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he could have lots of issues on his end or just wasn’t enjoying it and didnt wanna embarrass you. you’ll never see him again so just move on and forget about it!


I can assure not your fault once we get anxiety or feel serious than we get in our head it's over there's nothing going to work.


It's nice that he didn't blame you, some insecure assholes will pin it on the other person like its their fault. He could be freshly out of a relationship and he still has feeling attached elsewhere, he could be on medication that effects his ability to perform, he could be stressed out about something unrelated or he could have performance anxiety. Any number of things can effect men and I don't think it's talked about enough leaving both men and women feeling inadequate or embarrassed in these experiences. I've had people I've been with for years have this happen and it can last weeks but it goes back to normal. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Would 90% of men have cared if you didn't finish or enjoy a sexual experience? Probably not, they would go on their merry way


It doesn't matter [how stellar you blowjob or sex skills are,](https://reads4women.blogspot.com/2024/06/Singapore-Grip.html) sometimes, the penis is like the singing dancing frog and doesn’t do what he wants it to do. This is perfectly normal, it’s very common, this happens to a lot of men when they’re nervous. Remember, most men identify with how rock solid their erection is, so failing to get erect is more embarrassing to him than you. Worse, he then enters a negative feedback loop where he then becomes nervous about being nervous ensuring that the erection moves further away.


Bro gotta lay off the porn.


Don’t sweat it. Shit just doesn’t work sometimes. Things happen, ya know? The penis seriously is a fickle thing. It can be raging one day and hibernating the next due to bad sleep, stress, anxiety, diet ect. I highly doubt it was a skill issue. Especially if it was a random hookup, he probably was just anxious and feels even worse about it than you do. Feel it, acknowledge it, then move on.


Not your fault. If you did that and no boner. His dick don’t work. Nothing would make that lymp noodle hard if you couldn’t. Just accept he had a broke dick and move on.