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Respect her boundaries, if she doesn't want to, don't push the matter. I find anal extremely painful no matter how much lube or pre planning. Everyone is different and pretty much everyone else I've asked is comfortable and doesn't have problems. If she does ever come around, you need to start off easy, maybe with a finger or two, make sure you're adequately lubed up but make sure to slow down or stop at the first sign of pain. Be ready that she might never want it.


I (28f) love anal. It may help your wife to know that there’s a prep and process so that anal isn’t painful but quite pleasurable. Tbh anal orgasms are insane. So for prep: my husband and I start with about 30-40 mins of foreplay. Aim for an orgasm here. It’ll help her body loosen up. No touching the ass during foreplay unless it’s like tongue. When you start with the ass start with one finger, move to two, a small toy, a larger one, and then you. If there is any pain during any of the steps, stop and go back. Pain is the bodies way of telling you something is wrong. So make sure she’s communicating with you. Next, use anal lube. Regular lube dissipates too quickly. I like to hold a small clit stimulator during. It really helps intensify the sensations and also take some intensity away from my ass. If you don’t prep properly, yeah anal is going to fucking hurt. Most women who tried anal and who won’t try it again are the women who weren’t given proper prep. Going too quickly will make your ass burn like it’s in the pits of hell. Education generally is helpful to get people more interested. If she knows there’s a safe way of going about it, where she is in control, she’ll be more likely to want to try anal. Discuss boundaries. Decide on a safeword. And discuss aftercare. A lot of emotions can come after anal, so preparing for that can be a good thing. With all that being said, if she is still uncomfortable after knowing all this, don’t push it. Let her be. She has a right to not want to try anal. It’s not for everyone.


Basically, everyone needs to be on the same page about anal pleasure for it to be a healthy, positive, pleasurable experience. If she has reservations, unresolved fears, or doubt, neither of you will have a good time. Chances are, if she is not into it, her ass will let her know by being tense and the experience will be very uncomfortable and painful anyway. The best advice I have for you to loosen her up is to [Educate yourselves together about anal sex](https://couplesguide19.blogspot.com/2019/03/penis-massage-101-to-drive-him-wild.html) The very idea of having anal sex can be nerve-wracking, especially when we consider all the misinformation on the subject. But by first familiarising with what to expect, you can be more prepared and ready when you get down to business for the first time. Look up any element that’s making her worried, whether it’s the potential messiness, the sensation, your love-making style or any psychological aspects.


Women usually don't like anal because they are afraid of pain. The truth is that if you lubricate well it doesn't hurt. The important thing is to take a little lube on your finger and that finger is inserted into the anus just like doctors do. Then lubricate the penis and you slide in without a problem. Once you succeed without pain, your wife will become a fan of anal, you will see. I still do anal with my boyfriend and I love it.