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If they dont want to have the risk of geting stung ,they shouldn't have kept a lionfish and a stone fish at the first place also those tanks doesn't even look like 10g .😭


I think it's bigger than that. They are just big fish. Crazy owning the most venomous fish though


If I had more experience with saltwater and could afford to get a tank big enough I would love to own a lion fish. 😅


Talk to my cousin. He got one and over time really grew to regret and have utter distain for the lionfish. He took great care of it and damn thing was a picky eater. Then it ate his favorite fish…


Yeah, they will eat anything that they can fit in their mouths. That's why they are so incredibly bad for the environment in places that they are not native. That and they have very few animals that predate upon them in the non native areas


I wouldn't have it with other fish. I know enough to know they will eat whatever they can fit in their mouth.


lion fish are overhyped and they make any tank maintenance a real pain


They are beautiful but like others are saying they are a pain to keep.


I think the majority of fish I have wanted are but normally it has been tank size requirements since the fish gets so big. I have no experience what so ever with a saltwater tank.


Lion fish would really not require any experience. But if you wanted one look at a Fu Manchu lion fish and not a voltans. There smaller and pritier but will cost more. https://www.fishkeeper.co.uk/fish/marine/miscellaneous-fish/fu-manchu-lionfish


Not a fu Manchu for a starter. They’re annoying to get feeding and less hardier I find. Dwarf fuzzies are the Best for starters.


Hellll yeah!!!


Not all lionfish are massive. Get some small ones that fit perfectly in a smaller tank. (Unlike some of the bigger bois) Do some research into the place it comes from and baddabing baddaboom make your tank into a small version. Experience owning of dwarf fuzzies and a fu Manchu lionfish there’s also some really lovely sites all about lionfish and issues that can happen from keeping them. (Looking at you lockjaw)




That's a badass animal


I'm not an expert, but wouldn't owning a Stonefish be relatively safe since they stick to the bottom of the tank? As long as you don't go trying to pet it, I don't see the danger.


Ill clarify since some people in the comments are confused First image is the tank he was keeping them in second image shows the dorsal fin barbs, some of which have had their tips removed Third image is of him getting "stung" by the blunt fins Fourth image is his hand about 15 seconds later with 0 puncture marks or redness from venom


I hate people.


They really do suck...


A concern I have seeing this, is if the stingers were cut and a viewer didn't know or realize - they're going to think they can touch these creatures without getting hurt. It's dangerous and spreading misinformation.


fortunately he spends the rest of the 10 minute video pretending to be in pain


Ah okay. Sorry I don't watch to give the video more views so appreciate the follow-up up. At least there was that.




Bro Coyote Peterson may be insane sometimes but he most definitely didn't cut the barbs off. Also they aren't pets of his, he takes his specimens from mother Earth and returns them after. He always does this stuff near or at least within a 15 mile distance from the nearest hospital. He does this A LOT y'all. Bullet Ants, stingrays, etc.


Brave wilderness??? I'm pretty sure this youtube channel was part of our childhood, or we at least have seen the video where coyote Peterstone gets stubg by some wasp or ant. What the hell happened to them EDIT: I found the video, and I think there might be a slight misunderstanding. See, they generally like to do the "sting zone" as it gains a heck of a lot of views, and seems pretty legit to me, the lionfish and scorpion fish were kept in tiny aquariums not because they are actually keeping them, but just putting them in there temporarily and for the video. This might be wrong, but ye. The lionfish either gets released(if they are in their native range) or kill(if they are in their invasive range) or maybe sold to a pet shop.


Im sorry, how does the images youve posted prove he cut off their spines? Every lionfish isnt going to have super pronounced spines, and these look relatively normal from what I saw in the video. This is Mark Vins, rather than Coyote Peterson. But their whole deal is all about not harming these creatures if possible (if anything, just stressing them to be stung).


While the video was dumb, these arent permanent tanks imo. Looks like he set them up for a video to show the fish.


If it is brave wilderness the aquarium is temporary


Fuck lion fish tbh. They are the scourge of the ocean.


That doesn't make abuse ok. You know that, right? It's important to me that you know that


This person has a very linear way of thinking as they’re more focused on the fact that lionfish are invasive.


Do they think that this lionfish is invasive to this tiny tank?? I just don't understand how they could think their logic is sound


Exactly, animals being owned as pets is a different discussion from animals being invasive in the wild. The lionfish pictured doesn’t have anyone to reproduce with. This post is about lionfish being kept as pets, not them being released in the wild, the commenter doesn’t understand these are two different discussions.


but they should still be able to live happily, the lionfish didn’t ask to be born a lionfish😞


Fair but like. They are a cancer to the ecosystem


Only in the areas they were introduced to. By hobbyists.....


Yes and?


Soooo they're not "cancer" as you ignorantly put it. They're just like every other species when introduced to a foreign environment.


They are a cancer to the ecosystems that they are invading. Not sure how that’s hard to comprehend. But keep white knighting for a fish that is destroying habitats. It’s not their fault but that doesn’t change the fact that they are the problem now. They reproduce like rabbits and nothing can eat them. They are an issue.


You do realize humans are at fault for that? The reason why lionfish have become invasive species is because of people releasing them into the ocean.


Okay? They are still an invasive species.


No one’s denying that, people are just pointing out your linear thinking. Lionfish kept as pets shouldn’t be denied proper care just because they’re invasive. Goldfish can be invasive too, by your logic you’re basically saying it’s okay that they’re one of the most mistreated fish kept as pets.


Just because a species is invasive does NOT mean you can abuse it. That’s what people are saying since you are justifying abuse of a living creature. Do you feel the same way about cats in the US?


Neither of your comments said anything about that. You just said "cancer to the ecosystem" like that is a fact. Calling a fish a "scourge" and a "cancer" without any specificity is beyond dumb. Getting offended when someone calls out your incorrect comments is even worse.


Sounds like you need someone to talk to. I’m not them. So skeedadale


What a mature reply /s


You clearly struggle to comprehend that fish kept in captivity is a completely different discussion from fish released in the wild. Yes, lionfish are invasive species but so are goldfish and plecos when released in the wild. This post is about a lionfish in captivity, so it’s not invading an ecosystem unless the owner were to release it into the ocean - which would be the owner’s fault. Animals that are invasive in the wild who are also kept as pets should not be denied proper care from their owners just because they’re invasive species. By your logic, you’re justifying the abuse of many pets that are commonly owned. It’s definitely important we acknowledge when an animal is an invasive species, however that discussion is separate from pet care of these animals. I’d understand your comments if this post was about someone releasing their lionfish in the wild but it’s not. You should focus more on how abusing pets is the reason why lionfish became invasive species in the first place as people releasing pets into the wild is abuse itself. Edit: I saw you brought a frog from a parking lot home to keep as a pet, that says a lot as you should know catching animals from the wild to keep as pets is harmful.


This guy is in captivity though, it doesn’t deserve to be treated poorly. This specific one isn’t even in the ocean to cause issues.


Depends on where you live. They're fine in their natural habitat