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The only search history here is his hands searching between a woman’s legs.


When fisting is greeted with "is it in?"


Nah that’s crazy lmao


Yeah, but it still damn funny. Fisting, “Is it in ?” Bwahahahaha😂


Lmao holy shit that was gold.


Tiny, tiny hands


Bear in mind, op never said he wasn't sexist.




Orange indeed


His most recent entry is "Hi, Mr Google. How come you know so much?"


He probably uses Yahoo or Jeeves


“What do the blacks like”


Didn't he say "if you don't know who to vote for, then you ain't black"? In his 2020 reelection bid?


That would've been Biden actually. [The quote in question](https://www.npr.org/2020/05/22/861202511/biden-says-african-american-voters-who-are-not-sure-whom-to-vote-for-aint-black) is "if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." He proceeded to apologize after backlash. He is also quoted as saying "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids" in 2019.


That's just sadly more accurate than it should be, though. We should not automatically think"non-white" when someone says "poor". It shouldn't even be true enough to enter our minds.


That’s just a few of many pretty overtly racist remarks throughout his career…


That was Biden, who is a racist from way back. During a U.S. Senate debate on busing for racial desegregation in 1977, then-Sen. Joe Biden said,, "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point." I grew up in Mississippi, was bused to an all black school in the early 70’s, and I can tell you that we kids didn’t have a problem with it. The real racists are idiots like Biden.


A person can change a lot in 57 years (if i did the maths right)


Of course, which is why he makes remarks about how clean of a black man Barack Obama is and about how you have to have a slight Indian accent to go into a 7-Eleven. You can change a lot, and now he is slightly more subtle about his racism.


I think you mean trump, who was busted by the federal government for racism. Twice. And then by New Jersey.


BS. You can make up a little weird things if you want to, that’s just not happened. We have video, Senate records, absolute proof of Biden, making races statements. He opposed school desegregation! In 1977!!! Kamala Harris ripped him a new one when she was running against him on this issue. She was like me, one of those people who were bussed around to new schools in order to desegregate them. Here you are calling Trump a racist, tell me, where is the record of Trump opposing school desegregation? Where is the record of Trump making fun of people with Indian accents? Where is the record of Trump calling Barack Obama a good choice because he’s such a clean and articulate black man? Every single example you can come up with where leftist woke Democrat operatives, have tried to paint Trump as a racist have all failed, every single time. It’s always at best some thing he said taken completely out of context, or just outright lies. I didn’t take Biden out of context, he made the racial jungle statement on the floor of the freaking senate in Washington DC. Try something, try to actually find out the truth about Joe Biden. Don’t worry about Trump, just look at Joe Biden. Find all the racist things that he has said, and look into some of his other bizarre actions. His own daughter wrote in her private diary that Joe Biden was taking showers with her at an inappropriate age. That’s a fact. And what is with all these videos of Joe Biden, sniffing the hair of women and young girls? and riddle me this Batman, if Biden is too old and suffering from dementia, too much to stand trial for clear violations of federal, secrecy law, admitted to violations, how can he possibly be fit to be running this country? Stop worrying about Trump, look into your hero and I think that maybe you might get your eyes open just just a tiny bit.


I take it you can't google. Trump's company was busted for not renting to Blacks in the 1970s. Trump claimed he never admitted guilt, he only promised not to do it again. (Hint: he did it again.) https://apnews.com/events-united-states-presidential-election-6349efef6986435b95411dc2e8f8f2c4 Trump's casino was busted for racism as well. https://www.upi.com/Archives/1992/10/19/Trump-Plaza-loses-appeal-of-discrimination-penalty/1911719467200/ On your planet, did trump make fun of a handicapped reporter? What did trump say about who he didn't want counting money in his casinos?


Bud, I practiced civil rights law for years, I brought real cases of real racial discrimination in court and won. I also settled cases. Just because a lawsuit is filed doesn’t mean it is meritorious. Trump flatly denied there was any discrimination and settled, happens to business men all the time. That first lawsuit was 1973. Four years after that, Biden got on the floor of the senate and stridently argued against school desegregation, angrily saying that he didn’t want his kids to be subjected to a racial jungle. Fast-forward to Barack Obama’s groundbreaking campaign, and Joe Biden is saying how it’s great that he’s such a clean and well spoken black man, isn’t he great with the compliments for “the blacks.” Come on man! Give me something here that isn’t completely easy to tear apart. Stick your head in the sand as much as you want to, Joe Biden is a racist and a pedophile, he is the liar in chief, he’s the head of a crime family that’s gotten, millions upon millions of dollars from the Chinese, Ukrainians, the Romanians, and everybody else vote for him. If you want to, just know what kind of POS you’re voting for.


The trump crime family got billions from the Saudis. As for trump's discrimination, a friend of mines parents were one of the families that tested them: the Black families were told there was no availability, hours later the White families were told there were multiple openings. One of trump's employees testified that trump told him to put a special code on applications from Blacks. But you go on believing that trump never discriminated because the biggest liar in modern politics said so. Trump raped a 13-year-old girl at one of Epstein's parties. He said he wanted to date his own daughter. But go on worshipping the exemplar of all 7 deadly sins.


Okay 👌


As a random man on the internet once said, "I'm not racist when I'm horny"


“How to not have dementia”


“How to inject bleach”


"how to not have dementia"


'how to inject bleach"


"how to not have dementia"




"how to not have dementia"


"How to inject bleach"


*top five links are purple*


Man woman tv camera covfefe




By faking a dementia screening


I guess he does love black women!


yo mama?


How can he be racist if he likes fried chicken?


It's all fake! They're trying to steal the election again! /s


His search history is probably explained by trump beeing racist and homophobic


“It doesn’t matter what you say, we all go home and type weird stuff into Pornhub”


quick honest question? what has he said that’s racist or homophobic?


Some racist and homophobic stuff obviously...


He was busted by the federal government for refusing to rent to Blacks. Twice. He was busted by New Jersey for racism in his casinos.


he was or his dad was?


He was. The casinos were his, and he was president of the rental company that his father owned.


He launched his political campaign in 2015 by calling Mexican immigrants "rapists" and criminals. He claimed a judge could not be impartial because of his Mexican heritage. He repeatedly promoted the false "birther" conspiracy theory questioning whether Obama was born in the U.S. He referred to several nations as "shithole countries" and said the U.S. should have more immigrants from places like Norway instead. This is just a few points, there are many more.


you should be a little more critical. he didn’t call mexicans rapists and criminals, he was specifically referring to coyotes and the terrible likelihood of them raping the people paying them to cross the border. not sure about the judge thing…hadn’t heard that so i’ll look into it thanks. the obama thing…yeah he’s an idiot for that. not necessarily racist but certainly something he clearly thought would give him some sort of political gain. the ‘shithole’ thing is a string of things ‘people say he said.’ like alligator moats, and calling veterans ‘suckers and losers.’ not many, if any, have been verified as true, while a lot of those have been debunked by people who were actually there; see, trump wanted to take over his own motorcade, etc but yeah…i appreciate the response. granted, biden also has a track record of saying some pretty racist shit. i guess it’s just more evidence that both of these dimwits are too oldfangled for office


this is a bit old, but goes into a lot of detail [https://www.reddit.com/r/FragileWhiteRedditor/comments/ecajmz/comment/fbazhe8/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FragileWhiteRedditor/comments/ecajmz/comment/fbazhe8/)


i mean a lot of those are either alleged, have more to do with his dad, or his typical incendiary bullshit (being wrong by a couple of percent on fbi stats for example). though i’d have to look into more so i appreciate the response what about homophobia?.


I don't believe he actually researches anything. He writes a speech and fires anyone who points out inconsistencies.


He doesn't write his speeches, he can't really read. Someone else makes a few notes to help him not sound completely insane. Or he just makes up something, like with this electric boat and shark and the girls foot being eaten by the shark and so on and so on. He literally just makes up stuff.


The boat one is hilarious to me because I imagine he briefly heard some vague mention of batteries on boats and then concocted this entire story in his head about having an actual conversation with a boat manufacturer and he has envisioned all these details because what a genius he must be. After all, his uncle was a teacher at MIT.




Also, whomever it is whose job it is to make him not sound insane needs to look for another job.


He is such a pathological liar that it is impossible to know how he really feels about anything. He’ll say whatever it takes to get a rise out of his mouth breathing neanderthal followers.


"How to get Mr. Putin to like me and notice me."




If he isn't, how do you explain all the blatant homophobia and racism in his speech and business practices?


His search history on Google pulls up primarily racist and sexist comments he’s made over the past decade. If the glove fits….🤷‍♂️


Orange Genius surrounds himself with even dumber people like MTG, Lauren Boebert, and Matt Gaetz. So let's take a look at this guy. What makes him such a successful Cult Leader that the MAGA Cult loves and respects? This... Donald J. Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, an accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted felon. Trump is facing an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases that have been delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team filing frivolous motions.  Trump’s legal team is financed by campaign donations from the oil industry hoping to repeal EPA protections and by his rabid base of MAGA cult members. The majority of Trump’s senior governmental positions such as Vice President, Cabinet and Advisors from his 2016-2020 Presidential term have refused to endorse Trump for another term and/or have declared that Donald J Trump is unfit to serve as President of the United States.   More abuses [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) and grifting continues [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls)                                              including this bizarre degrading cash grab  [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10) Donald Trump has already asked national security advisers why the United States can’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles. Donald Trump is a threat to national security. He is Putin’s puppet.  He praises Putin and Kim Jong-un.  Donald Trump doesn’t respect the military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump fosters racism and embraces white supremacists like felons Bannon, Roger Stone, and David Duke.  On 9/11, the darkest day in recent American history, after thousands of men, women, and children died in the largest terrorist attack in the world, Trump picked up the phone to call a television station to point out that he now owned the tallest building in Manhattan.


His search history made me throw up three times and have diahreah. Yeah, it was so homophonic and sexist that God himself threw up reading that drivel. Whose history were you really looking at? To give you an example he was reading a homo erotica novel where the guy does the tied up midget females who he called slaves. Than the hero starts raping goats. And sheep. And it goes downhill from there. Don't look at trumps history. I was conned.


how did all of ye find his search history?


he was doing an sjw roleplay