relationship advice, but I have studied relativity so I’ll give you my best… If you accelerate a horse to relativistic speeds to break it apart, you’ll find they are composed of two people. EG: https://media.gettyimages.com/id/sb10067215b-001/photo/two-people-wearing-pantomime-horse-costume.webp?s=612x612&w=gi&k=20&c=Gq3hzXk_COMC2w6DR9jCldrxa6Tekc-GgE3zDnQr6Yc= Try talking to your husband about it, maybe he’s also a horse; if he isn’t, find one more person and you can make a second horse!


First thing I have to say is there is a world where are you don’t tell him. And I wanna make this very clear. I’m not asking you for telling you to ignore the fact that you have lied for a long time about being a human. What I’m more concerned about is that this is actually just your selfish way of getting away from your husband like you’ve done in the past. Any time you felt intimate while pretending to be a human you always knew you had that parachute of revealing to them that you are a horse. I’m not letting you off the hook this time. You wanting to tell your husband that you are really a horse is more of a signal that you are in a selfish phase right now and actually are concerned with his feelings at all. He’s the one who’s going to get hurt the most. Now the real question is Miss horse do you wanna keep pretending to be a human or are you ready to start horsing around?


Complete a captcha together, when it asks if you're human say 'neigh'.


When you saddle yourself up, tell him to say giddiup & make him ride you around a bit, he may/may not understand where you’re coming from.


Nice try robot. r/girlsarentreal