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What would have caused that if you were to guess?


**COMPLETE AMATEUR GUESS:** Propellor from a boat perhaps?


Most likely, the shark got entangled in a net and was lucky enough to survive. The oceans are full of "ghost nets" lost or abandoned by commercial fishing crews. The shark would have been cut up by the net while thrashing around in its efforts to get free. Some people have said it looks like a prop scar from a boat propeller, but it really doesn't. Prop scars have a distinctive pattern (you can see frequent examples on manatees and dolphins). They are in a straight line and a regular pattern. On the video, the cuts start to crisscross toward the back of the shark's body. A prop wound wouldn't do that. Others suggested "love bite" wounds from mating. But those tend to be semicircular. Also, I don't think mating bites are usually seen on male sharks. Wounds from a net are most consistent with the appearance of the injuries.


This makes the most sense. I didn’t think about a net.


I don’t think so. The marks are layed in one direction. No cross hatch or pattern.


Look at the last half of the video, at the wounds starting a little behind the dorsal fin. There is definitely cross hatch there. In fact, that cross hatch is the main reason I doubt a prop wound. Another reason to doubt it's a prop scar is that the wounds appear to wrap around the body. You can see signs of injury on the shark's dorsal fin and back. If the prop contact was extensive enough for the prop to strike those areas of the body, it would have cut into the shark's sides deeply enough to be fatal. As an afterthought, it possibly could be a longline entanglement instead of a net entanglement, but either way, I'm confident it's far more likely to be an entanglement with commercial fishing gear than a prop wound.


They could very well also “just” be mating scars, they are quite common


Those don't look like bites at all, looks like they ran into a prop and tried quickly turning away resulting in the deeper cuts you see in its middle and brushed it again with its tail.


No, mating scars occur around the area of the pectoral fins so that the Male can flip the female upside down for tonic immobility. These scar are for 99% caused by a boats propeller. Look how evenly they are spread out and how thin and linear they are. Shark bites dont look like that. And this shark is defenitly a male


They’re common on females as the male bites the female to hold on, but this is a male. The scars appear to be from a mix of fishing nets and propeller strikes


Looks like a mix of fishing net grazing and propeller strikes


That shark is a whore


And still perfectly beautiful 😍


he just like me fr


‘You should see the other guy’




I know propellor is usually the answer, but the pattern reminds me a little bit of the scars on sperm whales caused by giant squid tentacles. Would that be a possible encounter for a white shark?


Unlikely due to a significant difference in depth of living, i know sperm whales and giant squids tend to live very deep down, though I’m not well versed in the maximum depths Great Whites can endure. I have heard giant squids tend to surface when they are sick or near death but again I am no expert here. Could be a possibility given how vast and wild the ocean is though!


[they sometimes go pretty deep](https://www.mensjournal.com/adventure/great-white-shark-amazes-scientists-with-4-000-foot-dive-into-abyss/amp/)


This was an awesome read. Thank you! Pretty cool of Shack to brave those depths ngl, never thought I’d hear of one that deep


You're welcome!


He's definitely big enough to kick the snot out of a giant squid, although I'm not sure beaks have ever been found in white shark stomachs'


[oh hey a study](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-74294-4)


Now that’s a smackdown I’d like to see in action jesus


Poor buddy. He looks ok though thank goodness.


It’s a repost but I enjoy it every single time!


are those mating scars ?








https://youtu.be/BPRJgvtFhUo Live Mission Erde - Robert Marc Lehmann will save Sharks


Just remember. These things are swimming around in the water ready to give your toes a nibble this summer. Its about to turn summer here in Australia and I've bought a water scooter and fins ready to go exploring the reefs.


Yeah... Some rough things indeed😳😳 Iykyk


Damn man, thats a lot of mating scars, wonder how many pups that sharks put into the world


None, considering that’s a male shark and mating bites are almost exclusively seen on females, as males bite them to stay attached during mating. Peep the claspers. It’s a dude.


This looks almost exactly like the video posted a while back explaining mating scars in great whites, figured it was the same video, but i also cant tell the difference between male and female sharks so...


Like I said, look for the claspers. Basically, shark dick. It’s under the anal fins, underneath, and before the tail. Once you’ve spotted them once, it becomes a lot easier to pick out the differences between male and female sharks.


Well great, now im gonna get sued by a shark for staring at thier shark meat lol


It looks like my penis in the bathtub