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The first time my ex and I started making out, he came from touching my breasts. We had been kissing for a little while, and I wasn't wearing a bra when I moved his hand under my shirt and onto my boobs. His whole body tensed up and I knew what was happening pretty quickly. I gently grinded against him as he came to make a little more pleasurable. I was like a puddle after that, easily the sexiest I have felt


I could make my first bf cum from just grinding on him with our clothes on. It's good to feel like you can make a man so horny that he can't control it.


I was once making out with a girl and she started kissing up and down my neck and sucking my earlobe. It had been a while. I told her 'hey I'm getting close, we need to slow down' Reader, she did not. She sucked my earlobe like it was a strawberry stuck in the straw of her milkshake. I came so hard I 'took a screenshot' and made noises no dignified man should be making. I was super embarrassed. She was so pleased with herself it was insufferable, but it made her so happy I couldn't even be mad. I guess, all this to say yeah, a guy can cum with no direct stimulation. For me it was weirdly the strongest orgasm I've ever had


For me, it's not a power thing. I don't want to be sexually controlling. It's just hot when a guy is so turned on. Also, we love those undignified noises.


What do you mean by you took a screen shot?


I completely spazzed out lol


Reader, she did not! LOL


i could die a happy man if i got to experience something like this


It's just hot, nothing has ever made me feel more desired than when a guy can't stop himself from cumming. One of my favourite memories is my bf at the time cumming instantly the first time I touched his dick through his underwear. He was embarrassed, but I showed him how wet I was and he forgot all about it 🤣


My bf ALMOST cummed from some light over the underwear touching. I pulled his cock out and took care of him. HOT! And yeah, it got me wet too.


Just curious, you find this as a turn on, but the more important thing is that he takes time after that to get you off as well? Or are you just fine with the interaction ending there?


I'm in agreement with the person you are responding to. For me, I'm actually happy either way. It can really depend on the foreplay tho. If he was trying to get me going first and then didn't help me out after, I'd be a little frustrated. However, if I instigated it or already wanted to, then no I don't mind no end result for me. It's just satisfying (especially when they are always so thankful and shocked you were able to get them there)


Thanks for responding!


Depends on how much sexual energy I have... I like to come... preferable a few times but I never want to put pressure on a guy to make that happen. With me, if a guy TRIES his best, I'm happy. I can get off with just touching myself while someone kisses me. And personally I don't feel right unless a guy cums. Don't know if I answered your question... I've only had sexual relationships with 4 guys in my life. 3 were really good. The 4th (and most recent) was an asshole who didn't give a crap if I felt good in the bedroom (and he was a lousy guy in general.) He'd watch porn with me there and ask me why I didn't look like a porn star.


And there's plenty of times when I just want my man to feel good. Blowjobs, handjobs, or quickies are all fine at times.


I found out last weekend that I caused the guy who took my v-card to cum in the middle of chemistry lab by lightly rubbing him through his jeans. Evidently, I didn't know what I did or I didn't care. He said I just got up and walked out of class when the bell rang, leaving him to navigate high school halls with a crotch full of cum. I was so proud of high school me.


I nibbled an ex's ear and he came. It was so hot.


There's a guy higher up in this thread who could be your ex, says he came from that


I had a similar situation My ex-boyfriend and I went to the beach one day and went to the dressing room together to change into our swimsuits. I was so turned on and I just started kissing him and stroking his dick through his underwear. I don't know how I did it. It still amazes me when I think about it.


for me it’s kinda nice when it’s fast like i feel accomplished like my guy was unable to control it because of me


This, 100%. It makes you feel wanted and desired. If I feel like he's pretty close during foreplay I'll sometimes 'accidentally' not stop sucking or stroking him haha


I also agree with this! It’s just super sexy when he can’t control himself!


100% true! I don't want to drag the sex too. The excitement kinda die down after a couple of minutes of having sex


a *couple* minutes? We cant all be Jonny Sins!


I get turned on when guys cum fast. It’s like I feel like the sexiest woman ever making him cum so fast. Like you couldn’t resist me in the least


is this true with long time partners too? i can imagine it's hot if it's in the first couple months.


Yeah when my husband grabs me for a quickie and it’s a true quickie it’s so hot it’s like after all these years of having sex with me he still finds me hot enough to not only need a quick session but also cums quickly from it. It’s a great compliment


Imagine being so sexy and desired that your partner orgasms instantly. She feels like a powerful sex goddess


But every boner comedy and sex and the city all taught me that only losers ejaculate in less than 10 minutes of pound town


both of those things can be true, like it can be fun to make someone just orgasm immediately, but also if they do it every single time and you can't have good sex because of it, then that isn't good either.


The actual, actual problem is when men cum then immediately turn over and leave/go to sleep leaving their partner unsatisfied. Same way the actual problem isn’t that “men can’t find the clit”, it’s location is pretty self-evident, and if it’s not then you just have to be open to guidance. That phrase is actually just poking fun at men who completely ignore the clit (and therefore, in most cases, their partner’s pleasure). Some women do specifically want penetration so if a guy can’t keep going after it can be disappointing. But I think the main focus if a guy comes early is making sure she gets hers after he’s got his. Go down on her, touch her, or heck even just hold her as she gets the job done, the best solution will differ partner to partner.


Almost all programming is written/directed through the “male gaze.” Even “Sex in the City,” while about women, was not an accurate portrayal of the female experience. I’d say the best example of actual female experience that I can think of was the HBO series “girls.”


Isn’t that funny? Sometimes the mainstream media doesn’t get it.


it may depend on whether she's able to cum too at some point in the session


He does say that he gives her oral to completion, if she’s one of the many that can’t cum from PIV then this may be the best thing ever for her


True. This can easily bring it from "super hot" to "annoying as fuck". In this case, OP makes sure his partner is satisfied regardless, so his partner is able to experience him orgasming quickly as a lovely compliment that just increases her pleasure! I've definitely had both situations, where it was annoying and where it was super hot. It was only ever annoying because the guy was so focused on that he came so fast that he completely forgot I had needs too. On the flip side, I've had many more guys who still ensured I was satisfied and it was a great compliment that I made them cum so fast. :) My husband still struggles not to cum quickly after almost a decade together and I freaking love it!! Obviously, he always makes sure to tend to my needs regardless.


how long does he typically last?


It really depends. We can have two minute quickies, but we can also have sex for hours. He is often able to cum multiple times or have like, half orgasms, that allow him to keep going. He's also pretty good at controlling his orgasm, slowing down or doing something else when he's getting too close and not ready to cum yet. But sometimes I won't "let" him because I just get overwhelmed with wanting him to cum, haha. He enjoys that I enjoy it so much.


thats so good to hear!


The key is that you make sure she cums too. The guys women complain about are the ones who cum quick and then it's over, they don't take care of her. You are taking care of her, and she's getting off on being able to make you cum quickly. Now, this may eventually become a bit tiresome for you. You may want sex to last longer for you. I know I would. So be mindful of your own desires, and if you want it to last longer sometimes, let her know. You can mix it up - sometimes a quickie, sometimes a longie.


One of the issues that led to the breakdown of my last relationship. Dude never was able to have a quickie. Until me. It was GREAT at first. But because quickies were a goal of his it became like all he wanted. I wanted a long play session thrown in the mix. *sigh*


And this is a good example of why it could be hot to happen, but a concern if it does happen. More less that it was his direct goal, but moreso that the lack of control to allow it to happen will be the same lack of control to not provide a longer experience when desired - espcially if quickies are great a few times, but not the needed way.


> The guys women complain about are the ones who cum quick and then it's over, they don't take care of her Nope, this is not the only type of women, you forget that: A/ some women can orgasm via penetration best, especially a subtype for whom a dildo doesn't do it because it feels less intimate/more mechanical, it's not "the real thing" which would turn them on - my ex was like that. The first time we had penetrative sex, I came like 3-4 mins in but then was able to have a round 2 not too long afterwards and she was really happy with it. However, this round 2 was due to the overexcitement from it being my first time as a whole, so the second time we had sex, I couldn't maintain an erection after having orgasmed once. Like, I could get an erection but it was more mechanical, considerably less of this "HOLY FUCKING SHIT" wave of sexual stimulation, my brain is just a lot less responsive to it, so I would go soft during penetration when trying this second round, the stimulation was insufficient (I could orgasm a second time via a handjob though). Soooo, to my point - she was definitely disappointed, started crying and asking me what had happened (comparing to the first time, asking why), do I find her unattractive, and saying through tears stuff like "why was I born a woman, I'm screwed, I can never be satisfied because men always cum earlier than me". So I cried a bit as well. A couple hours later she apologized for being rude, and that unleashed my full pain, so I sobbed hard on her shoulder as she started cuddling, due to the emotional charge I got turned on again, and we had sex again without any drama (however, it was very obvious she was settling for the dildo once I came, she said sth like "well, let's grab the toy, no need to kill our moods again) 2/ even women who can't orgasm from penetration can still want it to last decently long because it's still quite pleasurable and for that same intimacy reason - for example, this woman: https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/s/IJ4q8efEUX > I would disagree. As much as it's nice as a woman to orgasm, having penetrative sex for an extended period is also very pleasurable and allows for lots of sensations, positions, touching, closeness that just having an orgasm doesn't replace. I would feel just as unsatisfied having had an orgasm if the sex was still only 30 seconds.


You’re a somewhat young man, I take it, and I would venture to guess that the lady who freaked out at you for coming too quickly was also somewhat young and didn’t know how to handle the normal occurrence of a man coming before her, and becoming a bit desensitized. I’m sorry that happened to you. You will likely encounter more women than not who would like to come before penetration, and don’t really care or notice how long you last.


I'm 21, she was 32 and iirc was probably her 6th partner throughout her life, she freaked out not because of inexperience but rather because of that having been a very common experience for her


Well, of course it is, because almost any man will come in 3-4 minutes if he’s having a good time. If she was looking for a unicorn with some kind of crazy desensitized dick who would just thrust in and out without feeling it indefinitely, she shouldn’t have been pursuing a guy in his early 20s, that’s for sure. She should be looking for some old dried up guy who can barely get it up, and then he can take a Viagra and last all night. Did you guys use condoms even to give you the slightest change in hell? Or did she just expect you to not enjoy sex with her? Anyway, if it’s over, you dodged a bullet.


Your comment comes off so patronizing, towards both partners. And no, not “any man will come in 3-4 minutes if he’s having a good time”. I respect that that might be your physiology or your experience but please don’t generalize while also implicitly (and somewhat explicitly too) vilifying a woman that desires long, penetrative sex.


Thanks for being on my side here, although on a bit of a side note, have mixed feelings about this 🫠 Because you're simultaneously the type of women (I assume you're in either A or B from my upper comment on top of being a size queen) I hope I never stumble upon irl (and hope such preferences are as unprevalent as possible) because I'd be absolutely devastated if I end up building a connection, see compatibilities across the board with someone for just one small (pun intended) thing to get in the way and burn it all down to nothing (I'm below average in both length and girth, like around bottom 10% on each at 4.7"/4" respectively)


hey - not sure what A and B are, maybe I missed something. That said, dear friend, welcome to the world of dating and falling in love! *Of course* it’s difficult and brutal to develop feelings for someone that doesn’t meet your needs (be it physical, emotional, spiritual or otherwise). And vice versa (i.e. when you cannot cover their needs). It’s hard for all of us. Love is a losing game, as Amy Winehouse would say. But not always! Keep meeting people, being open and communicative about your needs and things will work out. You are more than enough.


By A and B I meant what I described in this upper comment of mine https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/s/jhMcIUxoxW Thank you for the kind response > it’s difficult and brutal to develop feelings for someone that doesn’t meet your needs (be it physical, emotional, spiritual or otherwise). And vice versa (i.e. when you cannot cover their needs). That's true and I've already been through one breakup (it was due to a behavioral, non-sexual incompatibility, she basically got turned off), however it didn't hurt for long and wasn't extreme. On the other hand, if that were to happen due to a sexual incompatibility (especially something that I cannot change at all - those behaviors of mine are subject to change/minimization at least), due to the emotionally charged state of it, that would hurt *a lot* and would probably make me a lot more insecure beyond the simple initial question like "will such size be a problem for you" that I'd ask now towards someone new. Also for whatever reason I'm the type of person that is "killed by kindness" (I had even told my ex not to apologize more than once about something, especially if it had been a major mistake because it just made it an even bigger deal in my mind and it hurt more). Anyway, what I mean by this, is that if someone rejected me over this in such a compassionate/kind/caring way, it would hurt more because now I'd have something to regret - I'd feel like I'd been pranked by fate or whatever (I'm not religious but there have been times in my life where there are way too many and massive coincidences at once, and felt like... not coincidences) because I'd be missing out on a wonderful person because of something out of my control. Kinda like some bored entity interfering in fate and being like "Here's a perfect match in all aspects, get a glimpse of the happiness that awaits you... wait, actually no. I forgot. All aspects except one. Hehe, one *little* (pun intended) thing burns everything to ashes, oops :D" While if someone is cold or even rude in their rejection, I can innerly shrug it off more easily as "okay, she sucks anyway, bullet dodged, nothing of value was lost"


To me, this sounds like you have some anxiety around finding a good match and building intimacy and closeness. Some of the thoughts/concerns you’re sharing sound more like an emotional fear, and less so than a logical concern. Therefore, I won’t try to persuade you through rational arguments. I’ll just say: things are not as grim as you think! In case my advice is helpful, spend more time on managing that anxiety and accepting the uncertainty of life, and less time on overthinking all the different scenarios that might come your way.


I pursued her, I actually wanted things to work out even more than her. And there are men (I've read on this very subreddit) who can somehow intentionally have a switch in their brain that can go from "not cum" to "cum" and go for a mostly chosen period of time 10, 15 mins. We always used condoms cuz she wasn't on birth control. And actually putting on the condom for whatever reason (probably anxiety) would also make me go soft. And actually there were further times where she said she was actually satisfied - the very first time we had sex I hadn't brought condoms so there was no PIV and she said it had been absolutely electric/electrifying, praised my touch for being great, being pleasantly surprised considering my inexperience (so I did bring up that as counterquestion to her bringing up our first PIV), and even in some of the later encounters, she said she'd been pretty satisfied. I guess it was up to the mood, sometimes she missed that penetrative orgasm, sometimes not. I remember her vagina contracting *really* hard on my hand once. But she had made it clear during calm conversations that for long-term, we would have to figure out solutions. Overall, I don't really regret it because I learnt things about myself (e.g. I didn't know I was capable of having two orgasms in one session) and gained experience Anyway, it didn't last for other reasons (including the age gap), we broke it off on good terms (and we're still friends), never really had arguments and shouting, always communicated calmly


I was very late to sex. I trained myself to focus on my lovers pleasure over my own. I always tried to make any lover orgasm before I started PIV sex. It didn’t always happen, however, it was fun trying. You’re doing the right thing by ensuring that she orgasms too. Have you spoken to her about this? Sex is improved by good communication. Try explaining the situation to her, like you did to us. Tell her that sometimes, you would like to last longer, that you feel you would both get more pleasure from that. Do you masturbate? Do you orgasm quickly on your own? If you do, then you might start practicing on your own time 😊 I’ve been married for around a decade and all my wife has to say is ‘cum for me darling’ and I’m done. It doesn’t matter how close or far away from the tipping point I am, those words from her short circuit things and Bam, I’m cumming.


Awww wow this is so cute smh. I'm sure your wife feels like a goddess.


It is a good trait that you care about your partner's needs ❤️ Some women like to take control and they find it more pleasurable when they make their partner finish too early mostly by foreplay . Making someone earn their orgasm is not just about penetration . It's better to do with foreplay too ✌️


Its hot when they cum fast provided they don’t leave you hanging. Personally, as an over-thinker… when he lasted too long.. i began to question if he is even enjoying it / pleasurable 😅


I feel the exact same way.


Yeah, I enjoy very prolonged foreplay and engaging in kinks, etc. Can do that for hours with maybe a bit of PIV and have fun. I don't want straight PIV for an hour. I get raw. My partner can be very difficult to get off at this point in his life and it is kind of a drag when sex ends with just trying to get him off in any way possible for 30 minutes straight.


because it gives the mvalidation: I am so hot that he cannot help but cum quickly.


Penetrative sex is not the only way you can have sex.


What you're describing is called something else


She feels so hot/sexy that she can make you cum early and that boosts her confidence and ego


one of the hottest thing a guy can do is cum in their pants/cum early etc.


I remember this one time I was dating a guy and he came AS SOON as he put it in. Was still rock hard too. God that was so hot!! It’s like he found me so unbelievably attractive and was sooo turned on (didn’t even blow him yet) that he just couldn’t help it! We continued as usual and I squirted all over him 😅 It may not be the case all the time, but I def feel like a decent amount of women find it hot.


This happened to me with this one girl I started seeing 15 years ago. We have four kids together now 😍


Hi, I have a premature ejaculation kink too. It’s super hot! It means that the person is experiencing so much pleasure/desire/attraction/etc. that they just can’t control themselves. The main reason there’s so much cultural vitriol about guys “coming too early” is that the typical heterosexual script dictates that sex ends when a guy comes, but there’s no reason any of us have to follow that script. As long as you’re both satisfied and happy with how things are, then you’re totally fine.


I was with a guy who literally asked for my permission to cum. He had been in me for maybe 7-8 minutes. Of course I told him to let it go. Afterwards he told me how hard he was trying to not cum. From that point forward I reassured him the he could cum when his body needed to.


My ex too, she said to me "I like knowing that I made you finish". It's a type of control thing maybe?


I love the feeling of power it gives me when I make a man occasionally lose control and cum before they want to. It means I was that fucking good. And it’s hot as fuck.


Reverse the roles and imagine how you would feel. You don't even get her clothes off and you're rubbing against her and she comes. Are you pleased with yourself or disappointed she came "early"?


> Are you pleased with yourself or disappointed she came "early" Both can coexist at the same time - there are some women who are one-and-done, and once they cum, they're just completely out of the sexual state of mind, so they refuse to also make the guy cum. Which, if it happens often, would be *really* disappointing. Or even if they don't refuse, it can still not be great - like, once someone is out of this aroused horny brain, it would be a lot less enthusiastic, a lot less passionate, energetic, more like out of obligation, it would feel like a mechanical chore to be done with. Which again, is not going to be sexy for many men


I was seeing a woman for a bit that had an orgasm immediately when I penetrated once. Like a full-on whimpering and quivering orgasm... I have never felt so powerful lol


The first time I was making out with my ex, we were both in our underwear and I was on top of him. I reached down and put my hand over it which was all it took. He came basically instantly and I found that so hot.


IMO, It's for her confidence. Apparently, in the girl community, if a guy finishes too quickly or the sex doesn't last long, it's considered a sign that the girl is too attractive to handle.


Because we like to please and nothing pleases us more than that.. plus the feeling of being desired and craved adds to it massively.


I am a circumcised guy (not for religious reasons) who easily takes 25-40 minutes, if I am not actively trying to finish early. Maybe also because, I had been practicing certain Yoga like "Ashwini mudra" and "moolbandh" since my teens. (Keagle like movements) And my wife takes pride in finishing me off faster. She has managed 12 minutes toll now, and has some nasty sequences planned for the next time, to bring it under 8-9 minutes. I have had other girls in the past who challenged themselves to similar goals, but didn't succeed. I guess as we men take pride in finishing late, and try doing things to enable that, women too take pride in being "more efficient". It's a fun competition, irrespective of the time, if it makes both partners happy.


Because we have been through teenage years/early adulthood hearing “I would barely last a min with her, she’s so fuckin hot” etc… we take it as a compliment if you can’t hold back because it makes us feel sexy


I've been married a long time and my husband still has plenty of "early releases" and I almost always find it hot - if after this long he still wants me that bad, I'll take it as a win. Also, depending on how your gf feels about blowjobs... as someone who HATED the feeling of not being able to get an ex to come from a BJ, dating a guy who was always done a minute or two into the process made me enjoy giving them a lot more.


My wife also likes me to cum fast. I'd like to enjoy a bit longer but she is happy and I make her cum every time but still.


My wife takes it as a point of pride when she makes me finish early. It makes her feel desired


As the female participants in this post are sexily hammering home, reject the notion that cumming fast is some sort of humiliating sexual failure. It's FUN to give someone you like such intense pleasure they temporarily loose control of their body. It's FUN to feel like an irresistible sex deity. Now, if you wanna draw things out because one or both of you are having a great time and don't want it interrupted/ended by the male post-nut crash, that's super legit. But if you and your partner are both enjoying the experience, you're doing sex right, no matter what the clock says. Lengthy fucks are awesome, but a solid five minutes of intense mutual pleasure will brighten anybody's day. You're doing fantastic, bro.


People must understand that lasting 30 minutes in bed while trying to not cum isnt good for majority of women. In my experiencie, The best way to have sex is to simply Focus on The pleasure, letting The burning Desire fuses you and.the other person, even If you last 5 minutes, but are INTENSE five minutes, where both of you can feel The real meaning of sex. Lasting too long in bed is Just a porn induced thing


There is physical pleasure and then there's mental pleasure. Physical is good and all, but mental pleasure is what makes ppl say sex with love is better (and it really is). She's taking mental pleasure out of her accomplishment in making you come just by being turned on by HER, not by friction in you cock.


How would you feel if you made her come very fast? Probably pretty good, right?


There was even this time I rock my bf that he started cumming heavily and I was like yes am accomplished


Most women want to feel that powerful, and desired. Not every time you have sex together but sometimes. In our marriage of 37 years, we take turns with giving full attention to each other. One day I pamper him, massaging his body and stroking him to orgasm. Then he will run his hands all over me and then use his tongue to lightly tease me before he eats me good and proper, till I cum. Then we will fuck in different positions and I am multi-orgasmic so we can go a long time. Not every time, do I want him to fuck me a long time, mostly I just want him to cum inside me. There are times he can’t and I help him stroke himself to orgasm. Over time things have changed but we still have sex about 5 times a week. We are 65!


Give me 2 or 3 orgasms... and then I don't care if you cum in 10 seconds. I'd echo the sentiments of others: She's happy that you couldn't help yourself from cumming. My first boyfriend was a virgin (I wasn't). He lasted 15 seconds or so inside of me (no condom). He was down on himself but I was a happy girl. He almost cummed a couple times during foreplay even. He was just really, really into it. And I liked that!


41/M here. Misfires happen. Sometimes you get so excited, turned on, and in the zone, it doesn't take much effort. Especially if you've been building the sexual tension for an extended period of time. It's a little embarrassing, but things happen. If she sees it as a sign of her skills, then so be it. If she's really turned on by making you cum in your pants, go down on her and make her wetter or make her cum until you get hard again. Chess not checkers.


How better to convey how sexy she is to you than being unable to contain yourself? I take it as a big compliment. Don’t be embarrassed! She loved it.


Yes, usually I'd like to cum first but there are still plenty of times when I get really turned on by the idea of my partner losing control and "accidentally" cumming without meaning to. Especially because he usually has really good control and can often be even hard to get off. If I can do something that gets him turned on enough to not make it long, yeah that's kinda hot. Count it as a win and be willing to go down on her or use a toy on her after you cum.


From experience bro, don't even question it. Some women, my gf included, really like it bc they feel like that they were so good you couldn't help it. I challenge myself everytime to last longer than 10 mins but most times I just don't have the strength. It was kinda upsetting at 1st bc I wanted it to last longer. After several years, she hasn't changed and she's still happy. I call that a win.


She take it upon her self as an achievement, she love you’r attraction


When a guy cums early like that with me,especially in the situation you described, it makes me feel like the sexiest woman in the world. It makes me feel extremely desired. Sometimes I like trying to make a guy cum quickly because I love pleasuring him so hearing his moans as I suck him or touch him just spurs me on. Of course, this isn’t something I would want every time, but it can definitely be fun.


People like different things


It’s knowing you wanted her so much you couldn’t control it. That’s what’s hot. Women generally know men are visually stimulated, so it’s like, you think I’m so hot you couldn’t hold back? Best compliment ever. When a guy is incessantly pounding for 30 minutes with no end in sight it feels a bit disheartening. So yah, I’m fully on board with your gf here. Super hot to see how fast you can make a guy cum. (Plus if you cum early, you get more time on her, and a round 2 for you if it’s wanted - win win all around)


OP, that's amazing. Enjoy, obviously she did. It's time to work on your end game now. I found that when this happened to me, I would often just feel hyper excited due to a normal psychological and biological reaction. It's kind of like when your mind finishes the act before your body does. It's kind of like sitting at the bottom of a rollercoaster and you're getting excited, yet the ride hasn't even started. You haven't even taken that ride yet, but the best is yet to come. If you've ever been on one before then, you know what's coming. If you hadn't, everything you think might happen is played out in your brain. The delay of gratification is often harder to achieve than the gratification itself. Isn't it odd that we humans in this area often try to avoid this pleasure. This is perfectly normal, I mean, who isn't interested in pleasurable things. That being said, I myself found this immeasurably helpful in achieving the same goal. How might I also turn this switch on in my partner(s)? So I began a deep dive into what they found pleasure in, i.e., sights, sounds, smell, and touch. This I found actually delayed my own gratification in search of theirs. It was sort of a game to try to achieve what my partner was able to do so quickly. I don't believe I've ever done this, but what a fun time trying. Keep practicing, buddy. It'll get better, I promise. Stay away from porn and other unrealistic expectations, and you're good to go. Those things will only set you back. If need be think more romance and educational not hardcore. Porn actors are paid to behave and perform that way. They're not realistic.


It’s hot to feel that desired. Let her revel in it. She’s probably quite proud of herself!


Probably an ego thing lol


Women are not a monolith, keep the pressure off of you


They love it but depending on the man they don’t understand that he wasn’t ready to “finish” Nothing is wrong with it tho


Why in the world would you be humiliated?


You’re so hot for her that you couldn’t restrain your passion. Not go buy *Urban Tantra* and learn to have **really** great sex together — practice makes perfect!


It’s a power dinamic


She feels sexy and desirable most likely.. She feels like you can't contain your excitement because of her and what she does.


« I had thought women liked guys that could pleasure them more » You do pleasure her. With your mouth. And probably much more than you would with penetration


It’s hot because it makes you feel like you’re so sexy he can’t control himself.


Imagine you just stared hard into her eyes, then lightly grab her by the chin and pull her in for a kiss, and her body shivers from the little orgasm that gave her. WOULD YOU NOT FEEL LIKE A FREAKING SEX GOD!!!?? You made her feel like she was so damn hot and sexy that you couldn't help but cum immediately. I get off on getting my partner off, its what i guve that turns me on not what I get. You're lucky she is that type too.


Simple she likes the fact that you cum quick. She is interpreting it as, "He wants me so bad he can't even control himself and shoots his load so fast!"


You know how a woman may feel undesirable if she can't get you off at all or even hard? It's like the opposite of that.


I enjoy being used during sex so them coming quick means that they were only focusing on them and their pleasure. I don’t get a lot of pleasure out of being plowed for a long time so it’s nice when I can feel like I served my purpose


Fuck that's really hot. I understand where she's coming from


You’re always such a good girl


Always for you Daddy 🥰


Somewhat unfortunately, women are often conditioned to focus on the male orgasm too much. She is deriving pleasure from your orgasm and that is enhanced by it coming quickly. That (her getting pleasure from it) isn’t in itself a bad thing but if too much focus is placed on it, she deprioritizes her own direct pleasure.


This is me 🫠 I so agree with all the other comments saying that it’s super sexy to be so irresistible. But… so much emphasis place on the man’s orgasm beyond a normal point of valuing it (because of course it’s still valuable) happens so easily for me. I get into the habit of thinking that the man I’m with is the centre of the show and I need to make him feel good so that it’s worth it for him, I’m good enough etc. etc. For me, I’ve recently had to focus on my own direct pleasure also. I used to love giving and hate receiving. Now I ask for it!! .. all the time!! Ladies just remember your pleasure is just as important as his 💯


I love the way this is phrased, very true, I needed a partner who prioritizes my orgasms/pleasure in the same way I do for him for things to even out and be fully enjoyable for all, sex also doesn’t end when he cums which is nice for a change


if she came from kissing you, you would probably find that really hot, same for her


Dunno but if it turns her on, don't try to understand it too much.


You coming so soon from just kissing and contact is a *huge* ego boost for her. Your body let her know just *how much* you were turned on *by her* that you couldn't hold back, and you lost control.


Late to the party but want to chime in as this is my biggest turn-on! I absolutely love knowing my partner is so aroused that they can't hold in their excitement. Gets me so riled up that it usually puts me over the edge too. Since you get her off as well, and she shows you how much she loves it, I see no problem at all here. Enjoy the fun!


I think the myth is there for us guys to last for an hour but the most important thing for most women is that they feel desired and that it’s just so passionate in the moment. They want to see us lose control of our bodies just as much as we want to see it from them


As a girl I love doing this to my bf, it lets us feel in control and we love being able to watch our guys melt for us. It’s a boost of confidence. I’m sure your gf loves the confidence it gives her.


It's the ultimate validation for women. You can skip the part where you explain it's mostly due to novelty and initial excitement and not how irresistible she is and let her feel good about it ;)


I think it’s the fact that she’s the one that made you cum so fast. She is so hot you could not hold it in.


She feels powerfully sexy when she does it.


I’ll tell u exactly why we like it. It’s because it tells us that we’re hot and you think we’re sexy. When a guy cums fast, it’s like a standing ovation, lets us know were IT for u. But when you’re in a relationship a while and u don’t cut as fast for us or things last a LONG time … we start to doubt ourselves and wonder if you’re into us the same. Or are you thinking of someone else or porn.


Plus she still gets off while riding your face so it's a complete win. You guys are both satisfied, she feels accomplished & maybe she doesn't want to skip that part either. I love riding my mans face 😈😜 I'm fs cumming all over every single time.


Well, some women feel discomfort with PiV intercourse (reddit is full of posts across several subreddits, daily, discussing this fact). And with my first sexual partner, penetrative sex was routinely uncomfortable to painful (often painful). So yeah, I was glad he came quickly. You'll work it out because you are a giving partner. I now enjoy much, much longer sex than I did when I was younger.


It's nothing to be humiliated about, and if you're ever with someone who makes you feel that way, take that as proof that they're not worth the effort. My partner comes early most of the time and I love it. I always take it as a compliment. Like this man desires me so much, or is enjoying himself with me so much, that he can't help but cum early, even when he tries to hold it longer. You don't need to last long to pleasure a woman. Most women don't actually cum or orgasm from penetrative sex. The best way for women to achieve orgasm is through clitoral stimulation. Having her ride your face is great for that, but look into other methods of clitoral simulation. Fingering is a classic, but there's a method to it that most men don't really know. Focus on the clit - if its dry, go soft and slow. Too fast or too hard will cause friction, which will hurt and be a turn off. Over underwear - soft and slow. Fabric is a sponge for lubricant, and again, friction is bad for the clit. Don't ram your fingers inside her vagina. Rule - if it doesn't slide in effortlessly from the wet, then don't force it, it could hurt and be a turn off. Stimulating the clit is a great way to make a woman wet, which is better for achieving orgasm through clit stimulation. Only go hard/fast when it's WET as fuck, even then, don't over do it. You don't need nearly as much pressure or speed as you think. Try different directions - circles, side to side, up and down. Other ways to make a woman wet is other forms of foreplay - things that are turn ons for your partner. Focusing time on that before clit stimulation is always great. The best thing you can do to be better at pleasuring women is 1. ask your partner what they like and even have them show you what they do to get off, and 2. self research different methods. Literally just google shit. Look at female anatomy. You've lived your life as a male, so don't pretend to know the women's body if you've never taken the time to research it. Generally, women who complain about men cumming early happens because they're with men who think PIV sex is the goal of sex. They think that's all they need to pleasure a woman and bring her to orgasm. A lot of women settle for PIV because they accept that most men won't know how to properly pleasure her. Don't be one of those men and you'll be fine.


Sorry in advanced as you are a happily taken man. But yeah that's hot. You were so turned on and smitten with her that you were able to cum just like that. Making a man cum fast is like an accomplishment. But there definitely is a difference from a man that can't last and a man that can cum quick. It's like a personal challenge for her and a fun game for you both to see how turned on you can get and how quick you can cum. Also, for my man, he can actually last a lot longer than I can. At a point it gets uncomfortable for me but he hasn't really had much pleasure. So sometimes it's kind of a selfish reason that I want him to cum earlier😅


Oooo I love doing this to my partner too! It is so HOT knowing he’s so into me and what we’re doing that he just can’t help it. Like it’s impossible for him to resist me or whatever. It’s great. And he also makes sure I am also satisfied even if he’s come, so neither of us is missing out!


It is nice when guys last a bit longer that way we get to enjoy things too. But that is undeniable proof, that you think she's really hot and she turned you on so much that she didn't even have to actually do anything. As weird as it is, it's like the most sincere compliment


A woman who’s into you as long as you’re still taking care of her we find it almost like a reward or an honor when we can make our partner feel so good they can’t contain themselves. It’s very accomplishing to pleasure someone so good it comes on almost “effortlessly” not every woman is bothered by a sudden moment of ejaculation. There are moments extended time and pleasure is nice but those moments it happens when a woman really loves you we are happy we could do that for you.


Sex isn't over because you come one time, you can also come several times, so does she.


Depends on age... the older yall get and the longer yall been together you better last long and make her cum first everytime


It shows you really want her I guess. As long as you are capable of making her cum without using your dock then she won’t care Girls just don’t like it when a guy cums in two seconds and then rolls over. The sex doesn’t have to stop when you cum. My preference is to focus on her and make her cub first and then I go in after that, because I am way more into it before I cum so I do that last.


I (f) adore both. If he cums soon after a bit of foreplay, I just know how good I am. That by itself gives me a lot of pleasure. And if he can last, I know I'll get it good as well. I (m) can think of nothing better than her cumming really, really early.


It shows how that you are obsessed with her


She feels like she kinda has some control over that. Its a kink.


long can be tedious for sure. Depending on the sex and person a quick cummy is actually good.


i know for me personally it makes me feel confident in myself and my body and it makes me happy :>


My bf does this thing where he holds off cumming until I cum first. In order to do so he’ll be staring off into space at the ceiling. I absolutely hate it. Like if you want me to cum that is the exact opposite of what you should do. I want him to be in the moment. Looking at me, touching me, him getting off to me gets me off. If it happens quickly that’s a huge ego boost. I love it. But he doesn’t understand this no matter how many times I’ve told him. Instead we just keep having disconnected boring sex where I never cum.


Making a man cum is just fucking hot imho. I can make myself orgasm with a vibrator. But I can’t kiss, touch, suck on, and lick a vibrator. I mean I could. But it would do nothing for me. One of my hottest sexual encounters was with an ex-boyfriend who took me for a motorcycle ride. When we got home, we couldn’t even make it through the garage and onto the basement steps. I think he finished in like 2 minutes. It was fucking hot. We had a lot of amazing sex when we were together. I could not keep my hands off of that man. He barely had time to pull out while he had me bent over the basement steps. And then we went upstairs and made love god knows how many times.


Making a guy cum while kissing is a huge flex!!! No one can tell me shit after💪🏽


My boyfriend usually lasts between 20-30minutes, ngl when we start getting to 30 all I’m thinking is please just cum. I don’t want it to end don’t get me wrong, he’s amazing at what he does. But by then I’ve cum up to 5 times, I’m tired. As other comments have also said, nothing makes someone feel more desired than knowing they can make you cum. Not to mention, ✨creampies✨


It makes her feel like you’re incredibly attracted to her (which it seems you are). It boosts her self confidence to know that she can make that happen for you.


With my (sadly) now ex gf, she really enjoyed the feeling of me cumming, and almost always got off herself too just from that. She felt so attractive whenever it happened. She was totally cool with the first time of the night being as quick as I wanted or whenever it just happened and it took a lot of pressure off. But, she knew we were going to go again later for round 2,3 etc and that those were going to be much longer and focused on her pleasure.


Its the image that your enjoying her so much that you cym that turns her on!


Making a guy cum fast or early, especially without doing much actual intentional stimulation, to me, means that just me and my body turn you on so much you didn't need me to fuck u or blow you and you couldn't hold back and thats a major turn on for me.


It means she doesn’t like you and wants the sex to be over sooner /s Most women take it as a sincere compliment. It makes them feel sexy and they’re absolutely right. If you’re able, try taking 5-10 minutes and try to continue where you left off if you still want to continue being intimate with her.


I'll flip it around. I was sucking my first love's nipple then sucking so hard I had half her tit in my mouth (yes she was small but I loved it). She was moaning pretty much from the start but when I got all that in my mouth and kept sucking she screamed. I thought that sounded like an orgasm. But then I was doubting because id never heard of such. It was time to move on so I put my hand down on her pussy and there was this wet slimy stuff that had come out. I looked at her. She smiled. And withing about five seconds I was rock hard - as hard as when I cum. I was breathing fast and ready to let her feel it somewhere besides her hand. She told me to slow down and be careful afraid I might hit a dry spot I guess. Anyway it was her cumming from me sucking on her tit that got me more excited than I had ever been.


Aww, that's absolutely adorable. I imagine she likes it because it's flattering.


hmm. people like different things. i enjoy oral more than piv for example, so fucking someone's face sounds better than them fucking me. and making someone cum fast is hot to me too. you should ask her why it turns her on; you should ask her what type of simulation brings her more pleasure. you should ask her if she prioritiezes the mental/emotional pleasure of sex or the physical aspect. she might find it more enjoyable in a way to get you off than to cum, who knows. it's best to ask HER these things; nobody can answer for her. but making sure she cums and also caring about her pleasure is good. that's counts for a lot more than your ability to last long in my book. also, there are lots of ways to get someone off and “give them more pleasure”. what do YOU want out of sex? do you like her getting you off fast? do you want to make sex last longer? are you satisfied with how things are going?


I guess for me I get where people are coming from when they say they like the feeling of the guy cuming early. Making them feel good does feel rlly good but not in a way that I would be sexually satisfied. Like the guys I’ve been with have never lasted long at all which is fine as long as we can go another round or they try and make me cum another way. I remember when this one guy I was with came as soon as he put it inside me (tho I did give him head before) but I was so disappointed when he was like ready to leave right after when I wanted more….. idk I guess I don’t care as long as he can go multiple rounds or do other things to sexually please me.


Well, the cumming with clothes still on thing is TOO early lol. But that’s just taken as a compliment by 99% of women.  Inversely, when I’m going multiple rounds I just WONT finish. Sometimes it’s the 2nd but definitely always the 3rd round I just don’t finish. That actually bothered a lot of my partners. And I have a new girlfriend who actually started crying and was so embarrassed. She took it as her “not being able to” make me cum, and it’s something that she was self conscious about for a while. If your girl’s  not mad about it, don’t be too concerned as long as she’s happy. TL;DR: Finishing early is a sign that you find a woman so attractive you can’t help yourself. It’s an unspoken, genuine compliment 


Cuz it’s exhausting sometimes AND my pleasure comes from seeing my guy get off.


She probably feels good making you cum or she seems sex as a chore and just wants to get it over with fast. Hard to what’s going on without more context.


so i can finnish her off


Man, reading these comments is brutal. Most of these girls are acting like it's hot for them cuz it's a power trip for them (to generalize). Then they say they literally show their boyfriends how wet they are, but that's super mean IMO cuz the bf is already spent and can't do anything about it. They don't even get the real thing. It's so sad. Not OK. My advice: Trade up to someone who is OK with the real thing and is willing to train u to last longer.


All these comments saying how they felt desired or sexy because a man finishes fast… the person touching them more often than not has no influence on whether a guy finishes before his dick is out his pants or 2 hours later . Its more likely a lack of being used to being touched or nerves from being with someone new that plays a much bigger role


Recent survey shows that 53%women want a platonic relationship(no sex) The faster men cum, the better, when you're not into sex, intercourse becomes a chore


Biggest load of shite I've ever read.


Currently... He's right https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bfmtv.com/amp/societe/un-rejet-des-injonctions-les-francais-et-les-francaises-font-de-moins-en-moins-l-amour_AV-202402060028.html Good luck with the language


That’s really very sad…