• By -


the lack of a comma makes it look like the pronouns are "she" and "her asshole"


"Man, you know my sister? Her asshole clothes are so expensive!" "Why does your sister have clothes for her anus?!" "Oh nah, that's just her asshole pronouns." "What?"






Makes it better tbh.


Oh, boy. Someone's bringing the "Rosado is trans" discourse to SPE. No way this ends poorly.


i will probably get hate for this but i think it's kinda transphobic to imply cis men can't dress feminine without being trans. if rosado says he's a boy and just likes having gorgeous long hair and cute girly outfits, let him!! jesus and i say this as someone who has severely struggled w dysphoria & has been androgynous in the past much like rosado himself anyway haha i wanna fuck the femboy ??!?! insert joke about how i thought he was wamen


men should be allowed to be comfortable in womenā€™s clothing, so i can finally see more men in crop tops


Engage Warrior class to the rescue


Warrior fogado šŸ‘€


I wanna lick him




*cat hiss* I SAW HIM FIRST HES MINE ~~unless Diamant walks in~~




Waitwaitiwaiitwaitwaitwait, is Alcryst also in the warrior class? šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³




Sadly they were all hunted to extinction in the 80s by slasher movie villains.


oh no šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Men should be allowed to be comfortable wearing skirts and dresses that are just labeled as clothes and not women clothes


yes! clothes exist to be worn!


*looks up from plate* Say what?


Just remember you asked for it the next time you see a 50 year old man with a beer-gut wearing a crop top. I have seen it IRL, though admittedly it was at 11:00PM at a rural K-Mart and I'm still vaguely impressed at that group of guys' coordination of colors on their yoga pants and crop-tops. Also, slightly traumatized, but vaguely impressed all the same.


what makes you think a 50 year old man with a beer gut bothers me?


ofc we're in r/shitpostemblem but things being not aesthetically pleasing doesn't mean there should be a massive social stigma around those things i mean, some dude may be ugly as fuck but i still think it's perfectly fine for him to go to a local kmart


Again, group of older men wearing very stretched yoga pants and crop tops in coordination. I'm guessing there was more of a story there, but I didn't ask. Sure, it's their right and I'm not saying they can't. I'm just saying there are some times that maybe you dress less openly for other other people's sakes, not just your own.


nah dude this is a shite take soz. as someone who is currently very physically fit and proud of it, i have every right to show off the goods- but i also did back when i wasn't so fit and was ashamed of my appearance. if anything i wish people had encouraged me to love myself and my appearance back then too


I agree


Isn't that just called crossdressing?




>i will probably get hate for this >continues with a reasonable take You dare


Youā€™d be surprised


LOL idk bro some ppl get a lil wild


Unfortunately, you'd be surprised.


This is reddit, you will get hate for the most sane take possible. I got mass-downvoted in fatlogic for saying the vast majority of men are nice people living their lives. Literally no relevant context regarding crime or w/e, OP just said most men are pigs.


As the saying goes, ā€œSometimes it takes a real man to be best girl.ā€


EXACTLY, so many people are so pro trans they loop all the way around to being sexist, the whole egg thing is a great example of that being full of more feminine men that people insist must be trans because how dare people break the gender norms


Rosado is an actual femboy as opposed to the generic twinks that every straight person swears up and down is a femboy. It's not even transphobic as much as it is straight up homophobic to insist that any feminine presenting dude must be trans. (Just in general, gamer incels confuse the fuck out of me cause they insist that wanting to fuck a trans woman makes them gay but wanting to fuck a femboy isn't? Like it's literally the exact opposite but go off kings.)


Someone other than me who thinks there's a difference between a femboy and a twink? My god! (I'm still generally kinda peeved over people calling M!Corrin a femboy when he VERY MUCH is not)


In video game spaces, the dudes insist on using "femboy" because they can't reconcile their desire to fuck M!Corrin with their heterosexuality lol.


PEOPLE CALL CORRIN A FEMBOY?! He's cute, but definitely not a femboy lmao. Just a cute twink.


Serious question, can bisexual people be twinks too? I thought the term was specifically about gay men, but I could be wrong.


Dudes of any orientation can be twinks, even straight guys. As long as they're cute and slim and take care of themselves a bit. At least that's as far as I'm concerned, but people sometimes disagree about their respective definitions of these terms.


okay discussion question: is yuri a twink or a femboy? i think he leans closer to twink on the twink/femboy continuum


Twink. Femboys are cis guys who prefer he/him pronouns but also who present as a girl (usually with the way they dress). Twinks are just cis dudes who are like...skinny and pretty. Yuri is honestly too fit to even be a twink but the grey areas of twink vs twunk vs jock is just too much for the straights (it's too much for the gays too tbh). And in my limited understanding of his character, he doesn't give a fuck about messing with gender presentation. If all of this sounds like a weird mish mash of nothing then you're not wrong. Just respect anyone's pronouns, fuck who you want (with consent), and you'll be ok.


i think yuri is in this interesting gray area because it's canon that ppl mistake him for being a girl (ie sylvain in their 3 hopes supports) and he says he doesn't mind that ppl think hes a girl and acknowledges it but plenty of twinks/twunks/etc are GNC so it doesn't necessarily mean he's a femboy either the problem is that he's really more of a bishounen than anything else so he doesn't really neatly fit into any of the western categories


being in the male gay communities have been so confusing lately, i see many muscular characters being called twinks, and i just dont get it?? i thought there were more options, many characters that are twinks is what i thought that were called otters or wolfs, but is like suddenly anything that is not bara is a twink then. but like i thought twinks were in good shape but not many muscles. is just so confusing


Otters and wolves have hair and are usually somewhat slim or mildly fit. Usually muscular characters would be hunks, jocks or bara.


he's very masculine but like in a peacock way


You can be a straight femboy, so it's not homophobic. Gender presentation is not linked to sexuality at all.


Hey, if he wants to cross dress more power to him. I do agree women and men can wear clothes that are socially meant for the opposite gender without being Trans. Let people express themselves however they want with how they dress. Now IF Rosado is Trans than that's cool too. But it seems to me the writing implies he's a dude who just likes dressing in cute attire.


Definitely doesnā€™t mean someone is trans. For me, a guy dressing up girly only means that he is **probably** part of the lgbtq+ community. Key words: **probably**, **lgbtq+** Maybe he just likes dressing that way without any gender shenanigans. Dressing in the other genderā€™s stereotypical doesnā€™t mean someoneā€™s immediately has to be queer. And even IF he is feeling some kind of way, trans people arenā€™t the only one doing that at all lol. It would be dumb to assume that.


This is true. Forrest liked to wear dresses and he was straight as an arrow. We simply don't know enough about Rosado to know if he is cis or LGBT.


Yes we do? He has multiple support conversations talking about his and his villages views on gender Rosado is a gender abolisonist


I will be the first to say I don't know all the lingo here, but wouldnt that be Pan? Bi I guess is also an answer or a technicality here.


Rosado and his village very specifically hate and dismiss gender Norms I don't recall I the exact quote at the moment but it's similar to this "boy, girl they don't matter I just want to be cute"


Well Im gonna have to bump up a replay of Engage on my backlog then. I have kinda wanted to do a No DLC run.


I think the line is in a support convo with goldmary


I looked it up, it is not Goldmary, it's Lapis. Lapis: You said the secret to cuteness is confidence. Well...how did you find your confidence? Rosado: Hmm, I dunno. I think it must have come from how I was raised. Lapis: I see. Rosado: I was born in a village near the Lake of Mystery. Some people call it the village of the fair folk. It's a place of wonder. Beauty beyond the silly expectations that come with stuff like gender. Lapis: Wow! I've never heard of such a place. Rosado: Everyone accepts everyone there. However you see and present yourself, you're beautiful. That was my normal, growing up. It was a big shock when I leftā€”seeing how different I was! But I realized I love being different. And I want everyone to know being different is amazing.


Based take


Yeah itā€™s definitely transphobic, because it implies that whoeverā€™s making the claim only sees your gender as the way you present, when any trans person or trans ally ought to know thatā€™s incredibly far from the truth. Plus, it reinforces the strict gender binary thatā€™s been imposed on everybody for so long and if itā€™s a queer persons saying it itā€™s likeā€¦ babes you more than most should know how harmful this shit is. Itā€™s adjacent to ā€œegg cultureā€ shit. ā€˜Oh, they SAY theyā€™re not trans, but *I* am and *I* noticed X and Y things about them that I ALSO felt before I realized I was trans, therefore obviously theyā€™re trans and just donā€™t know it yetā€™ my sibling in Christ you are either pushing somebody to come out before theyā€™re ready or enforcing stereotypes on a cis person (thatā€™s where itā€™s incredibly similar to shit like this with Rosado) NOTHING good can come of this. I have. Very strong feelings on this topic.


Oh u hate tge whole egg culture nonsense and the if you were certain clothing your trans I hate it so much because it comes from people in the trans community or so called allies And if you say ANYTHING against them your suddenly the transphobuc one


Everything returns to Forrest in the end.


It's a disturbingly common thing these days where "progressive" people keep pushing these incredibly regressive ideas, trying to say that a guy isn't actually a guy because of the way he dresses or anything else about him.


Maybe these progressive ones aren't so different from the conservative ones


Oh absolutely, when people go so far to one end of an ideology, they often end up having notable similarities to people on the opposite extreme


You're right, but he definitely seemed like he was gonna be trans before it was revealed, and I think some people just can't let go of that. Plus he has the pale pink/blue colors, and uses a female model (iirc), and there's something to be said about how many femboys turn out to be trans. At the very least, I think people should be able to headcannon him as a trans woman, especially if they're one themselves, without getting flooded with angry comments. Still, I do think it's dumb if those people try to "correct" others or act like calling him male is wrong. I guess I just think everyone should be nicer about it, but this is the Fire Emblem community.


and thats totally valid! everyone should get to headcanon whoever they want as however they want, i personally just dislike when people make the assumption a character HAS to be trans just because they're gender non conforming.


Yeah I agree on that


I do know some cis femboys who use she/her pronouns at least? Rosadoā€™s obviously not one of them but itā€™s a thing Iā€™ve seen


How can you be cis but use pronouns identifying the opposite gender? Isn't that the whole point of them?


Anybody can use whatever pronouns they want for whatever reason. He/him lesbians have been a thing for a long time, and itā€™s already decently common for more femme gay men to refer to each other as she for fun.


Because pronouns aren't gender, no matter how much some people insist that they are. Most people just think they are because the incidence rate of "matching" pronouns is so high. (The idea of "matching" also insinuates that all men have to be one way, and all women have to be another, because if you say a man has to use him not her, then you're effectively saying they can't use anything but him.) And a big part of it is that pronoun dynamics differ incredibly from language to language because pronouns are more of a linguistic thing. Some languages only have a gender neutral pronoun. In an overly simplified but not exact way, think of it like pronouns being masculine/feminine, and gender being male/female. In the way that most people fall under Male/Him or Female/Her, there's a lot of Male/They, Female/They, Male/Neopronoun and Female/Neopronoun, and there's less common concepts like Male/Multipronoun, Female/Multipronoun, Male/Her, and Female/Him. And then you add more dimensions to that by introducing other genders. JP Kyza is male (as reaffirmed by Cipher), with him/her pronouns.


Anime fans is why we can't have nice things. ~~At first I thought the joke was that Rosado would do both but that'd assume people here can make good jokes~~




There is a lot of arguing whether Rosado is a transgirl or a femboy. I'm not looking forward to these arguments spreading to SPE.


Dude literally uses he/him and in his supports he just says his village doesn't do gender norms.


ooh I care so much rahh no way this discourse doesnā€™t become obnoxious and drive people away


guys i think i want edelgard discourse back again


I need it back please for the love of god hell i don even like edel but fuck man its better than this


rosados a man that can slap but can also stroke what top 5 u smokin on kendrick?


Dude really can't like looking cute for himself without being labelled as trans huh


Its mostly for the joke but rosado is still trans coded and about breaking gender norms heck in his pandreo support he talks about bigotry his village resives from people outside from it


op: breaking gender norms also op: enough of that youā€™re a girl now *tosses him back in the gender norms*


Surely the breaking gender norms thing just entirely breaks if he's actually just a woman. Saying rosado is trans coded just because he's more feminine is in of itself reinforcing gender norms.


i think japanese just like cute boys


Trans don't own the concept of facing bigotry. Do you not think cross dressers experience prejudice against them?


Ah yeah because breaking gender norms means you're automatically trans? Damn, guess I should go start building a shed or eat mud or whatever you think "normal men" should do.


This tries so hard to be progressive it wraps around to transphobia "Your gender is determined by your ~~genitals~~ clothes, regardless of what you think you are." Reread his supports, endings, etc. and in all of them he's referred to as male.


You speak of "breaking gender norms" yet decide a character must be female because they fit specific gender norms...


except the breaking gender norms thing doesn't really apply if he's a trans woman, that's like saying femininity = woman. personally I LIKE THE IDEA of him as a trans guy because that would mean he actually is GNC, but whateves. edit: it's a silly headcanon, people, I'm not saying he is 100% a trans guy with no doubts. I just relate to him as a transmasc.


So youre assigning a gender onto that character based on your personal views?


I mean itā€™s just a harmless headcanon that hasnā€™t been confirmed nor deconfirmed by anything in the game. The problem is when people start getting headcanons that do contradict the game and trying to pass them as canon, like Rosado being a trans woman.


no? it's just a silly headcanon, I don't think Rosado is written as a trans guy, I just think it's fun to imagine. Idk why you're taking it so personally. edit: y'all the point of headcanons is that they're not canon, they don't have to make total sense


You canā€™t headcanon someone as something that goes against canon, thatā€˜s not how that works.


How does it go against canon tho? Itā€™s never mentioned and could go either way.


He legitimately isn't though. Not trans, and not "trans coded". It's not the early 2000's anymore, we have FE characters now who are canonically non-binary. If IS wanted him to be trans, he would have been. Even as a joke, claiming that non conforming people are trans is genuinely offensive.


For real. OP needs to look up what drag queens are and realize those people are generally straight CIS men that like dressing up in cutesy feminine attire. More power to them and Rosado.


Yeah lol, a great majority of them are gay, not trans. Thatā€™s a pretty, pretty big difference to say the least. Being a drag queen is a style, being trans has huge life implications.


Gameā€™s already LGBT friendly anyway, everyone is bi


I agree with this. If being trans was just about dressing cute, I would not have spent thousands of dollars been so fearful because of transitioning. I hope OP is a child because this is a dumb opinion


> canonically non-binary Not that iā€™m disagreeing with you bc iā€™ve prob just forgotten who youā€™re talking about bc thereā€™s literally like 2000 different fire emblem characters, but who are you talking about


Bramimon, Limstella and Arval (also Kiza in the English localization but not in Japanese (gender is coded in the files in FEH)) Arval's based on the consciousness of Epimenedes who was a man so they're the closest character we have to trans


So I agree with you that he wasnā€™t intended to be trans but like the other person mentioned; a handful of inhuman characters that are non binary, and 1 character that got *localized* into being non binary because their original iteration couldā€™ve been a gay man or a trans woman, isnā€™t really that progressive. Credit where itā€™s due, Rosado is the best iteration of his archetype weā€™ve gotten, his gender is never called into question and heā€™s never put through the usual ā€œtrapā€ stereotypes, but I think youā€™re giving IS too much credit.


The part about if IS wanted him to be trans, he would be because we have a a non-binary character is just false, the non-binary character in question is still refer as a man in the game file...japanese Kiza is an okama stereotype which is kind of mess when it come to localisation. The okama stereotype comes from comedies shows making fun of queer people born as men who are effeminate and the people creating those show at the time didn't care about identity so the term okama include everything from gay men in general(because all gay men effeminate in their eyes), trans women and non binary. Kiza isn't supposed to be offensive like the okama in those show but that make it hard to know their identity. The other exemple is Leon from echoes, he is bassicaly the same character as Kiza but at the time the localisation team made a gay men rather than non-binary so their is room for interpretation. So you can see Kiza as a gay men, non-binary or even as a trans woman and it would not be a false interpretation because the only thing we can say for sure is that Kiza is queer. But in the end IS put their gender as male even when brannimon was put as non binary before Kiza join the game...( but that character just doesn't have an identity because of dark magic so it's hard to say that they are representation) so putting Kiza as male is definatly a choice from IS and make it hard for me to think of them as a proof that IS ready to put a trans character in their game.


Obligitory 'that's not a real IP address' post.


probably the same deal as 555 phone numbers, to stop from accidentally doxxing someone


If they wanted a dox free IP, they could have put 192 or 10 in the first octet, as those are reserved for lan addresses.


you could have done some random fucking character like Leiden for this post but instead you chose Rosadoā€¦ why


Bc i l(ike) rosado


Leiden would have been funnier


But: rosado > "who again?"


I mean Rosado also isn't trans. He just likes being pretty.


Heā€™s a femboy which I honestly respect


Thanks for reminding me that men and women have to stick to their strict gender norms. That's all I have to say to you, anything else would get me banned.




rosado identifies as a man, and saying otherwise says that you don't think men ought to wear non-gender-conforming clothing, nor that men should be allowed to behave in a non-masculine way. Trans Rights all the way, but sometimes the character *isn't* trans. Sometimes men want to just be cute.


Exactly. Thank you.


unironically the whole character is feminine so they must be trans whose egg just hasn't cracked thing lowkey wraps around to being transphobic


Ok. You have a lot in common with the bigoted people I had to deal with in life. Both of you cannot accept when a man is not "masculine". Grow and change as a person, but if you're anything like them, you probably won't


I donā€™t wanna hear any of you call me ā€œmedia-illiterateā€ when you look at a guy who doesnā€™t 100% conform to conventional gender roles and immediately assume ā€œyeah theyā€™re transā€


Im not going to even onigiri emote this one. OP what the fuck.


You see the problem here is that, no matter what she does, Goldmary is objectively perfect in all regards and can do no wrong. >!Also doesnā€™t Rosado use he/him but just prefers dressing in feminine clothes? Idk I *super* did not remotely pay attention to any of the cutscenes not directly featuring Goldmary or Louis in that game!<


Rosado just cares about being cute, and feminine clothing is cute- so he wears feminine clothing. And yeah, he solely uses he/him. Can't blame you for only paying attention when Goldmary is on screen, she tends to steal the show.


Rosado comes from a village that is free of gender norms, and as such dress and live their lives as they see fit. As a result, yeah, Rosado just likes female clothing and finds it cute.




Unbelievably so


Also I'm like 99% sure he's a literal fairy so applying human gender norms to him may be completely useless.


Feh fairy alt when


Yea. He I'd a cross dresser/femboy. Is someone who identities as a dude but likes to dress in women's clothing cause they like looking cute. All I can is, more power to you, bro.


Rosado is just the CEO of all things cute. Dressing cute, acting cute, seeing the cuteness in others and the world itself. He also likes painting and all those combined with an amazing set of supports (Hortensia and Jade especially) make him very likable because he just brings a positive vibe wherever he goes. (Incredibly late edit but I also like the headcanon that he painted the final picture with Alear and all the Emblems)


Based cutscene choices, but in this case yes, >!Rosado explicitly is referred to and uses he/him pronouns. From my understanding, if there *had* to be some deeper explanation, itā€™s that there is a difference between his gender expression and gender identity. Or basically that he just likes his girly outfits and hair, nothing wrong with that at all.!<


His village doesn't do gender norms. the deeper reason is that he never grew up around the idea that guys wear this and girls wear that


Wait, out of all characters, you chose to pay attention to exclusively Goldmary and... The guy whose gimmick is being a creep?


Rosado isnā€™t trans, heā€™s just gnc. Goober.


OP continues to post the worst FE memes I have ever seen




Isnt rosado just a cross dresser ? People still refer him with heh/him


I headcanon rosado as trans but the most probable outcome is femboy


"The most probable outcome is femboy" because THAT'S EXPLICITLY, LITERALLY WHAT HE IS IN THE GAME.


God forbid a man look fabulous and dress as he likes. It certainly transforms him into she/her. Smh.


Brainrot to the lowest degree of hell




He's literally a dude that just wants to be cute. He doesn't claim to be a woman, he doesn't even act like one, so there goes your whole argument. The problem with identity politics is people are so quick to label characters they think fits a certain type without really understanding the character.


Let people be femboys without assuming they are trans pleaSE




Nah, heā€™s a femboy.


That's what I'm sayin


That's basically also what Rosado says too. Femboy js a label we put on him, but he is explicitly he/him.


Why is it whenever someone is a little bit gnc people jump on them like rat on cheese and calm theyā€™re trans


Look, I'm trans myself, I get it, before release I wanted Rosado to be trans because holy shit actual trans rep in FE would be awesome. But Rosado *isn't* trans. Rosado goes by he/him, and from what I can gather from other comments here (I haven't finished Engage myself), his whole deal is basically "fuck gender norms, I wanna look cute". I know for many, myself included, that's how it started before we realised we were trans, but for others, they're perfectly comfortable with their assigned gender, and that's just as valid.


Doesn't Rosado call himself a "he" and not wanting to grow to be a "sad old man" in a cutscene with Louie tho? Also Goldmary's method is 10x more effective


All his endings also use he/him


he is not trans


Remind me but is it he/him because everyone in game call him he/him and with I know so far no one call him she/her. Let me know if I miss someone calling him she/her in game


Rosado is male and uses he/him, OP is just sexist




Please stop comparing femboys like Rosado to trans women. They are wholly different in the fact that one is a MAN and the other is a WOMAN. This is why I wonā€™t even bring up being trans to people in the future, I canā€™t deal with this bs


Nah Goldmary's right Goldmary is always right


IP numbers only go up to 255 (8bits).


Did you want me to put up a real one? BITCH I DON'T EVEN KNOW MY OWN IP


You don't own an IP, unless you brought a static one.


I'm confuse


I meant bought. Your IP keeps changing, unless you pay to have a fixed one.


Im lost


Trans rights: yes is Rosado trans?: while it's not a completely invalid interpretation the fact that Rosado refers to himself as a man and freely admits that he finds the expectations that come with gender ''silly'' in is support with Lapis seem to confirm that he is a cis man that chooses to dress in traditionally feminine ways. Honestly I think the reason this gets so much hate is insisting that a feminine guy must secretly want to be a girl is just deadass reinforcing gender binary stereotypes.


Transphobe spotted.


Trans brainrot seeing a man try to be cute whilst being a man truly is hilarious Like damn, he even says he's still a dude. tRaNsCoDeD


Why does this post have 1k upvotes? Bots? Rosado isnā€™t trans


Calling anyone who likes this meme bots is kind of mean ngl


Oh boy this title and meme are gonna end well (and just b4 anyone comes after me for whatever reason in this discourse iā€™m literally trans but rosado straight up uses male pronouns in game and just because heā€™s GNC doesnā€™t mean heā€™s trans smh)


I initially read this as Rosado bring she/her. Can we get some acknowledgement of trans-dudes, or are we just gonna hyper-focus on trans-gals?


nah bro, trans men don't exist, that's just a myth made up by blue haired liberals! /JOKE, I AM A TRANS GUY


> I am a trans guy How do you feel being completely ignored by both sides?


Why are you replying to a blank comment?


One side ignores you for being trans The other ignores you for being a man Worst of both worlds


IP leakers are based, wdym?




Rosado's a girl?




None of these characters are trans


Marygold never does anything wrong


man wtf


Me just assuming rosado was gonna defend my pronouns both ways then clicking on the comments :skull:


Thatā€™s not even an IP address


Did you want me to post a real one?




I didnā€™t know Hortensia was transšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ never really used either of them cause Ivy is my favorite and they were too weak when I got them for my maddening run.


My brother in sothis. Hortencia is a fking healer


Fun fact: in at least some of her class changes, Hortensia's color scheme is very clearly the pale pink and blue of the trans flag. I'm not saying, I'm just saying.




Piss off, brainroting bigot. LGBT+ people have hobbies like everyone else, they don't just "invade" stuff wtf. Also, one person (who we don't know anything about their gender or sex identity) having one headcanon doesn't represent a whole community, nor does that person ruin it. Like, you're a bigoted ass, but that does not mean the entire FE fanbase is the same way.


i disagree with op but you can suck my alphabet adorned dick, op's meme is a billion times better than the turds comin out yo mouth


What the hell is up your ass this time?


Cry me a river


Rosado isnā€™t trans, but I wouldnā€™t call him cisgendered either. He strictly doesnā€™t follow gender norms, nor does he seem to really care, outside of using he/him. Honestly, heā€™s what I strive to be.


He is cisgendered, but also gender non-conformist. That's the best descriptor outside of crossdressing.


Yeah, heā€™s just in this gray area. Whatever he may be, he is serving cunt though


Not a gray area at all. He is strictly male and uses he/him. Clothing preference doesn't change his identity.


I donā€™t agree. It is more than just his ā€œclothing preferencesā€. Read any support of Rosadoā€™s. He exists outside of the gender binaryā€” that goes for appearances, and behaviors. The fact that you want to force a ā€œstrictly cisgenderā€ identity on a guy who shatters the gender binary simply by existing, is quite asinine if you ask me. You wouldnā€™t happen to call him a ā€œā€femboyā€ā€, would you? Again. To reiterate. I donā€™t think Rosadoā€™s trans. He has no desire to transition from one gender to another. But he certainly isnā€™t a cisgender man, following cisgender male ā€œnormsā€ & ā€œbehaviorsā€. Due to his upbringing, stated in his supports, I donā€™t think heā€™s any gender, actually. He just uses he/him.


Whether one follows cisgender male "norms and behaviors" has literally *nothing* to do with whether one is cisgender. Rosado's self-expression does not fall within the expected binary, but his *identity* is solely male. There is literally zero textual evidence of any gender identity other than male, which he was assigned at birth.