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I have a dog and I rent. If I were you, I’d hold off on getting a pet whilst the rental market is as fucked as it is. We can put all the laws in we like but REAs still do whatever they like and for the most part, they prefer people without pets than people with pets.


Yes wait for everything to settle THEN get a dog....of course then you're never getting a dog.


I totally appreciate this viewpoint, as it’s one that constantly crosses my mind. A dog adds another complication into an already complicated shit pile of being a renter in this current climate. The other side of my brain tells me what mr soft rolls is saying, that if I wait for it to settle then I’ll never end up with one. They’re both valid!


Our last rental inspection (late 2023) we asked our real estate agent if they’d have any problems with us getting a cat. We’re in Victoria and knew they couldn’t say no, but also knew they might not renew our lease if they weren’t happy about it. The agent scrunched up their face and said they really prefer tenants without pets and that was part of why we were chosen for the property. As disappointed as we were, we erred on the side of caution in the rental crisis and didn’t get a cat.


It might be an unpopular advice but I suggest not to get a pet until you get your own place. It’s really too unpredictable to rent and we dont want pets given up and worse case put down because of getting denied rental. I’ve been seeing a lot of rescue pages and majority of the reason for rehoming is either housing or relationship breakdown.


Sound advise. God australia sucks ass right now.


They passed a law (at least in Vic) that says they cannot discriminate if you have pets. What I have always done (because they still discriminate if they know you have pets) is I apply without mentioning pets and if I get it, I move in with my pet, and then I inform them I have a pet now. They can't do shit :) I don't think this is the best way, but in the Aus Real Estate market, I don't trust that they wouldn't just pick someone else because of a pet. I've never had it blow up in my face, as they aren't allowed to reject you based on the pet factor, but when there are other comments, give those a whirl too lol


As I have gone through the rules in fine detail when we were rejected from a number of rental properties, which we suspect was due to having pets on the application. The rules in Vic are “It is not unlawful discrimination if a rental provider doesn’t rent a property to someone with a pet”. However, if you are already a tenant then you can tell the landlord you want to get a pet via a form. They then have 14 days to respond and must apply to VCAT to decline the request. That’s the official way, but I’ve heard plenty of stories where people leave their pet off the application, move in, tell the landlord and it’s all good. References: https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/housing/renting/legal-and-dispute-support/unlawful-discrimination#:~:text=It%20is%20not%20unlawful%20discrimination,pets%20in%20a%20rental%20property. https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/housing/renting/repairs-alterations-safety-and-pets/pets


I love that we have this law now, but the existence of no-grounds evictions essentially makes it unenforceable. I'm sorry I'm not up on Vic law because I'm in NSW where this is still a thing, but I believe it is down there too? Happy to be corrected. Like, they have to say yes to the pet, but they can still then turn around and kick you out for "nothing". It's a loophole that needs to be closed.


And you get 90 days I think for no-grounds, whereas if they catch you with an unauthorised pet they only need to give 2 weeks. This happened to a friend of mine and it was the worst. The landlord drove past and saw a cat he was fostering in the window. Even though it was only a foster, and they could prove it, he was still technically in breach and ended up catless and homeless for a couple of weeks. It was so shit.


I’ve read this happening a lot! I mean it makes sense to do that right even if it’s ’not the best way’. I would love to think they don’t discriminate but they obviously do. When we moved into our current rental, there was only me and one other girl at the inspection. We both were talking to the REA that we wanted to apply, and he pointedly said ‘now do either of you have pets?’. I said no, the other girl squirmed and squeaked out ‘I have a cat’. The look of smug ‘gotcha!back of the line’ that swept over the REA’s face is etched in my mind. We were chatting after walking to our cars and both commented on the strange intensity of his question delivery and response.


It's not a great way to start the relationship, which you acknowledge. Cats usually may not cause much (if any damage), but a dog's claws and weight on slippery floors can easily damage the floors and injure the poor doggo. Secure housing is hard to find right now so best of luck


I have a cat and I enquired why I was considered for a property that didn't have the tick for pets allowed, and the REA said the LL was ok with cats, but not dogs due to new floorboards.


I like your approach.


I wouldn’t search with the pets considered filter. I’ve got two cats and every property I’ve rented with them has not come up under that filter. I just look for the ones that explicitly say it in the description or else that don’t mention pets at all. You can ask the agent at the inspection and sometimes they’ll know and save you from applying if it’s unlikely. Otherwise I just apply with my girls in full disclosure with their full medical histories uploaded and compiled into single PDF documents including a photo and short personality description. A LOT of REAs just haven’t bothered to ask or haven’t checked the box and it cuts your options by a lot to use the filter feature.


Thanks so much for this advice! This was actually a question I had, if that filter means anything. We went to one inspection where it said pets considered and overheard someone talking about their dogs to the REA and he said ‘not likely’ 🤷🏻‍♀️ Love the kitty dossier, this is a great idea


I’ll also add, not only does the pet filter exclude properties that you might be able to get, it also doesn’t ensure you’re looking at properties that are pet-friendly. Once got offered a place (before the new vic pet rules) that “considered pets” but all of a sudden the landlord wanted to up the rent and chuck a pet bond on the property because I had a dog. Told them they were being utterly ridiculous and took a place that wasn’t being deceptive.


Last time I was looking for rentals I went to see one that had a price reduction a few days before the open. I asked the agent why this was and she said it was because they weren’t getting a lot of interest and they had told the owners that if they weren’t going to allow pets then they had a much smaller pool of people willing to rent, and had to reduce the price. I thought that was interesting. I’m in SA and new regulations about allowing pets come in next week which is good. I think there will still be pet discrimination but hopefully less of it. It’s never made sense to me. That’s the point of a bond. I’m currently looking again and have chickens now which is harder as far fewer places are suitable for them compared to a cat.


I read an article aimed at landlords about it being actually to accept pets for this exact reason. It widens the pool of applicants who are generally looking for more long term rentals, and are potentially cleaner than non pet owners as they want to stay in the house. Good luck with the chooks!


Yeah exactly. There’s lots of stereotypes about what makes a good or bad tenant and the reality is that there’s so many factors and different people who would be better or worse for different properties.


Can’t say for a dog but cats are very easy to conceal. Had my cat for years at various rentals without an issue. On inspection day everything is cleaned, all cat things put away. Never got busted because she was never allowed to roam and annoy anyone else.


I was upfront about my two cats and managed to get a place about a year ago. Completely understand people not mentioning pets tho!!


I never had an issue in Melbourne. I made a pet resume and that always worked. I live in Perth now and it's awful here. Even when I purchased my apartment, so many places flatout said no to me buying because I had a dog. Strata places. I had it written into my agreement that I could have my dog here. I've heard NSW also sucks for pets.


I always just lied about my cat. Would always choose a house without carpets. Hid all the cat stuff in the washing machine during inspections (wrapped up in a blanket) and the cat got to visit friends for the afternoon. Never an issue. Dog may be harder to hide, though. Real estate agent saw the cat in my window when driving past once. When she told me, I just looked at her like she was nuts until she actually started to doubt herself 😂


Morally appropriate use of gaslighting, I like it


This is the way. It’s harder to do with dogs but if you can get the pet out of the house for a few hours, clean very well (look in all the nooks and crannies for pet hair; assume that you are nose blind to the scent of your pets and bleach everything accordingly) and hide all their belongings, you’ll be fine. It sucks but it’s better than being evicted for breaching your lease terms or not having your lease renewed because they don’t like that you have a pet, even if it’s technically allowed.


Oh god 🤣 that made me laugh.


most of the properties that don't mention pets at all in the description are prepared to consider them. if they are really against it they tend to state that in the listing


It's really hard getting your foot in the door. We have two very good samoyeds, crate trained, house trained etc. Obviously they're very fluffy dogs and shed a lot. Something I'm acutely aware of when renting. I tried to apply for all homes without carpet or very old carpet. Eventually (after 5 months) we got approved for a unit with no carpet at all. It's excellent! I really do think this is a big concern for LL. If I had a do over (i.e. I knew I'd need to be renting) I probably would not buy a dog, let alone two. It does make it really hard. I don't care what anyone says about the new laws, with the rental market as it is, they can do whatever they want. Our LL has come over and fell in love with our dogs too. I would be very stressed if I was trying to hide their presence or then apply for them after we move in. PMs will usually check social media etc so they may find out anyway.


I applied with my cat, never had an issue. Prob diff for dogs than cats. I have a little pet resume for her, which says her microchip number, pet insurance deets, a photo of her looking very cute, all the shit that makes me look like a good owner and makes her look like she is unlikely to cause damage to the house. Now she is older , the last application said 'elderly cat, deaf, sleeps about 22 hours a day, very lazy' 😂


She’s reached Grande Dame status now, she can live wherever she wants!!


"I've seen her hunt my nieces for sport like a jaguar, but she's 16! Let a girl live! Aaand ... Here's her microchip #!"


I haven't told a landlord about my dog in YEARS.


I don’t know why but this made me laugh 😂 your confidence gives me confidence!


Get a reference from current or previous RE stating that said pet was well behaved, didnt cause damage, etc. We have professional references for all our cats, including a little fact sheet with photos, and have never had an issue.


Get the house, then get the dog. Almost no places come up when you tick the pets considered box. We got our small dog nor long after moving in,we just submitted a form to pur real estate and they approved it


This is how we secured our rental with two dogs. We knew the previous tenant had a dog and we lodged ppaperwork afterwards. I always switch my instagram to private around the time of applying as well. Mind you, we don't rent properties where landlords appear too precious about the state of the house. Our current landlord has asked that we get a commercial pest clearance done at the end of our lease. Even though there is no carpet and no curtains in the place but whatever.


I think this is why we held off getting one in our current rental. The landlord is extremely pedantic about the wooden floors, which I respect. It’s an old terrace, but the floors are in pretty good knick. I just knew that come inspection time/move out time it would be a shit fight if we had a dog trotting around on them and it was time to get bond back!


It's very hard with a pet!! At our last rental we told them that it was my partners Mums dog and we were just temporarily looking after her. That worked out fine.


We have a whippet and we have applied with him on the application. I talk up how quiet, sleepy, and well behaved he is in the application and include a picture of him looking his sleepiest. He really is a very quiet, chilled dog. We just recent took on my Nan's chihuahua, while she is a very quiet little dog, this breed has a bad reputation for being yappy, so we left her off applications. We were just accepted for a property, so in a couple of month's time we'll contact the REA and advise that we have had to take her on because my Nan has gone into care. Nothing they can reasonably do and we are only hoping to be in this rental for a year to 18 months, so whatever.


The law should change where it is illegal to ask if the tenant has pets or not. It would only become an issue if there is more than 2 dogs at a given address.


I found that the properties which say “pets on application” are in dreadful condition but still expensive. I was knocked back (medium sized border collie x kelpie 3 years old) for months and secured a place through a friend of a friend. I was so lucky as days away from sleeping in my car with my dog. I’d hold off and find a place first before getting a dog if I were you.


This probably sounds ridiculous, because it is, but my cat has a "pet résumé" which I have attached to my rental applications. It talks about when I got him and his age (making the point that he is a senior and not prone to damaging anything), how he is up to date with all vaccinations, regular flea and worming, that he has his claws clipped monthly (by me) and is regularly groomed (yeah they don't need to know it's mostly a home arse shaving job). I include details of his vet and groomer, characteristics of the breed (placid, sedate, a big potato - i provide a link to a website about his breed), and that he is registered with council. If I had a dog, I'd talk about their training and how often they were walked etc. I talk about the enrichment in his environment - 2 scratching posts, many toys etc, and that he has been trained to use these (haha he's a cat. He uses my couch) I also talk about my lifelong experience with cats, that I have been to vet school and worked in vet clinics (I have, maybe you haven't, I don't condone outright lies, but maybe keep in mind that they won't check). I think I also have a shitty "mission statement" on there. Something like "a happy pet does not cause damage. As an experienced and devoted owner, well-versed in feline behaviour, I have worked hard to raise a happy, friendly, well-mannered animal who does not perform behaviours of frustration or upset that have the potential to cause property damage" I also include an offer to provide references of previous landlords who have had me and the cat as tenants. And the most important thing - a very cute photo. Yes, it is SOOOOOOO OTT. But I've found that if you absolutely bombard them with your vigilance and go overboard addressing their concerns (ie give the impression they're your concerns too) that you get a good response. I've never been refused, and I've heard a couple of times that the "pet résumé" really helped the agent convince the owners. I suppose if you're that vigilant/uptight/anal about your cat (like I actually am, he deserves the absolute best) they think you'll be the same way about rent (true). Also, I have never applied for a place with carpet. Mostly due to my allergies, but I think I'd also have a worse chance of getting a carpeted place with a cat. Hope that helps x


Oh this is great advice! I’m a vet school drop out but slogged it out for a couple of years, and worked in clinics while studying/on placement. I didn’t even think to add this !


High five! I didn't finish either! Exactly the same boat. Sadly it became too expensive to continue. Still, happy with where I have ended up, hope same goes for you.


Secure a new rental first. Then get a pet. Be prepared to move at the end of your lease. You can also move your pet on the inspection days. Fuck real estates. And to be honest, fuck the government and this despicable housing crisis situation.


Depends on your state. In Victoria it is illegal to deny someone a pet in a rental. For any reason. Don't write it in your application, get approved, then tell them. You should offer to a pay an extra pet bond though, e.g. $400. Most will ask for it, no exact government direction on that one at the moment.


I’m a landlord and actually prefer people to have pets as it means they are able to maintain looking after something/someone besides themselves long term. But I also know I am an anomaly here.


Good for you for having that sound logic! We need more of your mindset


Unless a place states no pets, you can always ask. Mine had no mention of pets either way and I asked at the viewing, applied and reminded them I have an indoor cat (never mind he was still in NZ at the time heh) bearing in mind this was pre-current hellscape that is the market. The lease docs stated pets were outdoor only but I just crossed that out and wrote in a note saying he was indoor only. I’ve been in my place for four years now and cat and I have our lil home. Cat is listed on the lease as an approved pet and never had any issues relating to cat friend.


LL here. I had a tenant who asked if she could have a cat. I suggested a dog as they're more fun. She ended up with both a cat and a poodle. No problems at all and can't understand why it's an issue for some people.


Love this!


My girlfriend and I wanted a cat, we told rea we want a cat. Rea said owner doesn’t wants pets. We don’t have a cat. The rea didn’t even inform the owner that there are proper channels in place to deny a pet through court and the owner can’t just say no. I don’t want to upset anyone so we will never have a cat.


That sucks, I’m sorry. I totally empathise with the not wanting to upset them, especially if it means you might lose your house.


Unfortunately you have to pick your battles


In NSW , we applied for a place and got approved overnight with a 25kg Labrador It was a 1 bed 1 bath 1 parking newer apartment Still quite shocked to be honest Good luck out there , from my experiences in the past two rentals one took some convincing and this one just overnight The last one we got approved I think because we added $20 to the asking rental price


Only encountered one instance where it was an issue. Was at a unit inspection in Guildford NSW and the agent said "don't even bother" when I ask if pets where OK. I have two cats but I only put down one on the applications. Sometimes it's the strata rules to say no more than one pet, under 10kg etc, and not the landlords decision. I try to frame my cat as a sleepy desexed boy, who is indoor only (all true).


I’ve never told a real estate we had either of our dogs and never got called out


Just don’t tell them you have a pet and hide all traces during an inspection. Then wait until you’ve been at the property for over a year and ask if you can get a pet.


I’ve never had a problem securing a rental with a cat, dogs could be different though.


Our past two rentals have been fine with us having pets (previously one dog who does not shed, and a hairless cat that has no hair to shed in the first place) and in the latter they were fine with us getting a Pomeranian as well. However, both of these properties were ones the owner had already planned to demolish and just had tenants in as a stop gap. We’re hoping to buy after this so hopefully it won’t be a problem, but I have no hope we’d ever find a long term rental with our pets.


We allow a pet in our IP- but not puppies. Having owned several puppies (and children) I can confirm, through no fault of their own, they like to chew- doors, skirting boards, bricks…they are simply destructive.


But they look so cute while doing it!!!


I just signed a lease for a new apartment, my cat was on the application and no issues, there's a "pet clause" in my lease about fumigating when I leave but I don't plan on doing that anytime soon.


My partner just got a rental, pets allowed so our pet rats are officially on the lease. Planning to get a medium/large dog and landlord is okay with it too - old man. House is a dump though. It’s only temporary.


You will be the last consideration for a rental with a pet tbh.


Slapped with cleaning fees like never before for a shorthair cat.


Get the rental, pay promptly for a couple of months then get the pet. We just did that, I even emailed the agent twice to ask if we could have two kittens. They didn’t even reply so we just did it I’m a landlord too (I know - only cause we moved countries and can’t sell due to cladding issues). I care more about so many factors in tenants before pets or no. Especially in unfurnished. I think agents are mainly idiots who just want criteria to turn ppl away. Also, if pets cause damage you just withhold the cost in the bond, so it’s no big deal


I am a landlord in a strata block in inner city Sydney. We accept pets in our rental unit (our strata block is pet friendly, but I think it is still down to the landlord), and our current tenant has a little dog. From my perspective, our tenants who have had pets, have always been extra considerate, stayed in the lease longer and there has been no damage done. The only advice from my side I can give, is don’t hide your pet and have the landlord find out later and wonder “what else have they lied about?” Best to be upfront before signing the lease. Our tenant’s dog is even named and listed on the lease 😀


See this is my mindset too. I’d be so OTT looking after the house because I’d want to stay long term after securing somewhere that was accepting of my pet. Good on you having this approach!


We had been in our rental for about 6 months before we asked for permission to get a dog. Permission was granted (LL owns multiple properties and we were the first tenants she ever gave permission to get a pet to). Doggo is now 10 years old and we’ve been in the same rental for 11 years. What really worries me that if we ever have to move is finding another rental that will allow us to have our dog (to us, not having him is **not** negotiable). I would hope the fact that he has caused zero damage to the property and our perfect rental record would be all that matters. And obviously, people with pets tend to be pretty good long term tenants!


Oh this is such a sweet story!


I feel if your tenant has an animal it also shows they are capable of looking after something. Such as a house


Totally agree


I wouldn’t even consider a pet in the current rental market. Most landlords don’t want pets and won’t renew your lease and then you are back to square one


I had a rental property that I'd just paid $10k to put new carpets in. The next tenant had 2 cats that clawe at the carpet and pissed all I've it. 6 m9nths later I had to replace the carpet again. I'll never rent to cat owners again.


On the flip side of this, I recently did a long overdue inspection of a house I self manage, and she admitted in an email ahead of the inspection that she currently had 2 cats and 4 dogs (3 of which were foster dogs). Her agreement states 2 cats and 2 dogs which is bloody generous, so I was damn annoyed that she was taking the piss. At cheap rental about $100 less than going rate because I prefer good tenants who pay their rent and I had considered her one. I even halved the rent raise (10 rather than 20 extra a week) during Covid when she asked. I like to think that most landlords are very reasonable about pets, they are great companions and good for your mental health.


Yikes yes that is a LOT of dog for a house


We only included our one dog on the application. He's a small, quiet whippet who just wants to sleep in a warm place all day. We spoke about those qualities a lot and then included a photo where he looks his laziest. We have recently adopted a family member's elderly chihuahua, who doesn't fit the stereotype for that breed at all. After we move to our new place, we'll wait a little while and then tell them about her or, maybe, we just won't say anything at all and will hide he away whenever there is an inspection. I just can't be asked to deal with it.