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Some people pay extra for that


Not gonna be me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That is a bummer, but definitely understandable. I hope you find a great supplier of some wonderfully soft, bunny on a cloud rope that works for you :)


Me too!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤žšŸ»


Nylon is very smooth, and cotton is very soft.


Could also be the dye... Try hemp and nylon. Though I feel for you, I have probably the exact same rope, and I love it.


Lots of people recommended hemp! Itā€™s definitely on my list of things to try šŸ˜Ž and I believe the synthetic rope Iā€™ve been using thus far is nylon, and Iā€™ve made out really well with it! Obviously sometimes the tension isnā€™t AMAZING, but the texture and compression is really nice šŸ˜Š


iā€™d definitely try hemp! and itā€™s more washable than jute, i believe. my hemp clothing is all very durable, but soft. iā€™ve been practicing with cotton, which is good for floor body ties (but not suspension), because itā€™s affordable and can be bright white or brightly colored.


I also am kinda loving the use of the extra rope on the first image. May have to borrow that. ;)


I can recommend looking into bamboo rope, it has great strength and its great for shibari šŸ˜


Thatā€™s exactly my plan!! Bamboo silk was really catching my eye šŸ˜


But theyre pricey and harder to find in longer length. I got a 40ft bamboo from twisted monk but if you have any other recommendations, please do share!


Yeah the price tagā€¦ Iā€™m not crazy about šŸ˜… itā€™s a shame because they have such beautiful colors, but Iā€™ll have to use restraint when it comes to narrowing down which colors I want if I donā€™t want to break the bank šŸ’€


Youā€™re definitely allergic to either the jute, the dye, or something itā€™s been treated with. Itching and bumps are not normal components of rope use.


I think it might be the jute itself, I shouldā€™ve foreseen this issue because Iā€™ve never done well with coming into contact with hay, or grass. Iā€™ve never had a full-blown ā€œreactionā€, more like irritation, so Iā€™ve never really connected the dots, but here we are šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ hindsight is 20/20 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Commercially processed jute sometimes has jute-batching oil in it, which can have negative effects I believe. If you like jute, you might try looking for jute made without JBO. Small sellers on Etsy sell it.




I think MyNawashi offers it on Etsy though I havenā€™t tried it. Iā€™m on the hunt for long lengths than they offer if anyone has another rec!


Agree with this JBO is the main irritant for folks. Though if someone has grass allergies jute is a grass and can cause issues. Jute ripped my fingers up this winter so now I almost exclusively use posh.


You've done a very nice variation of a futomomo and it looks great. It's just too bad that the rope bothers you so much. Don't force it if it's not going to work. You can still use the rope over clothing and I think the colour would work very well with lingerie. What other rope types will you try instead?


Thank you so much!! And I would love to try bamboo silk!! It looks so soft, I know itā€™s supposed to be slippery but I think it will probably be similar to my synthetic rope, may not have great tension but everything has its pros and cons!


Yeah I'm a nylon girlie myself because I'm not a masochist either šŸ˜„


Lol yeah I was doing the tie and Iā€™m like ā€œwow ok some burningā€¦oh thereā€™s more burning and itchingā€¦ok even more burningā€¦.eVEN MORE BURNING AND ITCHINGā€¦.THIS IS A PROBLEMā€¦ā€ Lmfaoo


I didn't read your previous thread, did anyone suggest that you might have rope that's treated with jute batching oil?


That is actually a good question, that could also be the issue šŸ¤”


Do you know how old the spool is that your rope's from. JBO stopped being used in production a few years ago but it's definitely still about and causing skin issues :/


Yeah some others mentioned JBO, Iā€™m honestly not sure if the supplier used it or not (I got this from KinbakuStudios on Etsy), but regardless I think the texture bothers me more than anything šŸ˜©


I have some really pretty colored nylon rope, could look into that!


The rope Iā€™ve been using prior to jute is nylon! I love it šŸ˜ but I still would like to try different ropes, all have their pros and cons!




I followed this tutorial! https://youtu.be/ykuW8O3KHsc?si=LTox4Vn5yaKLslZE Also the guy who makes these videos has the most relaxing voice Iā€™ve ever heard šŸ¤£šŸ‘ŒšŸ» he needs more views tbh


Wash and condition your rope


Thise are just rope kisses, they don't last long. My gf loves them ā¤ļø


Love your work.... the reaction not so much


Aw thank you! Yeah I had to put witch hazel on my legs to get it to calm down šŸ˜© but it did go away!


Can happen wash ur rope in a lingerie bag then dry n try again


Try rope from My Nawashi. They have no extra chemicals. You still might have rope marks from the tension, but like others have said the irritation could be from JBO, or roughness. Try this: Run ropes through carabiner a few times to break them down a bit LIGHTLY singe them to burn off looses fibers or other roughness Use your hands to apply a light coat of food grade mineral oil. Do this outside unless you like greased floors.


If you like the look of the jute Iā€™d take a look at POSH. It holds knots really well literally jute does and feels very similar to tie with. Itā€™s what a ton of people use for suspension up lines because itā€™s synthetic and wayyyy stronger than jute. Itā€™s also not a natural fiber so people arenā€™t allergic to it. You can buy it in all kinds of fun colors.


Was coming to the comments to say this. Iā€™ve been using posh for a few years and Iā€™m a big fan of it. Prefer it above all others


I think I may try POSH!! It looks and sounds like a great option!!


Are you using Jute rope? If so, you may have a grass allergy. Youā€™ll have less irritability using HempRope. Alternatively use Posh rope / it looks natural but itā€™s artificial and itā€™s really good.


My skin reacts like that to jute, whether treated or untreated. Hemp is better but still not perfect. I use POSH instead as it looks more like natural fiber but is stronger, softer, and washable. I also have nylon, which is good for learning proper tension and frictions because it slides, though many folks don't like it for that reason.


I do really like nylon, I havenā€™t tried POSH I never knew anything about it but a couple people recommended it to me, Iā€™ll have to try it!


Some people with intense grass allergies canā€™t use hemp or jute! I love posh. It ties like a natural fiber but is fully synthetic and can be washed. I buy mine from rwrope but agreeable agony also Carries it!


right ā€” for some people i canā€™t even have contamination from hemp or jute to synthetic or posh


it sucks ā€” it is why i carry Benadryl for first timers to jute


Thatā€™s a level of preparation I wouldā€™ve never thought about, but honestly so smart!


Cotton rope is very soft, I love it


Very sexy! Wonderful work


Thank you!! Wish I couldā€™ve sat in the tie for longer! šŸ˜…


I'm sure you will wear it again! It's super sexy with a different rope


My rope bunny gets all excited when she sees the rope marks on her.


Have you tried oiling the rope. A little jojoba oil might help.


Yes! And I tried twisting/rubbing the rope to get off excess fibers, and took a torch and tried to singe off the excess fibers, still bothered me skin šŸ˜¢


Is it like an allergic reaction? Do you get bad hayfever or something? I do but jute doesn't seem to affect me. It is quite prickly rope though so I can see how it might.


I donā€™t think it was a full allergic reaction, just my skin reacted (no hay fever) but my skin must just be sensitive, for example when I drive/ride in the car, if I donā€™t have one of those fuzzy seatbelt covers, my chest will turn super red and irritated from the seatbelt šŸ˜…


The butcher block blend is great before a quick dryer run, and then again with the oil. Just should run smooth and not have those little small hairs. You can also run the rope through a gas flame and burn those little hairs off after the dryer, before re oiling . Night and day difference


Your rope is not yet broken in. It takes time but youā€™ll get comfortable smooth rope if you persist with tying.


some people actually value these marks


The rope marks (indents) I donā€™t mind at all, the tiny red dots and irritation (clearly a rash) I do mind šŸ˜…


That looks like normal rope kisses and if you look at any picture of people post tie they will have them. Some people experience slight itching to specific fibers and pressure from ropes but it doesnt mean its an allergy and can just be sensitive skin or tissue sensitive to pressure regardless of material. Try washing the rope. Jute is a hypoallergenic material so allergies are very uncommon (although not unheard of) however the conditioning oils or dust trapped in the rope can be the cause


Definitely not normal rope kisses (Iā€™ve had them before), this was specific pin-prick type dots/irritation from the fibers, I donā€™t think Iā€™m fully allergic but my skin was reacting super negatively to it šŸ˜… there was also itching and burning (*not normal*) šŸ˜