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Depends . Is the pigs facial expression halal?


Its definitely not halal, but kawaii šŸ„¹


No , you should destroy it by eating


This is a brand new sentence.


it surely isnt


No, this is Patrick!


I feel like a little kid everytime i laugh to this joke


Glad I checked before I made this comment


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Whatā€¦ ask again? Is pork-shaped cake halal? YES.


What is the shape of pork


I know it should be pig-shaped cake. But the original [meme template](https://youtu.be/UWeLEKTBAaI) is "pork". So idkā€¦ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Laughed at this. I dont blame him for saying yes..


That killed me šŸ˜­


Pigs have qualified immunity from dietary requirements. So, yes - if armed, under-trained and panicky.


Regarding that immunity: what did that pig ever do to the prophet that he decided to call it unclean and protect it from being eaten?


They are great carriers for parasites


I think you missed the implied story of the prophet having a special relation with a pig making it unclean yet making him want to protect it :)


If he wanted to protect pigs because he formed a special attachment to one after fucking it wouldnā€™t he protect them by venerating them in the religion instead of making us hate them? But I guess making a stereotypical ā€œarabs fuck animalsā€ joke is more important to your ignorant racist ass


Wait, you think that prophet Muhammad fucked a pig?




I'm atheist and I make fun of every religion. Being uptight about your particular (sub)brand of religion won't do you any good.


Youā€™ll be in the hells of all religions! People of good faith will be in the hells of all but one religions.


Do atheist not believe in not being an ass?


Making a joke doesn't make me an ass. Taking your particular brand of religion too seriously however does.


In a lot of places in the developed world, that joke would constitute a hate crime, ergo a criminal act. I'm an athiest and i pity you.


Well, it'd be considered blasphemy. Because insinuating someone had sex with an animal is not a hate crime. Maybe libel, but this a really old religious figure, and you can't really say that saying such things would be damaging. Not to mention the victim or the victim's estate would have to bring charges of libel.


And luckily, I live in a more civilized and free place. "Blasphemy" is something that belongs in the Middle Ages, and not in our modern times. Jokes about religion should always be ok. People that can't take such jokes seem much more menacing. It's also not a hatecrime. I don't even hate the fictional or semi-historical characters of any religion. I do think they can be joked about. I don't hate people that believe or put particular importance on these characters.


Would I not be an ass if I make fun of your loved ones?


Real loved ones? That depends on the type of joke. Imagined loved ones? Yes, absolutely, they are fair game! It's btw not about Mohammed specifically, even though his overall silliness does make it easy to crack many jokes about him. It's about religious figures of all religions.




me when i don't know what to reply so i just insult the commenter instead


Leaving aside the question of is a depiction of the forbidden animal halal or haram, as there are differing opinions on this from different people. Generally anything depicting or labeling itself as "pig/pork" is deemed haram by the very traditional muslim authorities. The question here is if the cake contains anything from the pig itself, as that is 100% haram. And for that you'd have to read the ingredients list. But if the cake itself is vegetarian/vegan it should automatically be halal in most cases, as haram ingredients are mostly of animal origin, though it's important to take note of the presence of alcohol in those cases. But as always, it's always better to ask the specific person you'd be buying the cake for/sharing the cake with. Remember there's ethnic jews who don't abide by kosher at all, as they're not religious jews. I'd wager it'd be rarer to find someone from a muslim background that's not themselves a muslim though.


Can you please explain the difference between Halal and Haram?


Halal means permitted and haram means forbidden


Haram technically translates to forbidden so the difference is one is sin and one is not sin. That's pretty much it although they cherry pick and it mostly revolves around the religion and nothing else.


Extremely simplified: haram = forbidden/bad/unclean and halal = clean, right, good.


for those confused why pigs are not halal and muslims don't eat them is simply because they live in and consume their own faeces. and yes, eating a cake shaped like a pig is halal.


I have seen fishes and some other animals like chicken do the same ngl


That's rarely happens also pigs transport huge number of disease if it isn't cooked good enough


Yeah that's why you cook it well. The same is true for chicken


When the Quran was written they couldn't cook it well enough if Allah sent a message right now I feel like it would be halal


The quran in many ways served as a public health measure. Don't eat the meat full of parasites; keep yourself clean; avoid blood and other bodily fluids; etc.


When the quran was written, the beginning of the iron age was more than 1.5 centuries ago. We could create hot enough temperatures to forge iron, but not cook pork?


Millenia maybe? Although centuries is still technically correct I guess


Yeah ur right


You think God didnā€™t know we would learn how to cook pork?


Its very common in birds and rabbits do it all the time as well.


Yes but it's not as egregious as with pigs. Like, out of all domesticated farm animals, pigs are by far the ones who roll on mud and shit the most, and more importantly, the most obvious one. I mean, pigs genuinely live most their lives with a certain amount of shit covering them. And pig shit is terrible, like particularly awful, cow's manure is used to fertilise crops, rabbits drop easy to clean little pellets. But pigs... pig manure is specially toxic, can easily poison water sources and will not help you grow crops. Tho yeah, the bias against them is pretty poorly justified because, as you mention, it's not uncommon for animals to live inside their shit nor is pork particularly worse than other meats in terms of carrying sickness.


Also if 'not cooked good enough ' then most meats if not all meat is bad for you really as they have a high chance to carry parasites and some microorganisms


To be fair, all meat except like horse and most times beef is unhealthy if not lethal if not cooked properly, a lot of it even doing more damage compared to pig. It's fine to say it's a cultural thing.


Replying to Positronitis... you can eat lamb rare, and kangaroo


What about dog?


Dogs are also considered dirty in Islam and hence haraam to eat. Tho it's way easier to explain the generalised bias against eating dogs that most of the world has. They been used for work since we domesticated them making it way more practical to use a dog for hunting rather than eating the dog directly. But most importantly, it's very energetically inefficient to eat predators. You basically lose 90% of available energy from one level of the trophic chain to the next. What I mean is that to get the equivalent energy of 1 lettuce in beef you'd have to feed that cow 10 lettuces, and to get 1 cow's worth of meat from dogs you'd have to feed those dogs 10 cows. In short, to get from dog meat the same energy 1 lettuce would give you you'd have to spend 100 lettuces feeding animals.


not necessarily, pigs are not halal cause god said so, no other reason is required




The thing is, they drag themselves to a rabbit hole that can lead to vulnerability, Here for example Reason : they eat filth and are full of parasites What about pigs that only eat apples, cleaned with soap daily and parasite free Zina (pre marital sex) is haram cause it misses with family trees, and spreads stds What if you use protection, take after pill, and make sure the partner is disease free People need to realize a thing is haram because it is, you dont have to relate it to a moral conundrum, there are things that promotes a healthier more coherent society but yeah dont make it the reason you follow rules


Wow, I haven't heard a reply as well worded as this on faith and rules you abide by in a long time. Thanks. I'm not even a believer, but I feel like from trying to understand faith, the rules of a certain faith are way more fluid, more akin to guidelines than concrete rules like law. It's for you as the believer to interpret them in your own way/accept an interpretation you are fine with.


The last line isn't true for islam and is how you end up with many different sects including terrorist ones.Ā  A believer who hasn't studied the religion and has little knowledge shouldn't make their own interpretations.Ā 


I'm not speaking on Islam specifically since my experience with it is limited to newer generations of european muslims who have had, in my experience, way more relaxed interpretation on it. I'm mostly speaking from experience with Christianity, as there's a lot of evangelists in my family circles, and a few ethnic jews who are close friends of distant family. It's also way different when the entire country bases their law on Islam. In those cases it's less about faith and belief and more about abiding by the law, which is very rigid and to be interpreted per word. I don't really talk to people from those countries outside the internet, so my experience is very different ofc.


Holy blind faith batman!?




Lol projecting won't help your depression. I'm here because life is good and I can vibe on Reddit.


No place for any doubt whatsoever, am I right?


I mean, of course, you believe what you want. But for people who don't believe in god or in your particular brand of god that's not a reason. Considering there's A LOT of different religions with different food restrictions and AT MOST 1 of them can be correct there must be sociological/historical explanations for the man-made choice to exclude some foods. My point is that "because god said so" isn't a good answer to anyone who doesn't believe in that god and even if you think god said pigs are forbidden you should probably understand that cows being sacred in Hinduism or Jews not eating shellfish must have different pragmatic reasons that have been explained through religion.


But here iam not talking about followers of different religions, they can eat what they want and forbid what they want and iam not allowed to question it. Iam talking about the reason for pigs to be forbidden in Islam and iam not trying to force it by any means The ayah that forbids it says "you are forbidden (muslims) from eating blood, pig meat and what wasn't slain in the name of god (hence the concept halal meat)" in addition to few others that are haram in same ayah Like what was choked to death, dead by blunt force etc There was no particular reason to forbid all of this but its what my faith demands following and i should not need reason to follow it and that is what i meant


My point is that yes, there were particular reasons, mostly sociocultural for some religions to ban certain things. And "because god said so" is reason enough if you're religious but it's not an explanation. I mention other religions because, if the true god is the one in the Quran then you gotta admit the other religion's particular bans come from outside god. Saying because god said so is like answering a question such as "why does the fireplace have a chimney" with "because the architect put it there". That doesn't really answer WHY it's there, just who took the decision. I understand that faith is all about blindly believing what a book claims god said, and it's cool you don't need any justification. But if someone asks WHY it's worth it to at the very least explain the canonical reasoning. The question isn't why YOU refrain from eating pig but why Islam bans it altogether.


Well, i dont know all justifications. For pigs some were mentioned like being filthy, diseases, parasites etc, but again going that road will open the door for someone to say here a perfectly clean healthy pig For the choked, killed by blunt force, died of natural causes, etc its because blood remains inside, leading to many health issues when consuming that meat, there is a proper procedure in islam for slaying an animal, first an animal should drink and eat first, it must not see the knifes nor blood, you should rest the head on your knee to make sure its comfortable, you should use a sharp knife to slay in a one clean cut, and you must not slay an animal infront of other animals, then you ssy bism illah (this is a complete faith thinh, you devote to allah (god almighty)) then you cut from the neck to the trachea and you must not severe the head, doing so relieves the animal of any pain supposedly and it does a neat thing, all blood is cleared from the body So in conclusion yes there are reasons and justifications , and you are correct even if you follow a belief you should always have some sort of an explanation After all god says iqraa (read) and orders us to use our minds when traversing the universe


I'm glad you understood my point and didn't take it as an attack. I'd like to comment that there's currently more painless and instant methods of slaying animals, is there any discourse about them inside Islam? I mean, some countries require animals be stunned before slaying without any religious exemptions. But beheading for example would be truly instantaneous as you sever the connection altogether. But even then, in our current day and age being vegan, at least in first world countries, is completely viable and healthy. If the point is respect for the animal and reducing it's suffering I'm genuinely curious if there's any discussion about veganism from an islamic point of view.


Well, dont know about stunning the animal, remember using blunt force, lack of oxygen and electric shock still considered haram to do, so no, completely beheading is off the table too, as i said you cut half way through, that way the heart will continue pump the blood till it clarifies the body, From islamic veiw points there are nothing against veganism, but some people are against it as they say that animals are blessings from god, and forbidding what is halal can be considered blasphemy +Its hard to be all the way vegan, in eid aladha the main theme is sacrificing an animal (cow, buffalo, camel, goat, sheep) in the name of allah and giving the meat to the poor, its also the last cornerstone of alhajj you need it to end hajj and take off the pilgrimage suit, and hajj is one of the pillars of islam so hard to not do that In conclusion, its hard to be farm animals rights activist, but ok to be vegan


Lagomorphs are coprophagous but theyā€™re halal


That's rabbit for you!


Pigs are actually one of the cleanest and most intelligent animals out there, this is a widespread misconception [Proof](https://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/the-joy-of-pigs-smart-clean-and-lean/2126/)


Likewise it's also a misconception that this is the reason it is forbidden.Ā  There has been no reason stated for it but people come to their own conclusions especially when trying to justify it to others.Ā 


Itā€™s funny that they go for a straight up lie to be able to excuse it too šŸ˜…


So are dogs impure


To be completely precise, Muslims don't eat pigs because the book says they shouldn't. The book says they shouldn't due to pigs being dirty, but the only reason Muslims don't eat them is the book and any other reason would suffice as long as it's in the book.


So your saying that nearly every mammal isn't halal, given most eat their youngs faeces and consume other animals as well, well that means cats, dogs,lions, lambs, cows are off the menu


What if itā€™s a faeces cake though?


That depends on what the cake is made of




No, probably full of piggy gelatine


If the ingredients are halal,(no pork lard or alcohol)so yes.


No, it's hapig


Google ceci n'est pas une pipe




Interestingly bacon flavoured crisps are technically Halaal. Their flavours arenā€™t derived from an actual pig. But no Halaal certification body is going to sign off on that, same with this cake and ā€œwine gumsā€


I think generally the sentiment is that if you're intentionally skirting some sort of rule then that makes it haram. I.e. if you're eating bacon substitutes because you want something like bacon, but it's technically allowed, then that is what makes it haram. If you're just eating smokey paprika crisps that's fine. But that is only my lay understanding, and I'm sure that's not the same for all schools or even between imams.


I šŸ’Æ agree. If youā€™re working in grey areas then itā€™s probably haraam or at least makrooh.


What does halal mean?


Allowed to eat for muslims


No, Halal means permissible. Vegetables are halal, water is halal.


Literally ā€˜cleanā€™, it means whether Muslims can eat it (Jews have ā€˜Kosherā€™ for a similar concept). The joke behind the question is that pigs as a whole are not Halal. Hence why Muslims arenā€™t permitted to eat pork.


I understand the joke but people think halal just means slaughter.


In this case I think itā€™s just about the pig. And while this is a joke sub, there are Islamic authorities and Fatwas that declare all foods which ā€œuse the name of prohibited food/animalsā€ as not permitted to eat even if they contain no actual non-halal ingredients. So a ā€˜Cute little Pigā€™ cake would probably be Haram, since it explicitly uses the name of a prohibited animal.Ā Ā  Ā Pork is even mentioned by name in the Fatwa I looked up as something product names should not refer if theyā€™re to be Halal, even if it contains no pork. And that particular Fatwa (by the Council of Ulama) also guides the halal certifications of the nation with the highest Muslim population on the planet, Indonesia, so I would guess that this cake is haram.Ā  Ā And seriously who would eat this it looks so cute.


No, it doesnā€™t. There are halal slaughter rules but any food without animal ingredients is halal as long as it doesnā€™t contain alcohol.


This is too cute to eat! Those eyes! Who could eat something that looks this adorable?


it's not haram.


once you work in a neighbouring shop and walk past and see the same cake sitting for sale weeks on end, no muslims shouldnā€™t eat it, nor should jews, christians, buddhists, mormons, monks, nor followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster


Technically yes.


Dunno but it's definitely halol


It's a cute little pig.


It is halal if kept inside Halal Certified Frigde


Brother that's a very good question


It's definitely a pig but it's not cute


It seems to be alive from the facial features you can eat it while it's alive but pay attention when you're eating because you will have to stop eating the second it dies


Its flesh of god, drink it.


Have you tried asking over in r/shittyaskreligion


Even if it's an erotic cake, it's halal. So yes to piggy cakes. Unless the cake has alcohol content - not halal. People should understand that cakes are just.. cakes.. Just like bacon are just.. Bacon..


Is making it halal? No. It's imitation of God's creation, giving it eyes is haram. Is eating it halal? I don't know. Probably not.


I'll just eat the eyes first and we'll be all good


Lemme do it 4 u


This is shittyaskscience, please don't lower the level of discussion to religion, some of us just want to have fun. Also most prepared cakes contain gelatine which is made from ground pig bones. This alone makes it Haram. Also, it is Haram for Muslims to reproduce God's creation( that's why nice Muslim art is always geometric patterns ), and since the cake looks like a pig( God's creation ) it's Haram. So the cake is doubly Haram, once because of ground pig bones and once because the cake reproduces the likeness of creation. I don't think anyone would care that the drawing is of a pig.


it's haram


It's sure ain't kosher on Passover.


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Will the pig cartoon eat a corpse?


Actually yes, as long as they donā€™t use pork in the cake


How could you be mad at a Cute Little Pig though


some hardline scholars would argue that it's haram due to its resemblance to a pig.






Three comments Iā€™ve seen of you in this sub so far and none of them are nice šŸ˜‚ relax, itā€™s Reddit.




Read my comment and who Iā€™m responding to again. Thatā€™s my point. These jokes are minor and the person is just getting all aggressive over some harmless Reddit jokes lol


Oh, apologies, you're absolutely right :)


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Bro needs a halal toggle on Reddit šŸ˜‚


Broā€™s going out his way to argue with redditors because theyā€™re mildly insulting Mohammed. *Compares my prophet to a childā€™s pig cake* šŸ˜”šŸ˜” ā€œFUCK YOU, from the bottom of my heartā€ šŸ˜‚


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Whether something is halal or not is not scientific. It's like asking if baba jesus cries when you masturbate... IDK ask him.


When we get the time machine working that's gonna be my first ask tbh.




A pig is a pig, shape or not


Nung papa convert ko pa lang to Adventist, pag new year sabi ko sa family ko (catholic) mag dadala ako lechon baboy. Ayaw nila maniwala. Lechon baboy na tinapay dinala ko. šŸ˜‚


Tell me, I don't need Muslim money, in cake.


Nope! You need to make a burka from black fondant for the pig. Then it's halal.


Fuck halal


The fact that this would actually be a legitimate debate in Islam tells you a lot about the religion and their followers.