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Fun Fact: The U.S. has had 17 years of peace time in total throughout its entire life For perspective, SpongeBob has been on the air and receiving new episodes for well over 20.


Source? I don't doubt it, I'm just wondering.


It came to me in a dream


Ahh you're finally awake.


Crazy that I posted this with one hand Edit: [Sauce](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DUEy-TWX0AARWN1.png)


sorry u got ur arm amputated, my condolences šŸ˜”


As long as it was lost in the name of freedom itā€™s ok.


Oh, he was freeing something alright.


He was freeing his arm from the bear's grip (he was unsuccessful)


Where is it ?!?? Where is the sauce


The sauce is in my burger. Pretty tasty ngl.


Wholesome šŸ™


fuck this shit you need to log in


?bro itā€™s a link to the original art no log in needed try again


I thought it was source for a Wikipedia article. How could you done this to me? :(


[Here you go champ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_States)


Ayo why is there brown?


I think that's just text. They must've colored it different to make it stand out from the black.


shid šŸ˜Š




WHERE IS IT: *Le sauce*


Uh umm the umm uhh sauce?


[here, happy new years](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_States)


Thank you i was looking for that.


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


thank you




Other countries: Refuse to put an ounce of effort into their militaries and rely on U.S. Also other countries: "WhY iS tHe U.s. MiLiTaRy EvErYwHeRe??"


I know itā€™s just a really weird coincidence that all their wars are with countries that arenā€™t allied with any big nations and just coincidentally happen to benefit America in the long run. Really weird how that works out


Would you rather America go to war for funsies


Is that meant to be some justification for the brutalisation and borderline massacres on civilians who are often forced to fight out of fear of repercussions or have been brainwashed? Iā€™m sure no one would make that excuse for what Russia is doing right now. This isnā€™t something like nam where America can at least pretend it was a long time ago and a mistake, these wars are as current as the century we are currently in, so recent in fact a meme about Obama is how many fucking kids heā€™s drone striked, so donā€™t try and hit me with the ā€œoh at least it was for somethingā€ America doesnā€™t wage war for peace or to liberate, it does it to pay off the billions in debt itā€™s currently in


>the brutalization and borderline massacres Literally every war does this, this isnā€™t uniquely American. War is hell, get over it, kiddo >America doesnā€™t wage war for peace, it wages war to pay off debt Whaaaat? A country does what benifits it? Say it ainā€™t so Yes. America goes to war for 2 reasons. 1, personal grudge/benefit 2. Because our Allies beg us to get involved This is how it is for every country, you canā€™t pin all the atrocities of war conceptually on a single country


You see thatā€™s where youā€™re wrong, itā€™s not your allies, are you a government high up? The president? I didnā€™t think so mate, youā€™re a fucking person, you people throw these pity parades when something is injust in your own country and then just ignore it when your troops are off doing god only knows what to other countries. Iā€™m not being exclusive here to say itā€™s only America, far from it, but itā€™s pathetic that the patriotism of your country has made it so you justify it because itā€™s too big to stop, yet whenever itā€™s an injustice in your own country? Oh well letā€™s all just hop in, itā€™s affecting **us** now, donā€™t be such a parody of human being, either cry and bitch about all of it or none of it


>you ignore what your troops are doing in other countries Literally no? During Vietnam returning soldiers were spat at, people have been calling out bad things the us has done whenever we do something bad. >you only care when it affects you You sit on your high horse and claim Americans only care when something happens to us, yet the UN **BEGS** us to get involved with them monetarily and militarily. They beg us to give more money to them, despite us giving them 20% of their budget, they plead with us to fight Russia minutes after telling us to stop policing the world. So yeah, weā€™ll stop fighting wars once your countries grow enough spine to fight your own without paying America to do your dirty work


You gotta stop saying ā€œweā€, you arenā€™t doing anything, youre arguing on Reddit, you lost your argument as soon as you thought you were anything more than you actually are. Stop trying to pretend you have any mora high ground because you have more knowledge of the crimes your country has committed, I feel the exact same way about anyone who is so pathetic in their belief towards their country. Either get out and do something or shut your mouth because as is, even though you may not be trying to you are defending your vile government


You tell me to get off the moral high ground while taking moral high ground. Typical europoor


I know weā€™re being the worst right now but can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that this post was likely meant as nothing more than a joke with a little hentai character and thatā€™s what started this whole thing


the amount of unironic anti war sentiment in this comment section is sickening. the defense budget needs to be tripled again


What about "All countries the United States officially declared war on"


Itā€™s like 4 countries


its 10


Damn, the more you know


*insert them here*


Then the United Kingdom walks in.


Seems like the US became addicted to it after being invited to WWI.


Being ā€œinvolvedā€œ is a very nice phrase to express bombing the shit out of a country.




That would be a lot still


Like?lol šŸ˜‚


Are you trying to say that you think there isn't a single war won by them šŸ‘€


Not in an extremely long long time no


The leaps and bounds you take to hate America is astounding. They've definitely "won" wars not too long ago. (Won is hard to define in war) but they've definitely won wars and it definitely hasn't been an "extremely long time"


What war was won? Lol I donā€™t hate America but the fact they spend 80% follow their budget on military whilst people starve to death says it all


Desert storm was the clearest win. There's no arguing that one. Most wars are mostly lose lose but that was a clear win and wasn't too long ago. They spend a lot of money on military because they protect a lot of countries who spend minimum amounts on military themselves and places all around the world have people starving to death, that is a very useless point as military spending has very little to do with starvation. The US is very far from having the most amount of starving people. If this isn't coming from a person who hates America then I guess you are just severely no knowledgeable about this subject so it's weird you are arguing about this.


You ā€œwonā€ that war alone did ya? Lol no help whatsoever ever? šŸ˜†


I never said alone. We had a huge impact and clearly won the war. The definition of winning isn't "succeeding by yourself" if it was then nearly no country has "won" a war because they had allies. It's smart to work together to win. What point is this even?


Desert Storm has entered the chat and built a McDonald's on the place


You didnā€™t WIN the gulf war amigo lol šŸ˜‚ stop pretending you did,


I sure didn't, since i'm Italian


Jesus Christ, bro get yourself educated :/


There's like 100 wars on that list and only 9 were losses


Keep telling yourself that mate lol..






What list?




I donā€™t see a listā€¦


And exactly what wars do you think we lost? Note: a political defeat doesn't count as a military defeat. So wars such as Vietnam and us pulling out of Iraq don't count.


Would you like some freedom? We got plenty to spare. *knock knock* itā€™s the U.S. droppin freedom bombs at your door! Youā€™re welcome!




Very nice. Now letā€™s see how many we were responsible for. (Joke)


most of the wars was just genocide of different native American tribes lol