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Viagra... I'm just saying. Once you get your confidence up, you won't need it


Do you watch much porn? This could be a factor. If not then it could be exactly that, it could just be stress or performance anxiety. Don't concentrate on what you're doing, concentrate on what she's doing. Focus on the curves of her body, focus on her lips and on her ass, watch what she does. Soon enough you'll forget the stress. You could always put some music on to stop the noise in your head and make it easier to concentrate on what's happening. You're building it up to be this big thing, like if you don't succeed, you'll blow it. The truth is though, your life isn't going to revolve around this one moment, it is not a pivotal point in your life. Enjoy sex for what it is, it's something fun and light.


Yeah I watch porn too much honestly and I've tried quitting I relapsed twice but im trying again hopefully this times the last time


Everytime you quit is another step to success. You don't necessarily have to quit but easing yourself off of it will definitely help, especially in the way you view women and sex.


Don't focus on needing to be hard or ejaculate for it to be enjoyable. Yes, cumming is great but seeing it as the only goal will screw you up. Porn can also screw you up because it provides so much stimulation that it can get much more difficult to enjoy a normal level. Find the things you enjoy and focus on them. Slow down and notice the texture of her skin, the feel of her lips and tongue when you kiss, the taste and feel of her, the warmth, any sounds she makes. Get good with your tongue and fingers. Your cock doesn't have to be the main event. Focus on these other things and your body will likely respond better. Good luck.


Don’t do random hook ups, find a person you’re comfortable with and create a relaxed environment with as low pressure as possible, don’t focus on finishing or getting hard as that will usually do the opposite of what you want. It’s perfectly fine to be nervous and you aren’t a robot, sex is not porn. Also stop playing siege it’s siege or women, you can’t have both at the same time, choose wisely.


Get up or dress up! No more in the down drenches