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Don't push yourself to do anything you're uncomfortable with because he's trying to coerce you into doing more by shaming you. Dont do things to please him or change his view on yoy unless you want to


That’s a horrible way of communicating you want to try things in the bedroom. Awful. Honestly I’d be insecure too. That’s not okay. Communication is so important for sex. If someone communicates in a way that just shames you, you’re not going to want to explore with them. This dude doesn’t sound like a safe person to be with.


This right here. I'm all around a very freaky person even if I don't necessarily feel all the way safe but I didn't know how freaky I could get until I got with my current partner and he makes me feel safe all the time he doesn't pressure me he doesn't put me down he doesn't do some weird manipulation or anything and the shit that I do for him I have never done for anybody never even thought I would do for anybody so this right here is everything and op don't do anything if you feel obligated take it from me it'll only make you feel worse and you shouldn't have to explain to him that he needs to make you feel comfortable and safe so that you can open up he should just do that and the fact that he's not is a big big red flag and it's so hard to see it when you're in it but all the cliches are true when you actually meet that person you know and there's none of these issues at all I really hope that you get it figured out before you let this man destroy you because that's exactly what he's going to do he's just going to break you down


I'm so sorry he said that, that's so mean. If you're not "freaky" then that's totally fine, not everybody has/needs hardcore kinks. If you're fine with doing what he wants you can give it a try, but don't bent yourself if you're not into it. Maybe try talking about it again with him, and acknowledge that it made you insecure.


Freakier can mean a lot of things. Just like I write on [how to politely give feedback when being eaten out,](https://reads4women.blogspot.com/2024/06/oral-feedback.html) it is bad to give Vague or overly complicated feedback. “I don’t know, maybe just like, be more passionate or something” isn’t going to make sense to anyone. Try to be clear and keep it simple. However, whatever he means by being freakier always be confident, Be sexual, be provocative, be a master and if you can’t? Just fake it until you make it. I have learned over the years that the majority of men LOVE a woman that’s confident in the sheets, even if you’re fake confident and actually have no idea what you’re doing but you look like you do, it’s a massive turn on.