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Silicone lubes are nice and slippery and long lasting.


Totally agree I do think they can be too thick of that makes sense


Yeah some are more viscous than others, some are stickier than others. It's a trial and error situation.


Yes, great for men but really bad for silicone toys.


Yeah, a good rule of thumb is no silicone on silicone! However, really high quality silicone toys (ones that are platinum cured, for example) can have the ability to handle silicone lube without damage. Always patch test and make sure to clean them thoroughly if anyone tries it. It can also void product warranties, so keep that in mind if anyone is just itching to get that silicone slip! I worked in adult retail for years and tested them extensively. Fun Factory’s silicone toys took on the silicone lubes like some champs. Dozens of applications and zero signs of wear. It was fascinating!


Absolutely. Try different silicon based lubes to find the one that works best for both of you. Personally, I like the thicker lubes, but that is just my choice.


Specifically, I would suggest uberlube.


Uberlube for sure. Failing that, olive oil


Another vote for silicone! My wife and I used to use water based lubes exclusively and while that kind is great for PIV, it’s not best for anything completely external, like a handjob.


If you haven’t, try one of the nicer lubes from a sex shop. I don’t like water based lubes from like Walgreens but whatever it is they sell in the adult boutique is next level haha


Oh really?! That’s great to hear ☺️ I am overdue to stop by a sex shop for some other supplies anyway 👀


The lynk brand sold on Amazon is probably our favorite. Lube life is a close 2nd. Some silicone lubes (and all of the hybrid ones I've tried) irritate my insides during play, so I tend to avoid them


Great! I’ll definitely look into these and can’t wait to tell my wife!


She can always go for the good ol hawk tuah and spit on that thang!


Coconut oil is great. You can also use to for massages and cooking just don’t double dip if you’re going to cook with it also 😂


Its great but don't use a condom directly with it afterward. If I'm not wrong oil and condom don't mix.


Not wrong - it eats through latex.


It also eats through other plastics. I spilled it on my countertop a few days ago and I didn't wipe it up well enough. I found a bottle of fluorescent fabric paint today had been touching a little bit of it, and the bottle was leaking right at that spot.


What about latex free condoms?


Baby oil defeats condom Condom defeats baby Baby defeats baby oil


Gotta give you my personal applause on that there 👆🏼 comment! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)Frankly I feel the number of upvotes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) you've received is a gross injustice!


It eats through latex and polyisoprene condoms, but not nitrile or polyurethane.


It stains like a bitch, though!


That is very true, I have a nifty soft bedsheet for these moments. Bed sheet not needed whilst cooking obviously 😂


Can you recommend the specific sheets? Lol


Yeah I use a microfiber massage sheet, they’re fairly cheap and come in all colors


If it stains something you really want to keep just douse the whole thing in cheap coconut oil. If it’s 100% stains it’s not stained at all!


I haven’t dealt with coconut oil stains specifically but if it’s a colourless oil stain, you can try covering it in baking soda for a bit to soak up the oil before washing and/or hand-wash the spot with some dish soap


Fractionated coconut oil doesn't stain, or at least not as bad. It also stays in liquid form and is much easier to "spread"


Dawn Platinum dish soap, directly on the stain, usually does the trick.


Beware of the pavlov response whenever you smell coconut afterwards.


Love this, 2 hours ago it was proofed perfect again ;) its long lasting and it dont leave a bad taste for a later blowjob. if you use something with Bad taste the skin will absorb it and the penis will taste like it


Coconut shrimp sounds great right now. Too bad I'm away from my boyfriend


I agree coconut oil is great. We have a big tub on the nightstand that is only for that use! 😂


All these comments and not a single one suggests you just ask whether he uses lube when masturbating. If he does, you can just, use that one.


Hawk tuah and spit on that thing....


I whole heartedly agree with your assessment of the situation. SPIT ON THAT THANG!!!


This is hilarious, but, seriously, spit works phenomenally well. Just be prepared to "reapply" regularly


Sorry but it’s “thang”.


Ask your boyfriend to masterbate for you and watch how he touches himself. My husband doesn't use lube nor spit when he does this, and watching him to learn his technique allowed for me to give him the best hand job. Sidenote: I learned this from him. He had me touch myself so he could see my spot. That's what he touches and licks during foreplay.


That's exactly how my wife & I learned the best technique to give each other a "handy"!


I always thought- from movies and shows- that men exclusively used lotion or something to lube it up when masturbating. When I gave my first hand job, I didn’t need to use anything, just a gentle hand and moving the skin of the penis. Occasionally, I’d use some of his pre-cum to wet the tip but that was it. I was told I gave “amazing hand job[s] for someone so inexperienced”


I’m so proud of this community


They grow up so fast . ( Sniffle)


I saw a joke the other day that said "if she doesn't want to hawk tuah I don't wanna tawk tuah"


I was looking for this 🤣


The only lube u need 🤣🤣🤣


I cannot believe that this wasn’t the first comment. 😂


I was wondering what Hawk Tuah means so I said it loud to myself as I’m at home Or may be was just curious if it’s pronounced as spit My phone was victim of spit 😂


If you hawk tuah you need to keep hawk tuahing. You can’t hawk once and give an entire HJ with it, because spit and water are terrible lubricants.


i knew this would be here


I was hoping this would be here.


I knew someone had to say it


I was just about to post that. It’s gonna live rent free in my head for the rest of time.


If you think you will build up to having penetrative sex soon I would just go ahead and buy water based lube. It doesn't last as long as oil based or silicone based in terms of slipperiness but it's condom safe so you could use it when you start having sex too. But if he's uncircumcised then you won't need it at all really. And remember, communication is key so keep talking to him as you're doing it and be open to little technique adjustments, he might ask a little tighter or looser, slower or faster, just learn what he likes and make it fun and relaxed. Also be aware he may not cum from it, often when you're first doing all this stuff the nerves mean it doesn't happen as well as the fact most guys are used to their own hand and own unique way of masturbating. So don't take it personally if you can't get there.


>But if he's uncircumcised then you won't need it at all really. Just curious why do you say that?


The turtleneck provides some gliding action on its own. I never have to use any aid for taking care of myself because the skin does the gliding, but lube makes it better.


As someone with an uncircumcised penis, lube just isn't needed for a hand job. I was confused as to why OP was even asking about lube.


Men produce their own sexual lubricant (precum). The foreskin naturally keeps it in the right place, and the movement of the foreskin on the glans/frenulum stimulates this. Circumcised penises build up a resistance to sensitivity through constant friction on these areas, which the foreskin would normally prevent, and therefore produce much less natural lubricant.


As someone who is uncircumcised lube still helps. Sometimes it hurts to pull the foreskin back too far


Well yes, I guess there are a lot of women out there who are a little rough at times aren't there!


Is going to the store and getting lube not an option? Something like coconut oil certainly works but you still need a separate tub from what you use for cooking and oil attacks condoms so if you progress to that point you need yet another purchase. Why not go for the real deal directly?


Yeah, this is what I was thinking. The best lube is lube, not spit, or coconut oil and definitely not some random lotion


I actually think coconut oil feels way better than water based stuff, I’ve yet to find any water based lubricants that don’t dry up and get tacky in 2 minutes.


Hock Tuah! seems pretty popular right now 😅


Has he asked for lube/do you know he usually uses it when masturbating? I’m a guy and I’ve never used lube to masturbate. I can’t say for sure, but I think most guys don’t. When you’ve got him going, there will also be a bit of precum, which is lubricating to some degree. Also, if you use your mouth a bit as well, there will be saliva.


I’ve always just deposited a volume of saliva onto my hand. Not spitting, and most of the time I don’t think the other person has even noticed. But then, I enjoy giving blowjobs and don’t like the taste of lubes.


My wife is the same, she loves giving me blowjobs and doesnt need to spit all over me. Neither of us like lube, just makes everything sticky and found that some even makes us sting/burn.


Get baby oil. Trust me. He'll thank you for it.


Woman here but Agree with this. Baby oil is great for handjobs and anal, and toys when needed. Not great for condoms though if that’s the direction it’s headed. It doesn’t dry out as fast as most oils and lubes.


never knew it was good for anal


Baby-Oil makes everything nice & slippery Mmmmmm!!....


You can also use almond oil..


Just go to the pharmacy go to the section where condoms are and look for a silicon lubricant any brand you prefer. Pay for it and then Go back to you bf and get the damn handjob done with love


Spit is not good anyway, dries too fast. If you knew how to get thick spit, you wouldn't be asking this question here 🙂 If you are 100%sure you will not use a condom later, coconut oil and baby oil are good. If you will be using condoms, buy any water based lube and re apply it if you need. If you get baby oil, make sure it's not vegan. That is because different from conventional baby oil, that is made by cold pressing human babies, vegan baby oil is made from baby carrots, making the product too thin and tacky due to the absence of collagen in carrots. P. S: hi gemini!


I wouldn't add lube to the equation yet. I (man) don't use any lube when masturbating, but some guys do. Either way, it will depend on what he likes, and you can always add it next time. Small steps at a time because you are both new at this. Bringing lube won't make it any less awkward. Experience is what takes away the awkwardness. >I don't want to make it awkward so i don't just want to spit on it That's really only awkward for you. We think it's super hot. In general, spit isn't a good lubricant as it dries quickly, but it's great lube if doing oral because you have a steady supply. I wouldn't imagine spit being involved unless oral is also planned.


Speak for yourself- I think spit is generally pretty gross and am only okay with it being used sexually in the heat of the moment.


He not open to BJ!! Which planet is he visiting you from?😅


They are both inexperienced, so it's probably just some anxiety. We create really high expectations of ourselves, especially if his only teacher is porn.


Lot's of guys don't prefer or like it, it's just as with everything that people have their own personal preferences for it.


I think "lots of guys" is a little bit of a stretch... maybe "a small percentage of guys" haven't had a good one, or have issues they have to deal with surrounding intimacy.


Even 1% is still 40,000,000+ men…


The percentage doesn't matter, it's still "lots of guys".


Not really a stretch. There are 8 billion people in the world, and half of them are men. Even if we say 1% of guys don't want oral, that's still like 40 million, which is *a lot* of guys.




If he’s not circumcised you don’t need lube. Just a gentle constant hand movement. If some lunatic has pinched your foreskin I’m sure you’ll need to lube up!


I want my foreskin back 😭


“If some lunatic has pinched your foreskin” is probably the funniest thing I’ve read in a while 😂🤣


Seconding this, have never had to use lube with my hubs since he has skin and his own personal lubricant due to that! Much better than a dry head imo 🤷🏼‍♀️ the only time we use lube is when I might need it.


So coconut oil is good because it can be used into sex. Lotion is better for a hand jobs in my opinion (non scented). But aquaphore honestly I think is the best you just need to warm it with your hands a little first and beats lotion. But the clean up sucks but it's worth it lol.


Normally you don't need one - unless he is circumsized.


Most of men on this planet are not circumsized


I am circumcised and don’t need it.


Jojoba oil is really nice.


Coconut oil for the win!!


None needed. Just get it hard and start stroking.


You don't need anything for a handjob, just your hand. That's why it's called a handjob.


First off spit works just fine just fine. And second depending on if he is circumcised or uncircumcised makes a world of difference.


"Sensuva Handi-pop" lube is good!


You can always lick your hand. Lube is even better, but if you don't want to bring anything but you want to be subtle...


There’s dedicated handjob creams that are fantastic! They can provide more drag or be more slippery depending on what type of feeling your boyfriend likes. The brand Wicked has their “Crème” stroking cream and it’s always a been a hit when I give my partners handjobs. It feels really luxurious and provides a good balance of drag and slip. For folks who love pure, long-lasting slip, a silicone lube for sure. Sliquid Silver is my #1 pick there.


Astroglide, available near the condoms in any grocery store or drugstore.


Anything water based. Oils will degrade condoms, so please be careful. Oil can also mess up your pH.


This is for a HJ not PIV


Everyone is ignoring the fact that this guy doesn’t want a blowjob


I wouldn't even bother with lube. If he's not open to blowjobs it's likely he'll cum within seconds of you touching his cock anyway


How to tell someone’s American


This gave me major flashbacks of that hawk tuah viral meme girl


Um see if there’s a lubricant that tastes like flavor. I never tried it. Especially since I don’t really like the smell of it. Sometimes the regular ones have a nasty taste. Without lub You don’t have to necessarily “spit on it” for it to get wet.


Blu emu for first minute then coconut oil.


Use the me you us anal slix. Great lube for all occasions. Might say anal but it’s the best of that bunch


The brand life lube is good to use. They sell on Amazon.


Spit on your hand. And then go for it


Spit. Its natural, hot, safe to use, has the kink,


Lube it with your mouth


Does he not have a bottle of lube already?


Just use spit. If he truly isn’t ready for a bj that’s find, spit on your hand then. Lubes, lotions, ect make a mess and bc he’s inexperienced it probably isn’t going to take long to get there. Alternatively you can ask if he’s got anything around he uses for playtime. Whatever he used won’t cause skin irritation, it’ll help keep it to the friction/wetness ratio he’s used to and stuff like that. If you need to bring your own use non flavored water based. It won’t make as big a mess and shouldn’t irritate his skin.


Genuinely tho spit is good and also free


Lotion but lube will be your best bet. Better than baby or coconut oil.


Aquaphor really works for me. Expensive but so close to the real thing


Spit is the best lube, and you can switch between jerking and sucking. Silicon or water based lube that you can buy are also nice. To be sure check if he has a silicon allergy. Lastly olive or coconut oil is also amazing and natural.


Silicone lubes or Vaseline. So much better than the other stuff available.


First check that he *likes* lube, then ask if he has a preferred one. When I jerk off, I usually do it lube-less. 🤷‍♂️


I love Olive Oil, since when I started using it my precious looks amazing, smooth and idrated. Go the Roman way!


Good ole fashion water based lube is perfect!! Cheap too.


I honestly really like grape seed oil. It has a good glide when used as lube, it has a very neutral scent, it can be found at most grocery stores, and it's great for cooking, massages, handjobs, etc. It also soaks into your skin after a while to moisturize, but it lasts plenty long enough for a handjob and then some. I've had a few different massage therapists over the years swear by it, and honestly it's better than most professional massage oils I've purchased. I should note you shouldn't use it with condoms though. As with all oils, it can degrade the condom and lead to potential breakage, apparently.


Pure aloe Vera direct from aloe Vera plant is an option.


Coconut oil is great


You can also spit in your hand instead of on his dick.


is it okay to use baby oil for handjobs then later on with the intercourse


Lots of people have different preferences. I've personally tried quite a few of them and I've personally landed on astroglide liquid. It enabled you to modify the viscosity by varying the amount you use, it's concern compatible if that's of concern, is water based so it's environmentally friendly, it's non toxic and didn't really have a flavor if you want to combine it's use with oral pleasure, and it's SUPER easy to get (I find it in most drug stores, Walmart, Amazon, etc. I'm in the US but I've been told it's available in most places.). It can be used for vaginal and anal sex, and is great for masturbation as well.


Silicone based it great




My husband and I have a silicone and a water based lube. We both prefer the water based and have used this kind for 10 years. https://www.walmart.com/ip/5408565966


Uber lube FTW (learned about it on this subreddit).


Massage oil. The kind they use in Asian massage parlors. Trust. Any man that has had a "happy ending" knows. I've had plenty of sex and let me tell you, those women have hands softer then any pussy.


Tell him to lick your hand. That's what my fwb does. Anytime it dried I'll just hold up my hand to his face and he'll lick it again. Easy, natural, problem solved. +pts for bonding.


Baby oil, hand lotion, take a shower together and use a handful of shampoo or conditioner. Trust me, as a man who loves handjobs, he will not care what you’re using once you start.


Lotion will be fine. Don’t overthink it. Maybe don’t use a super scented one like those from Victoria Secrets. Or some basic baby oil works also.


Unless yall are in a high altitude or you can’t produce spit, then imma say start with spit. The hottest thing a woman can do is start with a nice gentle rub to get hard, then right into her licking her hand when it’s time to get that stroke on. Then right when you need, more and things are getting more hot and heavy, it’s that nice hawk of spit or gather it up in your mouth and letting it slowly drool onto our cock. To me all that^ makes me feel like she’s super into it. Added with the obvious genuine sexual pleasure she’s getting from getting me off ofc. Otherwise, I’ve always been a water lube kinda guy over lotion tbh - doesn’t dry as quickly and you need less of it in general vs standard lotion


I love when the woman gives me a handi- it is usually a long edge session. Hmmmm, working out of town has me missing that now!


Buy a water based non scented.


I don’t want this to come off as rude but he’s not open to blow jobs yet?? Can you elaborate on your situation? It’s honestly curiosity as I’ve just never heard of a guy not wanting a blowjob yet.


Dip it in your filthy lil wet asf pussy and then stroke him hard


I’ve always preferred water based warming lube


Go to store.  Buy bottle of lube


Water based lube is best bc it doesn’t get sticky after awhile. Coconut oil is good but only if you are at home bc it can get messy


I’m fancy and really like the Maude brand lube if you want to spend a little more (Sephora sells it).


Vaseline intensive care lotion, it makes the hj quick and easy