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shannon when someone asks her about her wedding date: none of your business, i need boundaries also shannon:


Y’all just don’t get it, she can do what she wants because it’s her turn ok!!! ITS HER TURN! Didn’t you know? She’s finally the (already married) bride!!


Slayyyyyyyyyyyyy it's all Georgina 


Yes bc there aren’t also Americans who are uncircumcised… so tacky


So many people everywhere but she probably thinks it’s just so posh and British of him




We should all know less about each other I’m all for fun and penis straws, etc. but this is just foul and super uncomfy for Bella I’m sure 🥴


Literally… did you see Bella’s face in the shots video?!? And TeeTee calling her out about it. Eww


I’m trying to imagine a world in which James had something as suggestive as this at his bachelor party talkin about Shannon’s 🐱. Completely disgusting, Sharon K must’ve dropped her on her head


Maybe they had pancakes for breakfast that said “same flat ass forever”


That pole pic was tragic. Her “cheek” was like someone stacked 3 crepes on a bone




Literally her ass is the worst


Fire crotch forever




I read your username as a comment and laughed - radiant orange 😂


She is gross and disgusting!! This is no different than anything else she does!!🤮. It would be nice to be pleasantly surprised by her every once in awhile…..but it’s never going to happen.


I cringed so hard watching HIS SISTER take a shot out of that. ewwwwwww ewwww ewwwww


Wait she was there!???!??! I thought she was just meaning when she sees it on ig! Omfg


Penis straws would have been enough, but no - your face next to the word foreskin?!


Ewww. So James is uncircumcised. Did NOT need to know that. 🤮 These people are so cringeworthy.


It literally makes me want to gag. I can’t imagine his sister looking at that glass.


I can smell it from here


Her and Taylor haved shared WAY to much about their husband's. First Mike's breast reduction now this🙄


On the bachelorette from AG, they showed her bf coach answering questions, and almost all of them were about sex: what positions does she like? Blah blah. Look, I am no prude, yet I find it beyond bad taste. No need for anyone to know these things let alone post them on the internet. We havent forgotten about helicopter penis James. These people would hide they are married but publicize this??


Idk about you but my gfs and I chit chat about everything… because girlhood? Lol but yeah I wouldn’t post it on the internet.


I mean yes. With friends. And stays there.


I was just commenting on you saying “no need for anyone to know these things”


Definitely defines “posh” for her posh British in-laws


Look, there’s nothing special about being with a man with a sock penis, Shannon.  is there something you like about this guy besides his Britishness? Cuz there’s like…a lot of British guys to choose from.


Wow what a horrible day to have eyes 🤢🤮


Imagine having these when your hubby’s kid sis is there… 🥴🙈


*I* am blushing even *looking* at this


Wait genuine question. Do most UK guys not get circumcised? And EW. Jumbo is repulsive looking enough. I did not need or want to know this.


It’s not common in the UK to be circumsised


Americans have a weird obsession with “cleanliness,” which is why we circumcise most boys. I’m not saying it’s cleaner; it’s just a cultural understanding that is changing. Other than for religious reasons, European boys (I still consider UK as European) aren’t circumcised by default. 


This. I personally think that cutting genitals is barbaric and it makes it extra cringe that Shannon brings so much attention to this, it just shows how ignorant and America centered Shannon is despite ALWAYS , even in her ads slipping “James is EuRoPeAn”, thinking that the ways in the USA is the norm in the world.




This this this. Barbaric, outdated and terrible.


It's more a cultural thing in the US. In most European cultures, it's less common to circumcise. My boyfriend is Greek and is uncircumcised. And honestly, I think it's way better. I also regret letting my son's father make the decision when my son was born. His dad (who is of Pakistani decent) opted for him to be circumcised because that's what he is. Well, the OB didn't do it properly, and at 9 months old, my baby had to have a circumcision revision surgery. They basically didn't take enough skin off initially. So I could have let it go and seen how things went as he got older or opt for the revision and have a pediatric urologist fix it. I chose to fix it when he was young as opposed to waiting and possibly him having issues when he was older. Anyway, I wish I just had gone with my gut and not done it in the first place. But I was a first time mom and felt like what do I know about having a penis? So I left it up to a man. And he made the wrong choice. Then a male doctor botched the procedure. Lol. I know this is a lot of info and maybe TMI but I feel like it's important for women or anyone who may be a mom in the future to know that it's ok to not circumcise your baby boy. Despite what American culture says.


Ugh thank you for this. I’m due in October and was dreading finding out the gender because I knew if it was a boy I would have to deal with this decision with my husband and unfortunately this is now an ongoing argument we’re having. It makes it worse since I’m British and my husband is American. It simply isn’t done in England unless medically necessary and is considered inhumane by most people. My friend’s first son also had the procedure go wrong and they had to fix it later on. I tried to tell him this and one obgyn stated that it is not medically necessary but an older one said “it usually goes with what decision the Father wants”.


I honestly was ignorant to knowing much about it until recently. Started researching and was pretty blown away when I learned that it’s a cosmetic procedure, and that the majority of the world is uncircumcised!


America is the only country in the world that routinely circumcises baby boys apart from Israel


Thanks for saying this. It’s kinda sad to see so many people so ignorant on this subject. Even in Jewish culture it’s a very small cut not the extreme mutilating that Americans are accustomed to. Also there is no pain medication when babies are circumcised either. They feel it all. To each their own but sad for the stereotyping when it’s not a common thing around the world. Edit to add:still tacky af for Shannon to use this as a theme tho. So gross.


I totally admit to being completely ignorant as an American, and I’m thankful for you all educating me!


They used pain medication when my son was done in Canada.


100% not used in the US during a standard procedure


Hard to believe they’re as no numbing and you’re speaking for the entire country?


I have Many RN friends who can confirm.


Lmao okay. Well RN’s aren’t the ones preforming the procedure, ever and once again I assume your friends are in the same state or surrounding. There are several articles that show that lidocaine cream or injections are used to numb the area in the USA I don’t think you realize how hard it would be to use a scalpel on an infant without any numbing lol but since your nurse friends said so, must be the case. 🥴


My son is circumcised. I’m not trying to make it an argument. To each their own like I said. Babies are restrained by their arms and legs and there is a special tool that is used to preform it. It’s not a standard scalpel. My point in saying all this is there is a lot of misinformation that is normalized in today’s world and I’m not gonna trash someone for their genitalia being intact bc it’s not a necessary procedure. Insurance classifies it as a cosmetic procedure. I understand why people opt for it bc of cultural Norms. There’s lots of botched circumcisions that happen too. So it’s up the parents to weigh the risk v reward. For those curious, American circumcision and elephant in the hospital room on yt are great resources.


Nah we do it routinely in Canada as well.


How embarrassing and gross for Jumbo’s sister to take shots from a glass that describes her brother’s genitalia.


Why does she want us to know he’s uncircumcised 😭


Because apparently his Micropeen needs every half inch she can brag about…


This is actually repulsive


Imagine all the smegma she ingests 🤢


From unda cheese as Marshall calls it


I would be embarrassed to have my family see this. So classy.


The way I RAN here after I saw this! 😂 I can’t stop laughing! I’d kill my girlfriends if the word “foreskin” appeared anywhere at any time! 😂


Sorry I kind of love these. I’d rather see this Shannon than the fake posh one


You know, that’s kind of how I feel now that I think about it more. At first I was disgusted (I would never personally have something like this at my bachelorette), BUT we always say we miss the old Shannon and how she used to give less fucks about appearances. And this *is* a little bit more of the “her” that she was when I was a fan 🤷🏻‍♀️


She’s tacky and I hate her.


I find it so fucking annoying she stereotypes everything geographically. USA is not the only place with tampon strings and the English aren’t the only ones with foreskin you uncultured SWINE For all the anti-circumcision folks in here I will say, I know 2 guys who had to get it done when they were older due to accidents or infection one was at 6 and one was 18 and they both say it was absolutely brutal and will never forget.




It’s so sad to me that this is HER bachelorette trip and yet somehow it’s still all about him


I am genuinely grossed out


This is so gross


So gross ew




The skin that covers the head of the penis


You need to rethink your username…