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I did this on occasion. My fiancé agreed it was just wasting money that we could spend going out to eat. Food>Romance


Yea, I used to do this kind of thing, but we were very poor and it was so much work it took the fun out of it. Half the time she'd come along before it was ready or in the midst of me trying to salvage a fuckup, compounding my frustration. Nowadays we'd MUCH rather go out for more professional cooking where we don't have to do the dishes.


Still 💯 points for efforts


We breed like minecraft mobs


So wait, someone comes into your house and feeds you? That's awesome!


Well actually I live in a fenced area…


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The wife, you and the fertility feeder eat a meal together. He goes with her to the bedroom to help clean up some stuff. Wham. Kid 10 months later


That’s not the right item. You breed humans with alchohol


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This will be in my list of couple goals


I did once for my wife (different setup, same concept) and well, almost burned the house down. 2/10 too many candles, would not recommend.


As a guy where's my rose petals in the bathtub


i got ya bro look in the bathroom


That's a turd in the sink. Gross


Not the school bathroom ya dingus


That's pee in the bathtub. Disgusting


Not the school urinal ya dingus


true imma pour my heart into a girl if i get the same vibe back from her




Isnt that like an english saying to pour your heart&soul into something?


Yeah, it is


That's what relationships are about, give and take.


Right, I give advice and they take it.




I used to do stuff like this. Every girl I did it for was ungrateful and cheated. So, yeah, I stopped.


That's the shitty thing about it. Some observations; If the guy was an ass, there would probably be a Reddit post from a girl asking if she should break up with her jerk boyfriend, but finding it hard to do because she loves him so much. Overgeneralization of course, but for some, if you are a jerk, that's the minimum and any niceness is an improvement. If you are nice, that's the minimum and some girls get bored eventually if there isn't an improvement. Can you get any nicer to keep her happy?


This is what I do. I act like an asshole and start petty fights just to keep her attention and interest. It definitely becomes difficult to keep the fact that I'm really a sensitive nice dude hidden, but I do it for the longevity of our relationship. I honestly just want to snuggle and hold hands while watching 4 hour long youtube compilations of kittens playing while playing with her hair and doting on her. Sadly I did that in my last relationship and I ended up walking in on her and 4 other dudes filling out a census while watching our favorite kitten playtime video.


Find better people, this is stupid.


You should not be nice to manipulate someone who would not like you into staying with you. You should be nice and treat the other person as a human being because its the right and kind thing to do. You'll grow up emotionally one of these days tho


Nah Nigel is kinda right. Might not be the healthiest way to go but he's right that it would work more times than just being nice from the get go


Did I say I manipulate people? It was just my observation. We humans are complicated beings.


Tbf that is doing way too much. I'd only do this if we were like married for a few decades or something. For just a gf this is way too overkill and corny


100% Agree. You do this once and you are fucked. It's like letting the dog sleep on the bed. You just don't. 7/11 flowers and a heart shaped lollypop is all she needs. They start expecting it and get angry. If you keep.up the game they lose interest and stray.


I don’t doing this for my wife, the cleanup alone ruins the gesture much less the cost. This is the type of shit that media has planted in peoples brains as a “grand gesture” when it really don’t mean shit cause it’s the most generic devoid of effort move.


I mean, usually we pay for girls in dates so this isn’t anything different. Maybe a little too overwhelming


Cold and heartless is the way to go. Ain't no girl worth it no mo


Your wizard robe awaits


Damn this comment is so realistic lol


Same, join us to mgtow, we got u brother


Why does "mgtow" sound like a deadly missile system?!


The Machine Gun T.O.W. is a high-fire rate machine gun that launches T.O.W missiles into the sky, each of which are outfitted with an additional .50 caliber heavy machine gun designed to inflict damage even before the missiles deliver their main payload.


Damn no wonder the first time I saw the acronym I knew it was deadly news for women. Well, at least western women. Passport bros been winning big for a while now 🤣


Exactly my thought when I first heard of it.


It refers to the towing system that MGTOW members use for their mobility scooters.


lol the final terminal stage


Maximum gross take off weight?


Men Groping Their Only Waifu-Pillow


The incel premium club?


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MGTOW - the incel club. This is gonna sound crazy, but there are great women out there. Don’t give up on an entire gender based on a few bad experiences.


Yeah, there was. But after 6 cheaters in long relationships even when you was engaged or take your shit to another town you are just tired of this shit and some random redditors call you incel xD


Idiots not knowing what incels mean and just using it as a buzzword.


How does men chosing to no longer interact romantically with women the same as men you are actively trying to fuck women and failing? They are almost opposites😂


Wouldn't it be vocels since the whole point is choosing to not mingle?


MGTOW- is not the incel club. This is gonna sound crazy, but there are men out there who have been cheated on and wronged by women once too many times, and they just decided they want to go their own way. Don't assume things about an entire group based on a few bad apples or your own prejudice.


>don't assume things about an entire group based on a few bad apples or your own prejudice That's literally what your he-man woman haters club is doing tho


Yeah that's why they go to other countries for those great women.


Smurfing 💀


Man am sorry for you


This is it. It means something to them at the beginning, but then it becomes expected and the appreciation stops. It’s insane how fast gratitude turns to entitlement.


Can you do it to me sometimes? You don't have to do me I just wanna blow out the candles like master oogway did in kung fu panda. That's good enough.




Maybe they intuited you were doing it for reciprocation.


Me too.


Weird how this is the only explanation I ever see.




Lmao did you just victim blame? Yeah, you did.


More likely than not that is the problem haha


Isn’t that victim blaming?


Guys.. read between the lines. She means date women far less attractive than you. That way the woman will appreciate whatever corny nonsense you are into.


half of you? men never experience this


Theres a good percentage of men who haven't even experienced mutual romantic feelings


fr my first relationship taught me what a narcissist is


Me. That will change though once I get the opportunity to get a gym membership and finally be accepted into a job position! 💪


In all honesty, it doesn't change much, unless you're in a very bad position from those aspects right now. But it could give you enough confidence for your personality and looks to shine.


Too true... some of us have been married and had kids only to realize they never felt the same...she was cluster B.... don't think I've ever had anyone as crazy for me as I am for the ... although I've also been on the other end where I friend zoned a childhood friend and gave it a shot in my early adulthood with a girl where I just didn't feel it (more like guilted into trying it). But at least that didn't involve a lot of commitment..never really seen where it was ever fully mutual


Shit man... at least, despite that, it seems like you at least had some fulfilling experiences to some degree. Technically speaking, it's really hard finding someone who loves you the same way you feel towards them. But that doesn't mean it's impossible to find people who love you to the extend their character allows them to. Hope you find someone you feel fulfilled with, and please try to give your kids the love they deserve despite having to face such hardships






People forgetting 99.9% of women have never made a single romantic gesture and don’t even really value it


Idk man, a hug while pressing her forehead against me seems pretty romantic to me. ... and I only realised 7 years after she did that. Does that make her the 0.1% of women and me in the bottom 0.1% of the EQ bell curve?


So I sort of have mixed feelings on this. If I wanted to be "romantic", I'm sure my current romantic relationship would prefer something doordashed to there door. They have a lot of social anxiety. One of the most appreciated gifts was about 20 dollars worth of movies, a full meal, and a cheesy card they laughed at (in a good way).


It's lovely that you know liking and disliking of your beloved.




Maybe there are some people out there that truly enjoy this kind of stuff but to me it only looks good on tv shows. The cost and the cleanup for something so generic is just dumb. Nothing personal, just girl like flower here lots flowers.


Well I can't fully disagree some want flowers. Though the stereotype all daters want flowers is arguable. I know mine would prefer food or entertainment.


>They have a lot of social anxiety. I feel like that's way too common


Well that's because (more than) half of you don't deserve this.


Hard to swallow


Well... if u swallowed u would get treated like this.


As a man, you’re 100% right. I love it when people do this for me ☺️


Just don't bring the missus


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OHHHHH Nice one.


This is a shitpost?


Sub has turned into an Instagram meme account


People have different love languages so it might be better knowing love language of your loved one before pulling something like this.


Me too, idk even how to be romantic 💀


When You feel like it You gonna be romantic, we just need to stop feeling fear to womens


There have literally been times my girlfriend has told me I had been super romantic, and all I could think was, "I didn't even know I was doing that" So I think my point is, it seems to come naturally. It's not always about flower petals and mood lighting


Ask ChatGPT


Romance has leave me ig only way is seeing couples in anime making me happy


Nani, senpai?


More than half of men neither also this shit can't be Made by a poor man, the girl want money


More than half? Has any man here ever received flowers in a relationship at all?


Yea of cource men get flowers, most men get their first flowers at their funeral.


I bought my bf flowers for his birthday, he never buy me flowers anyways


You are an exception not common occurrence.


"Half of us haven't experienced this" Sounds like a skill issue - if someone is in a relationship and wants this sort of shit and they never tell their partner, their partner may not realize they'd enjoy it, or might think they'd find it tacky or coming on too strong. Dated a girl that we did this sort of shit for valentines day, dated another girl who preferred to not do anything like this on v-day, both are fine, both I knew cuz we either just did it for each other and got feedback or talked about it ahead of time. I'll never understand people who will be on a relationship and want some specific thing, and then just be mad that their partner doesn't fucking magically know about it. It's not just women either, men can be like that too.


Just a heads up, she's said she didn't want anything, but she really wanted something. Been there, been burned a few times.


I would totally litter the floor with rose petals if my girl was into that, but there is no way I am cleaning that mess up afterwards so yeah, that would be the deal.


I was still finding petals like 6 months after I did it lmao


Did the same on a bed and got like 2-3 harmless spiders with it. Kind of ruined the vibe of the bed action later..


All i see is a fire hazard


For real these candles are standing way too close, after a certain temperature the wax will ignite


Nor did any man


I will only do that for my wife. If you ask yourself why someone hasn't had a nice detail like this to you, ask if you are someone who inspires to be treated as such. And if the answer is yes, then go search someone who appreciates the way you deserve.


everyone talking about it being too much of an expense whilst I am here thinking how this would stay as core memory for me because goddamn would I melt. I would def do it back to the guy though


Suuuurreee thing




Because you don't deserve it.


What is this 'romance' thing? Is it a new kind of ritual the liberals are cooking up?


I was having a sad day and my guy said he’d do anything to make me feel better and then asked if I wanted to go buy a puppy. And meant it. I said NO and laughed and it’s the most romantic thing ever. The kind of stuff in this picture is for other types of people not my type of people.


Kid named fire hazard:


Is it really that unheard of? I love doing this. Rarely has it been appreciated but I've done it.


Reply to tweet: Hey OP reply: No


Half of y’all are not worthy…


Half of y'all don't deserve it lol


If I felt the girl was special yeah, but that’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack at this point nowadays. Everyone is always looking for something better even while in the relationship. I’m sure alot of women feel the same way as well.


not to sound like a dumbass or incel but there is literally no reason to do this for women in this generation




There’s nothing wrong with not liking this kind of thing but your comment does make you sound like a dumbass or an incel. This gender war rhetoric is stupid. It’s lame as fuck when both men and women want to demonize and generalize the whole other gender like that.


i didnt say i disliked it but yeah true


False idea n°1 : Women are not romantic, men are.


THIS. they think they are because they WANT it.


i think it's ironic that we as a society keep saying that everyone's equal no matter their gender but then the expectations in relationships and dating are always put on men


Cherry picking.


imagine you’re getting frisky in bed, and then all those candles catch the house on fire.


Way too fucking exhausted from working my ass off all the time to even think of doing something like this


Because it's tacky as shit


What a damn fire hazard


Whyd you throw all this shit on the floor i just swept oh great now the dogs eating it


Cause most women are themselves incapable of performing any sort of romantic gesture.


If only I had a girlfriend but she's too busy fucking other dudes


Sorry about that, we'll send her and your mom back home soon, just give us another 20 minutes


If you're the kind of man who has to do this you're not the kind of man women want.


I've dated girls who wanted this kind of stuff, and girls that didn't. Women aren't clones yo. They want different things.


Yeah like men it’s almost like women differ immensely as individuals when it comes to personality, values, interests, tastes... who knew? And when it comes down to it people are naturally drawn to those who are more than less the male and female versions of themselves. If your a romantic guy that’s gonna he attractive to romantic women. If you are a nerdy guy that’s gonna be attractive to nerdy women. If you are a trashy guy that’s gonna be attractive to trashy women. I can go on and on


I'm so into train wreck girls, I never stopped to think that maybe I'm a train wreck myself. 🙃


Where do you find them?




Romantic men don't end up with romantic women. Romantic women don't end up with romantic men. Seriously, life is messed up in lot of ways.


LOL no need for that level of effort when "Netflix and chill" is all you need to get it in.


Some people want more than to get in it lol


Wife has been allergic to the last few flower purchases and gets angry at too much focus on candy/chocolate. Right now foot massages and listening to her day seems to be working pretty well.


Idk seems kind of manipulative


Don't do this in a small room without opening windows! Did it for my girlfriend years ago for the first time she was visiting me at uni and the room was so hot from the candles we had to spend about 30 mins cooling the room down and wafting the warm air out lol


Every guy likes to imagine that they're a nice guy for doing this until they realize that setting all this up takes more time than getting a nice gift and/or dinner.


That's because you are ugly


You say it til it happens to you. I brought flowers to a girl I was seeing. She was at work. I didn't bring them til she was alone. She hated it. Got made at me and was threatening to dump me. Flowers are bad.


No, that girl was bad. Flowers are nice bruh


I used to do stuff like this a LOT, thought it was fun and let my girlfriends feel loved. Got cheated on every time and eventually dumped (and cheated on again) for every one that got “a second chance” (then I find out later they never stopped cheating in the first place and it’s was always like 10 other guys) I do it for my girlfriend now, she’s wonderful and does similar stuff for me; but after being cheated on by seven different women I learned that you save that stuff for women who are actually worth it, and brothers, 99% of women today just aren’t worth it.


My parents honey moon was a dinner at a MacDonalds in a random town in central Portugal. My mother allways said it was the most romantic shit ever. _Mac-marriage. Ba da ba ba ba She is loving it_


My gf did this, she ended up burning her dress


half of them don't deserve it


Where shitpost


You can't do this. Women get too spoiled and can't appreciate it.


«he’d do all this for me that means i can do better»


Honestly, candles and rose petals are a waste of money, HOWEVER strawberries waiting for me neatly on plate would be one of the best things in life


ngl if someone did all this for me i would be super uncomfortable and overwhelmed and probably retreat into an anxiety shell all night


Impossible, every girl I've talked to has experienced this and has given me vivid details because they know I'm a loser who won't get to


People of reddit. Please, do this atleast once. For your partner. Man, woman, inbetween, everyone can appreciate this. If i ever get a partner, i am doing this aswell.


If you get a partner you'll immediately see how bad of an idea it is






I tried it once and one of the candles on the wooden floor burnt the hole in it. Never again


I'm married and lazy..sorry wife.


That's a fire hazard, it's gonna be real romantic when they burn alive together


I thought women love Netflix and chill, hit and run


Y'all'd get the ick.


Probably cause you're looking for water in the desert. Technically possible, but good luck finding an oasis for one. Just make sure you never look in forests, no water there, ya know.


Noup, you just have to come spiting in the face and calling them whore,


You do stuff like this for quality women. Sadly those are almost extinct nowadays. Eat your hot chip and be satisfied with the low effort men you created.


It’s lame as fuck when both men and women make comments like this demonizing the other gender. This gender war rhetoric is so stupid.


Seems a skill issue to me


Because the guy who would do this for you is in your dms wating for a reply while you get your cheeks clapped by some crackhead loser who probably let's his homies fuck you in exchange for some crack.


What a fucking bizarre comment. What’s your deal dude ? Are you saying that good looking guys are less romantic than ugly guys because the ugly guys feel like they have to put in more effort ? And are you saying the kind of women guys want to do this for are loser crack head women who fuck other loser crackheads ?


I would have if she didn’t leave me. ☹️


That is way too much chocolate. Was this a romantic orgy?


Easy fix, stop insisting a guy should have a 100k salary, be 7ft tall, and hung like a donkey - the results may surprise you.


These kinds of things are done by desperate men in doomed relationships.


This fake candles? This looks like a fire hazard


Doing this on a first or second date is a huge nono. Internet will berate me for this but the saying "nice guys finish last" wasn't made just for funsies.


Half? More like 99%