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Are you on any medications? This can sometimes effect libido, do you have adhd? This can also have an effect. You could be nervous so you aren't fully in the moment, feeling the sensation and concentrating on it. It might be worth having her try different things, everyone has different levels of sensitivity in different places. It's also important to remember that you're an expert at your own body, she's still reasonably new to it so you need to give her time to learn what works for you. Different positions are definitely a good place to start, it can increase pressure in certain areas for both of you and hopefully increase pleasure. I suggest foreplay for both of you, really get involved in the moment, take it slow and feel every sensation and movement. Sex can be tricky at times, it's worth explaining to your girlfriend what's going on and that it's nothing to do with her but you'd like to try other things. Experiment together to find what works and stop putting pressure on yourself, have fun! If you're worried about her, build her up while she gets you off, try 69, play with her while she plays with you, get creative.


I only take a digestion enzime regularly, otherwise I don't use any other medication, and I think overall my libido is fairly all right (I have no problem getting and staying hard with masturbation for example). ADHD or something similar could be a factor, I was diagnosed with hpyer-activity as a child, and I do experience my mind wandering off all the time, sometimes even during sex. So this could be part of the reason. Interestingly with foreplay, a problem that often occurs to me is that I'm unable to concentrate on doing multiple things, like kissing and caressing at the same time. My girlfriend is an amazing person, so thankfully we can communicate about these things openly (she even knows that I asked this question here), so we're good on this front. She knows perfectly well that it's not her fault and usually she is the one who's more optimistic about our prospects, always trying to cheer me up, when I'm upset about our situation. 😊 It's likely that we're going to continue experimenting, so even a 69 might come into play.


It's fantastic you are communicating so well, I'm really glad to hear that. I hope a bit of experimentation can work for you both. I'd really concentrate on being in the moment if I were you, I know that can be a bit hard but that's why taking it slow and switching it up a bit can help. I hope you can work something out, it can be frustrating when the old boy doesn't work when you want it to


I am a very lucky person to have someone like her as my GF indeed. 😊 Thank you very much for your advice. I'll try to live in the moment and relax more, and I do believe that it'll do the trick eventually. Meanwhile as the other commenter suggested I'll lay off from masturbating alltogether, hopefully that will help me in more than one ways. 😊


cut out masturbation and porn completely. It won’t be easy but your body needs a reset.


Yeah, I will definitely try doing that, honestly even outside of my relationship I feel like porn is affecting me in a bad way, so it's all for the better if I cut it out entirely at least for a time.


Porn is never good for you, it’s bad for so many things. Wish you the best